diff --git a/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go b/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go
index 4998e981a7f4feec598a213ebb1f698d00db6768..8ef0f5212923bb7dcb1d8edb11759b121b6974f0 100644
--- a/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go
+++ b/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go
@@ -186,6 +186,11 @@ func GetMongoConnection(hostName string) (*mongo.Client, error) {
 type MongoDAO struct {
 	hostName       string
 	collectionName string
+	MetaData       MetaData
+type MetaData struct {
+	Findops   map[string]interface{}
+	UpdateOps map[string]interface{}
 // GetMongoDAOWithHost return mongo DAO instance
@@ -354,6 +359,11 @@ func (mg *MongoDAO) DeleteAll(selector map[string]interface{}) error {
 	return deleteError
+//Set Find Options
+func (mg *MongoDAO) SetFindOps(findOps map[string]interface{}) {
+	mg.MetaData.Findops = findOps
 // GetProjectedData will return query for selector and projector
 func (mg *MongoDAO) GetProjectedData(selector map[string]interface{}, projector map[string]interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
 	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
@@ -370,6 +380,32 @@ func (mg *MongoDAO) GetProjectedData(selector map[string]interface{}, projector
 	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
 	ops := &options.FindOptions{}
+	if mg.MetaData.Findops != nil {
+		marshaledQuery, err := json.Marshal(mg.MetaData.Findops)
+		if err != nil {
+			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("cannot marshal:query option")
+		}
+		obj := gjson.ParseBytes(marshaledQuery)
+		loggermdl.LogError(obj)
+		if obj.Get("limit").Value() != nil {
+			ops.SetLimit(obj.Get("limit").Int())
+		}
+		if obj.Get("skip").Value() != nil {
+			ops.SetSkip(obj.Get("skip").Int())
+		}
+		if obj.Get("sort").Value() != nil {
+			sort := bson.D{}
+			obj.Get("sort").ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool {
+				m := value.Map()
+				// fmt.Println(m)
+				for k, v := range m {
+					sort = append(sort, bson.E{k, v.Value()})
+				}
+				return true
+			})
+			ops.SetSort(sort)
+		}
+	}
 	ops.Projection = projector
 	cur, err := collection.Find(context.Background(), selector, ops)
 	if err != nil {
@@ -515,6 +551,11 @@ func (mg *MongoDAO) PushData(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{})
 	return nil
+//set update option for custom update
+func (mg *MongoDAO) SetUpdateOps(updateOps map[string]interface{}) {
+	mg.MetaData.UpdateOps = updateOps
 // CustomUpdate - CustomUpdate
 func (mg *MongoDAO) CustomUpdate(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
 	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
@@ -529,8 +570,25 @@ func (mg *MongoDAO) CustomUpdate(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface
 	if !ok {
 		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
+	ops := options.UpdateOptions{}
+	if mg.MetaData.UpdateOps != nil {
+		resMarshal, err := json.Marshal(mg.MetaData.UpdateOps)
+		if err != nil {
+			return errormdl.Wrap("cannot marshal:update ops")
+		}
+		obj := gjson.ParseBytes(resMarshal)
+		if obj.Get("arrayFilter").Value() != nil {
+			arr := obj.Get("arrayFilter").Value().([]interface{})
+			ops.SetArrayFilters(options.ArrayFilters{
+				Filters: arr,
+			})
+		}
+		if obj.Get("upsert").Value() != nil {
+			ops.SetUpsert(obj.Get("upsert").Bool())
+		}
+	}
 	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateMany(context.Background(), selector, data)
+	_, updateError := collection.UpdateMany(context.Background(), selector, data, &ops)
 	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
 		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
diff --git a/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go b/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go
index 952a5b017444c001d08edd549abbc787c72d71f7..d78c24534dd6bf061411fe95343a085c25314ef0 100644
--- a/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go
+++ b/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ import (
-	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo"
-	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo/protos/api"
+	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo/v2"
+	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo/v2/protos/api"
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--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -1,46 +1,46 @@
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--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
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diff --git a/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go b/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go
index fc7ef208c0ab3465091babc8a7f0192d01f828d8..5b8ae97ee37f5602fdfa0102900628f2d8619680 100644
--- a/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go
+++ b/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import (
-	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo"
+	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo/v2"
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/aclmdl/aclmdl.go b/v2/authmdl/aclmdl/aclmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 549e08a011d8cee6ff1d89b9a0cb5f9025ded428..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/aclmdl/aclmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package aclmdl
-import (
-	"net/http"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl"
-	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-// ACLMiddleware ACLMiddleware
-func ACLMiddleware(configFilePath, JWTKey, groupKey string) gin.HandlerFunc {
-	return func(c *gin.Context) {
-		URL := c.Request.Header.Get("Service-Header")
-		roleenforcemdl.LoadRoleConfiguration(configFilePath)
-		if roleenforcemdl.Enforce(c.Request, URL, JWTKey, groupKey) {
-			c.Next()
-		} else {
-			c.AbortWithStatus(http.StatusUnauthorized)
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl.go b/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b1133bbb2be40ef2e67d5a903940de5ceb85947e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-package jwtmdl
-import (
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// GlobalJWTKey - key to decode and encode token
-var GlobalJWTKey string
-var keyFunc = func(key string) jwt.Keyfunc {
-	return func(*jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
-		return []byte(key), nil
-	}
-type jwtCustomClaim struct {
-	UserID    string   `json:"userId"`
-	SessionId string   `json:"sessionId,omitempty"`
-	Groups    []string `json:"groups"`
-	ClientIP  string   `json:"clientIP"`
-	HitsCount int      `json:"hitsCount"`
-	Token     string   `json:"token"`
-	Metadata  string   `json:"metadata"`
-	jwt.StandardClaims
-func generate(claims jwtCustomClaim, key string) (string, error) {
-	return jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims).SignedString([]byte(key))
-// extract return token from header string
-func extract(tokenReq string) (string, error) {
-	tokenArray := strings.Split(tokenReq, "Bearer")
-	if len(tokenArray) <= 1 {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("Provided JWT token is nil or invalid ")
-	}
-	return strings.Trim(tokenArray[1], " "), nil
-// decode accepts a parsed token and error from parse operation.
-func decode(token *jwt.Token, err error) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
-	if err != nil {
-		// loggermdl.LogError("Error while parsing JWT Token: ", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	claims, ok := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
-	if !ok {
-		// loggermdl.LogError("Error while parsing claims to MapClaims")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Error while getting claims")
-	}
-	// validate user session from session id present in token
-	if err := sessionmdl.ValidateSessionFromToken(claims); err != nil {
-		// loggermdl.LogError("session validation failed with err:", err)
-		return nil, sessionmdl.ErrSessionValidationFailed
-	}
-	return claims, nil
-func GenerateTokenWithOptions(args ...Option) (string, error) {
-	options := new(Options)
-	options.Key = GlobalJWTKey
-	for i := range args {
-		args[i](options)
-	}
-	claims := jwtCustomClaim{
-		ClientIP:  options.ClientIP,
-		Groups:    options.Groups,
-		Metadata:  options.Metadata,
-		SessionId: options.Session.SessionId,
-		UserID:    options.UserID,
-		StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{
-			ExpiresAt: options.ExpiresAt,
-		},
-	}
-	t, err := generate(claims, options.Key)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if len(options.Session.SessionId) > 0 {
-		sessionmdl.Set(options.UserID, options.Session)
-	}
-	return t, nil
-// GenerateToken generates JWT token from Login object
-func GenerateToken(loginID string, groups []string, clientIP string, metadata gjson.Result, expirationTime time.Duration) (string, error) {
-	return GenerateTokenWithJWTKey(loginID, groups, clientIP, metadata, expirationTime, GlobalJWTKey)
-// GenerateTokenWithJWTKey generates JWT token from Login object
-func GenerateTokenWithJWTKey(loginID string, groups []string, clientIP string, metadata gjson.Result, expirationTime time.Duration, JWTKey string) (string, error) {
-	claims := jwtCustomClaim{
-		UserID:   loginID,
-		Groups:   groups,
-		ClientIP: clientIP,
-		Metadata: metadata.String(),
-		StandardClaims: jwt.StandardClaims{
-			ExpiresAt: time.Now().Add(expirationTime).Unix(),
-		},
-	}
-	return generate(claims, JWTKey)
-//GeneratePricipleObjUsingToken GeneratePricipleObjUsingToken
-func GeneratePricipleObjUsingToken(tokenReq string, jwtKey string) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
-	token, err := extract(tokenReq)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return decode(jwt.Parse(token, keyFunc(jwtKey)))
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_fasthttp.go b/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_fasthttp.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 10ff39b107c1bb3c888f3110f6607ced4988d84d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_fasthttp.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-//  +build fasthttp
-package jwtmdl
-import (
-	jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
-	"github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
-// DecodeTokenWithJWTKey decode token
-func DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req *fasthttp.Request, jwtKey string) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
-	tokenFromRequest, err := extract(string(req.Header.Peek("Authorization")))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return decode(jwt.Parse(tokenFromRequest, keyFunc(jwtKey)))
-// DecodeToken decode token
-func DecodeToken(req *fasthttp.Request) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
-	return DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req, GlobalJWTKey)
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_http.go b/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_http.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e2da98a9e793b89da5a550da8cb1a7274154eb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_http.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-//  +build !fasthttp
-package jwtmdl
-import (
-	"net/http"
-	"github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/request"
-	jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
-// DecodeTokenWithJWTKey decode token
-func DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req *http.Request, jwtKey string) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
-	return decode(request.ParseFromRequest(req, request.OAuth2Extractor, keyFunc(jwtKey)))
-// DecodeToken decode token
-func DecodeToken(req *http.Request) (jwt.MapClaims, error) {
-	return DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req, GlobalJWTKey)
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_test.go b/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f8f94251a71b7bdee85c03a3c2e242b0e26bb6ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/jwtmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-package jwtmdl
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
-	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-const (
-	TestKey = "vJUufKHyu2xiMYmDj1TmojHR11ciUaq3"
-func checkToken(token string) error {
-	claims, err := decode(jwt.Parse(token, keyFunc(TestKey)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return sessionmdl.ValidateSessionFromToken(claims)
-func server() {
-	g := gin.Default()
-	g.GET("/status", func(c *gin.Context) {
-		fmt.Println("@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ")
-		c.JSON(200, "Hello")
-	})
-	g.Run("localhost:8081")
-func TestDecodeTokenSuccess(t *testing.T) {
-	// go server()
-	// fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>calling rq ")
-	// resp, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://localhost:8081/status", nil)
-	// fmt.Println("resp  ", resp)
-	// fmt.Println("err  ", err)
-	//time.Sleep(30 * time.Second)
-	// got, _ := DecodeToken("Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwcyI6ImFkbWluIn0.qmA-brbKScqBEFr3wJIuBmcBsERYoNPLnOAHBe4HNh8", "3212mysupersecretpassword")
-	// assert.Equal(t, "sandeepss", got["Id"], "it is equal")
-func TestDecodeTokenvalid(t *testing.T) {
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwIjpbImFkbWluIl19.dGSKQZMGSEBjgPrjTHJwylcxIxxMKylahuFn7DHR4pc")
-	_, derror := DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req, "mysupersecretpassword")
-	assert.NoError(t, derror, "No error occured")
-// func TestDecodeTokenInvalid(t *testing.T) {
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer yJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwcyI6ImFkbWluIn0.qmA-brbKScqBEFr3wJIuBmcBsERYoNPLnOAHBe4HNh8")
-// 	_, derror := DecodeToken(req, "mysupersecretpassword")
-// 	assert.Error(t, derror, "error occured")
-// }
-// func TestDecodeTokenEmpty(t *testing.T) {
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "")
-// 	_, derror := DecodeToken(req, "mysupersecretpassword")
-// 	assert.Error(t, derror, "error occured")
-// }
-// func TestDecodeTokenWrongAlo(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer yJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwcyI6ImFkbWluIn0.qmA-brbKScqBEFr3wJIuBmcBsERYoNPLnOAHBe4HNh8")
-// 	_, derror := DecodeToken(req, "mysupersecretpassword")
-// 	assert.Error(t, derror, "error occured")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// }
-// func TestDecodeTokenWrongTypeConversion(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer yJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwcyI6ImFkbWluIn0.qmA-brbKScqBEFr3wJIuBmcBsERYoNPLnOAHBe4HNh8")
-// 	_, derror := DecodeToken(req, "mysupersecretpassword")
-// 	assert.Error(t, derror, "error occured")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-// }
-func TestGenerateTokenWithOptions(t *testing.T) {
-	sessionmdl.InitUserSessionCache(cachemdl.TypeFastCache)
-	type args struct {
-		args []Option
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		want    string
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "Token without session",
-			args: args{
-				args: []Option{
-					WithUserID("tom@company.org"),
-					WithExpiration(0),
-					WithKey(TestKey),
-					WithMetaData(`{"name":"tom"}`),
-				},
-			},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name: "Token with session",
-			args: args{
-				args: []Option{
-					WithUserID("tom@company.org"),
-					WithExpiration(0),
-					WithKey(TestKey),
-					WithMetaData(`{"name":"tom"}`),
-					WithSession(guidmdl.GetGUID(), "me"),
-				},
-			},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			got, err := GenerateTokenWithOptions(tt.args.args...)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("GenerateTokenWithOptions() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-			err = checkToken(got)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("GenerateTokenWithOptions() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func TestGenerateTokenWithJWTKey(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		loginID        string
-		groups         []string
-		clientIP       string
-		metadata       gjson.Result
-		expirationTime time.Duration
-		JWTKey         string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		args args
-		// want    string
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "Test genrate token",
-			args: args{
-				JWTKey:         TestKey,
-				expirationTime: time.Minute * 5,
-				groups:         []string{"admin"},
-				loginID:        "tom@company.org",
-				metadata:       gjson.Parse(`{"name":"tom"}`),
-			},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			got, err := GenerateTokenWithJWTKey(tt.args.loginID, tt.args.groups, tt.args.clientIP, tt.args.metadata, tt.args.expirationTime, tt.args.JWTKey)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("GenerateTokenWithJWTKey() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-			err = checkToken(got)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("GenerateTokenWithJWTKey() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-		})
-	}
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/options.go b/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/options.go
deleted file mode 100644
index abca060a1b70268955b59f2e9e4568ed72aa3a39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl/options.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package jwtmdl
-import (
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl"
-type Options struct {
-	Key       string
-	UserID    string
-	ClientIP  string
-	Metadata  string
-	Groups    []string
-	ExpiresAt int64
-	Session   sessionmdl.Session
-type Option func(*Options)
-// WithKey uses provided jwt key for token generation
-func WithKey(k string) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		args.Key = k
-	}
-func WithUserID(uid string) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		args.UserID = uid
-	}
-// WithSession enables session validation on jwt decode. Required fields must not be empty.
-func WithSession(sid, sessionFor string) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		args.Session = sessionmdl.Session{
-			SessionId:  sid,
-			SessionFor: sessionFor,
-		}
-	}
-func WithClientIP(ip string) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		args.ClientIP = ip
-	}
-// WithMetaData embeds provided data in token. It is available againt `metadata` key. **It must be a valid json**
-func WithMetaData(data string) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		args.Metadata = data
-	}
-func WithGroups(gs []string) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		args.Groups = gs
-	}
-// WithExpiration adds provided expiration to jwt token. Use `0` or ignore this option to generate a token witout expiry.
-func WithExpiration(e time.Duration) Option {
-	return func(args *Options) {
-		if e == 0 {
-			args.ExpiresAt = 0
-			return
-		}
-		args.ExpiresAt = time.Now().Add(e).Unix()
-	}
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/ldapmdl/ldapmdl.go b/v2/authmdl/ldapmdl/ldapmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b7a911064e7a1705ae6b165ad1c996dbdc41e335..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/ldapmdl/ldapmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-package ldapmdl
-import (
-	"crypto/tls"
-	"errors"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/configmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	ldap "github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3"
-Author : RahulS
-LDAP authentication module - Authenticates the user with given LDAP server
-Requires 	: loginID (string), password (string)
-Returns		: 0 - If any error occurs, error - respective error object. Will occur if in following conditions
-					a. Blank loginID
-					b. Blank password
-					c. Error connecting to LDAP server
-					d. Error reconnecting to LDAP using TSL
-					e. Error binding admin username and password with LDAP
-					f. Error searhin user on LDAP server
-			  1 - If user does not exist on LDAP server, error - nil
-			  2 - If multiple entries found against loginID, error - nil
-			  3 - If user enters wrong password, error - nil
-			  4 - Successful authentication, error - nil
-//LDAPConfig to get read and store LDAP server configuration
-type LDAPConfig struct {
-	BaseDN               string
-	LDAPServerIPWithPort string
-	FilterDN             string
-	LDAPUsername         string
-	LDAPPassword         string
-var ldapConfig LDAPConfig
-//InitLDAP get LDAP server configuration
-func InitLDAP(configFilePath string) error {
-	_, configError := configmdl.InitConfig(configFilePath, &ldapConfig)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(configError) != nil {
-		return configError
-	}
-	return nil
-//AuthenticateOnLDAP authenticates user with LDAP server
-func AuthenticateOnLDAP(loginID, password string) (int, error) {
-	if strings.TrimSpace(loginID) == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ldapmdl : loginID required")
-		return 0, errors.New("ldapmdl : loginID required")
-	} else if strings.TrimSpace(password) == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ldapmdl : password required")
-		return 0, errors.New("ldapmdl : password required")
-	}
-	//Check if LDAP configuration is properly set through config file. (Call InitLDAP() to set configuration)
-	ldapInitConfigError := CheckLDAPConfig()
-	if ldapInitConfigError != nil {
-		return 0, ldapInitConfigError
-	}
-	//Create connection to LDAP server
-	ldapConnection, ldapConnectionError := ldap.Dial("tcp", ldapConfig.LDAPServerIPWithPort)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(ldapConnectionError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ldapmdl connectionError : ", ldapConnectionError)
-		return 0, ldapConnectionError
-	}
-	defer ldapConnection.Close()
-	//Reconnect with TLS(Transport Layer Security Protocol)
-	startTLSError := ldapConnection.StartTLS(&tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(startTLSError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ldapmdl startTLSError : ", startTLSError)
-		return 0, startTLSError
-	}
-	//Bind with administrator user who has credentials to operation like 'search'
-	ldapBindError := ldapConnection.Bind(ldapConfig.LDAPUsername, ldapConfig.LDAPPassword)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(ldapBindError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogInfo("ldapmdl ldapBindError: ", ldapBindError)
-		return 0, ldapBindError
-	}
-	//Search for required username which is to be authenticated
-	result, searchError := ldapConnection.Search(ldap.NewSearchRequest(
-		ldapConfig.BaseDN,
-		ldap.ScopeWholeSubtree,
-		ldap.NeverDerefAliases,
-		0,
-		0,
-		false,
-		filter(loginID, ldapConfig.FilterDN),
-		[]string{"dn"},
-		nil,
-	))
-	//Hand search error
-	if errormdl.CheckErr3(searchError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ldapmdl searchError : ", searchError)
-		return 0, searchError
-	}
-	//Return 1 if user does not exist on LDAP server
-	if len(result.Entries) < 1 {
-		return 1, nil
-	}
-	//Return 2 if multiple entries found against one userId
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(len(result.Entries) > 1) {
-		return 2, nil
-	}
-	//Bind the password with given userId if errors occurs while binding, user has entered wrong password
-	if userCredentialsBindError := ldapConnection.Bind(result.Entries[0].DN, password); userCredentialsBindError != nil {
-		return 3, nil
-	}
-	//return 4 if authentication is successful
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("ldapmdl : Authentication successful")
-	return 4, nil
-func filter(needle string, filterDN string) string {
-	res := strings.Replace(filterDN, "{username}", needle, -1)
-	return res
-//CheckLDAPConfig checks of LDAP configuration is initialized or not
-func CheckLDAPConfig() error {
-	if strings.TrimSpace(ldapConfig.BaseDN) == "" {
-		return errors.New("LDAP baseDN not found")
-	} else if strings.TrimSpace(ldapConfig.FilterDN) == "" {
-		return errors.New("LDAP filterDN not found")
-	} else if strings.TrimSpace(ldapConfig.LDAPPassword) == "" {
-		return errors.New("LDAP password not found")
-	} else if strings.TrimSpace(ldapConfig.LDAPServerIPWithPort) == "" {
-		return errors.New("LDAP IPAddress not found IPAdress should be with port")
-	} else if strings.TrimSpace(ldapConfig.LDAPUsername) == "" {
-		return errors.New("LDAP username not found")
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/ldapmdl/ldapmdl_test.go b/v2/authmdl/ldapmdl/ldapmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e780f2a9655bd2526e406aecdc0c088fd76c89a2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/ldapmdl/ldapmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-package ldapmdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-func TestLDAPAuthentication(t *testing.T) {
-	//LDAP init config error
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	//LDAP BaseDSN not set
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	ldapConfig.BaseDN = ""
-	authStatusCode, _ := AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//LDAP FilterDN not set
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	ldapConfig.FilterDN = ""
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//LDAP LDAPPassword not set
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	ldapConfig.LDAPPassword = ""
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//LDAP LDAPServerIPWithPort not set
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	ldapConfig.LDAPServerIPWithPort = ""
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//LDAP LDAPUsername not set
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	ldapConfig.LDAPUsername = ""
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	InitLDAP("../../testingdata/testData/ldapmdl/config.toml")
-	//LDAP connection error
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//TLS connection establishment error
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//Administrative user bind error
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//AD user search error
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls123", "dfgh")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//Blank username
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("", "dfgh")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//Blank password
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "")
-	assert.Equal(t, 0, authStatusCode)
-	//User does not exist test
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls123", "dfgh")
-	assert.Equal(t, 1, authStatusCode)
-	//Mutiple user entries on AD server
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 2, authStatusCode)
-	//Wrong password
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "fghjkl")
-	assert.Equal(t, 3, authStatusCode)
-	//Successful authentication
-	//TODO: Enter correct username and password
-	authStatusCode, _ = AuthenticateOnLDAP("rahuls", "aug#1234")
-	assert.Equal(t, 4, authStatusCode)
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement.go b/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a9699859a4c61dcb1207051adfe2c167582796d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
-package roleenforcemdl
-import (
-	"encoding/csv"
-	"os"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	jwt "github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go"
-var roleManagementConfig map[string]URLGroupMapping
-var once sync.Once
-// URLGroupMapping URLGroupMapping
-type URLGroupMapping struct {
-	All        bool
-	Allowed    map[string]bool
-	NotAllowed map[string]bool
-func init() {
-	roleManagementConfig = make(map[string]URLGroupMapping)
-func LoadRoleConfiguration(csvFilePath string) {
-	// Open CSV file
-	once.Do(func() {
-		f, err := os.Open(csvFilePath)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		defer f.Close()
-		// Read File into a Variable
-		lines, err := csv.NewReader(f).ReadAll()
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(err)
-		}
-		for _, line := range lines {
-			group := strings.Trim(line[0], " ")
-			URL := strings.Trim(line[1], " ")
-			// method := strings.Trim(line[2], " ")
-			boolValue := strings.Trim(line[3], " ")
-			isAllowed, parseError := strconv.ParseBool(boolValue)
-			if parseError != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("error occured while parsing string to boolean")
-			}
-			registerUser(group, URL, isAllowed)
-		}
-	})
-// RegisterUser - RegisterUser register use
-func RegisterUser(group, URL string, isAllowed bool) {
-	roleObject, ok := roleManagementConfig[URL]
-	if ok {
-		roleObject = assignURL(group, isAllowed, roleObject)
-	} else {
-		roleObject = URLGroupMapping{
-			Allowed:    make(map[string]bool),
-			NotAllowed: make(map[string]bool),
-		}
-		roleObject = assignURL(group, isAllowed, roleObject)
-	}
-	roleManagementConfig[URL] = roleObject
-func registerUser(group, URL string, isAllowed bool) {
-	roleObject, ok := roleManagementConfig[URL]
-	if ok {
-		roleObject = assignURL(group, isAllowed, roleObject)
-	} else {
-		roleObject = URLGroupMapping{
-			Allowed:    make(map[string]bool),
-			NotAllowed: make(map[string]bool),
-		}
-		roleObject = assignURL(group, isAllowed, roleObject)
-	}
-	roleManagementConfig[URL] = roleObject
-func assignURL(group string, isAllowed bool, roleObj URLGroupMapping) URLGroupMapping {
-	if group == "*" {
-		roleObj.All = isAllowed
-	} else {
-		if isAllowed {
-			roleObj.Allowed[group] = true
-		} else {
-			roleObj.NotAllowed[group] = true
-		}
-	}
-	return roleObj
-func checkAccess(URL string, groupList []string) bool {
-	if roleObj, ok := roleManagementConfig[URL]; ok {
-		if roleObj.All {
-			for _, group := range groupList {
-				if _, ok := roleObj.NotAllowed[group]; ok {
-					return false
-				}
-			}
-			return true
-		}
-		for _, group := range groupList {
-			if _, ok := roleObj.Allowed[group]; ok {
-				return true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// GetGroupNames gets the group names from the request.
-func GetGroupNames(decodedToken jwt.MapClaims, groupKey string) ([]string, error) {
-	if decodedToken == nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("decodedToken is empty")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Error while getting claims")
-	}
-	groups, ok := decodedToken[groupKey]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("either group key is invalid or token does not contain the group data")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("either group key is invalid or token does not contain the group data")
-	}
-	eachGroup, ok := groups.([]interface{})
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, nil
-	}
-	stringArray := []string{}
-	for _, str := range eachGroup {
-		group, ok1 := str.(string)
-		if !ok1 {
-			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Group not casted to string")
-		}
-		stringArray = append(stringArray, group)
-	}
-	return stringArray, nil
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_fasthttp.go b/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_fasthttp.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bcf70c9e1d34e28547046082dbd7bd9435977543..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_fasthttp.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// +build fasthttp
-package roleenforcemdl
-import (
-	"github.com/valyala/fasthttp"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-// Enforce Enforce
-func Enforce(req *fasthttp.Request, URL, jwtKey, groupKey string) bool {
-	groupList, geterr := GetGroupFromToken(req, jwtKey, groupKey)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(geterr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while fetching groups from token : ", errormdl.CheckErr(geterr))
-		return false
-	}
-	return checkAccess(URL, groupList)
-// GetGroupFromToken - GetGroupFromToken
-func GetGroupFromToken(req *fasthttp.Request, jwtKey, groupKey string) ([]string, error) {
-	claims, decodeError := jwtmdl.DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req, jwtKey)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while decoding jwt token : ", errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError)
-	}
-	groups, groupFetchError := GetGroupNames(claims, groupKey)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(groupFetchError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while fetching groups from token : ", errormdl.CheckErr(groupFetchError))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(groupFetchError)
-	}
-	return groups, nil
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_gin.go b/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_gin.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ecc6bddabb3b5147ea5e321cfbfbd3840707963e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_gin.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-// +build !fasthttp
-package roleenforcemdl
-import (
-	"net/http"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-// Enforce Enforce
-func Enforce(req *http.Request, URL, jwtKey, groupKey string) bool {
-	groupList, geterr := GetGroupFromToken(req, jwtKey, groupKey)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(geterr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while fetching groups from token : ", errormdl.CheckErr(geterr))
-		return false
-	}
-	return checkAccess(URL, groupList)
-func GetGroupFromToken(req *http.Request, jwtKey, groupKey string) ([]string, error) {
-	claims, decodeError := jwtmdl.DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req, jwtKey)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while decoding jwt token : ", errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError)
-	}
-	groups, groupFetchError := GetGroupNames(claims, groupKey)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(groupFetchError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while fetching groups from token : ", errormdl.CheckErr(groupFetchError))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(groupFetchError)
-	}
-	return groups, nil
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_test.go b/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 566b5fc6783a77a2c791d8d1731d290e3763d2f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl/roleenforcement_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-package roleenforcemdl
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestLoadRoleConfiguration(t *testing.T) {
-	LoadRoleConfiguration("../../testingdata/roleenforcer/rolemapping.csv")
-	fmt.Println(roleManagementConfig)
-// func TestEnforce(t *testing.T) {
-// 	LoadRoleConfiguration("../../testingdata/roleenforcer/rolemapping.csv")
-// 	boolVal := Enforce("checkstatus", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwcyI6WyJhZG1pbiIsInRlYWNoZXIiXX0.Bx0KWD7Q5joxoFcODy5xRdkO7NuHGD0tJFH4PUBlOjA", "mysupersecretpassword", "groups")
-// 	fmt.Println("boolVal : ", boolVal)
-// }
-func Test_checkAccess(t *testing.T) {
-	LoadRoleConfiguration("../../testingdata/roleenforcer/rolemapping.csv")
-	groupList := []string{"admin"}
-	rs := checkAccess("login", groupList)
-	assert.True(t, rs)
-	groupList = []string{"admin"}
-	rs = checkAccess("something", groupList)
-	assert.True(t, rs)
-	groupList = []string{"teacher"}
-	rs = checkAccess("checkstatus", groupList)
-	assert.False(t, rs)
-	groupList = []string{"admin"}
-	rs = checkAccess("checkstatus", groupList)
-	assert.True(t, rs)
-	groupList = []string{"teacher"}
-	rs = checkAccess("something", groupList)
-	assert.False(t, rs)
-	groupList = []string{"teacher"}
-	rs = checkAccess("login", groupList)
-	assert.False(t, rs)
-func TestDecodeTokenvalid(t *testing.T) {
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJJZCI6InNhbmRlZXBzcyIsImdyb3VwIjpbImFkbWluIl19.dGSKQZMGSEBjgPrjTHJwylcxIxxMKylahuFn7DHR4pc")
-	claims, derror := jwtmdl.DecodeTokenWithJWTKey(req, "mysupersecretpassword")
-	fmt.Println(claims)
-	GetGroupNames(claims, "group")
-	assert.NoError(t, derror, "No error occured")
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl/session.go b/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl/session.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a57c337e5da765363b2de0970e445cee45d6f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl/session.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-// package sessionmdl provides APIs to Add, Validate and Delete user sessions. These APIs must be used along with JWT Auth.
-// If you want to use this functionality, a jwt token must contain `userId` and `sessionId` fields.
-// A user can have multiple active sessions for different use cases. To check if user has an active session for particular usecase use `CheckForSessionAvailability()`.
-// And to check user session on each request use `ValidateSessionFromToken()`.
-// An in memory cache is used to store sessions. It automatically falls back to redis cache if -gridmode=1 is set.
-// The expiraion of session must be same as of token expiration.
-package sessionmdl
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-type Session struct {
-	SessionFor string
-	SessionId  string
-// store is used to store sessions in memory, falls back to redis cache on grid mode.
-var store cachemdl.Cacher
-var (
-	ErrUserNotFound            = errors.New("user not found")
-	ErrSessionNotFound         = errors.New("session not found")
-	ErrInvalidSessionInstance  = errors.New("got invalid session instance id")
-	ErrSessionValidationFailed = errors.New("session validation failed")
-// Init initializes sessions with provided cache. Subsequent calls will not have any effect after first initialization.
-func Init(cache cachemdl.Cacher) {
-	if store != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	store = cache
-// Set stores the sessions for provided userId. Session is appended to the list. It does not check if the same session exists or not.
-func Set(userId string, s ...Session) {
-	i, ok := store.Get(userId)
-	if !ok || i == nil {
-		set(userId, s)
-		return
-	}
-	sessions, ok := i.([]Session)
-	if !ok {
-		set(userId, s)
-		return
-	}
-	set(userId, append(sessions, s...))
-func set(key string, val interface{}) {
-	// Set the user sessions with no expiry as each session can have different expiry depending on the JWT token expiry.
-	store.SetNoExpiration(key, val)
-// Get returns all the available sessions for the user. This may contain expired but not deleted sessions.
-func Get(userId string) ([]Session, error) {
-	var (
-		s  []Session
-		i  interface{}
-		ok bool
-	)
-	i, ok = store.Get(userId)
-	if !ok {
-		return s, ErrUserNotFound
-	}
-	s, _ = i.([]Session)
-	// if !ok {
-	// 	return s, errors.New("failed to retrieve previous sessions")
-	// }
-	return s, nil
-// Delete removes all the sessions associated with the user.
-func Delete(userId string) {
-	store.Delete(userId)
-// DeleteSession removes a particular session for user, if present.
-func DeleteSession(userId, sessionFor string) {
-	sessions, err := Get(userId)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < len(sessions); i++ {
-		if sessions[i].SessionFor == sessionFor {
-			sessions[i] = sessions[len(sessions)-1]
-			sessions = sessions[:len(sessions)-1]
-		}
-	}
-	if len(sessions) == 0 {
-		store.Delete(userId)
-		return
-	}
-	set(userId, sessions)
-// ValidateSessionFromToken checks for session id in claims against available sessions.
-// Validate only if a nonempty `sessionId` is present. The claims must contain `userId` field if session is present.
-func ValidateSessionFromToken(claims map[string]interface{}) error {
-	// check for sessionId field, if not present then it is ignored at the time of token generation.
-	// This means user doesn't want to validate session.
-	i, ok := claims["sessionId"]
-	if !ok || i == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	sessionId, _ := i.(string)
-	if len(sessionId) == 0 {
-		return errors.New("\"sessionId\" field is empty")
-	}
-	i, ok = claims["userId"]
-	if !ok {
-		return errors.New("\"userId\" field not found in token")
-	}
-	userId, _ := i.(string)
-	if len(userId) == 0 {
-		return errors.New("\"userId\" field is empty")
-	}
-	sessions, err := Get(userId)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	for i := range sessions {
-		if sessions[i].SessionId == sessionId {
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	return ErrSessionNotFound
-// CheckForSessionAvailability checks if the user has active session for provided `sessionFor`. Returns true if session is available.
-func CheckForSessionAvailability(userId, sessionFor string) bool {
-	sessions, _ := Get(userId)
-	for i := range sessions {
-		if sessions[i].SessionFor == sessionFor {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
diff --git a/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl/session_test.go b/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl/session_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 37af7f8d24e5766b660c2b5cd3a5b4689621d3c5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/authmdl/sessionmdl/session_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-package sessionmdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-func init() {
-	Init(cachemdl.SetupFastCache(cachemdl.FCWithMaxEntries(10000)))
-func TestSet(t *testing.T) {
-	Set("tom@company.org", Session{SessionFor: "xyz", SessionId: "789"})
-	type args struct {
-		userId string
-		s      []Session
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		args args
-	}{
-		// TODO: Add test cases.
-		{
-			name: "User present",
-			args: args{
-				s:      []Session{Session{SessionFor: "abc", SessionId: "123"}},
-				userId: "tom@company.org",
-			},
-		},
-		{
-			name: "User not present",
-			args: args{
-				s:      []Session{Session{SessionFor: "abc", SessionId: "123"}},
-				userId: "ronny@company.org",
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			Set(tt.args.userId, tt.args.s...)
-		})
-	}
-	all := store.GetItemsCount()
-	if all != len(tests) {
-		t.Errorf("expected %d users got %d", len(tests), all)
-	}
-func TestValidateSessionFromToken(t *testing.T) {
-	Set("tom@company.org", Session{SessionFor: "xyz", SessionId: "789"})
-	type args struct {
-		claims map[string]interface{}
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:    "Session present",
-			args:    args{claims: map[string]interface{}{"userId": "tom@company.org", "sessionId": "789"}},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "Session not present",
-			args:    args{claims: map[string]interface{}{"userId": "invalid@company.org", "sessionId": "123"}},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			if err := ValidateSessionFromToken(tt.args.claims); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("ValidateSessionFromToken() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func TestCheckForSessionAvailability(t *testing.T) {
-	Set("tom@company.org", Session{SessionFor: "xyz", SessionId: "789"})
-	type args struct {
-		userId     string
-		sessionFor string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		args args
-		want bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "Session present",
-			args: args{userId: "tom@company.org", sessionFor: "xyz"},
-			want: true,
-		},
-		{
-			name: "Session not present",
-			args: args{userId: "tom@company.org", sessionFor: "someRandomID"},
-			want: false,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			if res := CheckForSessionAvailability(tt.args.userId, tt.args.sessionFor); res != tt.want {
-				t.Errorf("CheckForSessionAvailability() got = %v, want %v", res, tt.want)
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func TestDeleteSession(t *testing.T) {
-	Set("TestDeleteSession", Session{SessionFor: "xyz", SessionId: "789"})
-	Set("TestDeleteSession", Session{SessionFor: "abc", SessionId: "123"})
-	type args struct {
-		userId     string
-		sessionFor string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		args args
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "Delete existing session",
-			args: args{userId: "TestDeleteSession", sessionFor: "xyz"},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			DeleteSession(tt.args.userId, tt.args.sessionFor)
-			i, _ := store.Get(tt.args.userId)
-			// if !ok {
-			// 	t.Error("expected", tt.args.userId, "not to be deleted")
-			// }
-			sessions := i.([]Session)
-			for _, s := range sessions {
-				if s.SessionFor == tt.args.sessionFor {
-					t.Error("expected", tt.args.sessionFor, "to be deleted")
-				}
-			}
-		})
-	}
diff --git a/v2/cachemdl/cache.go b/v2/cachemdl/cache.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 01452d9ec7266b7a53349a6430c784d6b44958f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/cachemdl/cache.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-package cachemdl
-import (
-	"time"
-const (
-	// TypeFastCache indicates fast cache as cache storage
-	TypeFastCache = iota + 1
-	// TypeRedisCache indicates redis server as cache storage. Use this in grid mode.
-	TypeRedisCache
-// Cacher provides access to underlying cache, make sure all caches implement these methods.
-// The return types of data can be different. Ex. In case of redis cache it is `string`. The caller needs to handle this with the help of Type() method.
-// Ex.
-// (Cacher{}).Type() == TypeRedisCache { // your implementation }
-type Cacher interface {
-	// SET
-	Set(key string, val interface{})
-	SetWithExpiration(key string, val interface{}, exp time.Duration)
-	SetNoExpiration(key string, val interface{})
-	// GET
-	Get(key string) (interface{}, bool)
-	GetAll() map[string]interface{}
-	Delete(key string)
-	Purge()
-	// GetItemsCount
-	GetItemsCount() int
-	Type() int
diff --git a/v2/cachemdl/cache_redis.go b/v2/cachemdl/cache_redis.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bd7bfed53c0eda5a41bb84093e7524f3e3f31491..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/cachemdl/cache_redis.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-package cachemdl
-Provides cache access and manipulation methods for redis server
-Implements cacher interface.
-Official docs -
-1. redis client - https://github.com/go-redis/redis
-2. redis server - https://redis.io/
-Note - corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl must be initialized before use
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"errors"
-	"log"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/go-redis/redis/v7"
-const (
-	noExp time.Duration = 0
-	keySplitter = ":"
-// RedisCache represents a Redis client with provided configuration. Do not change configuration at runtime.
-type RedisCache struct {
-	cli       *redis.Client  // represents redis client
-	opt       *redis.Options //
-	keyStr    string         // "<Prefix>:"
-	addPrefix bool           //
-	connected bool           // will be enabled if redis client connects to server
-	Addr       string        // redis server address, default ""
-	DB         int           // redis DB on provided server, default 0
-	Password   string        //
-	Expiration time.Duration // this duration will be used for Set() method
-	Prefix     string        // this will be used for storing keys for provided project
-type configRedis struct {
-	addr       string        // redis server address, default ""
-	db         int           // redis DB on provided server, default 0
-	password   string        //
-	expiration time.Duration // this duration will be used for Set() method
-	prefix     string        // this will be used for storing keys for provided project
-type redisOption func(*configRedis)
-func RedisWithAddr(addr string) redisOption {
-	return func(cfg *configRedis) {
-		cfg.addr = addr
-	}
-func RedisWithDB(db int) redisOption {
-	return func(cfg *configRedis) {
-		cfg.db = db
-	}
-func RedisWithPrefix(pfx string) redisOption {
-	return func(cfg *configRedis) {
-		cfg.prefix = pfx
-	}
-func RedisWithPassword(p string) redisOption {
-	return func(cfg *configRedis) {
-		cfg.password = p
-	}
-func RedisWithExpiration(exp time.Duration) redisOption {
-	return func(cfg *configRedis) {
-		cfg.expiration = exp
-	}
-// Setup initializes redis cache for application. Must be called only once.
-func (rc *RedisCache) Setup(addr, password, prefix string, db int, exp time.Duration) {
-	if rc == nil {
-		rc = new(RedisCache)
-	}
-	rc.Addr = addr
-	rc.Password = password
-	rc.DB = db
-	rc.Expiration = exp
-	rc.Prefix = prefix
-	opt := redis.Options{
-		Addr:     addr,
-		Password: password,
-		DB:       db,
-	}
-	rc.opt = &opt
-	rc.cli = redis.NewClient(&opt)
-	if _, err := rc.cli.Ping().Result(); err != nil {
-		// exit if connection to redis server fails
-		loggermdl.LogError("connection to redis server failed: ", err)
-		log.Fatal("connection to redis server failed: ", err)
-	}
-	rc.connected = true
-	if prefix != "" {
-		rc.keyStr = contcat(rc.Prefix, keySplitter)
-		rc.addPrefix = true
-	}
-// SetupRedisCache initializes redis cache for application and returns it. Must be called only once.
-func SetupRedisCache(opts ...redisOption) (*RedisCache, error) {
-	rc := new(RedisCache)
-	cfg := new(configRedis)
-	for i := range opts {
-		opts[i](cfg)
-	}
-	rc.Addr = cfg.addr
-	rc.Password = cfg.password
-	rc.DB = cfg.db
-	rc.Expiration = cfg.expiration
-	rc.Prefix = cfg.prefix
-	rc.opt = &redis.Options{
-		Addr:     cfg.addr,
-		Password: cfg.password,
-		DB:       cfg.db,
-	}
-	rc.cli = redis.NewClient(rc.opt)
-	if _, err := rc.cli.Ping().Result(); err != nil {
-		return nil, errors.New("connection to redis server failed: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	rc.connected = true
-	if cfg.prefix != "" {
-		rc.keyStr = contcat(rc.Prefix, keySplitter)
-		rc.addPrefix = true
-	}
-	return rc, nil
-// Set marshalls provided value and stores against provided key. Errors will be logged to initialized logger.
-func (rc *RedisCache) Set(key string, val interface{}) {
-	ba, err := marshalWithTypeCheck(val)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error setting key ", key, " error: ", err)
-		return
-	}
-	rc.cli.Set(rc.key(key), ba, rc.Expiration)
-// SetWithExpiration marshalls provided value and stores against provided key for given duration. Errors will be logged to initialized logger.
-func (rc *RedisCache) SetWithExpiration(key string, val interface{}, exp time.Duration) {
-	ba, err := marshalWithTypeCheck(val)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error setting key ", key, " error: ", err)
-		return
-	}
-	rc.cli.Set(rc.key(key), ba, exp)
-// SetNoExpiration marshalls provided value and stores against provided key.
-// Errors will be logged to initialized logger.
-func (rc *RedisCache) SetNoExpiration(key string, val interface{}) {
-	ba, err := marshalWithTypeCheck(val)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error setting key ", key, " error: ", err)
-		return
-	}
-	rc.cli.Set(rc.key(key), ba, noExp)
-// Get returns data against provided key. Returns false if not present.
-func (rc *RedisCache) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
-	// Get returns error if key is not present.
-	val, err := rc.cli.Get(rc.key(key)).Result()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error getting key", key, "from redis cache with error:", err)
-		return nil, false
-	}
-	return val, true
-// Delete -
-func (rc *RedisCache) Delete(key string) {
-	rc.cli.Del(rc.key(key)).Result()
-// GetItemsCount -
-func (rc *RedisCache) GetItemsCount() int {
-	// pattern := rc.Prefix + "*"
-	// keys, err := rc.cli.Keys(pattern).Result()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("error getting item count for ", pattern, " error: ", err)
-	// 	return 0
-	// }
-	return len(rc.keys())
-func (rc *RedisCache) flushDB() (string, error) {
-	return rc.cli.FlushDB().Result()
-// Purge deletes for current redis db
-func (rc *RedisCache) Purge() {
-	_, err := rc.flushDB()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error purging redis cache for db ", rc.Addr, "/", rc.DB, " error: ", err)
-	}
-func marshal(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(v)
-// marshalWithTypeCheck checks type before marshsal. Save allocations and time significantly if the existing data is string or []byte
-func marshalWithTypeCheck(v interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
-	switch d := v.(type) {
-	default:
-		return json.Marshal(v)
-	case string:
-		return []byte(d), nil
-	case []byte:
-		return d, nil
-	}
-func contcat(s ...string) string {
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	for i := range s {
-		sb.WriteString(s[i])
-	}
-	return sb.String()
-func (rc *RedisCache) key(key string) string {
-	// prepare in format "<Prefix>:<key>"
-	if rc.addPrefix {
-		return contcat(rc.keyStr, key)
-	}
-	return key
-func (rc *RedisCache) actualKey(key string) string {
-	if rc.addPrefix {
-		return strings.TrimPrefix(key, rc.keyStr)
-	}
-	return key
-func (rc *RedisCache) Type() int {
-	return TypeRedisCache
-// GetAll returns all keys with values present in redis server. Excludes the keys which does not have specified prefix. If prefix is empty, then returns all keys.
-// **This is not intended for production use. May hamper performance**
-func (rc *RedisCache) GetAll() map[string]interface{} {
-	keys := rc.keys()
-	result := make(map[string]interface{}, len(keys))
-	for i := range keys {
-		ba, err := rc.cli.Get(keys[i]).Bytes()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error getting key", keys[i], "from redis cache with error:", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		var val interface{}
-		_ = json.Unmarshal(ba, &val)
-		result[rc.actualKey(keys[i])] = val
-	}
-	return result
-// GetItemsCount -
-func (rc *RedisCache) keys() []string {
-	pattern := rc.Prefix + "*"
-	keys, err := rc.cli.Keys(pattern).Result()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error getting item count for ", pattern, " error: ", err)
-	}
-	return keys
diff --git a/v2/cachemdl/cache_redis_test.go b/v2/cachemdl/cache_redis_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5be7d5bb37f0b54c6d953adf28e518fd84fd8ebf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/cachemdl/cache_redis_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-package cachemdl
-import (
-	"reflect"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-var (
-	res         = "TestVal"
-	failMarshal = func() {}
-func setup(rc *RedisCache) {
-	rc.Setup("", "", "", 0, time.Second*3)
-	rc.flushDB()
-func TestRedisCache_Set(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "SET"
-		key1      = "test_set"
-		val1      = "test_set_val"
-		testName2 = "SET_MarshalErr"
-		key2      = "test_set_err"
-		val2      = failMarshal
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	type args struct {
-		key string
-		val interface{}
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		args args
-	}{
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key1, val: val1},
-		},
-		{
-			name: testName2,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key2, val: val2},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.rc.Set(tt.args.key, tt.args.val)
-		})
-	}
-	res, ok := rc.Get(key1)
-	if !ok {
-		t.Error("failed to get value for ", key1)
-		return
-	}
-	if v, ok := res.(string); !ok || v != val1 {
-		t.Error("invalid value for ", key1)
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_SetWithExpiration(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "SET_EXP"
-		key1      = "test_set_exp"
-		val1      = "test_set_exp_val"
-		testName2 = "SET_EXP_MarshalErr"
-		key2      = "test_set_exp_err"
-		val2      = failMarshal
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	type args struct {
-		key string
-		val interface{}
-		exp time.Duration
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		args args
-	}{
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key1, val: val1, exp: time.Second * 2},
-		},
-		{
-			name: testName2,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key2, val: val2, exp: time.Second * 2},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.rc.SetWithExpiration(tt.args.key, tt.args.val, tt.args.exp)
-		})
-	}
-	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
-	val, ok := rc.Get(key1)
-	if !ok {
-		return
-	}
-	if v, ok := val.(string); ok || v == val1 {
-		t.Error("value not expired for", key1)
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_SetNoExpiration(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "SET_NOEXP"
-		key1      = "test_set_noexp"
-		val1      = "test_set_noexp_val"
-		testName2 = "SET_NOEXP_MarshalErr"
-		key2      = "test_set_noexp_err"
-		val2      = failMarshal
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	type args struct {
-		key string
-		val interface{}
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		args args
-	}{
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key1, val: val1},
-		},
-		{
-			name: testName2,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key2, val: val2},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.rc.SetNoExpiration(tt.args.key, tt.args.val)
-		})
-	}
-	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)
-	_, ok := rc.Get(key1)
-	if !ok {
-		t.Error("value expired for", key1)
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_Get(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "GET_NOT_PRESENT"
-		testName2 = "GET_PRESENT"
-		key1      = "test_get_not_present"
-		key2      = "test_get_present"
-		val2      = "test_get_present_val"
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	rc.Set(key2, val2)
-	type args struct {
-		key string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name  string
-		rc    *RedisCache
-		args  args
-		want  interface{}
-		want1 bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:  testName1,
-			rc:    rc,
-			args:  args{key: key1},
-			want:  nil,
-			want1: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:  testName2,
-			rc:    rc,
-			args:  args{key: key2},
-			want:  val2,
-			want1: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			got, got1 := tt.rc.Get(tt.args.key)
-			if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-				t.Errorf("RedisCache.Get() got = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-			}
-			if got1 != tt.want1 {
-				t.Errorf("RedisCache.Get() got1 = %v, want %v", got1, tt.want1)
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_Delete(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "DEL"
-		key1      = "test_del"
-		val1      = "test_del_val"
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	rc.Set(key1, val1)
-	type args struct {
-		key string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		args args
-	}{
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-			args: args{key: key1},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.rc.Delete(tt.args.key)
-		})
-	}
-	if _, ok := rc.Get(key1); ok {
-		t.Error("value not deleted for", key1)
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_GetItemsCount(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "GET_CNT"
-		key1      = "cnt_1"
-		val1      = 1
-		key2      = "cnt_2"
-		val2      = 2
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	rc.Set(key1, val1)
-	rc.Set(key2, val2)
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		want int
-	}{
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-			want: 2,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			if got := tt.rc.GetItemsCount(); got != tt.want {
-				t.Errorf("RedisCache.GetItemsCount() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_Purge(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        = &RedisCache{}
-		testName1 = "PURGE"
-		key1      = "test_purge"
-		val1      = "test_purge_val"
-	)
-	setup(rc)
-	rc.Set(key1, val1)
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-	}{
-		// TODO: Add test cases.
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.rc.Purge()
-		})
-	}
-	if _, ok := rc.Get(key1); ok {
-		t.Error("value not deleted for", key1)
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_Setup(t *testing.T) {
-	var (
-		rc        *RedisCache = nil
-		testName1             = "SETUP"
-	)
-	type args struct {
-		addr     string
-		password string
-		db       int
-		expr     time.Duration
-		prefix   string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		args args
-	}{
-		// TODO: Add test cases.
-		{
-			name: testName1,
-			rc:   rc,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.rc.Setup(tt.args.addr, tt.args.password, tt.args.prefix, tt.args.db, time.Second*3)
-		})
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalString(b *testing.B) {
-	s := `some string`
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshal(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalWithTypeCheckString(b *testing.B) {
-	s := `some string`
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshalWithTypeCheck(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalBytes(b *testing.B) {
-	s := []byte(`some string`)
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshal(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalWithTypeCheckBytes(b *testing.B) {
-	s := []byte(`some string`)
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshalWithTypeCheck(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalGjsonVal(b *testing.B) {
-	s := gjson.Parse(`{"name":"testcase"}`).Value()
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshal(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalWithTypeCheckGjsonVal(b *testing.B) {
-	s := gjson.Parse(`{"name":"testcase"}`).Value()
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshalWithTypeCheck(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalStruct(b *testing.B) {
-	type Struct struct {
-		Name string `json:"name"`
-	}
-	s := Struct{"test"}
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshal(s)
-	}
-func BenchmarkMarshalWithTypeCheckStruct(b *testing.B) {
-	type Struct struct {
-		Name string `json:"name"`
-	}
-	s := Struct{"test"}
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		_, _ = marshalWithTypeCheck(s)
-	}
-func TestRedisCache_GetAll(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		rc   *RedisCache
-		want map[string]interface{}
-		init func(rc *RedisCache)
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "Get All Items",
-			rc:   &RedisCache{},
-			want: map[string]interface{}{
-				"a": 1.24,
-				"b": 1.25,
-			},
-			init: func(rc *RedisCache) {
-				rc.Setup("", "", "tests", 0, time.Second*60)
-				rc.flushDB()
-				rc.Set("a", 1.24)
-				rc.Set("b", 1.25)
-			},
-		},
-		{
-			name: "Get All Items without prefix",
-			rc:   &RedisCache{},
-			want: map[string]interface{}{
-				"a": 5.24,
-				"b": 5.25,
-			},
-			init: func(rc *RedisCache) {
-				rc.Setup("", "", "", 0, time.Second*60)
-				rc.flushDB()
-				rc.Set("a", 5.24)
-				rc.Set("b", 5.25)
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.init(tt.rc)
-			if got := tt.rc.GetAll(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-				t.Errorf("RedisCache.GetAll() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-			}
-		})
-	}
diff --git a/v2/cachemdl/cachemdl.go b/v2/cachemdl/cachemdl.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 6d7b7e5e65c36bbd066e876969d7fabf2f776840..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/cachemdl/cachemdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:12:07 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package cachemdl will help cache object into memory. It Uses LRU algo
-package cachemdl
-import (
-	"time"
-	"github.com/patrickmn/go-cache"
-// FastCacheHelper -
-type FastCacheHelper struct {
-	FastCache   *cache.Cache
-	Expiration  time.Duration
-	CleanupTime time.Duration
-	MaxEntries int
-type fastCacheOption func(*FastCacheHelper)
-func FCWithMaxEntries(i int) fastCacheOption {
-	return func(cfg *FastCacheHelper) {
-		cfg.MaxEntries = i
-	}
-func FCWithExpiration(exp time.Duration) fastCacheOption {
-	return func(cfg *FastCacheHelper) {
-		cfg.Expiration = exp
-	}
-func FCWithCleanupInterval(ivl time.Duration) fastCacheOption {
-	return func(cfg *FastCacheHelper) {
-		cfg.CleanupTime = ivl
-	}
-// Setup initializes fastcache cache for application. Must be called only once.
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) Setup(maxEntries int, expiration time.Duration, cleanupTime time.Duration) {
-	fastCacheHelper.MaxEntries = maxEntries
-	fastCacheHelper.Expiration = expiration
-	fastCacheHelper.FastCache = cache.New(fastCacheHelper.Expiration, fastCacheHelper.CleanupTime)
-// SetupFastCache initializes fastcache cache for application and returns its instance.
-func SetupFastCache(opts ...fastCacheOption) *FastCacheHelper {
-	fc := new(FastCacheHelper)
-	for i := range opts {
-		opts[i](fc)
-	}
-	fc.FastCache = cache.New(fc.Expiration, fc.CleanupTime)
-	return fc
-// Get -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) Get(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
-	return fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Get(key)
-// GetItems -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) GetItems() map[string]cache.Item {
-	return fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Items()
-// SetNoExpiration -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) SetNoExpiration(key string, object interface{}) {
-	fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Set(key, object, cache.NoExpiration)
-// Set -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) Set(key string, object interface{}) {
-	fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Set(key, object, cache.DefaultExpiration)
-// SetWithExpiration -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) SetWithExpiration(key string, object interface{}, duration time.Duration) {
-	fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Set(key, object, duration)
-// Purge -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) Purge() {
-	fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Flush()
-// Delete -
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) Delete(key string) {
-	fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Delete(key)
-// GetItemsCount : Number of items in the cache
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) GetItemsCount() int {
-	return fastCacheHelper.FastCache.ItemCount()
-func (fh *FastCacheHelper) Type() int {
-	return TypeFastCache
-// GetAll returns all keys with values present in memory. **This is not intended for production use. May hamper performance**
-func (fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper) GetAll() map[string]interface{} {
-	items := fastCacheHelper.FastCache.Items()
-	result := make(map[string]interface{}, len(items))
-	for k, v := range items {
-		result[k] = v.Object
-	}
-	return result
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index de9d36173da7e3e663106b93e2edd0b9942a892e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:11:54 GMT+0530 (IST)
-package cachemdl
-import (
-	"reflect"
-	"testing"
-// import (
-// 	"testing"
-// 	"time"
-// 	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-// )
-// var ch GCCacheHelper
-// func init() {
-// 	ch = GCCacheHelper{}
-// 	ch.Setup(500, time.Minute*50)
-// }
-// func TestCacheGCHelper_Setup(t *testing.T) {
-// 	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { ch.Setup(500, time.Minute*50) }, "This Setup method should never panic")
-// }
-// func TestCacheGCHelper_Set(t *testing.T) {
-// 	ch.Set("a", 1)
-// 	val, _ := ch.Get("a")
-// 	assert.Equal(t, val, 1, "This Cache get should return same value as set")
-// }
-// func TestCacheGCHelper_GetAll(t *testing.T) {
-// 	ch.Set("a", 1)
-// 	val := ch.GetAll()
-// 	assert.NotZero(t, len(val), "Check if GetAll return more than zero values")
-// 	cnt := ch.Count()
-// 	assert.NotZero(t, cnt, "Check if Count method will give more than zero value")
-// 	ch.Remove("a")
-// 	ch.Purge()
-// 	cnt = ch.Count()
-// 	assert.Zero(t, cnt, "After Purge Count should be zero")
-// }
-func TestFastCacheHelper_GetAll(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		name            string
-		fastCacheHelper *FastCacheHelper
-		want            map[string]interface{}
-		init            func(fs *FastCacheHelper)
-	}{
-		{
-			name:            "Get all items Success",
-			fastCacheHelper: &FastCacheHelper{},
-			want: map[string]interface{}{
-				"a": 1,
-				"b": 2,
-			},
-			init: func(fs *FastCacheHelper) {
-				fs.Setup(2, 0, 0)
-				fs.Set("a", 1)
-				fs.Set("b", 2)
-			},
-		},
-		{
-			name:            "Get all items Empty",
-			fastCacheHelper: &FastCacheHelper{},
-			want:            map[string]interface{}{},
-			init: func(fs *FastCacheHelper) {
-				fs.Setup(2, 0, 0)
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			tt.init(tt.fastCacheHelper)
-			if got := tt.fastCacheHelper.GetAll(); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-				t.Errorf("FastCacheHelper.GetAll() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-			}
-		})
-	}
diff --git a/v2/configmdl/configmdl.go b/v2/configmdl/configmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a607cdb0d1ebf025eaca4e6843eeb3c346880860..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/configmdl/configmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package configmdl
-import (
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"github.com/BurntSushi/toml"
-	pellgotoml "github.com/pelletier/go-toml"
-// InitConfig initConfig
-func InitConfig(fpath string, config interface{}) (toml.MetaData, error) {
-	return toml.DecodeFile(fpath, config)
-// InitConfigData initConfig using byte array
-func InitConfigData(data []byte, config interface{}) (toml.MetaData, error) {
-	return toml.Decode(string(data), config)
-// var config tomlConfig
-// InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-// fmt.Println(config.Name)
-//******* SECURE *******//
-// InitConfigSecure - Init Config Secure
-func InitConfigSecure(fpath string, config interface{}, key []byte) (toml.MetaData, error) {
-	fileBytes, fileReadErr := filemdl.ReadFile(fpath)
-	if fileReadErr != nil {
-		return toml.MetaData{}, fileReadErr
-	}
-	fileContent, decryptErr := securitymdl.AESDecrypt(fileBytes, key)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(decryptErr) != nil {
-		return toml.MetaData{}, errormdl.CheckErr2(decryptErr)
-	}
-	return toml.Decode(string(fileContent), config)
-// SaveConfig - SaveConfig
-func SaveConfig(fpath string, config interface{}) error {
-	bytes, tomlMarshalError := pellgotoml.Marshal(config)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(tomlMarshalError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(tomlMarshalError)
-	}
-	writeError := filemdl.WriteFile(fpath, bytes, false, false)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(writeError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr2(writeError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// SaveConfigSecure - SaveConfigSecure
-func SaveConfigSecure(fpath string, config interface{}, key []byte) error {
-	configBytes, tomlMarshalError := pellgotoml.Marshal(config)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(tomlMarshalError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(tomlMarshalError)
-	}
-	encryptedBytes, encryptError := securitymdl.AESEncrypt(configBytes, key)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptError)
-	}
-	writeError := filemdl.WriteFile(fpath, encryptedBytes, false, false)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(writeError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr2(writeError)
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/configmdl/configmdl_test.go b/v2/configmdl/configmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 24e0a9c20a3fda1b89482ec5d42f832c02d07260..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/configmdl/configmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-package configmdl
-import (
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-type tomlConfig struct {
-	Title           string
-	Name            string
-	AdditionalField string
-	Version         string
-func TestInitConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	assert.True(t, config.Name == "github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash", "this should not throw error")
-func TestInitConfigData(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	ba, _ := ioutil.ReadFile("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml")
-	InitConfigData(ba, &config)
-	assert.True(t, config.Name == "github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash", "this should not throw error")
-func TestSaveConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	err := SaveConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save.toml", config)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1SaveConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := SaveConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save.toml", config)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2SaveConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	err := SaveConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save.toml", config)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func TestSaveConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	err := SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1SaveConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2SaveConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test3SaveConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	err := SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func TestInitConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	_, err := InitConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", &config, []byte(key))
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1InitConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	_, err := InitConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.error", &config, []byte(key))
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2InitConfigSecure(t *testing.T) {
-	// errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	var config tomlConfig
-	InitConfig("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", &config)
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	SaveConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", config, []byte(key))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	_, err := InitConfigSecure("../testingdata/testData/config/config-save-secure.toml", &config, []byte(key))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
diff --git a/v2/constantmdl/constantmdl.go b/v2/constantmdl/constantmdl.go
deleted file mode 100755
index b0d79a3ce23bfaf464c73f9fd8e0276540fdba56..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/constantmdl/constantmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:13:18 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package constantmdl helps saving constants
-package constantmdl
-import "time"
-// ZERO gives 0
-const ZERO = 0
-// MINUS_ONE is constant for -1
-const MINUS_ONE = -1
-// STAR gives *
-const STAR = "*"
-// MAXIDLECONNS - max idle connections
-const MAXIDLECONNS = 100
-// MAXIDLECONNSPERHOST - max connections per host
-// IDLECONNTIMEOUT - Idle time out
-const IDLECONNTIMEOUT = time.Second * 90
-// TASKCOUNT is used as default task count in filepipe
-const TASKCOUNT = 5
-// constants used for CreateSecurityKey function in securitymdl
-const (
-	NUMBERS_PERCENT          = 10
-	CAP_CHARS_PERCENT        = 40
-	CharSet                  = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!#$%&'()*@"
-	NUMBERS_SET              = "0123456789"
-	SMALL_CHARS_SET          = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-	SPECIAL_CHARS_SET        = "!#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"
-// HTTP400ERROR is used to check 400 status
-const HTTP400ERROR = 400
-// MySQL Default Parameters
-const (
-	CONNECTION_MAX_LIFETIME = 3 * 24 * time.Hour
-	MIME        = "MIME-version: 1.0;\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=\"UTF-8\";\n\n"
-	MQLRequestData = "MQLRequestData"
-	ResponseSizeThreshold = 50000 //(bytes)
-	// ServiceTypes
-	// BranchSeparator separates entity name and branch name ex. <entityName>_<branchName>
-	Branch_Separator = "_"
-	// Branch_Main represents default "main" branch
-	Branch_Main = "main"
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/boltdb/boltdb.go b/v2/dalmdl/boltdb/boltdb.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 18005c0fda04c3bc312540a8bd20d94807422755..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/boltdb/boltdb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-package boltdb
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/boltdb/bolt"
-//InitDB - To create database and bucket
-func InitDB(boltDatabasePath, bucketName string) (*bolt.DB, error) {
-	db, err := bolt.Open(boltDatabasePath, 0777, nil)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	err = db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
-		_, bktErr := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(bucketName))
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(bktErr) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr1(bktErr)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("ERROR: Could not set up bucket " + bucketName)
-	}
-	return db, nil
-// AddKey - To add key into bucket
-func AddKey(db *bolt.DB, bucket string, key string, val string) error {
-	if db != nil {
-		return db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
-			_, bktErr := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(bucket))
-			if errormdl.CheckErr(bktErr) != nil {
-				return errormdl.CheckErr(bktErr)
-			}
-			return tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket)).Put([]byte(key), []byte(val))
-		})
-	}
-	return errormdl.Wrap("ERROR: Could not Add key in nil db instance")
-// RemoveKey - To remove key from bucket
-func RemoveKey(db *bolt.DB, bucket, key string) error {
-	if db != nil {
-		return db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
-			bkt := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket))
-			if bkt == nil {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucket)
-			}
-			return bkt.Delete([]byte(key))
-		})
-	}
-	return errormdl.Wrap("ERROR: Could not Delete key in nil db instance")
-// GetKey - To get data in bucket of given key
-func GetKey(db *bolt.DB, bucket, key string) ([]byte, error) {
-	if db != nil {
-		var byteData []byte
-		err := db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
-			bkt := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket))
-			if bkt == nil {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucket)
-			}
-			byteData = bkt.Get([]byte(key))
-			return nil
-		})
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		return byteData, nil
-	}
-	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("ERROR: Could not Get key in nil db instance")
-//AddRecord - To Add,append or update data into a bucket
-func AddRecord(db *bolt.DB, bucket string, key string, data interface{}) error {
-	if db != nil {
-		entryBytes, err := json.Marshal(data)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("Could not marshal entry json")
-		}
-		err = db.Update(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
-			_, bktErr := tx.CreateBucketIfNotExists([]byte(bucket))
-			if errormdl.CheckErr1(bktErr) != nil {
-				return errormdl.CheckErr1(bktErr)
-			}
-			tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket)).Put([]byte(key), entryBytes)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-				return errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-			}
-			return nil
-		})
-		return errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-	}
-	return errormdl.Wrap("ERROR: Could not AddRecord in nil db instance")
-// GetRecord - To get all data in bucket
-func GetRecord(db *bolt.DB, bucket string) ([]byte, error) {
-	if db != nil {
-		var bucketData []interface{}
-		err := db.View(func(tx *bolt.Tx) error {
-			bkt := tx.Bucket([]byte(bucket))
-			if bkt == nil {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucket)
-			}
-			cursor := bkt.Cursor()
-			for k, v := cursor.First(); k != nil; k, v = cursor.Next() {
-				var interfaceObj interface{}
-				unmarshallErr := json.Unmarshal(v, &interfaceObj)
-				if errormdl.CheckErr(unmarshallErr) != nil {
-					return errormdl.CheckErr(unmarshallErr)
-				}
-				bucketData = append(bucketData, interfaceObj)
-			}
-			return nil
-		})
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-		}
-		byteData, marshallErr := json.Marshal(bucketData)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshallErr) != nil {
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshallErr)
-		}
-		return byteData, nil
-	}
-	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("ERROR: Could not AddRecord in nil db instance")
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/boltdb/boltdb_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/boltdb/boltdb_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8bdbd526be6be5a6995487d1c1712bf8a098dc3d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/boltdb/boltdb_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-package boltdb
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/boltdb/bolt"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-const (
-	bucketName  = "test"
-	dbPathWrong = "C:/test/test.db"
-func TestInitDB(t *testing.T) {
-	_, err := InitDB("C:/test.db", bucketName)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestInitDBOpenDbError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err := InitDB(dbPathWrong, bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestInitDBBktError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	_, err := InitDB("C:/test1.db", bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestInitDBBktError2(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	_, err := InitDB("C:/test111.db", bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestAddKey(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test2.db", bucketName)
-	err2 := AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	assert.NoError(t, err2, "This should not return error")
-func TestAddKeyDbnil(t *testing.T) {
-	var dbIntsance *bolt.DB
-	err2 := AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	assert.Error(t, err2, "This should return error")
-func TestAddKeyError(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test22.db", bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err2 := AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err2, "This should return error")
-func TestRemoveKey(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test3.db", bucketName)
-	AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	err3 := RemoveKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey")
-	assert.NoError(t, err3, "This should not return error")
-func TestRemoveKeyDbNil(t *testing.T) {
-	var dbIntsance *bolt.DB
-	AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	err3 := RemoveKey(dbIntsance, "bktnil", "testKey")
-	assert.Error(t, err3, "This should return error")
-func TestRemoveKeyBktNil(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test31.db", bucketName)
-	AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	err3 := RemoveKey(dbIntsance, "bktnil", "testKey")
-	assert.Error(t, err3, "This should return error")
-func TestGetKey(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test4.db", bucketName)
-	AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	_, err := GetKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetKeyDbNil(t *testing.T) {
-	var dbIntsance *bolt.DB
-	AddKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey", "testValue")
-	_, err := GetKey(dbIntsance, bucketName, "testKey")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestGetKeyBktErr(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test5.db", bucketName)
-	_, err := GetKey(dbIntsance, "mdasda", "testKey")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-type BucketData struct {
-	Name string `json:"name"`
-func TestAddRecord(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test6.db", bucketName)
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	err := AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestAddRecordDbNil(t *testing.T) {
-	var dbIntsance *bolt.DB
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	err := AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestAddRecordError(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test7.db", bucketName)
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestAddRecordError1(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test8.db", bucketName)
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestAddRecordError2(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test81.db", bucketName)
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	err := AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestGetRecord(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test9.db", bucketName)
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	_, err2 := GetRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName)
-	assert.NoError(t, err2, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetRecordDbNil(t *testing.T) {
-	var dbIntsance *bolt.DB
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	AddRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName, "myname", bucketData)
-	_, err2 := GetRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName)
-	assert.Error(t, err2, "This should return error")
-func TestGetRecordBktNil(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test91.db", bucketName)
-	bucketData := BucketData{}
-	bucketData.Name = "test"
-	AddRecord(dbIntsance, "nilBkt", "myname", bucketData)
-	_, err2 := GetRecord(dbIntsance, "bktNil")
-	assert.Error(t, err2, "This should return error")
-func TestGetRecordError(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test10.db", bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err2 := GetRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err2, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetRecordError1(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test11.db", bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	_, err2 := GetRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err2, "This should return error")
-func TestGetRecordError2(t *testing.T) {
-	dbIntsance, _ := InitDB("C:/test12.db", bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	_, err2 := GetRecord(dbIntsance, bucketName)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err2, "This should return error")
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/appendbucket.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/appendbucket.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 137f4b2d0f3d3777bff99cdaed663ba10fa9e66d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/appendbucket.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package bucket
-import (
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-type AppendBucket struct {
-	Bucket
-func NewAppendBucket(bucketNameQuery string, isDynamicName bool, isLazyEnable bool, bucketPath string) (*AppendBucket, error) {
-	if bucketNameQuery == "" {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please provide value of bucketNameQuery")
-	}
-	b := Bucket{
-		BucketID:        guidmdl.GetGUID(),
-		BucketNameQuery: bucketNameQuery,
-		IsDynamicName:   isDynamicName,
-		BucketPath:      bucketPath,
-	}
-	bucket := AppendBucket{}
-	bucket.Bucket = b
-	return &bucket, nil
-func (ab *AppendBucket) Insert(filePath string, data *gjson.Result) error {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	appendFile, err := filetype.NewAppendFile(filePath, ab.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		appendFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = appendFile.Write(data)
-	return err
-func (ab *AppendBucket) Find(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	return "", errormdl.Wrap("operation not allowed")
-func (ab *AppendBucket) Update(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (*gjson.Result, []error) {
-	return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("operation not allowed")}
-func (ab *AppendBucket) Delete(filePaths, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (recordsDeletedCnt int, errList []error) {
-	return 0, []error{errormdl.Wrap("operation not allowed")}
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/bucket.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/bucket.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b6df0f36e36ede1cb68fe93310694527f7d1a53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/bucket.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-package bucket
-import (
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-const (
-	PathSeperator     = "/"
-	DynamicPathPrefix = "$$"
-type PathProvider interface {
-	GetPath(rs *gjson.Result) (string, error)
-type Securable interface {
-	Secure(securityprovider.SecurityProvider)
-type Store interface {
-	Insert(string, *gjson.Result) error
-	Find([]string, []string, *gjson.Result) (string, error)
-	Update([]string, []string, *gjson.Result) (*gjson.Result, []error)
-	Delete([]string, []string, *gjson.Result) (int, []error)
-type MediaStore interface {
-	WriteMedia(filePath string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error)
-	ReadMedia(filePath string, recordID string) ([]byte, *gjson.Result, error)
-	UpdateMedia(filePath string, recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (err error)
-	UpsertMedia(filePath string, recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error)
-type Bucket struct {
-	BucketID        string `json:"bucketId"`
-	IsDynamicName   bool   `json:"isDynamicName"`
-	BucketNameQuery string `json:"bucketNameQuery"`
-	// TODO: rename to Indexex
-	Indexes          []string `json:"indices"`
-	BucketPath       string   `json:"bucketPath"`
-	SecurityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-func (bucket *Bucket) AddIndex(index *index.Index) error {
-	if index == nil {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("index value is nil")
-	}
-	bucket.Indexes = append(bucket.Indexes, index.IndexID)
-	index.BucketSequence = append(index.BucketSequence, bucket.BucketID)
-	return nil
-// ResolveName - returns bucket name
-func (bucket *Bucket) GetPath(rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	path := ""
-	pathChunks := strings.Split(bucket.BucketPath, PathSeperator)
-	for i := range pathChunks {
-		pathVal := pathChunks[i]
-		if strings.HasPrefix(pathChunks[i], DynamicPathPrefix) {
-			dynamicField := strings.TrimSpace(strings.TrimPrefix(pathChunks[i], DynamicPathPrefix))
-			pathVal = strings.TrimSpace(rs.Get(dynamicField).String())
-			if pathVal == "" {
-				return "", errormdl.Wrap("please provide value for bucket name: " + dynamicField)
-			}
-		}
-		path = path + PathSeperator + pathVal
-	}
-	name := bucket.BucketNameQuery
-	if bucket.IsDynamicName {
-		name = rs.Get(name).String()
-	}
-	if name == "" {
-		return name, errormdl.Wrap("please provide value for bucket name: " + bucket.BucketNameQuery)
-	}
-	path = strings.TrimPrefix(path+PathSeperator+name, PathSeperator)
-	return path, nil
-func (bucket *Bucket) Secure(securityprovider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) {
-	bucket.SecurityProvider = securityprovider
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/packbucket.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/packbucket.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d4b77595eab0b1de1c5f265133529dc5d7aea789..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/packbucket.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-package bucket
-import (
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-type PackBucket struct {
-	Bucket
-	InFileIndexSchemaMap map[string]filetype.InFileIndex `json:"inFileIndexMap"`
-	// TODO: filepointer cache
-	packFiles map[string]filetype.PackFile
-func NewPackBucket(bucketNameQuery string, isDynamicName bool, bucketPath string, inFileIndexSchemaMap map[string]filetype.InFileIndex) (*PackBucket, error) {
-	if bucketNameQuery == "" {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please provide value of bucketNameQuery")
-	}
-	bucket := Bucket{
-		BucketID:        guidmdl.GetGUID(),
-		BucketNameQuery: bucketNameQuery,
-		IsDynamicName:   isDynamicName,
-		BucketPath:      bucketPath,
-	}
-	packBucket := PackBucket{}
-	packBucket.Bucket = bucket
-	if inFileIndexSchemaMap != nil {
-		packBucket.InFileIndexSchemaMap = inFileIndexSchemaMap
-	} else {
-		packBucket.InFileIndexSchemaMap = make(map[string]filetype.InFileIndex)
-	}
-	return &packBucket, nil
-// TODO: add fdb index data call
-func (pb *PackBucket) Insert(filePath string, data *gjson.Result) error {
-	requestedFileType := data.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(requestedFileType) == 0 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	_, ok := pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap[requestedFileType]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("filetype not found: " + requestedFileType)
-	}
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = packFile.Write(data)
-	return err
-func (pb *PackBucket) findOne(filePath string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	result, err := packFile.Read(queries, data)
-	return result, err
-func (pb *PackBucket) Find(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	requestedFileType := data.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(requestedFileType) == 0 {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	_, ok := pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap[requestedFileType]
-	if !ok {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("filetype not found: " + requestedFileType)
-	}
-	queries = append(queries, `#[fileType==`+requestedFileType+`]`)
-	resultArray := "[]"
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		result, err := pb.findOne(filePaths[i], queries, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			return resultArray, err
-		}
-		for _, val := range gjson.Parse(result).Array() {
-			resultArray, _ = sjson.Set(resultArray, "-1", val.Value())
-		}
-	}
-	return resultArray, nil
-func (pb *PackBucket) updateOne(filePath string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return gjson.Result{}, err
-	}
-	result, err := packFile.Update(queries, data)
-	return result, err
-func (pb *PackBucket) Update(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (*gjson.Result, []error) {
-	requestedFileType := data.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(requestedFileType) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("please specify fileType")
-		return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")}
-	}
-	_, ok := pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap[requestedFileType]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("filetype not found: " + requestedFileType)}
-	}
-	queries = append(queries, `#[fileType=="`+requestedFileType+`"]`)
-	finalResultArray := []gjson.Result{}
-	errList := []error{}
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		resultArray, err := pb.updateOne(filePaths[i], queries, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		finalResultArray = append(finalResultArray, resultArray.Array()...)
-	}
-	resultListStr := "[]"
-	for _, resultObj := range finalResultArray {
-		resultListStr, _ = sjson.Set(resultListStr, "-1", resultObj.Value())
-	}
-	result := gjson.Parse(resultListStr)
-	return &result, errList
-func (pb *PackBucket) deleteOne(filePath string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (int, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	recordsDeletedCnt, err := packFile.Remove(queries)
-	return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-func (pb *PackBucket) Delete(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (int, []error) {
-	recordsDeletedCnt := 0
-	fileType := data.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fileType value not provided")
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")}
-	}
-	_, ok := pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap[fileType]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("infileIndex for specified fileType not found")
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{errormdl.Wrap("infileIndex for specified fileType not found")}
-	}
-	queries = append(queries, `#[fileType=="`+fileType+`"]`)
-	noDataFoundCnt := 0
-	errList := []error{}
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		deletedRecordsCnt, err := pb.deleteOne(filePaths[i], queries, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			if err.Error() == "not found" {
-				noDataFoundCnt++
-				continue
-			}
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		recordsDeletedCnt += deletedRecordsCnt
-	}
-	if noDataFoundCnt == len(filePaths) {
-		errList = []error{errormdl.Wrap("data not found")}
-	}
-	return recordsDeletedCnt, errList
-func (pb *PackBucket) WriteMedia(filePath string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	recordID, err := packFile.WriteMedia(mediaData, rs)
-	return recordID, err
-func (pb *PackBucket) ReadMedia(filePath string, recordID string) ([]byte, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	dataByte, result, err := packFile.ReadMedia(recordID)
-	return dataByte, result, err
-func (pb *PackBucket) UpdateMedia(filePath string, recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) error {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = packFile.UpdateMedia(recordID, mediaData, rs)
-	return err
-func (pb *PackBucket) UpsertMedia(filePath string, recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	result, err := packFile.UpsertMedia(recordID, mediaData, rs)
-	return result, err
-func (pb *PackBucket) DeleteMedia(filePath string, recordID string) error {
-	// TODO: implement media delete
-	return nil
-func (pb *PackBucket) ReorgFile(filePath string) error {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	packFile, err := filetype.NewPackFile(filePath, pb.InFileIndexSchemaMap, pb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		packFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = packFile.Reorg()
-	return err
-func (pb *PackBucket) Reorg(filePaths []string) (errList []error) {
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		err := pb.ReorgFile(filePaths[i])
-		if err != nil {
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/simplebucket.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/simplebucket.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a4857c5e3961fd5d32c43b89089e5511f2dddcdd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket/simplebucket.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-package bucket
-import (
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-type SimpleBucket struct {
-	Bucket
-	// TODO: implement lazy
-	EnableLazy       bool
-	securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-func NewSimpleBucket(bucketNameQuery string, isDynamicName bool, isLazyEnable bool, bucketPath string) (*SimpleBucket, error) {
-	if bucketNameQuery == "" {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please provide value of bucketNameQuery")
-	}
-	b := Bucket{
-		BucketID:        guidmdl.GetGUID(),
-		BucketNameQuery: bucketNameQuery,
-		IsDynamicName:   isDynamicName,
-		BucketPath:      bucketPath,
-	}
-	bucket := SimpleBucket{
-		EnableLazy: isLazyEnable,
-	}
-	bucket.Bucket = b
-	return &bucket, nil
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) Insert(filePath string, data *gjson.Result) error {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(filePath, sb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = simpleFile.Write(data)
-	return err
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) findOne(filePath string, data *gjson.Result) ([]byte, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(filePath, sb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	dataByte, err := simpleFile.Read(data)
-	return dataByte, err
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) Find(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	resultArray := "[]"
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		result, err := sb.findOne(filePaths[i], data)
-		if err != nil {
-			return resultArray, err
-		}
-		resultArray, _ = sjson.Set(resultArray, "-1", gjson.ParseBytes(result).Value())
-	}
-	return resultArray, nil
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) updateOne(filePath string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(filePath, sb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return gjson.Result{}, err
-	}
-	result, err := simpleFile.Update(data)
-	return result, err
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) Update(filePaths []string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (*gjson.Result, []error) {
-	errList := []error{}
-	resultListStr := "[]"
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		updatedData, err := sb.updateOne(filePaths[i], queries, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		resultListStr, _ = sjson.Set(resultListStr, "-1", updatedData.Value())
-	}
-	result := gjson.Parse(resultListStr)
-	return &result, errList
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) deleteOne(filePath string, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) error {
-	locker := locker.NewLocker(filePath)
-	locker.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(filePath, sb.Bucket.SecurityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		locker.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = simpleFile.Remove()
-	return err
-func (sb *SimpleBucket) Delete(filePaths, queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (recordsDeletedCnt int, errList []error) {
-	noDataFoundCnt := 0
-	for i := range filePaths {
-		err := sb.deleteOne(filePaths[i], queries, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			if err.Error() == "not found" {
-				noDataFoundCnt++
-				continue
-			}
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		recordsDeletedCnt++
-	}
-	if noDataFoundCnt == len(filePaths) {
-		errList = []error{errormdl.Wrap("no data found")}
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/corefdb.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/corefdb.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ea415b0c887ca8a27c6ba80cb1b10b18ab566778..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/corefdb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1542 +0,0 @@
-package corefdb
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"github.com/tidwall/buntdb"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-const (
-	INDEXFOLDER = "index"
-	// LazyCallBackFnAppendBucket - LazyCallBackFnAppendBucket
-	LazyCallBackFnAppendBucket = "LazyWriterAppendBucketCallBackFn"
-	// LazyCallBackFnSaveIndex - LazyCallBackFnSaveIndex
-	LazyCallBackFnSaveIndex = "LazyWriterCallBackFnAppendBucketSaveIndex"
-	lineBreak               = "\r\n"
-	IndexKeyValSeperator    = "="
-	FileType                = "fileType"
-	MigrationTypeUpdate     = "MigrationTypeUpdate"
-	MigrationTypeReplace    = "MigrationTypeReplace"
-	MigrationTypeKeyword    = "migrationType"
-	MigrationConfigFilename = "migrationConfig"
-	PathSeperator           = "/"
-// ErrNoDataFound - This error describes that the required data might be deleted and not found. Kindly ignore this error in caller.
-var ErrNoDataFound = errors.New("data not found")
-var databases cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-var defaultDB string
-var IsDebugModeOn bool
-func init() {
-	databases.Setup(1, 1000, 1000)
-	if os.Getenv("FDBMODE") == "debug" {
-		fmt.Println("fdb debug mode is on")
-		IsDebugModeOn = true
-	}
-// FDB - FDB
-type FDB struct {
-	DBName            string
-	DBPath            string `json:"dbPath"`
-	EnableSecurity    bool   `json:"enableSec"` // if enabled, fdb files will be encrypted
-	EnableCompression bool   `json:"enableCmp"` // if enabled, fdb files will be compressed and then encrypted
-	indexes           map[string]*index.Index
-	indexMux          sync.Mutex
-	buckets           map[string]bucket.Store
-	bLocker           sync.Mutex
-	securityProvider  securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-// CreateFDBInstance - creates fdb instance
-func CreateFDBInstance(dbPath, dbName string, isDefault bool) (*FDB, error) {
-	fdb := &FDB{
-		DBPath:   dbPath,
-		indexes:  make(map[string]*index.Index),
-		indexMux: sync.Mutex{},
-		buckets:  make(map[string]bucket.Store),
-		bLocker:  sync.Mutex{},
-		DBName:   dbName,
-	}
-	if isDefault {
-		defaultDB = dbName
-	}
-	databases.SetNoExpiration(dbName, fdb)
-	return fdb, nil
-// GetFDBInstance - returns fdb instance
-func GetFDBInstance(dbName string) (*FDB, error) {
-	if dbName == "" {
-		dbName = defaultDB
-	}
-	rawDB, ok := databases.Get(dbName)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Database instance not found")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Database instance not found")
-	}
-	fdb, ok := rawDB.(*FDB)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Can not cast object into *FDB")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Can not cast object into *FDB")
-	}
-	return fdb, nil
-func (fdb *FDB) SetSecurityProvider(securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) error {
-	if securityProvider == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	for key := range fdb.buckets {
-		val := fdb.buckets[key]
-		if bucketObj, ok := val.(bucket.Securable); ok {
-			bucketObj.Secure(securityProvider)
-			bucketStore, _ := bucketObj.(bucket.Store)
-			loggermdl.LogError("bucketStore typof", bucketStore)
-			fdb.buckets[key] = bucketStore
-		}
-	}
-	fdb.securityProvider = securityProvider
-	return nil
-// EnableFDBSecurity enables security. Files will be encrypted.
-func (fdb *FDB) EnableFDBSecurity(sec bool) {
-	if !sec {
-		return
-	}
-	fdb.EnableSecurity = sec
-// RegisterNewIndex - RegisterNewIndex returns new index
-func (fdb *FDB) RegisterNewIndex(indexID, indexNameQuery string, isDynamicName bool, indexFields []index.IndexField) (*index.Index, error) {
-	fdb.indexMux.Lock()
-	defer fdb.indexMux.Unlock()
-	indexFilePath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, INDEXFOLDER, indexID))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	index, err := index.NewIndex(indexID, indexNameQuery, isDynamicName, indexFilePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	index.SetFields(indexFields...)
-	if _, ok := fdb.indexes[indexID]; ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Index ID already found")
-	}
-	err = index.CreateIndex()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	fdb.indexes[indexID] = index
-	return index, nil
-func (fdb *FDB) AddBucket(bucketID string, bucketObj bucket.Store) error {
-	if bucketObj == nil {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("bucket is nil")
-	}
-	if _, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]; ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("bucket already present: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	if fdb.securityProvider != nil {
-		if securable, ok := bucketObj.(bucket.Securable); ok {
-			securable.Secure(fdb.securityProvider)
-			bucketObj, _ = securable.(bucket.Store)
-		}
-	}
-	fdb.buckets[bucketID] = bucketObj
-	return nil
-// GetFDBIndex - returns index
-func (f *FDB) GetFDBIndex(indexID string) (*index.Index, bool) {
-	index, ok := f.indexes[indexID]
-	return index, ok
-// GetFDBBucketStore - returns bucket
-func (f *FDB) GetFDBBucketStore(bucketID string) (bucket.Store, bool) {
-	store, ok := f.buckets[bucketID]
-	return store, ok
-func SaveDataInFDB(dbName string, indexID string, data *gjson.Result) error {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	// get index from fdb index map
-	index, ok := fdb.indexes[indexID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found: ", indexID)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("index not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	//  get bucket id from index
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	//  get bucket from fdb map
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("bucket not found: ", bucketID)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	path, err := fdb.ResolvePath(index, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("could not resolve filepath: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("could not resolve filepath: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	prevVal, err := index.GetEntryByPath(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	filePath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	//  call save on bucket
-	err = bucketObj.Insert(filePath, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to insert data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to insert data:: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	if IsDebugModeOn {
-		var bucketStoreCpy bucket.Store
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.PackBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.SimpleBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.AppendBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if securable, ok := bucketStoreCpy.(bucket.Securable); ok {
-			securable.Secure(nil)
-		}
-		err = bucketStoreCpy.Insert(filePath+"_debug", data)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("debug error: fail to insert data: ", err)
-			// return errormdl.Wrap("fail to insert data:: " + err.Error())
-		}
-	}
-	// save index record in index store
-	// basepath, err := filepath.Abs(fdb.DBPath)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	// basepath = basepath + string(filepath.Separator)
-	// path := strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, basepath)
-	rowID, err := GenRowID(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	prevVal, _ = sjson.Set(prevVal, "rowID", rowID)
-	updatedJSON, err := updateIndexJSON(index, prevVal, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	updatedJSONObj := gjson.Parse(updatedJSON)
-	err = index.AddEntry(path, &updatedJSONObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-func GetFilePaths(dbName, indexID string, queries []string) ([]string, error) {
-	filePaths := make([]string, 0)
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return filePaths, errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	//  get index Id from index map
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-		return filePaths, errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return filePaths, err
-	}
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		return filePaths, nil
-	}
-	for filePath := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, filePath))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return filePaths, err
-		}
-		filePaths = append(filePaths, filePath)
-	}
-	return filePaths, nil
-func ReadDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID string, data *gjson.Result, queries []string, infileIndexQueries []string) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	//  get index Id from index map
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucket, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	resultToReturn := gjson.Parse("[]")
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		return &resultToReturn, nil
-	}
-	filePaths := make([]string, 0)
-	for filePath := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, filePath))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		filePaths = append(filePaths, filePath)
-	}
-	resultArray, err := bucket.Find(filePaths, infileIndexQueries, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	resultToReturn = gjson.Parse(resultArray)
-	return &resultToReturn, nil
-func UpdateDataInFDB(dbName, indexID string, data *gjson.Result, queries []string, infileIndexQueries []string) (*gjson.Result, []error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)}
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-		return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + indexID)}
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")}
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return nil, []error{errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)}
-	}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, []error{err}
-	}
-	resultToReturn := gjson.Parse("[]")
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("files not found")
-		return &resultToReturn, []error{ErrNoDataFound}
-	}
-	filePaths := make([]string, 0)
-	for filePath := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, filePath))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, []error{err}
-		}
-		filePaths = append(filePaths, filePath)
-	}
-	resultArray, errList := bucketObj.Update(filePaths, infileIndexQueries, data)
-	if len(errList) > 1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError(errList)
-		return nil, errList
-	}
-	if IsDebugModeOn {
-		debugFilePath := make([]string, len(filePaths))
-		for i, fpath := range filePaths {
-			debugFilePath[i] = fpath + "_debug"
-		}
-		var bucketStoreCpy bucket.Store
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.PackBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.SimpleBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.AppendBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if securable, ok := bucketStoreCpy.(bucket.Securable); ok {
-			securable.Secure(nil)
-		}
-		_, errList := bucketStoreCpy.Update(debugFilePath, infileIndexQueries, data)
-		if len(errList) > 1 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("debug error: ", errList)
-		}
-	}
-	for filePath, json := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		rowID, err := GenRowID(filePath)
-		if err != nil {
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		json, _ = sjson.Set(json, "rowID", rowID)
-		updatedJSON, err := updateIndexJSON(index, json, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		updatedJSONObj := gjson.Parse(updatedJSON)
-		err = index.AddEntry(filePath, &updatedJSONObj)
-		if err != nil {
-			errList = append(errList, err)
-			continue
-		}
-	}
-	return resultArray, nil
-func DeleteDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID string, rs *gjson.Result, queries []string, infileIndexQueries []string) (recordsDeletedCnt int, errList []error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)}
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + indexID)}
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return 0, []error{errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")}
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)}
-	}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{err}
-	}
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("files not found")
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{ErrNoDataFound}
-	}
-	filePaths := make([]string, 0)
-	for filePath := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, filePath))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordsDeletedCnt, []error{err}
-		}
-		filePaths = append(filePaths, filePath)
-	}
-	cnt, errList := bucketObj.Delete(filePaths, infileIndexQueries, rs)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError(errList)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, errList
-	}
-	if IsDebugModeOn {
-		debugFilePaths := make([]string, len(filePaths))
-		for i, fpath := range filePaths {
-			debugFilePaths[i] = fpath + "_debug"
-		}
-		var bucketStoreCpy bucket.Store
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.PackBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.SimpleBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if bucketIns, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.AppendBucket); ok {
-			cpy := *bucketIns
-			bucketStoreCpy = &cpy
-		}
-		if securable, ok := bucketStoreCpy.(bucket.Securable); ok {
-			securable.Secure(nil)
-		}
-		_, errList := bucketStoreCpy.Delete(debugFilePaths, infileIndexQueries, rs)
-		if len(errList) > 1 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("debug", errList)
-		}
-	}
-	if _, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.SimpleBucket); ok {
-		for path := range indexKeyValueMap {
-			err := index.Delete(path)
-			if err != nil {
-				errList = append(errList, err)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return cnt, errList
-func SaveMediaInFDB(dbName, indexID string, mediaData []byte, data *gjson.Result) (recordPath string, err error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	// get index from fdb index map
-	index, ok := fdb.indexes[indexID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found: ", indexID)
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("index not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	//  get bucket id from index
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	//  get bucket from fdb map
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("bucket not found: ", bucketID)
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	path, err := fdb.ResolvePath(index, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("could not resolve filepath: ", err)
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("could not resolve filepath: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	prevVal, err := index.GetEntryByPath(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordPath, err
-	}
-	filePath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordPath, err
-	}
-	mediaStore, ok := bucketObj.(bucket.MediaStore)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("cannot write media data on this bucket: ", bucketID)
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("cannot write media data on this bucket: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	//  call save on bucket
-	recordID, err := mediaStore.WriteMedia(filePath, mediaData, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to insert data: ", err)
-		return recordPath, errormdl.Wrap("fail to insert data:: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	if IsDebugModeOn {
-		_, err := mediaStore.WriteMedia(filePath+"_debug", mediaData, data)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("debug error : fail to insert data: ", err)
-		}
-	}
-	rowID, err := GenRowID(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordPath, err
-	}
-	prevVal, _ = sjson.Set(prevVal, "rowID", rowID)
-	updatedJSON, err := updateIndexJSON(index, prevVal, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordPath, err
-	}
-	updatedJSONObj := gjson.Parse(updatedJSON)
-	err = index.AddEntry(path, &updatedJSONObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordPath, err
-	}
-	recordPath = fdb.DBName + PathSeperator + indexID + PathSeperator + rowID + PathSeperator + recordID
-	return recordPath, nil
-func GetMediaFromFDB(dbName, indexID string, rowID, recordID string) (dataByte []byte, fileMeta gjson.Result, err error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	mediaReader, ok := bucketObj.(bucket.MediaStore)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("cannot write media data on this bucket: ", bucketID)
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, errormdl.Wrap("cannot write media data on this bucket: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	queries := []string{`#[rowID=` + rowID + `]`}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, err
-	}
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("files not found")
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, nil
-	}
-	filePath := ""
-	for path := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return dataByte, fileMeta, err
-		}
-		// find only one file
-		break
-	}
-	dataByte, metaData, err := mediaReader.ReadMedia(filePath, recordID)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return dataByte, fileMeta, err
-	}
-	fileMeta = metaData.Get("requiredData")
-	return dataByte, gjson.Parse(fileMeta.String()), nil
-func UpdateMediaInFDB(dbName, indexID, recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	recordID = strings.TrimSpace(recordID)
-	if recordID == "" {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("please provide recordID")
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found: " + indexID)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("index not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	path, err := fdb.ResolvePath(index, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("could not find filepath: ", err)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("could not resolve filepath: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	rowID, err := GenRowID(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	queries := []string{`#[rowID=` + rowID + `]`}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("files not found")
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	}
-	filePath := ""
-	for path := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", err
-		}
-	}
-	mediaStore, ok := bucketObj.(bucket.MediaStore)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("cannot write media data on this bucket: ", bucketID)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("cannot write media data on this bucket: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	err = mediaStore.UpdateMedia(filePath, recordID, mediaData, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if IsDebugModeOn {
-		err = mediaStore.UpdateMedia(filePath+"_debug", recordID, mediaData, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("debug error:", err)
-		}
-	}
-	for path, val := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		json, _ := sjson.Set(val, "rowID", rowID)
-		updatedJSON, err := updateIndexJSON(index, json, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return "", err
-		}
-		updatedJSONObj := gjson.Parse(updatedJSON)
-		err = index.AddEntry(path, &updatedJSONObj)
-		if err != nil {
-			return "", err
-		}
-	}
-	recordPath := fdb.DBName + PathSeperator + indexID + PathSeperator + rowID + PathSeperator + recordID
-	return recordPath, nil
-func UpsertMediaInFDB(dbName, indexID, recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", dbName)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found " + dbName)
-	}
-	recordID = strings.TrimSpace(recordID)
-	if recordID == "" {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("please provide recordID")
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found: " + indexID)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("index not found: " + indexID)
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	path, err := fdb.ResolvePath(index, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("could not find filepath: ", err)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("could not resolve filepath: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	rowID, err := GenRowID(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	queries := []string{`#[rowID=` + rowID + `]`}
-	indexKeyValueMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if len(indexKeyValueMap) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("files not found")
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	}
-	filePath := ""
-	for path := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		filePath, err = filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path))
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", err
-		}
-	}
-	mediaStore, ok := bucketObj.(bucket.MediaStore)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("cannot write media data on this bucket: ", bucketID)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("cannot write media data on this bucket: " + bucketID)
-	}
-	recordID, err = mediaStore.UpsertMedia(filePath, recordID, mediaData, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if IsDebugModeOn {
-		_, err = mediaStore.UpsertMedia(filePath+"_debug", recordID, mediaData, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("debug error:", err)
-		}
-	}
-	for path, val := range indexKeyValueMap {
-		json, _ := sjson.Set(val, "rowID", rowID)
-		updatedJSON, err := updateIndexJSON(index, json, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return "", err
-		}
-		updatedJSONObj := gjson.Parse(updatedJSON)
-		err = index.AddEntry(path, &updatedJSONObj)
-		if err != nil {
-			return "", err
-		}
-	}
-	recordPath := fdb.DBName + PathSeperator + indexID + PathSeperator + rowID + PathSeperator + recordID
-	return recordPath, nil
-func ReorganizeFiles(dbName string) (errList []error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while fetching DB instance", err)
-		return []error{errormdl.Wrap("Error occured while fetching DB instance")}
-	}
-	for _, index := range fdb.indexes {
-		bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-		if bktCnt == 0 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-			return []error{errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")}
-		}
-		bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-		bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-			return []error{errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)}
-		}
-		if packBucketObj, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.PackBucket); ok {
-			indexKeyValMap, err := index.GetAllEntries()
-			if err != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("index data not found", err)
-				return []error{errormdl.Wrap("index data not found")}
-			}
-			if len(indexKeyValMap) == 0 {
-				loggermdl.LogError("no data found to reorganize")
-				return []error{}
-			}
-			filePaths := make([]string, len(indexKeyValMap))
-			i := 0
-			for filePath := range indexKeyValMap {
-				sourceFile, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, filePath))
-				if err != nil {
-					errList = append(errList, errormdl.Wrap("Error occured during reOrg of file data"))
-					continue
-				}
-				filePaths[i] = sourceFile
-				i++
-			}
-			reorgErrs := packBucketObj.Reorg(filePaths[:i])
-			if len(reorgErrs) > 0 {
-				errList = append(errList, reorgErrs...)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return errList
-func ReorganizeFDBBucketData(dbName, indexId string, queries []string) (errList []error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while fetching DB instance", err)
-		return []error{errormdl.Wrap("Error occured while fetching DB instance")}
-	}
-	index, found := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexId)
-	if !found {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found")
-		return []error{errormdl.Wrap("index not found")}
-	}
-	bktCnt := len(index.BucketSequence)
-	if bktCnt == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no buckets available")
-		return []error{errormdl.Wrap("no buckets available")}
-	}
-	bucketID := index.BucketSequence[bktCnt-1]
-	bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		return []error{errormdl.Wrap("Bucket not found: " + bucketID)}
-	}
-	if packBucketObj, ok := bucketObj.(*bucket.PackBucket); ok {
-		var indexKeyValMap map[string]string
-		var err error
-		if len(queries) > 0 {
-			indexKeyValMap, err = index.GetEntriesByQueries(queries)
-		} else {
-			indexKeyValMap, err = index.GetAllEntries()
-		}
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("index data not found", err)
-			return []error{errormdl.Wrap("index data not found")}
-		}
-		if indexKeyValMap == nil || len(indexKeyValMap) == 0 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("no data found to reorganize")
-			return []error{}
-		}
-		filePaths := make([]string, len(indexKeyValMap))
-		i := 0
-		for filePath := range indexKeyValMap {
-			sourceFile, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, filePath))
-			if err != nil {
-				errList = append(errList, errormdl.Wrap("Error occured during reOrg of file data"))
-				continue
-			}
-			filePaths[i] = sourceFile
-			i++
-		}
-		reorgErrs := packBucketObj.Reorg(filePaths[:i])
-		if len(reorgErrs) > 0 {
-			errList = append(errList, reorgErrs...)
-		}
-		if IsDebugModeOn {
-			var debugFilePaths []string
-			for _, fPath := range filePaths[:i] {
-				debugFilePaths = append(debugFilePaths, fPath+"_debug")
-			}
-			reorgErrs := packBucketObj.Reorg(debugFilePaths)
-			if len(reorgErrs) > 0 {
-				loggermdl.LogError("debug error", reorgErrs)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return errList
-func (fdb *FDB) ResolvePath(index *index.Index, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	path := ""
-	for _, bucketID := range index.BucketSequence {
-		bucketObj, ok := fdb.buckets[bucketID]
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-			return "", errormdl.Wrap("bucket not found: " + bucketID)
-		}
-		pathResolver, ok := bucketObj.(bucket.PathProvider)
-		if !ok {
-			return "", errormdl.Wrap("cant not find bucket path")
-		}
-		bucketPath, err := pathResolver.GetPath(rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return "", err
-		}
-		path = filepath.Join(path, bucketPath)
-	}
-	indexName := index.IndexNameQuery
-	if index.IsDynamicName {
-		indexName = rs.Get(index.IndexNameQuery).String()
-	}
-	if indexName == "" {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("required attribute not provided:" + index.IndexNameQuery)
-	}
-	path = filepath.Join(path, indexName)
-	return path, nil
-// updateIndexJSON - update JSON with index field data
-func updateIndexJSON(index *index.Index, existingData string, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	json := existingData
-	var err error
-	for _, indexField := range index.IndexFields {
-		if rs.Get(indexField.Query).Value() == nil {
-			continue
-		}
-		json, err = sjson.Set(json, indexField.FieldName, rs.Get(indexField.Query).Value())
-		// loggermdl.LogError("Error - ", err)
-	}
-	return json, err
-// GenRowID generates hash for the given filename. The length of hash is 16
-func GenRowID(name string) (string, error) {
-	name = strings.ReplaceAll(filepath.Clean(name), string(filepath.Separator), "")
-	rowID, err := securitymdl.GetHash(name)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if len(rowID) > 16 {
-		return rowID[:16], nil
-	}
-	return rowID, nil
-func addMigrationReplaceConfig(targetBasePath string, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) error {
-	configfilePath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(targetBasePath, MigrationConfigFilename))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	migartionConfigStr, _ := sjson.Set("", MigrationTypeKeyword, MigrationTypeReplace)
-	rs := gjson.Parse(migartionConfigStr)
-	lockerObj := locker.NewLocker(configfilePath)
-	lockerObj.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(configfilePath, securityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		lockerObj.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to add migration config: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	err = simpleFile.Write(&rs)
-	return err
-func addMigrationUpdateConfig(targetBasePath string, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) error {
-	configfilePath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(targetBasePath, MigrationConfigFilename))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	migartionConfigStr, _ := sjson.Set("", MigrationTypeKeyword, MigrationTypeUpdate)
-	rs := gjson.Parse(migartionConfigStr)
-	lockerObj := locker.NewLocker(configfilePath)
-	lockerObj.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(configfilePath, securityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		lockerObj.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to add migration config: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	return simpleFile.Write(&rs)
-func getMigrationConfig(sourcePath string, rs *gjson.Result, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	configfilePath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(sourcePath, MigrationConfigFilename))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(configfilePath) {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("file not found")
-	}
-	lockerObj := locker.NewLocker(configfilePath)
-	lockerObj.Lock()
-	simpleFile, err := filetype.NewSimpleFile(configfilePath, securityProvider)
-	defer func() {
-		simpleFile.Close()
-		lockerObj.Unlock()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	dataByte, err := simpleFile.Read(rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	migrationConfig := gjson.ParseBytes(dataByte)
-	return &migrationConfig, nil
-type ZipImporter struct {
-	FdbName    string
-	IndexID    string
-	SourcePath string
-	Data       *gjson.Result
-// ZipExporter is a DataExporter
-// allow to export fdb data as zip
-type ZipExporter struct {
-	FdbName       string
-	IndexID       string
-	Queries       []string
-	DestPath      string
-	MigrationType string
-// DataExport exports fdb data as zip
-func (z ZipExporter) DataExport() (err error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(z.FdbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", z.FdbName)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found: " + z.FdbName)
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(z.IndexID)
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + z.IndexID)
-	}
-	sourcePath := ""
-	timeStamp := time.Now().Nanosecond()
-	targetBasePath := filepath.Join(filemdl.TempDir, strconv.Itoa(timeStamp))
-	filteredKeyValMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(z.Queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if len(filteredKeyValMap) == 0 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("no data found to export")
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		// removes created zip
-		filemdl.DeleteDirectory(targetBasePath)
-	}()
-	// copy data files
-	for path := range filteredKeyValMap {
-		sourcePath = filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path)
-		targetPath := filepath.Join(targetBasePath, path)
-		_, err := filemdl.CopyFile(sourcePath, targetPath, true)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// copy index file
-	targetPath := filepath.Join(targetBasePath, INDEXFOLDER, z.IndexID)
-	err = AddIndexEntriesInFile(targetPath, filteredKeyValMap, index.SecurityProvider)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	switch z.MigrationType {
-	case MigrationTypeUpdate:
-		err = addMigrationUpdateConfig(targetBasePath, index.SecurityProvider)
-	case MigrationTypeReplace:
-		err = addMigrationReplaceConfig(targetBasePath, index.SecurityProvider)
-	default:
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to export data: export operation not allowed on migration type - " + z.MigrationType)
-	}
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to export data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to export data: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	// make zip of copied data to destination folder
-	// zip will have name of indexId
-	destinationPath := filepath.Join(z.DestPath, z.IndexID)
-	return filemdl.Zip(targetBasePath, destinationPath)
-// DataImport imports data from zip
-func (z ZipImporter) DataImport() (err error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(z.FdbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", z.FdbName)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found: " + z.FdbName)
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(z.IndexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found: ", z.IndexID)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("index not found: " + z.IndexID)
-	}
-	archivePath := z.SourcePath
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(archivePath) {
-		loggermdl.LogError("archive file not found at specified location: ", archivePath)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("archive file not found at location: " + archivePath)
-	}
-	timeStamp := time.Now().Nanosecond()
-	pathToExtractZip := filepath.Join(filemdl.TempDir, strconv.Itoa(timeStamp))
-	err = filemdl.Unzip(archivePath, pathToExtractZip)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to import data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		// removes extracted files
-		filemdl.DeleteDirectory(pathToExtractZip)
-	}()
-	childDirs, err := filemdl.ListDirectory(pathToExtractZip)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to import data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-	}
-	if len(childDirs) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no data found to import")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("no data found to import")
-	}
-	if !childDirs[0].IsDir() {
-		loggermdl.LogError("invalid archive file")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archive file")
-	}
-	sourcePath := filepath.Join(pathToExtractZip, childDirs[0].Name())
-	fdbBasePath := fdb.DBPath
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug(sourcePath)
-	migrationConfig, err := getMigrationConfig(sourcePath, z.Data, index.SecurityProvider)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to get migration config", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-	}
-	migrationType := migrationConfig.Get(MigrationTypeKeyword).String()
-	if migrationType != MigrationTypeReplace && migrationType != MigrationTypeUpdate {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("import operation not allowed on migration type - " + migrationType)
-	}
-	err = filepath.Walk(sourcePath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("err", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		if info.IsDir() {
-			return nil
-		}
-		//  ignore config file from copying
-		if strings.Contains(path, MigrationConfigFilename) {
-			return nil
-		}
-		foundAtIndex := strings.LastIndex(path, sourcePath)
-		if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-		}
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug(path)
-		// if migartion type is MigrationTypeUpdate then copy index entries from index files else replace index files
-		if migrationType == MigrationTypeUpdate && strings.Contains(path, INDEXFOLDER) {
-			// load index entries from
-			err := ImportIndexEntries(path, fdb, z.IndexID)
-			if err != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("fail to load indexes from data", err)
-				return errormdl.Wrap("fail to load indexes")
-			}
-			err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-			if err != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("fail to add indexes: ", err)
-				return errormdl.Wrap("fail to add indexes")
-			}
-			return nil
-		}
-		destPath := filepath.Join(fdbBasePath, path[foundAtIndex+len(sourcePath):])
-		if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(destPath) {
-			dir, _ := filepath.Split(destPath)
-			err = filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-			if err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		return filemdl.AtomicReplaceFile(path, destPath)
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to import data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to import data: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	err = index.LoadIndexEntriesFromFile()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to add indexes", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to add indexes")
-	}
-	return nil
-// ImportIndexEntries -
-func ImportIndexEntries(indexFilePath string, fdb *FDB, indexID string) error {
-	index, found := fdb.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !found {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("index not found")
-	}
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(indexFilePath) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	fileData, err := filemdl.FastReadFile(indexFilePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to load FDB index from: ", indexFilePath)
-		return err
-	}
-	fileData, err = index.SecurityProvider.Decrypt(fileData, indexFilePath, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to decrypt FDB index data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("failed to decrypt FDB index data: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	data := string(fileData)
-	indexRecords := strings.Split(data, lineBreak)
-	indexDataMap := make(map[string]string)
-	for _, indexRecord := range indexRecords {
-		indexValues := strings.Split(indexRecord, IndexKeyValSeperator)
-		if len(indexValues) == 2 {
-			indexDataMap[indexValues[0]] = indexValues[1]
-		}
-	}
-	var fns []func(a, b string) bool
-	for _, idx := range index.IndexFields {
-		fns = append(fns, buntdb.IndexJSON(idx.FieldName))
-	}
-	// update index file by reading all data and updating index file
-	return index.AddEntries(indexDataMap)
-// FileImporter is a DataImporter
-// allow to import fdb data from exported folder
-type FileImporter struct {
-	FdbName    string
-	IndexID    string
-	SourcePath string
-	Data       *gjson.Result
-// FileExporter is a DataExporter
-// allow to export fdb data in a folder
-type FileExporter struct {
-	FdbName       string
-	IndexID       string
-	Queries       []string
-	DestPath      string
-	MigrationType string
-// DataExport exports fdb data in a folder
-func (f FileExporter) DataExport() (err error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(f.FdbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", f.FdbName)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found: " + f.FdbName)
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(f.IndexID)
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("INDEX not found: " + f.IndexID)
-	}
-	sourcePath := ""
-	targetBasePath := filepath.Join(f.DestPath, f.IndexID)
-	filteredKeyValMap, err := index.GetEntriesByQueries(f.Queries)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if len(filteredKeyValMap) == 0 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("no data found to export")
-	}
-	for path := range filteredKeyValMap {
-		sourcePath = filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, path)
-		targetPath := filepath.Join(targetBasePath, path)
-		_, err := filemdl.CopyFile(sourcePath, targetPath, true)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// copy index file
-	targetPath := filepath.Join(targetBasePath, INDEXFOLDER, f.IndexID)
-	err = AddIndexEntriesInFile(targetPath, filteredKeyValMap, index.SecurityProvider)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	switch f.MigrationType {
-	case MigrationTypeUpdate:
-		err = addMigrationUpdateConfig(targetBasePath, index.SecurityProvider)
-	case MigrationTypeReplace:
-		err = addMigrationReplaceConfig(targetBasePath, index.SecurityProvider)
-	default:
-		return errormdl.Wrap("export operation not allowed on migration type - " + f.MigrationType)
-	}
-	return err
-// DataImport imports data from exported folder
-func (f FileImporter) DataImport() (err error) {
-	fdb, err := GetFDBInstance(f.FdbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fdb instance not found: ", f.FdbName)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fdb instance not found: " + f.FdbName)
-	}
-	index, ok := fdb.GetFDBIndex(f.IndexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found: ", f.IndexID)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("index not found: " + f.IndexID)
-	}
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.SourcePath) {
-		loggermdl.LogError("archive file not found at specified location: ", f.SourcePath)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("archive file not found at location: " + f.SourcePath)
-	}
-	timeStamp := time.Now().Nanosecond()
-	tempDir := filepath.Join(filemdl.TempDir, strconv.Itoa(timeStamp))
-	err = filemdl.CopyDir(f.SourcePath, tempDir)
-	defer func() {
-		filemdl.DeleteDirectory(tempDir)
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to import data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to copy data")
-	}
-	childDirs, err := filemdl.ListDirectory(tempDir)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to import data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-	}
-	if len(childDirs) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no data found to import")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("no data found to import")
-	}
-	fdbBasePath := fdb.DBPath
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug(f.SourcePath)
-	migrationConfig, err := getMigrationConfig(tempDir, f.Data, index.SecurityProvider)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to get migration config", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-	}
-	migrationType := migrationConfig.Get(MigrationTypeKeyword).String()
-	if migrationType != MigrationTypeReplace && migrationType != MigrationTypeUpdate {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("import operation not allowed on migration type - " + migrationType)
-	}
-	err = filepath.Walk(tempDir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("err", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// loggermdl.LogError(path)
-		if info.IsDir() {
-			return nil
-		}
-		//  ignore config file from copying
-		if strings.Contains(path, MigrationConfigFilename) {
-			return nil
-		}
-		foundAtIndex := strings.LastIndex(path, tempDir)
-		if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("invalid archived file")
-		}
-		// if file is index file then copy index entries from index files
-		if strings.Contains(path, INDEXFOLDER) {
-			// load index entries from file
-			err := ImportIndexEntries(path, fdb, f.IndexID)
-			if err != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("fail to import indexes", err)
-				return errormdl.Wrap("fail to import indexes")
-			}
-			err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-			if err != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("fail to import indexes: ", err)
-				return errormdl.Wrap("fail to import indexes")
-			}
-			return nil
-		}
-		destPath := filepath.Join(fdbBasePath, path[foundAtIndex+len(tempDir):])
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(destPath) {
-			dir, _ := filepath.Split(destPath)
-			err = filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-			if err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		return filemdl.AtomicReplaceFile(path, destPath)
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to import data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to import data: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	return nil
-// AddIndexEntriesInFile -AddIndexEntriesInFile
-func AddIndexEntriesInFile(indexFilePath string, entries map[string]string, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) error {
-	// dbPath := filepath.Join(fdbPath, INDEXFOLDER)
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("in log fdb index")
-	dataToStore := ""
-	for key, val := range entries {
-		dataToStore = dataToStore + key + IndexKeyValSeperator + val + lineBreak
-	}
-	dataByteToWriteRes := []byte{}
-	var hashError error
-	if len(dataToStore) > 0 {
-		_, fileName := filepath.Split(indexFilePath)
-		dataByteToWriteRes, hashError = securityProvider.Encrypt([]byte(dataToStore), fileName, nil)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(hashError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr1(hashError)
-		}
-	}
-	return filemdl.WriteFile(indexFilePath, dataByteToWriteRes, true, false)
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/corefdb_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/corefdb_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 302bc458d47c0bce8b4f42b04b3d752a2343d703..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/corefdb_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,772 +0,0 @@
-package corefdb
-import (
-	"log"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/bucket"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-var (
-	dbPath              = "D:\\exe\\myfdb"
-	dbName              = "myfdb"
-	CheckLazyIndexWrite = false
-	lazyWriteInterval   = 3
-func init() {
-	fdb, err := CreateFDBInstance(dbPath, dbName, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	// enable security on fdb
-	{
-		fdbSecurityProvider := securityprovider.New(securityprovider.SecurityConfig{
-			EncKey:         "myenckey",
-			UserDefinedKey: "mkcl",
-			FieldQuery:     "instituteId",
-		})
-		err = fdb.SetSecurityProvider(fdbSecurityProvider)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-	//  creating simple bucket
-	{
-		simpleBucket, err := bucket.NewSimpleBucket("Simple", false, false, "")
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		fields := []index.IndexField{
-			index.IndexField{
-				FieldName: "name",
-				Query:     "name",
-			},
-		}
-		i, err := fdb.RegisterNewIndex("stdId", "studentId", true, fields)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		err = simpleBucket.AddIndex(i)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		err = fdb.AddBucket(simpleBucket.BucketID, simpleBucket)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-	//  creating pack bucket
-	{
-		inFileIndexSchemaMap := map[string]filetype.InFileIndex{
-			"Exam": filetype.InFileIndex{
-				FileType: "Exam",
-				IndexFields: []filetype.InFileIndexField{
-					filetype.InFileIndexField{
-						FieldName: "examId",
-						Query:     "examId",
-					},
-				},
-			},
-			"Profile": filetype.InFileIndex{
-				FileType: "Profile",
-				IndexFields: []filetype.InFileIndexField{
-					filetype.InFileIndexField{
-						FieldName: "class",
-						Query:     "class",
-					},
-				},
-			},
-		}
-		packBucket, err := bucket.NewPackBucket("PackBucket", false, "", inFileIndexSchemaMap)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		packIndexfields := []index.IndexField{
-			index.IndexField{
-				FieldName: "name",
-				Query:     "name",
-			},
-		}
-		packbucketIndex, err := fdb.RegisterNewIndex("studentPack", "stdId", true, packIndexfields)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		err = packBucket.AddIndex(packbucketIndex)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		err = fdb.AddBucket(packBucket.BucketID, packBucket)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-	//  creating append bucket
-	{
-		appendBucket, err := bucket.NewAppendBucket("Append", false, false, "")
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		fields := []index.IndexField{
-			index.IndexField{
-				FieldName: "name",
-				Query:     "name",
-			},
-		}
-		i, err := fdb.RegisterNewIndex("stdResponse", "studentId", true, fields)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		err = appendBucket.AddIndex(i)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		err = fdb.AddBucket(appendBucket.BucketID, appendBucket)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-	// load index record from index files
-	// {
-	// 	indexIds := []string{"stdId", "studentPack", "stdResponse"}
-	// 	for _, indexID := range indexIds {
-	// 		indexFilePath := filepath.Join(fdb.DBPath, INDEXFOLDER, indexID)
-	// 		err = LoadFDBIndexFromFile(indexFilePath, fdb, indexID)
-	// 		if err != nil {
-	// 			log.Fatal(err)
-	// 		}
-	// 	}
-	// }
-func TestSaveDataInSimpleBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		data           string
-		ShouldGetError bool
-	}{
-		{
-			data:           `{"instituteId":"geca" ,"name": "ajay","fileType": "EXAM","studentId": 1234,"examId":"exam001","examName": "test102","totalQuestions":50,"marks": 38}`,
-			ShouldGetError: false,
-		},
-		{
-			data:           `{"instituteId":"geca" ,"name": "ajay","fileType": "EXAM","studentId": 1235,"examId":"exam001","examName": "test102","totalQuestions":50,"marks": 38}`,
-			ShouldGetError: false,
-		},
-		{
-			data:           `{"instituteId":"geca" ,"name": "ajay","fileType": "EXAM","studentId": 1236,"examId":"exam001","examName": "test102","totalQuestions":50,"marks": 38}`,
-			ShouldGetError: false,
-		},
-	}
-	indexID := "stdId"
-	for i, test := range tests {
-		studentObj := gjson.Parse(test.data)
-		t.Logf("\t Test: %d", i)
-		now := time.Now()
-		err := SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		timeElapsed := time.Since(now)
-		// loggermdl.LogError("timeElapsed", timeElapsed)
-		t.Logf("\t %s\t should be able to save data %s", "succeed", timeElapsed)
-	}
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestGetDataFromSimpleBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "stdId"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "fileType", "Exam")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	queries := []string{`#[name==ajay]`}
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{}
-	result, err := ReadDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, inFileIndexQueries)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("result", result.String())
-func TestUpdateDataInNormalBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "stdId"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "abc", 10)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "marks", 30)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Exam")
-	queries := []string{`#[name=="ajay"]`}
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{}
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	updatedData, errList := UpdateDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, infileIndexQueries)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError(errList)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedData", updatedData)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestDeleteDataFromNormalBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "stdId"
-	queries := []string{`#[name==ajay]`}
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{}
-	// data, _ := sjson.Set("", "fileType", "Exam")
-	// data, _ := sjson.Set(data, "studentId", 1234)
-	studentObj := gjson.Result{}
-	recordsDeletedCnt, errList := DeleteDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, infileIndexQueries)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("errList", errList)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("recordsDeletedCnt", recordsDeletedCnt)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestSaveDataInPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	// get fdb obj
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "ajay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1238)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examName", "unit2")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "totalQuestion", 50)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "marks", 26)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examId", "MATH001")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Exam")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	err := SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestGetDataFromPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "ajay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Exam")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	queries := []string{`#[name=ajay]`}
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[examId=MATH001]`}
-	result, err := ReadDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, infileIndexQueries)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("result", result)
-func TestUpdateDataInPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "abc", "123")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Exam")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	queries := []string{`#[name=ajay]`}
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[examId=MATH002]`}
-	result, errList := UpdateDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, infileIndexQueries)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		log.Fatal(errList)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("result", result)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestDeleteDataFromPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "abc", "123")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Exam")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	queries := []string{`#[name=vijay]`}
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[examId=MATH002]`}
-	cnt, errList := DeleteDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, infileIndexQueries)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		log.Fatal(errList)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("delete cnt", cnt)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestSaveMediaInPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "vijay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1239)
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	filePath := "C:\\Users\\vivekn\\Pictures\\gopher.png"
-	dataByte, err := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	recordID, err := SaveMediaInFDB(dbName, indexID, dataByte, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("recordId", recordID)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestReadMediaFromPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	rowID := "-568385317811827"
-	recordID := "1ZtdPpUYLuKmcHJpTn2LXQ4XABM"
-	_, fileMeta, err := GetMediaFromFDB(dbName, indexID, rowID, recordID)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("fileMeta", fileMeta)
-func TestUpdateMediaInPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "vijay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1239)
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	recordID := "1ZsY055dnvgL6qutjy5sbnsubS8"
-	filePath := "C:\\Users\\vivekn\\Pictures\\gopher.png"
-	dataByte, err := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	recordPath, err := UpdateMediaInFDB(dbName, indexID, recordID, dataByte, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("recordPath", recordPath)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestUpsertMediaInPackBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "vijay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1239)
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	recordID := "dfsdg123243"
-	filePath := "C:\\Users\\vivekn\\Pictures\\ghg.jpg"
-	dataByte, err := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	recordPath, err := UpsertMediaInFDB(dbName, indexID, recordID, dataByte, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("recordPath", recordPath)
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestSaveDataInAppendBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	tests := []struct {
-		data           string
-		ShouldGetError bool
-	}{
-		{
-			data:           `{"name": "ajay","instituteId": "geca", "fileType": "EXAM","studentId": 1234,"examId":"exam001","examName": "test102","totalQuestions":50,"marks": 38}`,
-			ShouldGetError: false,
-		},
-		{
-			data:           `{"name": "sanjay","instituteId": "geca","fileType": "EXAM","studentId": 1234,"examId":"exam002","examName": "test102","totalQuestions":50,"marks": 38}`,
-			ShouldGetError: false,
-		},
-	}
-	indexID := "stdResponse"
-	for i, test := range tests {
-		studentObj := gjson.Parse(test.data)
-		t.Logf("\t Test: %d", i)
-		err := SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		t.Logf("\t %s\t should be able to save data", "succeed")
-	}
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestExportDataAsZip(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	zipExporter := ZipExporter{
-		DestPath:      "D:\\exe\\backup",
-		IndexID:       indexID,
-		MigrationType: MigrationTypeUpdate,
-		Queries:       []string{},
-		FdbName:       dbName,
-	}
-	err := zipExporter.DataExport()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-func TestImportDataFromZip(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	zipImporter := ZipImporter{
-		Data:       nil,
-		SourcePath: "D:\\exe\\backup\\" + indexID,
-		FdbName:    dbName,
-		IndexID:    indexID,
-	}
-	err = zipImporter.DataImport()
-	// err := ImportZip("myfdb", "home/vivekn/fdb_data/dest/stdId")
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestExportDataAsFiles(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "stdId"
-	exporter := FileExporter{
-		DestPath:      "D:\\exe\\backup",
-		IndexID:       indexID,
-		MigrationType: MigrationTypeUpdate,
-		Queries:       []string{},
-		FdbName:       dbName,
-	}
-	err := exporter.DataExport()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-func TestImportDataFromFile(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "stdId"
-	fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	fileImporter := FileImporter{
-		Data:       nil,
-		SourcePath: "D:\\exe\\backup\\" + indexID,
-		FdbName:    dbName,
-		IndexID:    indexID,
-	}
-	err = fileImporter.DataImport()
-	// err := ImportZip("myfdb", "home/vivekn/fdb_data/dest/stdId")
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	if CheckLazyIndexWrite {
-		time.Sleep(time.Second * time.Duration(5+lazyWriteInterval))
-	} else {
-		index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-		if !ok {
-			log.Fatal("index not found")
-		}
-		err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-	}
-func TestReorg(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	fdbObj, err := GetFDBInstance(dbName)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "ajay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1237)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examName", "unit2")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "totalQuestion", 50)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "marks", 26)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examId", "MATH001")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Exam")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	err = SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examId", "MATH003")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1238)
-	std2 := gjson.Parse(data)
-	err = SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &std2)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examId", "MATH001")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1237)
-	std3 := gjson.Parse(data)
-	err = SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &std3)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "examId", "MATH002")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "instituteId", "geca")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "stdId", 1238)
-	std4 := gjson.Parse(data)
-	err = SaveDataInFDB(dbName, indexID, &std4)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("saved")
-	queries := []string{`#[name=="ajay"]`}
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[examId=="MATH001"]`}
-	recordsDeleted, errList := DeleteDataFromFDB(dbName, indexID, &studentObj, queries, infileIndexQueries)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError(errList)
-	}
-	index, ok := fdbObj.GetFDBIndex(indexID)
-	if !ok {
-		log.Fatal("index not found")
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("deletd cnt", recordsDeleted)
-	err = index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	now := time.Now()
-	errList = ReorganizeFiles("myfdb")
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		log.Fatal(errList)
-	}
-	elapsed := time.Since(now)
-	loggermdl.LogError("elapsed", elapsed)
-func TestReorgBucket(t *testing.T) {
-	indexID := "studentPack"
-	now := time.Now()
-	requeries := []string{}
-	errList := ReorganizeFDBBucketData(dbName, indexID, requeries)
-	if len(errList) > 0 {
-		log.Fatal(errList)
-	}
-	elapsed := time.Since(now)
-	loggermdl.LogError("elapsed", elapsed)
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/append.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/append.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b7e80baf921416e33decca165f891c92d8b3011e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/append.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package filetype
-import (
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-type AppendFile struct {
-	FilePath         string
-	Fp               *os.File
-	IsLazyEnable     bool
-	securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-func NewAppendFile(filePath string, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) (*AppendFile, error) {
-	if filePath == "" {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please provide valid filepath")
-	}
-	path, err := filepath.Abs(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	dir, _ := filepath.Split(path)
-	if dir != "" {
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to open file: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	file := AppendFile{
-		FilePath:         filePath,
-		Fp:               f,
-		securityProvider: securityProvider,
-	}
-	return &file, nil
-func (af *AppendFile) Write(rs *gjson.Result) (err error) {
-	dataBytes := []byte(rs.String())
-	if af.securityProvider != nil {
-		dataBytes, err = af.securityProvider.Encrypt(dataBytes, af.Fp.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	dataBytes = append(dataBytes, []byte(lineBreak)...)
-	_, _, err = filemdl.AppendDataToFile(af.Fp.Name(), dataBytes, true)
-	return err
-func (af *AppendFile) Close() error {
-	return af.Fp.Close()
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/filetype.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/filetype.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 36291ca7f05ee2159588dc7b8c647e36b632caf0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/filetype.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-package filetype
-const (
-	lineBreak = "\r\n"
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/pack.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/pack.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 169f9f28c5ca282f8af60f5858867bf3a0968285..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/pack.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1180 +0,0 @@
-package filetype
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-const (
-	fileStatusReady                     = 0
-	fileStatusUpdatingData              = 1
-	fileStatusUpdatingIndex             = 2
-	fileStatusOffsetInFile              = 0
-	isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile        = 1
-	isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile = 2
-	isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile         = 3
-	isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile       = 4
-	footerOffsetInFile                  = 5
-	footerOffsetReservedSize            = 15
-	footerSizeOffset                    = 20
-	filehashOffest                      = 35
-	lastUpdatedOffset                   = 43
-	dataStartOffset                     = 53
-	sizeReservedForHeaders              = 53
-	// IndexKeyValSeperator -
-	IndexKeyValSeperator = "="
-	// FileType - represents key for type of file. Used whenever we need to set file type field in json
-	FileType = "fileType"
-// ErrNoDataFound - ErrNoDataFound
-var ErrNoDataFound = errors.New("No data found")
-type PackFile struct {
-	FilePath             string
-	InfileIndexRows      *gjson.Result
-	Fp                   *os.File
-	SecurityProvider     securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-	infileIndexSchemaMap map[string]InFileIndex
-type InFileIndex struct {
-	FileType    string             `json:"fileType"`
-	IndexFields []InFileIndexField `json:"indexFields"`
-type InFileIndexField struct {
-	FieldName string `json:"fieldName"`
-	Query     string `json:"query"`
-func NewPackFile(filePath string, infileIndexSchemaMap map[string]InFileIndex, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) (*PackFile, error) {
-	if filePath == "" {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please provide valid filepath")
-	}
-	path, err := filepath.Abs(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	dir, _ := filepath.Split(path)
-	if dir != "" {
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to open file: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	packFile := PackFile{
-		FilePath:         filePath,
-		Fp:               f,
-		SecurityProvider: securityProvider,
-	}
-	if infileIndexSchemaMap == nil {
-		packFile.infileIndexSchemaMap = make(map[string]InFileIndex)
-	} else {
-		packFile.infileIndexSchemaMap = infileIndexSchemaMap
-	}
-	err = initializeFile(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to create pack file: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	return &packFile, nil
-func (p *PackFile) Close() error {
-	return p.Fp.Close()
-func (p *PackFile) Write(rs *gjson.Result) (err error) {
-	// filePath := p.Fp.Name()
-	fileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	f := p.Fp
-	infileIndexSchema, ok := p.infileIndexSchemaMap[fileType]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("infileIndex schema for specified fileType not found: " + fileType)
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, err := CreateIndexJSON(infileIndexSchema.IndexFields, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", fileType)
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	previousIndexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	dataString := rs.String()
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addFileDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, dataString, true, rs, p.SecurityProvider)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData.String(), "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-	// updating infile index
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = f.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	p.InfileIndexRows = &updatedIndexDataObj
-	return nil
-func (p *PackFile) Read(queries []string, data *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	filePath := p.Fp.Name()
-	indexRows, err := getInFileIndexData(p.Fp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", filePath, err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < len(queries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(queries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	sb.WriteString("[")
-	indexRows.ForEach(func(key, indexRow gjson.Result) bool {
-		// read files
-		startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-		dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-		if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-			return true
-		}
-		dataByte := []byte{'{', '}'}
-		var err error
-		// dataByte, err = filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffSet, dataSize)
-		dataByte, err = getFileDataFromPack(p.Fp, startOffSet, dataSize, data, p.SecurityProvider)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return true
-		}
-		_, err = sb.Write(dataByte)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return true
-		}
-		sb.WriteString(",")
-		return true // keep iterating
-	})
-	sb.WriteString("]")
-	finalResult := strings.Replace(sb.String(), ",]", "]", 1)
-	return finalResult, nil
-func (p *PackFile) Update(queries []string, rs *gjson.Result) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	// check fileType index availability
-	// check is data present
-	// if data present
-	// then calculate size of updated data
-	// if size is less than or equal to previuos data size
-	// then write at the same location
-	// else if size of updated data is more than existing data then append it to end of data
-	// update startOffset and data size of file in index row
-	// update footer offset and footer size
-	updatedData := gjson.Result{}
-	indexRows, err := getInFileIndexData(p.Fp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", p.Fp.Name(), err)
-		return updatedData, err
-	}
-	indexRecordsToUpdate := indexRows
-	for _, query := range queries {
-		indexRecordsToUpdate = indexRecordsToUpdate.Get(query + "#")
-	}
-	indexRecordsToUpdateObjs := indexRecordsToUpdate.Array()
-	if len(indexRecordsToUpdateObjs) == 0 {
-		return updatedData, errormdl.Wrap("no data found")
-	}
-	resultArrayStr := "[]"
-	var updatedInfileIndex *gjson.Result
-	var result *gjson.Result
-	for _, recordToUpdateIndexRow := range indexRecordsToUpdateObjs {
-		result, updatedInfileIndex, err = updateSingleRecordInPackFileUsingFp(p.Fp, recordToUpdateIndexRow, updatedInfileIndex, rs, p.SecurityProvider)
-		if err != nil {
-			return updatedData, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-		}
-		resultArrayStr, _ = sjson.Set(resultArrayStr, "-1", result.Value())
-	}
-	resultData := gjson.Parse(resultArrayStr)
-	return resultData, nil
-func (p *PackFile) Remove(queries []string) (recordsDeletedCnt int, err error) {
-	indexData, err := getInFileIndexData(p.Fp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", p.Fp.Name(), err)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	indexRecordsToDelete := indexData
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRecordsToDelete file type", indexRecordsToDelete)
-	for _, query := range queries {
-		indexRecordsToDelete = indexRecordsToDelete.Get(query + "#")
-	}
-	indexRowsToDelete := indexRecordsToDelete.Array()
-	if len(indexRowsToDelete) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ErrNoDataFound")
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, errormdl.Wrap("not found")
-	}
-	updatedIndexRecords := indexData
-	for _, indexRowToRemove := range indexRowsToDelete {
-		updatedIndexRecords, err = removeIndexRow(updatedIndexRecords, indexRowToRemove.String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("fail to delete record:", err)
-			return recordsDeletedCnt, errormdl.Wrap("fail to delete record:" + err.Error())
-		}
-		recordsDeletedCnt++
-	}
-	footerOffset := getFooterOffset(p.Fp)
-	if footerOffset == -1 {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-	}
-	newIndexDataSize := len(updatedIndexRecords.String())
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(p.Fp, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(p.Fp, footerOffset, updatedIndexRecords.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to update infile index data :", err)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(p.Fp, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	p.InfileIndexRows = &updatedIndexRecords
-	return recordsDeletedCnt, setFooterSize(p.Fp, int64(newIndexDataSize))
-func (p *PackFile) WriteMedia(mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (recordID string, err error) {
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	previousIndexData, err := getInFileIndexData(p.Fp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", p.Fp.Name(), err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(p.Fp)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(p.Fp, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	recordID = guidmdl.GetGUID()
-	indexRowJSON := ""
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", "Media")
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData.String(), "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(p.Fp, footerNewOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(p.Fp, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(p.Fp, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(p.Fp, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	err = p.Fp.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	p.InfileIndexRows = &updatedIndexDataObj
-	return recordID, nil
-func (p *PackFile) UpdateMedia(recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (err error) {
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	indexData, err := getInFileIndexData(p.Fp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", p.Fp.Name(), err)
-		return err
-	}
-	indexRows := indexData
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	foundAtIndex := -1
-	foundIndexRow := gjson.Result{}
-	for index, indexRow := range indexData.Array() {
-		r := indexRow.Get("recordID").String()
-		if r != "" && indexRow.Get("recordID").String() == recordID {
-			foundAtIndex = index
-			foundIndexRow = indexRow
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no data found to update: ", recordID)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update: " + recordID)
-	}
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(p.Fp)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(p.Fp, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON := foundIndexRow.String()
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	updatedIndexRow := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(indexData.String(), strconv.Itoa(foundAtIndex), updatedIndexRow.Value())
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(p.Fp, footerNewOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(p.Fp, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(p.Fp, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(p.Fp, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = p.Fp.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	p.InfileIndexRows = &updatedIndexDataObj
-	return err
-func (p *PackFile) UpsertMedia(recordID string, mediaData []byte, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	f := p.Fp
-	indexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	indexRows := indexData
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	foundAtIndex := -1
-	foundIndexRow := gjson.Result{}
-	for index, indexRow := range indexData.Array() {
-		if indexRow.Get("recordID").String() == recordID {
-			foundAtIndex = index
-			foundIndexRow = indexRow
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	// TODO: write at previous location
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON := foundIndexRow.String()
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", "Media")
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	updatedIndexRow := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(indexData.String(), strconv.Itoa(foundAtIndex), updatedIndexRow.Value())
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = f.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	p.InfileIndexRows = &updatedIndexDataObj
-	return recordID, nil
-func (p *PackFile) ReadMedia(recordID string) ([]byte, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	dataByte := []byte{}
-	var metaData *gjson.Result
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	f := p.Fp
-	indexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-		return dataByte, metaData, err
-	}
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	if indexRows.String() == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data not found for recordId: ", recordID)
-		return dataByte, metaData, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-	}
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	sb.WriteString("[")
-	indexRow := indexRows.Get("0")
-	startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-	dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-	if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-		return dataByte, metaData, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-	}
-	dataByte, err = getFileDataFromPack(f, startOffSet, dataSize, nil, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return dataByte, metaData, err
-	}
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "requiredData", indexRow.Get("requiredData").String())
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "infileIndex", indexData.String())
-	metaDataObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	return dataByte, &metaDataObj, nil
-func (p *PackFile) ReadMediaByQuery(inFileIndexQueries []string) (map[string][]byte, map[string]gjson.Result, error) {
-	f := p.Fp
-	indexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	if indexRows.String() == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data not found")
-		return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-	}
-	dataMap := make(map[string][]byte, 0)
-	metaDataMap := make(map[string]gjson.Result, 0)
-	for _, indexRow := range indexRows.Array() {
-		startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-		dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-		if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-			return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-		}
-		dataByte, err := getFileDataFromPack(f, startOffSet, dataSize, nil, nil)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-		recordID := indexRow.Get("recordID").String()
-		if recordID == "" {
-			return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("record id not found")
-		}
-		data, _ := sjson.Set("", "requiredData", indexRow.Get("requiredData").String())
-		// data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "infileIndex", indexData.String())
-		metaDataObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-		dataMap[recordID] = dataByte
-		metaDataMap[recordID] = metaDataObj
-	}
-	return dataMap, metaDataMap, nil
-func (p *PackFile) RemoveMedia(recordID string) error {
-	queries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	_, err := p.Remove(queries)
-	return err
-func (p *PackFile) Reorg() error {
-	f := p.Fp
-	_, sourceFileName := filepath.Split(p.FilePath)
-	desFileName := sourceFileName + "_" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
-	tempFilepath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(filemdl.TempDir, desFileName))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	dir, _ := filepath.Split(tempFilepath)
-	if dir != "" {
-		createError := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	fpTemp, err := os.OpenFile(tempFilepath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		fpTemp.Close()
-	}()
-	err = InitializeWithHeaderUsingFp(fpTemp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	infileIndexRows, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// if len(infileIndexRows.Array()) == 0 {
-	// 	return nil
-	// }
-	tempFileFooterStartOffset := getFooterOffset(fpTemp)
-	if tempFileFooterStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	updatedIndexRowStr := "[]"
-	for _, infileIndex := range infileIndexRows.Array() {
-		startOffset, err := strconv.Atoi(infileIndex.Get("startOffset").String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while fetching startOffset", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		dataSize, err := strconv.Atoi(infileIndex.Get("dataSize").String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while fetching dataSize", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		byteArr, err := getFileDataFromPack(f, int64(startOffset), int64(dataSize), nil, nil)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while reading file data from offset", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		byteCnt, err := addByteDataInFile(fpTemp, tempFileFooterStartOffset, byteArr, false)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ := sjson.Set(infileIndex.String(), "startOffset", tempFileFooterStartOffset)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", byteCnt)
-		indexRowJSONObj := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-		updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "-1", indexRowJSONObj.Value())
-		tempFileFooterStartOffset = tempFileFooterStartOffset + byteCnt
-	}
-	err = setFooterOffset(fpTemp, tempFileFooterStartOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(fpTemp, int64(len(updatedIndexRowStr)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(fpTemp, tempFileFooterStartOffset, updatedIndexRowStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = fpTemp.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = fpTemp.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = f.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return filemdl.AtomicReplaceFile(tempFilepath, p.FilePath)
-func CreateIndexJSON(indexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	json := `{}`
-	for _, indexField := range indexFields {
-		val := rs.Get(indexField.Query).Value()
-		// validation
-		if val == nil {
-			return "", errormdl.Wrap("please provide value for index field: " + indexField.Query)
-		}
-		json, _ = sjson.Set(json, indexField.FieldName, val)
-	}
-	return json, nil
-func updateIndexRow(indexRows *gjson.Result, previousIndexRow gjson.Result, updatedRow gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	indexRowObjs := indexRows.Array()
-	if len(indexRowObjs) == 0 {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRows", indexRows)
-	prevIndexRowString := previousIndexRow.String()
-	foundRowIndex := -1
-	for index, indexRowObj := range indexRowObjs {
-		if len(indexRowObj.String()) == len(prevIndexRowString) && indexRowObj.String() != "" && prevIndexRowString != "" && indexRowObj.String() == prevIndexRowString {
-			foundRowIndex = index
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if foundRowIndex == -1 {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("no record found to update")
-	}
-	var err error
-	updatedIndexDataString := indexRows.String()
-	// for _, foundRowIndex := range foundRowIndexes {
-	updatedIndexDataString, err = sjson.Set(updatedIndexDataString, strconv.Itoa(foundRowIndex), updatedRow.Value())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("failed to update index rows")
-	}
-	// }
-	// updatedIndexData := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexDataString)
-	return updatedIndexDataString, nil
-func removeIndexRow(indexRows gjson.Result, indexRowToDelete string) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	indexRowObjs := indexRows.Array()
-	if len(indexRowObjs) == 0 {
-		return indexRows, errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRows", indexRows)
-	foundIndexToDelete := -1
-	for index, indexRowObj := range indexRowObjs {
-		if indexRowObj.String() != "" && indexRowToDelete != "" && indexRowObj.String() == indexRowToDelete {
-			foundIndexToDelete = index
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if foundIndexToDelete == -1 {
-		return indexRows, errormdl.Wrap("no record found to delete")
-	}
-	var err error
-	updatedIndexDataString, err := sjson.Delete(indexRows.String(), strconv.Itoa(foundIndexToDelete))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	}
-	return gjson.Parse(updatedIndexDataString), nil
-func isValidPackFile(f *os.File) (bool, error) {
-	if f == nil {
-		return false, errormdl.Wrap("file pointer not valid")
-	}
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.Name())
-	if !isFilePresent {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug(isFilePresent)
-		return false, nil
-	}
-	info, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug(err)
-		return false, err
-	}
-	if info.Size() == 0 {
-		return false, nil
-	}
-	return true, nil
-func updateSingleRecordInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, recordToUpdateIndexRow gjson.Result, infileIndex, rs *gjson.Result, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) (*gjson.Result, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	fileStartOffset := recordToUpdateIndexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-	dataSize := recordToUpdateIndexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-	if fileStartOffset == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index row details incorrect - start offset :", fileStartOffset, " data size :", dataSize)
-		return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("index row details incorrect")
-	}
-	existingData, err := getFileDataFromPack(f, fileStartOffset, dataSize, rs, securityProvider)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	updatedDataStr := string(existingData)
-	// updating existing data
-	rs.ForEach(func(key, val gjson.Result) bool {
-		updatedDataStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedDataStr, key.String(), val.Value())
-		return true
-	})
-	newDataSize := int64(len(updatedDataStr))
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	updatedFooterOffset := footerStartOffset
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	existingIndexRows := gjson.Parse("[]")
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		existingIndexRows, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		existingIndexRows = *infileIndex
-	}
-	updatedDataSize := len(updatedDataStr)
-	updatedDataBytes := []byte(updatedDataStr)
-	if securityProvider != nil {
-		updatedDataBytes, err = securityProvider.Encrypt(updatedDataBytes, f.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-		updatedDataSize = len(updatedDataBytes)
-	}
-	if int64(updatedDataSize) <= dataSize {
-		newDataSize, err = addByteDataInFile(f, fileStartOffset, updatedDataBytes, false)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		newDataSize, err = addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, updatedDataBytes, true)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-		updatedFooterOffset = footerStartOffset + newDataSize
-		fileStartOffset = footerStartOffset
-	}
-	updatedIndexRowStr := recordToUpdateIndexRow.String()
-	recordToUpdateIndexRow.ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool {
-		indexFieldKey := key.String()
-		if rs.Get(indexFieldKey).Exists() {
-			updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, indexFieldKey, rs.Get(indexFieldKey).Value())
-		}
-		return true
-	})
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(updatedDataStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "startOffset", fileStartOffset)
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "dataSize", newDataSize)
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	updatedIndexRowListStr, err := updateIndexRow(&existingIndexRows, recordToUpdateIndexRow, gjson.Parse(updatedIndexRowStr))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, updatedFooterOffset, updatedIndexRowListStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, updatedFooterOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexRowListStr)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = f.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	updatedData := gjson.Parse(updatedDataStr)
-	updatedIndexRows := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexRowListStr)
-	return &updatedData, &updatedIndexRows, nil
-func initializeFile(fp *os.File) (err error) {
-	filePath := fp.Name()
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	info, err := fp.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	if !isFilePresent || info.Size() == 0 {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(filePath)
-		err = filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return
-		}
-		err = InitializeWithHeaderUsingFp(fp)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	return
-func InitializeWithHeaderUsingFp(f *os.File) error {
-	_, err := f.WriteAt([]byte(strconv.Itoa(fileStatusReady)), fileStatusOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// isFile ready for upload  =0
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// _, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(appendPaddingToNumber(sizeReservedForHeaders, 15)), footerOffsetInFile)
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, sizeReservedForHeaders+int64(len(lineBreak)))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, 0)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("filehash"), filehashOffest)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(timestamp), lastUpdatedOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("\r\n"), sizeReservedForHeaders)
-	return err
-func getInFileIndexData(f *os.File) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	infileIndexData := gjson.Parse("[]")
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return infileIndexData, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	footerSize, err := getFooterSize(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		return infileIndexData, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index size")
-	}
-	if footerSize == 0 {
-		return infileIndexData, nil
-	}
-	dataByte, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, footerStartOffset, footerSize)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err.Error() == "EOF" {
-			loggermdl.LogError("EOF")
-			return infileIndexData, nil
-		}
-		loggermdl.LogError("error while fetching index data", err)
-		return infileIndexData, err
-	}
-	infileIndexData = gjson.ParseBytes(dataByte)
-	if !infileIndexData.IsArray() {
-		loggermdl.LogError("invalid infile index data", infileIndexData.Value())
-		return infileIndexData, errormdl.Wrap("invalid infile index data")
-	}
-	return infileIndexData, nil
-func addFileDataInFile(f *os.File, offset int64, data string, breakLine bool, rs *gjson.Result, encrypter securityprovider.SecurityProvider) (int64, error) {
-	dataBytes := []byte(data)
-	var err error
-	if encrypter != nil {
-		dataBytes, err = encrypter.Encrypt(dataBytes, f.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return 0, err
-		}
-	}
-	if breakLine {
-		dataBytes = append(dataBytes, []byte(lineBreak)...)
-	}
-	return filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, offset, dataBytes)
-func addByteDataInFile(f *os.File, offset int64, dataBytes []byte, breakLine bool) (int64, error) {
-	var err error
-	if breakLine {
-		dataBytes = append(dataBytes, []byte(lineBreak)...)
-	}
-	dataSize, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, offset, dataBytes)
-	return dataSize, err
-func getFileDataFromPack(f *os.File, startOffset, dataSize int64, rs *gjson.Result, decrypter securityprovider.SecurityProvider) ([]byte, error) {
-	ba, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffset, dataSize)
-	if decrypter != nil {
-		ba, err = decrypter.Decrypt(ba, f.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	return ba, err
-func appendPaddingPadValue(value int64, padNumber int) string {
-	no := strconv.Itoa(padNumber)
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%0"+no+"d", value)
-func getFileStatus(f *os.File) (int, error) {
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, fileStatusOffsetInFile, 1)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	status, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
-	return status, err
-func getFooterOffset(f *os.File) int64 {
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, footerOffsetInFile, footerOffsetReservedSize)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return -1
-	}
-	footerOffset, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err", err)
-		return -1
-	}
-	return int64(footerOffset)
-func setFileStatusFlag(f *os.File, fileStatus int) error {
-	status := strconv.Itoa(fileStatus)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, fileStatusOffsetInFile, []byte(status))
-	return err
-func setFileReadyForUploadFlag(f *os.File, isReadyToUpload bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isReadyToUpload)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFileUpdatedAndNotCommitedFlag(f *os.File, isUpdatedAndNotCommited bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isUpdatedAndNotCommited)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFileReorgRequiredFlag(f *os.File, isReorgRequired bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isReorgRequired)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFileReindexRequiredFlag(f *os.File, isReindexRequired bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isReindexRequired)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFooterOffset(f *os.File, footerOffset int64) error {
-	footerOffestInString := appendPaddingPadValue(footerOffset, 15)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, footerOffsetInFile, []byte(footerOffestInString))
-	return err
-func setFooterSize(f *os.File, footerSize int64) error {
-	footerSizeInString := appendPaddingPadValue(footerSize, 15)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, footerSizeOffset, []byte(footerSizeInString))
-	return err
-func getFooterSize(f *os.File) (int64, error) {
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, footerSizeOffset, 15)
-	if err != nil {
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	footerSize, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err", err)
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	return int64(footerSize), nil
-func setIndexDataInFile(f *os.File, footerOffset int64, indexData string) error {
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, footerOffset, []byte(indexData))
-	return err
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/simple.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/simple.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 06c81b6541a9d136bf1b4c35da53ea75015644c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/filetype/simple.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-package filetype
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"io"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-type SimpleFile struct {
-	FilePath         string
-	Fp               *os.File
-	IsLazyEnable     bool
-	securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-func NewSimpleFile(filePath string, securityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider) (*SimpleFile, error) {
-	if filePath == "" {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please provide valid filepath")
-	}
-	path, err := filepath.Abs(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	dir, _ := filepath.Split(path)
-	if dir != "" {
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	f, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to open file: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	file := SimpleFile{
-		FilePath:         filePath,
-		Fp:               f,
-		securityProvider: securityProvider,
-	}
-	return &file, nil
-func (s *SimpleFile) Write(rs *gjson.Result) (err error) {
-	dataBytes := []byte(rs.String())
-	if s.securityProvider != nil {
-		dataBytes, err = s.securityProvider.Encrypt(dataBytes, s.Fp.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	err = filemdl.WriteFileUsingFp(s.Fp, dataBytes, true, false)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return nil
-func (s *SimpleFile) Read(data *gjson.Result) ([]byte, error) {
-	ba, err := filemdl.ReadFileUsingFp(s.Fp)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if len(ba) == 0 {
-		return ba, nil
-	}
-	if s.securityProvider != nil {
-		ba, err = s.securityProvider.Decrypt(ba, s.Fp.Name(), data)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	return ba, nil
-func (s *SimpleFile) Update(rs *gjson.Result) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	data, err := s.Read(rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		return gjson.Result{}, err
-	}
-	existingDataStr := string(data)
-	rs.ForEach(func(key, val gjson.Result) bool {
-		existingDataStr, _ = sjson.Set(existingDataStr, key.String(), val.Value())
-		return true
-	})
-	updatedData := gjson.Parse(existingDataStr)
-	err = s.Write(&updatedData)
-	return updatedData, err
-func (s *SimpleFile) Remove() error {
-	if filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(s.Fp.Name()) {
-		err := s.Fp.Truncate(0)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if _, err := s.Fp.Seek(0, io.SeekStart); err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	}
-	return errors.New("not found")
-func (s *SimpleFile) Close() error {
-	return s.Fp.Close()
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index/index.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index/index.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f464222ef55d49d1796f1eafa08ee080090329c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index/index.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-package index
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/lazycache"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/buntdb"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-const (
-	LineBreak            = "\r\n"
-	IndexKeyValSeperator = "="
-// Index - Index
-type Index struct {
-	indexStore       IndexStore
-	IndexID          string       `json:"indexId"`
-	IndexNameQuery   string       `json:"indexNameQuery"`
-	BucketSequence   []string     `json:"bucketSequence"`
-	IndexFields      []IndexField `json:"indexFields"`
-	IsDynamicName    bool         `json:"isDynamicName"`
-	IndexFilePath    string
-	SecurityProvider securityprovider.SecurityProvider
-// IndexField - IndexField
-type IndexField struct {
-	FieldName string `json:"fieldName"`
-	Query     string `json:"query"`
-func NewIndex(indexID, indexNameQuery string, IsDynamicName bool, indexFilePath string) (*Index, error) {
-	idx := Index{
-		IndexID:          indexID,
-		IndexNameQuery:   indexNameQuery,
-		IsDynamicName:    IsDynamicName,
-		IndexFilePath:    indexFilePath,
-		SecurityProvider: securityprovider.New(securityprovider.SecurityConfig{}),
-	}
-	var err error
-	idx.indexStore, err = NewStore()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	err = idx.LoadIndexEntriesFromFile()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	lazyObj := lazywriter.LazyCacheObject{
-		FileName:      indexFilePath,
-		Identifier:    indexID,
-		InterfaceData: idx,
-		SaveFn:        lazyCallBackFnSaveIndex,
-	}
-	lazycache.IndexLazyObjHolder.SetNoExpiration(indexID, lazyObj)
-	return &idx, nil
-// SetFields - SetFields
-func (i *Index) SetFields(indexField ...IndexField) *Index {
-	i.IndexFields = indexField
-	return i
-func (i *Index) CreateIndex() error {
-	var fns []func(a, b string) bool
-	for _, idx := range i.IndexFields {
-		fns = append(fns, buntdb.IndexJSON(idx.FieldName))
-	}
-	err := i.indexStore.store.CreateIndex(i.IndexID, "*", fns...)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-func (i *Index) ReplaceIndex() error {
-	var fns []func(a, b string) bool
-	for _, idx := range i.IndexFields {
-		fns = append(fns, buntdb.IndexJSON(idx.FieldName))
-	}
-	err := i.indexStore.store.ReplaceIndex(i.IndexID, "*", fns...)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-func (i *Index) GetAllEntries() (map[string]string, error) {
-	return i.indexStore.GetMany()
-func (i *Index) GetEntryByQueries(queries []string) (Entry, bool, error) {
-	return i.indexStore.GetOneByQuery(queries)
-func (i *Index) GetEntriesByQueries(queries []string) (map[string]string, error) {
-	return i.indexStore.GetManyByQuery(queries)
-func (i *Index) GetEntryByPath(path string) (string, error) {
-	return i.indexStore.Get(path)
-func (i *Index) AddEntry(path string, rs *gjson.Result) error {
-	json := rs.String()
-	for _, indexField := range i.IndexFields {
-		if rs.Get(indexField.Query).Value() == nil {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("please provide value for index field: " + indexField.Query)
-		}
-		json, _ = sjson.Set(json, indexField.FieldName, rs.Get(indexField.Query).Value())
-	}
-	UpdateLazyCache(i)
-	path = strings.Trim(path, string(filepath.Separator))
-	return i.indexStore.Set(path, json)
-func (i *Index) AddEntries(keyValMap map[string]string) error {
-	UpdateLazyCache(i)
-	return i.indexStore.AddMany(keyValMap)
-func (i *Index) Delete(path string) error {
-	UpdateLazyCache(i)
-	return i.indexStore.Delete(path)
-func (i *Index) DeleteMany(paths []string) error {
-	for cnt := range paths {
-		err := i.indexStore.Delete(paths[cnt])
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	UpdateLazyCache(i)
-	return nil
-func (i *Index) CloseStore() error {
-	return i.indexStore.Close()
-func (index *Index) LoadIndexEntriesFromFile() error {
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(index.IndexFilePath) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	fileData, err := filemdl.FastReadFile(index.IndexFilePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to load FDB index from: ", index.IndexFilePath)
-		return err
-	}
-	if len(fileData) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	_, fileName := filepath.Split(index.IndexFilePath)
-	fileData, err = index.SecurityProvider.Decrypt(fileData, fileName, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to decrypt FDB index data: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("failed to decrypt FDB index data: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	data := string(fileData)
-	indexRecords := strings.Split(data, LineBreak)
-	indexDataMap := make(map[string]string)
-	for _, indexRecord := range indexRecords {
-		indexValues := strings.Split(indexRecord, IndexKeyValSeperator)
-		if len(indexValues) == 2 {
-			indexDataMap[indexValues[0]] = indexValues[1]
-		}
-	}
-	var fns []func(a, b string) bool
-	for _, idx := range index.IndexFields {
-		fns = append(fns, buntdb.IndexJSON(idx.FieldName))
-	}
-	// update index file by reading all data and updating index file
-	return index.AddEntries(indexDataMap)
-// LogFDBIndexFile -LogFDBIndexFile
-func (index *Index) WriteIndexEntriesInFile() error {
-	dataToStore := ``
-	indeKeyValMap, err := index.GetAllEntries()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	for key, value := range indeKeyValMap {
-		dataToStore = dataToStore + key + IndexKeyValSeperator + value + LineBreak
-	}
-	_, fileName := filepath.Split(index.IndexFilePath)
-	var dataByteToWriteRes = []byte{}
-	var hashError error
-	if len(indeKeyValMap) > 0 {
-		dataByteToWriteRes, hashError = index.SecurityProvider.Encrypt([]byte(dataToStore), fileName, nil)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(hashError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr1(hashError)
-		}
-	}
-	return filemdl.WriteFile(index.IndexFilePath, dataByteToWriteRes, true, false)
-var lazyCallBackFnSaveIndex lazywriter.SaveDataFn = func(indexID string, data *lazywriter.LazyCacheObject) {
-	index, ok := data.InterfaceData.(*Index)
-	if !ok {
-		return
-	}
-	err := index.WriteIndexEntriesInFile()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return
-	}
-// UpdateLazyCache - updates index data in lay writer cache
-func UpdateLazyCache(index *Index) error {
-	// lazy cache must be present for provided indexID
-	lazyObj, ok := lazycache.IndexLazyObjHolder.Get(index.IndexID)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index not found in lazy writer cache")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("index not found in lazy writer cache")
-	}
-	idxLazyData, ok := lazyObj.(lazywriter.LazyCacheObject)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("interface type is not lazywriter.LazyCacheObject")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("interface type is not lazywriter.LazyCacheObject")
-	}
-	// idxLazyData.GJSONData = index
-	idxLazyData.InterfaceData = index
-	if ok := lazycache.IndexMaster.SaveOrUpdateDataInCache(idxLazyData); !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to update index data in lazy cache")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("failed to update index data in lazy cache")
-	}
-	lazycache.IndexLazyObjHolder.SetNoExpiration(index.IndexID, idxLazyData)
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index/indexstore.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index/indexstore.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bdfc4eeef9af80977d209f6c8f635f5d33bdc88c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/index/indexstore.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-package index
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/buntdb"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-type IndexStore struct {
-	store *buntdb.DB
-type Entry struct {
-	Key   string
-	Value string
-// NewStore - returns new store object
-func NewStore() (IndexStore, error) {
-	db, err := buntdb.Open(":memory:")
-	if err != nil {
-		return IndexStore{}, err
-	}
-	store := IndexStore{
-		store: db,
-	}
-	return store, nil
-func (i IndexStore) Close() error {
-	return i.store.Close()
-func (i *IndexStore) Set(key, value string) (err error) {
-	err = i.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "\\", "/")
-		_, _, err := tx.Set(key, value, nil)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	return
-func (i *IndexStore) AddMany(keyValMap map[string]string) (err error) {
-	err = i.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		for key, val := range keyValMap {
-			key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "\\", "/")
-			_, _, err := tx.Set(key, val, nil)
-			if err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	return
-func (i *IndexStore) Get(path string) (val string, err error) {
-	path = strings.ReplaceAll(path, "\\", "/")
-	found := false
-	err = i.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		return tx.Ascend("", func(key, value string) bool {
-			if key == path && !found {
-				val = value
-				found = true
-				return true
-			}
-			return true
-		})
-	})
-	return
-func (i *IndexStore) GetOneByQuery(queries []string) (entry Entry, found bool, err error) {
-	err = i.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		return tx.Ascend("", func(key, value string) bool {
-			rsJSON := gjson.Parse("[" + value + "]")
-			for i := 0; i < len(queries); i++ {
-				rsJSON = rsJSON.Get(queries[i] + "#")
-			}
-			if rsJSON.Value() != nil && rsJSON.IsArray() && len(rsJSON.Array()) > 0 && !found {
-				found = true
-				entry = Entry{
-					Key:   filepath.Join(key),
-					Value: value,
-				}
-				return true
-			}
-			return true
-		})
-	})
-	return
-func (i *IndexStore) GetManyByQuery(queries []string) (map[string]string, error) {
-	entryMap := make(map[string]string, 0)
-	err := i.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		return tx.Ascend("", func(key, value string) bool {
-			rsJSON := gjson.Parse("[" + value + "]")
-			for i := 0; i < len(queries); i++ {
-				rsJSON = rsJSON.Get(queries[i] + "#")
-			}
-			if rsJSON.Value() != nil && rsJSON.IsArray() && len(rsJSON.Array()) > 0 {
-				key = filepath.Join(key)
-				entryMap[key] = value
-			}
-			return true
-		})
-	})
-	return entryMap, err
-func (i *IndexStore) GetMany() (map[string]string, error) {
-	entryMap := make(map[string]string, 0)
-	err := i.store.View(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		return tx.Ascend("", func(key, value string) bool {
-			key = filepath.Join(key)
-			entryMap[key] = value
-			return true
-		})
-	})
-	return entryMap, err
-func (i *IndexStore) Delete(key string) error {
-	key = strings.ReplaceAll(key, "\\", "/")
-	err := i.store.Update(func(tx *buntdb.Tx) error {
-		_, err := tx.Delete(key)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	return err
-// GenRowID generates hash for the given filename. The length of hash is 16
-func GenRowID(name string) (string, error) {
-	name = strings.ReplaceAll(filepath.Clean(name), string(filepath.Separator), "")
-	rowID, err := securitymdl.GetHash(name)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	if len(rowID) > 16 {
-		return rowID[:16], nil
-	}
-	return rowID, nil
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/lazycache/lazycache.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/lazycache/lazycache.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c63e2ea2b6a71bed23c79616b3fa6e2834548db1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/lazycache/lazycache.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-package lazycache
-import (
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter"
-// Create Master lazy object
-// IndexMaster - Holds master object for index files
-var IndexMaster lazywriter.LazyFDBHelper
-// AppendMaster - Holds master object for Append files
-var AppendMaster lazywriter.LazyFDBHelper
-// IndexLazyObjHolder - Holds lazy cache objects for indexes, indexID as key and lazy Object as value
-var IndexLazyObjHolder cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-// AppendLazyObjHolder - Holds lazy cache objects for Append files, filepath as key and lazy Object as value
-var AppendLazyObjHolder cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-// LazyWriteObjMaster - Holds master object for Append files
-var LazyWriteObjMaster lazywriter.LazyFDBHelper
-// LazyWriteObjHolder - Holds lazy cache objects for Append files, filepath as key and lazy Object as value
-var LazyWriteObjHolder cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-const (
-	maxObjetsCnt                  int = 100000
-	maxRetryCnt                   int = 5
-	intervalTimeForLazyIndexWrite int = 10
-	intervalTimeForLazyWrite      int = 20
-	sleepTime                     int = 5
-	// NoExpiration -
-	NoExpiration time.Duration = -1
-	lazyIndexProcessName  string = "lazyIndex"
-	lazyAppendProcessName string = "lazyAppend"
-	lazyProcessName       string = "lazyWrite"
-func init() {
-	// loggermdl.LogError("init lazyIndex")
-	// start process for lazy index file operations
-	IndexMaster.StartProcess(maxObjetsCnt, lazyIndexProcessName, intervalTimeForLazyIndexWrite, sleepTime, maxRetryCnt, false)
-	// loggermdl.LogError("Lazy writer process started")
-	// initialize a map to hold lazy writer objects for the index file data
-	IndexLazyObjHolder.Setup(10000, NoExpiration, NoExpiration)
-	// start process for lazy Append file operations
-	AppendMaster.StartProcess(maxObjetsCnt, lazyAppendProcessName, intervalTimeForLazyWrite, sleepTime, maxRetryCnt, false)
-	// initialize a map to hold lazy writer objects for the append file data
-	AppendLazyObjHolder.Setup(10000, NoExpiration, NoExpiration)
-	// loggermdl.LogError("cache setup done")
-	// start process for lazy Append file operations
-	LazyWriteObjMaster.StartProcess(maxObjetsCnt, lazyProcessName, intervalTimeForLazyWrite, sleepTime, maxRetryCnt, false)
-	// initialize a map to hold lazy writer objects for the append file data
-	LazyWriteObjHolder.Setup(10000, NoExpiration, NoExpiration)
-	// loggermdl.LogError("cache setup done")
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker/locker.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker/locker.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a0938d4bf3ad1ae26cce48a10f0f42f0fec4988f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/locker/locker.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package locker
-import (
-	"sync"
-var mutexMap = map[string]*sync.Mutex{}
-var getMapSyncMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-func NewLocker(filePath string) *FileLocker {
-	getMapSyncMutex.Lock()
-	defer getMapSyncMutex.Unlock()
-	m, found := mutexMap[filePath]
-	if !found {
-		m = &sync.Mutex{}
-		mutexMap[filePath] = m
-	}
-	locker := FileLocker{
-		m,
-		filePath,
-	}
-	return &locker
-type Locker interface {
-	Lock()
-	Unlock()
-type FileLocker struct {
-	Locker
-	LockOn string
-func (l *FileLocker) Lock() {
-	l.Locker.Lock()
-func (l *FileLocker) Unlock() {
-	l.Locker.Unlock()
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider/securityprovider.go b/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider/securityprovider.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f7cf52c7590a46344e8a2e80d7981c5286aea1e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/corefdb/securityprovider/securityprovider.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-package securityprovider
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/hashmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-const (
-	// SharedPrefix prefix represents the file is sharable i.e encryption key does not include (fdbSec.fieldQuery)
-	SharedPrefix = "ss_"
-	// EmptySTR represents empty string
-	EmptySTR = ""
-type SecurityProvider interface {
-	Encrypter
-	Decrypter
-type Encrypter interface {
-	Encrypt([]byte, string, *gjson.Result) ([]byte, error)
-type Decrypter interface {
-	Decrypt([]byte, string, *gjson.Result) ([]byte, error)
-type FdbSecurityProvider struct {
-	encKey         string // the global encryption key used in the project. This key will be applicable in all cases.
-	userDefinedKey string // the user defined key in the project. This key will be applicable in all cases.
-	fieldQuery     string // query to get dynamic field. Ex. Each student data can be encrypted with studentID. Applicable only for the shared bucket.
-type SecurityConfig struct {
-	EncKey         string // the global encryption key used in the project. This key will be applicable in all cases.
-	UserDefinedKey string // the user defined key in the project. This key will be applicable in all cases.
-	FieldQuery     string // query to get dynamic field. Ex. Each student data can be encrypted with studentID. Applicable only for the shared bucket.
-func New(config SecurityConfig) FdbSecurityProvider {
-	fdbSecurity := FdbSecurityProvider{
-		encKey:         config.EncKey,
-		userDefinedKey: config.UserDefinedKey,
-		fieldQuery:     config.FieldQuery,
-	}
-	return fdbSecurity
-func (fs FdbSecurityProvider) GenerateSecurityKey(fileName string, data *gjson.Result) (key []byte, err error) {
-	_, fileName = filepath.Split(fileName)
-	if fileName == EmptySTR {
-		return key, errors.New("GenerateSecurityKey: fileName must not be empty")
-	}
-	// Warning: The order of string concatenation must be preserved as specified.
-	skey := fs.encKey + fs.userDefinedKey + fileName
-	if !strings.HasPrefix(fileName, SharedPrefix) && fs.fieldQuery != "" {
-		// this is a shared file OR no query provided. No need to check for dynamic query result.
-		if data == nil || data.Get(fs.fieldQuery).String() == EmptySTR {
-			return key, errormdl.Wrap("please provide value of field: " + fs.fieldQuery)
-		}
-		skey = data.Get(fs.fieldQuery).String() + skey
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("key", string(skey))
-	hash, err := hashmdl.Get128BitHash([]byte(skey))
-	if err != nil {
-		return key, errors.New("GenerateSecurityKey: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	key = hash[:]
-	return
-// Encrypt - encrypts provide data
-func (fs FdbSecurityProvider) Encrypt(dataByte []byte, fileName string, data *gjson.Result) (res []byte, err error) {
-	res, err = filemdl.ZipBytes(dataByte)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	securityKey, gerr := fs.GenerateSecurityKey(fileName, data)
-	if gerr != nil {
-		err = gerr
-		return
-	}
-	return securitymdl.AESEncrypt(res, securityKey)
-// Decrypt - decrypts provide data
-func (fs FdbSecurityProvider) Decrypt(dataByte []byte, fileName string, data *gjson.Result) (res []byte, err error) {
-	res = dataByte
-	securityKey, gerr := fs.GenerateSecurityKey(fileName, data)
-	if gerr != nil {
-		err = gerr
-		return
-	}
-	res, err = securitymdl.AESDecrypt(res, securityKey)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	return filemdl.UnZipBytes(res)
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go b/v2/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4608c67d0cb6c24db211cacd05dff3d82826874d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/coremongo/coremongo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,699 +0,0 @@
-package coremongo
-import (
-	"context"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/readpref"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson/primitive"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/bson"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-// MongoHost -MongoHost
-type MongoHost struct {
-	HostName        string        `json:"hostName"`
-	Server          string        `json:"server"`
-	Port            int           `json:"port"`
-	Username        string        `json:"username"`
-	Password        string        `json:"password"`
-	Database        string        `json:"database"`
-	IsDefault       bool          `json:"isDefault"`
-	MaxIdleConns    int           `json:"maxIdleConns" `
-	MaxOpenConns    int           `json:"maxOpenConns"`
-	ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration `json:"connMaxLifetime" `
-	IsDisabled      bool          `json:"isDisabled" `
-var instances map[string]*mongo.Client
-var mutex sync.Mutex
-var once sync.Once
-var config map[string]MongoHost
-var defaultHost string
-func init() {
-	config = make(map[string]MongoHost)
-// InitUsingJSON initializes Mongo Connections for give JSON data
-func InitUsingJSON(configs []MongoHost) error {
-	var sessionError error
-	once.Do(func() {
-		defer mutex.Unlock()
-		mutex.Lock()
-		config = make(map[string]MongoHost)
-		instances = make(map[string]*mongo.Client)
-		for _, hostDetails := range configs {
-			if hostDetails.IsDisabled {
-				continue
-			}
-			clientOption := options.Client()
-			clientOption.SetHosts([]string{bindMongoServerWithPort(hostDetails.Server, hostDetails.Port)}).
-				SetConnectTimeout(hostDetails.ConnMaxLifetime).
-				SetMaxPoolSize(uint64(hostDetails.MaxOpenConns)).
-				SetReadPreference(readpref.Primary()).
-				SetDirect(true) // important if in cluster, connect to primary only.
-			if hostDetails.Username != "" {
-				cred := options.Credential{}
-				cred.Username = hostDetails.Username
-				cred.Password = hostDetails.Password
-				cred.AuthSource = hostDetails.Database
-				clientOption.SetAuth(cred)
-			}
-			client, err := mongo.NewClient(clientOption)
-			if err != nil {
-				sessionError = err
-				loggermdl.LogError(sessionError)
-				return
-			}
-			err = client.Connect(context.Background())
-			if err != nil {
-				sessionError = err
-				loggermdl.LogError(sessionError)
-				return
-			}
-			err = client.Ping(context.Background(), readpref.Primary())
-			if err != nil {
-				sessionError = err
-				loggermdl.LogError("failed to connect to primary - ", sessionError)
-				return
-			}
-			instances[hostDetails.HostName] = client
-			if hostDetails.IsDefault {
-				defaultHost = hostDetails.HostName
-			}
-			config[hostDetails.HostName] = hostDetails
-		}
-	})
-	return sessionError
-// DeleteSession -DeleteSession
-func DeleteSession(hostName string) error {
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	mutex.Lock()
-	if _, ok := instances[hostName]; !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("NO_HOST_FOUND")
-	}
-	delete(instances, hostName)
-	return nil
-// InitNewSession - InitNewSession
-func InitNewSession(hostDetails MongoHost) error {
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	mutex.Lock()
-	if instances == nil {
-		instances = make(map[string]*mongo.Client)
-	}
-	if _, ok := instances[hostDetails.HostName]; ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("DUPLICATE_HOSTNAME")
-	}
-	clientOption := options.Client()
-	clientOption.SetHosts([]string{bindMongoServerWithPort(hostDetails.Server, hostDetails.Port)}).
-		SetConnectTimeout(hostDetails.ConnMaxLifetime).
-		SetMaxPoolSize(uint64(hostDetails.MaxOpenConns)).
-		SetReadPreference(readpref.Primary()).
-		SetDirect(true) // important if in cluster, connect to primary only.
-	if hostDetails.Username != "" {
-		cred := options.Credential{}
-		cred.Username = hostDetails.Username
-		cred.Password = hostDetails.Password
-		cred.AuthSource = hostDetails.Database
-		clientOption.SetAuth(cred)
-	}
-	client, err := mongo.NewClient(clientOption)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = client.Connect(context.Background())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	instances[hostDetails.HostName] = client
-	return nil
-//GetMongoConnection method
-func GetMongoConnection(hostName string) (*mongo.Client, error) {
-	mutex.Lock()
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	if instances == nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("MONGO_INIT_NOT_DONE")
-	}
-	if hostName == "" {
-		if instance, ok := instances[defaultHost]; ok {
-			statemdl.MongoHits()
-			err := instance.Ping(context.Background(), readpref.Primary())
-			if err != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError(err)
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			return instance, nil
-		}
-	}
-	if instance, ok := instances[hostName]; ok {
-		statemdl.MongoHits()
-		err := instance.Ping(context.Background(), readpref.Primary())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		return instance, nil
-	}
-	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Session not found for instance: " + hostName)
-// MongoDAO mongo DAO struct
-type MongoDAO struct {
-	hostName       string
-	collectionName string
-// GetMongoDAOWithHost return mongo DAO instance
-func GetMongoDAOWithHost(host, collection string) *MongoDAO {
-	return &MongoDAO{
-		hostName:       host,
-		collectionName: collection,
-	}
-// GetMongoDAO return mongo DAO instance
-func GetMongoDAO(collection string) *MongoDAO {
-	return &MongoDAO{
-		collectionName: collection,
-	}
-// SaveData Save data in mongo db
-func (mg *MongoDAO) SaveData(data interface{}) (string, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	opts, insertError := collection.InsertOne(context.Background(), data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return getInsertedId(opts.InsertedID), nil
-// UpdateAll update all
-func (mg *MongoDAO) UpdateAll(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateMany(context.Background(), selector, bson.M{"$set": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// Update will update single entry
-func (mg *MongoDAO) Update(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateOne(context.Background(), selector, bson.M{"$set": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// GetData will return query for selector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) GetData(selector map[string]interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	cur, err := collection.Find(context.Background(), selector)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer cur.Close(context.Background())
-	var results []interface{}
-	for cur.Next(context.Background()) {
-		var result bson.M
-		err := cur.Decode(&result)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		results = append(results, result)
-	}
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(results)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError)
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	return &rs, nil
-// DeleteData will delete data given for selector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) DeleteData(selector map[string]interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, deleteError := collection.DeleteOne(context.Background(), selector)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError)
-	}
-	return deleteError
-// DeleteAll will delete all the matching data given for selector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) DeleteAll(selector map[string]interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, deleteError := collection.DeleteMany(context.Background(), selector)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError)
-	}
-	return deleteError
-// GetProjectedData will return query for selector and projector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) GetProjectedData(selector map[string]interface{}, projector map[string]interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	ops := &options.FindOptions{}
-	ops.Projection = projector
-	cur, err := collection.Find(context.Background(), selector, ops)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer cur.Close(context.Background())
-	var results []interface{}
-	for cur.Next(context.Background()) {
-		var result bson.M
-		err := cur.Decode(&result)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		results = append(results, result)
-	}
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(results)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError)
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	return &rs, nil
-// GetAggregateData - return result using aggregation query
-func (mg *MongoDAO) GetAggregateData(selector interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	cur, err := collection.Aggregate(context.Background(), selector)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	defer cur.Close(context.Background())
-	var results []interface{}
-	for cur.Next(context.Background()) {
-		var result bson.M
-		err := cur.Decode(&result)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		results = append(results, result)
-	}
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(results)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError)
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	return &rs, nil
-// Upsert will update single entry
-func (mg *MongoDAO) Upsert(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	ops := options.UpdateOptions{}
-	ops.SetUpsert(true)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateOne(context.Background(), selector, bson.M{"$set": data}, &ops)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// PushData - append in array
-func (mg *MongoDAO) PushData(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateMany(context.Background(), selector, bson.M{"$push": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// CustomUpdate - CustomUpdate
-func (mg *MongoDAO) CustomUpdate(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateMany(context.Background(), selector, data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// CustomUpdateOne - CustomUpdateOne
-func (mg *MongoDAO) CustomUpdateOne(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateOne(context.Background(), selector, data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-/************************* BULK Functionalities ******************************/
-// BulkSaveData ata Save data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkSaveData(data []interface{}) error {
-	if checkBulkInput(data) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	opts := &options.BulkWriteOptions{}
-	opts.SetOrdered(true)
-	var models []mongo.WriteModel
-	for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
-		model := mongo.NewInsertOneModel()
-		model.SetDocument(data[i])
-		models = append(models, model)
-	}
-	_, insertError := collection.BulkWrite(context.Background(), models, opts)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(insertError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// BulkUpdateData  update data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkUpdateData(data []interface{}) error {
-	if checkBulkInput(data) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	opts := &options.BulkWriteOptions{}
-	opts.SetOrdered(true)
-	var models []mongo.WriteModel
-	for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
-		model := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel()
-		model.SetFilter(data[i])
-		i++
-		model.SetUpdate(data[i])
-		models = append(models, model)
-	}
-	_, insertError := collection.BulkWrite(context.Background(), models, opts)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(insertError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// BulkDeleteData  delete data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkDeleteData(data []interface{}) error {
-	if checkBulkInput(data) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	opts := &options.BulkWriteOptions{}
-	opts.SetOrdered(true)
-	var models []mongo.WriteModel
-	for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
-		model := mongo.NewDeleteOneModel()
-		model.SetFilter(data[i])
-		models = append(models, model)
-	}
-	_, insertError := collection.BulkWrite(context.Background(), models, opts)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(insertError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// BulkUpsertData  Upsert data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkUpsertData(data []interface{}) error {
-	if checkBulkInput(data) {
-		return nil
-	}
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.Database(db.Database).Collection(mg.collectionName)
-	opts := &options.BulkWriteOptions{}
-	opts.SetOrdered(true)
-	var models []mongo.WriteModel
-	for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
-		model := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel()
-		model.SetUpsert(true)
-		model.SetFilter(data[i])
-		i++
-		model.SetUpdate(data[i])
-		models = append(models, model)
-	}
-	_, insertError := collection.BulkWrite(context.Background(), models, opts)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(insertError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-func checkBulkInput(d []interface{}) bool {
-	return len(d) == 0
-func bindMongoServerWithPort(server string, port int) string {
-	// if port is empty then used default port 27017 & bind to server ip
-	var serverURI string
-	if port <= 0 || strings.TrimSpace(strconv.Itoa(port)) == "" {
-		serverURI = server + ":27017"
-	} else {
-		serverURI = server + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)
-	}
-	return serverURI
-func getInsertedId(id interface{}) string {
-	switch v := id.(type) {
-	case string:
-		return v
-	case primitive.ObjectID:
-		return v.Hex()
-	default:
-		return ""
-	}
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/coremongo/girdfs.go b/v2/dalmdl/coremongo/girdfs.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 15abd4561347b2ce33cc26bac314a59355b5e44d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/coremongo/girdfs.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-package coremongo
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"context"
-	"errors"
-	"io"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/gridfs"
-	"go.mongodb.org/mongo-driver/mongo/options"
-//SaveFileToGridFS - Saves file to gridfs
-func SaveFileToGridFS(db *mongo.Database, bucketName, fileName string, source io.Reader) (string, string, error) {
-	bucketName = strings.TrimSpace(bucketName)
-	fileName = strings.TrimSpace(fileName)
-	//Validations
-	if db == nil {
-		return "", "", errors.New("db Required")
-	} else if bucketName == "" {
-		return "", "", errors.New("bucketName required")
-	} else if source == nil {
-		return "", "", errors.New("invalid source")
-	}
-	//Set bucket config
-	bucketOptions := options.BucketOptions{}
-	bucketOptions.Name = &bucketName
-	//Get bucket instance
-	dbBucket, bucketError := gridfs.NewBucket(db, &bucketOptions)
-	if bucketError != nil {
-		return "", "", bucketError
-	}
-	//Upload incomming file to bucket
-	fileID, fileError := dbBucket.UploadFromStream(fileName, source)
-	if fileError != nil {
-		return "", "", fileError
-	}
-	//Return generated fileId and file name
-	return fileID.String(), fileName, nil
-//GetFileFromGridFS - Gets file from gridfs
-func GetFileFromGridFS(db *mongo.Database, bucketName, fileName string) ([]byte, error) {
-	bucketName = strings.TrimSpace(bucketName)
-	fileName = strings.TrimSpace(fileName)
-	//Validations
-	if db == nil {
-		return nil, errors.New("db Required")
-	} else if bucketName == "" {
-		return nil, errors.New("bucketName required")
-	} else if fileName == "" {
-		return nil, errors.New("fileName required'")
-	}
-	//Set bucket config
-	bucketOptions := options.BucketOptions{}
-	bucketOptions.Name = &bucketName
-	//Get bucket instance
-	dbBucket, bucketError := gridfs.NewBucket(db, &bucketOptions)
-	if bucketError != nil {
-		return nil, bucketError
-	}
-	//Read file from DB
-	w := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0))
-	_, getFileError := dbBucket.DownloadToStreamByName(fileName, w)
-	if getFileError != nil {
-		return nil, getFileError
-	}
-	fileBytes := w.Bytes()
-	//Return bytes
-	return fileBytes, nil
-//GetDBInstance - Gets database intance
-func GetDBInstance(serverIPAddress, port, dbName string, timeOutInSeconds int) (*mongo.Database, error) {
-	serverIPAddress = strings.TrimSpace(serverIPAddress)
-	dbName = strings.TrimSpace(dbName)
-	port = strings.TrimSpace(port)
-	//Validations
-	if serverIPAddress == "" {
-		return nil, errors.New("serverIPAddress required")
-	} else if dbName == "" {
-		return nil, errors.New("dbName required")
-	} else if timeOutInSeconds <= 0 {
-		return nil, errors.New("valid timeOutInSeconds required")
-	}
-	ipElements := strings.Split(serverIPAddress, ".")
-	if len(ipElements) != 4 {
-		return nil, errors.New("invalid serverIPAddress")
-	}
-	if port == "" {
-		port = "27017"
-	}
-	//Connection string
-	connectionString := "mongodb://" + serverIPAddress + ":" + port
-	client, connectionError := mongo.NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI(connectionString))
-	if connectionError != nil {
-		return nil, connectionError
-	}
-	//Context with timeout
-	ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Duration(timeOutInSeconds)*time.Second)
-	contextError := client.Connect(ctx)
-	if contextError != nil {
-		return nil, contextError
-	}
-	//Create a db instance
-	db := client.Database(dbName)
-	//Return db instance
-	return db, nil
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/dalmdl.go b/v2/dalmdl/dalmdl.go
deleted file mode 100755
index a1416c0b0d73e556c8817ceeecb6d22bb37b51a8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/dalmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-package dalmdl
-const (
-	MYSQL     = "MYSQL"
-	FDB       = "FDB"
-	GraphDB   = "GRAPHDB"
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/dao/dao.go b/v2/dalmdl/dao/dao.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 8a1780d0a0db1b47b0aca7afb89f6561e171b488..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/dao/dao.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Wed Jul 04 2018 20:15:13 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package dalmdl will help you access
-package dalmdl
-import (
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/fdb"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// BaseDAO help to fetch data
-type BaseDAO struct {
-	filePath      string
-	query         []string
-	Output        gjson.Result
-	isCacheable   bool
-	cacheDuration time.Duration
-// DAOBuilder will help to run gson query
-type DAOBuilder struct {
-	BaseDAO
-// GetDAO return new instance
-func GetDAO() *DAOBuilder {
-	return &DAOBuilder{}
-// Run : Execute Query
-func (db *DAOBuilder) Run() (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	db.Output = gjson.Result{}
-	var err error
-	for _, qry := range db.query {
-		db.Output, err = fdb.GetDataDAO(db.filePath, qry, db.isCacheable, db.cacheDuration, db.Output)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error in executing query: ", qry, err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-	}
-	return &db.Output, nil
-// FilePath to open File and get data from FDB
-func (db *DAOBuilder) FilePath(name string) *DAOBuilder {
-	db.BaseDAO.filePath = name
-	return db
-// IsCacheableWithDuration to open File and get data from FDB
-func (db *DAOBuilder) IsCacheableWithDuration(duration time.Duration) *DAOBuilder {
-	if duration != 0 {
-		db.BaseDAO.isCacheable = true
-		db.BaseDAO.cacheDuration = duration
-	}
-	return db
-// IsCacheable to open File and get data from FDB
-func (db *DAOBuilder) IsCacheable() *DAOBuilder {
-	db.BaseDAO.isCacheable = true
-	return db
-// Query give multiple queries for and condition
-func (db *DAOBuilder) Query(query ...string) *DAOBuilder {
-	db.BaseDAO.query = query
-	return db
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go b/v2/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 952a5b017444c001d08edd549abbc787c72d71f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-package dgraph
-import (
-	"context"
-	"errors"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo"
-	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo/protos/api"
-	"google.golang.org/grpc"
-type Host struct {
-	Name       string `json:"hostName"`
-	Server     string `json:"server"`
-	Port       int    `json:"port"`
-	IsDefault  bool   `json:"isDefault"`
-	IsDisabled bool   `json:"IsDisabled"`
-	// UserName  string
-	// Password  string
-type Instance struct {
-	client *dgo.Dgraph
-	host   Host
-type DGraphDAO struct {
-	HostName string
-	instance *Instance
-var (
-	instances   map[string]*Instance
-	defaultHost string
-	configured  bool
-var (
-	ErrNotConfigured    = errors.New("graph db instances not configured. InitInstances() must be called to configure.")
-	ErrInstanceNotFound = errors.New("graph db instance not found")
-// NewClient returns a new dgraph client for provided configuration.
-func NewClient(h Host) (*dgo.Dgraph, error) {
-	if strings.TrimSpace(h.Server) == "" {
-		return nil, errors.New("host address can not be empty")
-	}
-	address := bindDgraphServerWithPort(h.Server, h.Port)
-	// Dial a gRPC connection. The address to dial to can be configured when
-	// setting up the dgraph cluster.
-	dialOpts := []grpc.DialOption{
-		grpc.WithInsecure(),
-		grpc.WithBlock(), // block till we connect to the server
-		// grpc.WithTimeout(time.Second * 5),
-		grpc.WithDefaultCallOptions(
-			// grpc.UseCompressor(gzip.Name),
-			grpc.WaitForReady(true),
-		),
-	}
-	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.TODO(), time.Second*5) // wait for 5 seconds to connect to grpc server. Exit if the deadline exceeds.
-	defer cancel()
-	d, err := grpc.DialContext(ctx, address, dialOpts...)
-	if err == context.DeadlineExceeded {
-		return nil, errors.New("graphdb connect error, connection timed out for host " + address)
-	}
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	client := dgo.NewDgraphClient(api.NewDgraphClient(d))
-	// Note: Supported in Enterprise version only
-	// if h.UserName != "" {
-	// 	if err = client.Login(context.TODO(), h.UserName, h.Password); err != nil {
-	// 		return nil, err
-	// 	}
-	// }
-	return client, nil
-// NewInstance creates n new v2 instance of dgraph client. This instance can be saved in cache with host name as identifier for further operations.
-func NewInstance(client *dgo.Dgraph, host Host) *Instance {
-	return &Instance{
-		client: client,
-		host:   host,
-	}
-func InitInstances(configs []Host) error {
-	if configured {
-		return nil
-	}
-	instances = make(map[string]*Instance, len(configs))
-	for _, host := range configs {
-		if host.IsDisabled {
-			continue
-		}
-		client, err := NewClient(host)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		instances[host.Name] = &Instance{
-			client: client,
-			host:   host,
-		}
-		if host.IsDefault {
-			defaultHost = host.Name
-		}
-	}
-	configured = true
-	return nil
-// GetInstance returns a preconfigured dgraph instance from cache. If not present, returns an error.
-func GetInstance(hostName string) (*Instance, error) {
-	if !configured {
-		return nil, ErrNotConfigured
-	}
-	if hostName == "" {
-		hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	i, ok := instances[hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, ErrInstanceNotFound
-	}
-	return i, nil
-// GetDAO returns a dao instance to access and manipulate graph data and schema.
-// If hostname is empty, default host will be used.
-// Otherwise ErrInstanceNotFound error will be returned.
-func GetDAO(hostName string) (*DGraphDAO, error) {
-	ist, err := GetInstance(hostName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &DGraphDAO{
-		HostName: hostName,
-		instance: ist,
-	}, nil
-// GetTransaction returns a new transaction for provided host.
-// If hostname is empty, transaction from default host will be returned.
-// Otherwise ErrInstanceNotFound error will be returned.
-func GetTransaction(hostName string) (*dgo.Txn, error) {
-	ist, err := GetInstance(hostName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return ist.client.NewTxn(), nil
-// GetData returns the nodes matching to the provided query.
-// query variables can be provided in `vars` param. Safe to provide `nil` if no variables required.
-// The result is against the provided key in the query.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) GetData(ctx context.Context, query string, vars map[string]string) ([]byte, error) {
-	txn := dg.instance.client.NewReadOnlyTxn().BestEffort()
-	var (
-		res *api.Response
-		err error
-	)
-	if len(vars) == 0 {
-		res, err = txn.Query(ctx, query)
-	} else {
-		res, err = txn.QueryWithVars(ctx, query, vars)
-	}
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return res.GetJson(), nil
-// SetData sets the provided data as a node. Can be used to create or update a node.
-// For update, the data must contain `uid` field.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) SetData(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
-	return dg.mutate(ctx, &api.Mutation{
-		SetJson:   data,
-		CommitNow: true,
-	})
-// SetData sets the provided data as a node. Can be used to create or update a node.
-// For update, the data must contain `uid` field.
-// The transacction must be committed or discarded.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) SetDataTXN(ctx context.Context, txn *dgo.Txn, data []byte) error {
-	return dg.mutateTXN(ctx,
-		&api.Mutation{
-			SetJson: data,
-		},
-		txn,
-	)
-// DeleteData deletes the node or provided node attribute.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DeleteData(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
-	return dg.mutate(ctx, &api.Mutation{
-		DeleteJson: data,
-		CommitNow:  true,
-	})
-// DeleteData deletes the node or provided node attribute.
-// The transacction must be committed or discarded.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DeleteDataTXN(ctx context.Context, txn *dgo.Txn, data []byte) error {
-	return dg.mutateTXN(ctx,
-		&api.Mutation{
-			DeleteJson: data,
-		},
-		txn,
-	)
-// DeleteEdge deletes the edges for the mentioned node. predicate is the name of relationship between the node.
-// Ex. Persion1 `follows` Person2.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DeleteEdge(ctx context.Context, uid string, predicates ...string) error {
-	mu := &api.Mutation{
-		CommitNow: true,
-	}
-	dgo.DeleteEdges(mu, uid, predicates...)
-	return dg.mutate(ctx, mu)
-// DeleteEdgeTXN deletes the edges for the mentioned node. predicate is the name of relationship between the node.
-// Ex. Persion1 `follows` Person2.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DeleteEdgeTXN(ctx context.Context, txn *dgo.Txn, uid string, predicates ...string) error {
-	mu := &api.Mutation{
-		CommitNow: true,
-	}
-	dgo.DeleteEdges(mu, uid, predicates...)
-	return dg.mutateTXN(ctx, mu, txn)
-// mutate creates or updates or deletes the node data.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) mutate(ctx context.Context, mtn *api.Mutation) error {
-	txn := dg.instance.client.NewTxn()
-	_, err := txn.Mutate(ctx, mtn)
-	return err
-// mutate creates or updates the node data.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) mutateTXN(ctx context.Context, mtn *api.Mutation, txn *dgo.Txn) error {
-	_, err := txn.Mutate(ctx, mtn)
-	return err
-// CreateSchema sets the provided schema for the nodes data.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) CreateSchema(ctx context.Context, schema string) error {
-	return dg.instance.client.Alter(ctx, &api.Operation{Schema: schema})
-// DropSchema deletes the current schema along with the data.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DropSchema(ctx context.Context) error {
-	return dg.instance.client.Alter(ctx, &api.Operation{DropOp: api.Operation_ALL})
-// DropData deletes complete data but maintains the schema.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DropData(ctx context.Context) error {
-	return dg.instance.client.Alter(ctx, &api.Operation{DropOp: api.Operation_DATA})
-// DropAttr deletes a specific attribute completely from data and the schema.
-func (dg *DGraphDAO) DropAttr(ctx context.Context, attr string) error {
-	return dg.instance.client.Alter(ctx, &api.Operation{DropOp: api.Operation_ATTR, DropValue: attr})
-func bindDgraphServerWithPort(server string, port int) string {
-	// if port is empty then use default port 9080(GRPC Port) & bind to server ip
-	if port <= 0 || strings.TrimSpace(strconv.Itoa(port)) == "" {
-		return server + ":9080"
-	}
-	return server + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f0531ab0b72f50a9a84c6b6c7c551d20f53e383a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/dgraph/dgraph_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-package dgraph
-import (
-	"context"
-	"testing"
-var dgraphHost = &Host{
-	Name:   "DGraphHost",
-	Server: "localhost",
-	Port:   9080,
-func Test_NewClient(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		h Host
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name string
-		args args
-		// want    *dgo.Dgraph
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:    "success on valid connection",
-			args:    args{h: Host{Name: "graphDBHost", Server: dgraphHost.Server, Port: 9080}},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail on connection fail",
-			args:    args{h: Host{Name: "graphDBHost", Server: dgraphHost.Server, Port: 8080}},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "success on default port used",
-			args:    args{h: Host{Name: "graphDBHost", Server: dgraphHost.Server}},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail on blank address",
-			args:    args{h: Host{Name: "graphDBHost", Server: ""}},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail on invalid address",
-			args:    args{h: Host{Name: "graphDBHost", Server: "10.1.0"}},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			_, err := NewClient(tt.args.h)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("NewClient() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func Test_CreateSchema(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c      context.Context
-		schema string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "create schema successfully",
-			args: args{c: context.Background(), schema: `
-			 name: string @index(exact) .
-			 age: int .
-			`},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name: "pass invalid schema",
-			args: args{c: context.Background(), schema: `
-			name string @index(exact) .
-			age int .
-			 `},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "pass blank schema",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), schema: ``},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-			err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-			if err != nil {
-				t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-			}
-			dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("CreateSchema() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-			err = dg.CreateSchema(tt.args.c, tt.args.schema)
-			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-				t.Errorf("CreateSchema() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-				return
-			}
-		})
-	}
-func Test_SetData(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c    context.Context
-		data []byte
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "success on correct data",
-			args: args{c: context.Background(), data: []byte(`{
-				"name": "Person 1",
-				"age": 29,
-				"follows": {
-					"name": "Person 2",
-					"age": 18,
-					"follows": {
-						"name": "Person 3",
-						"age": 37
-					}
-				}
-			}`)},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "failure on incorrect data",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), data: []byte(``)},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("SetData() error = %v", err)
-		}
-		err = dg.SetData(tt.args.c, tt.args.data)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("SetData() error = %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_DropAttr(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c    context.Context
-		attr string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:    "success case for delete known attribute",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), attr: "age"},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail case for deleting absent attribute",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), attr: "height"},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail case for blank attribute",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), attr: ""},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DropAttr() error = %v", err)
-		}
-		err = dg.DropAttr(tt.args.c, tt.args.attr)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DropAttr() error = %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_GetData(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c     context.Context
-		query string
-		vars  map[string]string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "success query to fetch data without params",
-			args: args{c: context.Background(), query: `
-			{
-				people(func: has(name)) {
-				  name
-				  age,
-				  follows
-				}
-			  }
-			`},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "failure on blank query",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), query: ""},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("GetData() error = %v", err)
-		}
-		_, err = dg.GetData(tt.args.c, tt.args.query, tt.args.vars)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("GetData() error = %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_DeleteEdge(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c          context.Context
-		uid        string
-		predicates []string
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:    "success case to delete an edge",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), uid: "0x754f", predicates: []string{"follows"}},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail case to delete blank edge",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), uid: "0x7551", predicates: []string{""}},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "fail case to delete blank UID",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), uid: "", predicates: []string{""}},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DeleteEdge() error = %v", err)
-		}
-		err = dg.DeleteEdge(tt.args.c, tt.args.uid, tt.args.predicates...)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DeleteEdge() error = %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_DeleteData(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c    context.Context
-		data []byte
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name: "success on delete correct data",
-			args: args{c: context.Background(), data: []byte(`{
-				"uid": "0x754f"
-			}`)},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-		{
-			name:    "failure on incorrect delete data",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background(), data: []byte(``)},
-			wantErr: true,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DeleteData() error = %v", err)
-		}
-		err = dg.DeleteData(tt.args.c, tt.args.data)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DeleteData() error = %v", err)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_DropData(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c context.Context
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:    "Drop data case",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background()},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("DropData() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		err = dg.DropData(tt.args.c)
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("DropData() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_DropSchema(t *testing.T) {
-	type args struct {
-		c context.Context
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name    string
-		args    args
-		wantErr bool
-	}{
-		{
-			name:    "Drop schema case",
-			args:    args{c: context.Background()},
-			wantErr: false,
-		},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		err := InitInstances([]Host{*dgraphHost})
-		if err != nil {
-			t.Errorf("InitInstances() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-		}
-		dg, err := GetDAO(dgraphHost.Name)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DropSchema() error = %v", err)
-		}
-		err = dg.DropSchema(tt.args.c)
-		if err != nil && !tt.wantErr {
-			t.Errorf("DropSchema() error = %v", err)
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdb.go b/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdb.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 4114b231cf920d211140a3f908188aa8be505d1e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:14:04 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package fdb will help you access data from FDB
-package fdb
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	"github.com/pquerna/ffjson/ffjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/hashmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// securityRequired for securing fdb data
-var securityRequired = false
-// downloadFromInternet flag enables filedownload from internet
-// var downloadFromInternet = false
-// var hostAddressForDataFiles = ""
-// var splitString = ""
-var defaultSecurityKey = []byte{}
-var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-var (
-	// NumberOfReads Collects Number of Reads
-	NumberOfReads = 0
-	// NumberOfWrites Collects Number of Writes
-	NumberOfWrites = 0
-	// Fastcache Holds Cache for queries
-	Fastcache cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-	// NumberOfReadsWithoutSecurity Collects Number of Reads without Security
-	NumberOfReadsWithoutSecurity = 0
-	// NumberOfWritesWithoutSecurity Collects Number of Writes without Security
-	NumberOfWritesWithoutSecurity = 0
-// GetDataDAO will return query data
-func GetDataDAO(filePath, query string, isCachable bool, cacheTime time.Duration, rs gjson.Result) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	if rs.Raw != "" {
-		rs = rs.Get(query)
-		return rs, nil
-	}
-	if isCachable {
-		data, found := Fastcache.Get(filePath + query)
-		go statemdl.UpdateGlobalServiceCacheState(found)
-		if errormdl.CheckBool(found) {
-			val, ok := data.(gjson.Result)
-			if errormdl.CheckBool1(ok) {
-				return val, nil
-			}
-			return gjson.Result{}, nil
-		}
-	}
-	byteData, err := getDataFromFDB(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return gjson.Result{}, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	if query == constantmdl.STAR {
-		rs = gjson.ParseBytes(byteData)
-	} else {
-		rs = gjson.ParseBytes(byteData).Get(query)
-	}
-	if isCachable {
-		Fastcache.SetWithExpiration(filePath+query, rs, time.Second*cacheTime)
-	}
-	return rs, nil
-//GetDataFromFDB gets data from FDB
-func getDataFromFDB(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
-	//Following checking will be done for the provided file path, which will let us know
-	// whether the file is Read only/Write only/Update only
-	mutex.Lock()
-	NumberOfReads = NumberOfReads + 1
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	}
-	if securityRequired {
-		keyBytes, hashError := GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(hashError) != nil {
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr1(hashError)
-		}
-		decryptedData, decryptionError := securitymdl.AESDecrypt(data, keyBytes)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(decryptionError) != nil {
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(decryptionError)
-		}
-		decompressedData, decompressError := filemdl.UnZipBytes(decryptedData)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(decompressError) != nil {
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(decompressError)
-		}
-		return decompressedData, nil
-	}
-	return data, err
-// SaveDataToFDB saves the data in FDB
-func SaveDataToFDB(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir, createBackup bool) error {
-	mutex.Lock()
-	NumberOfWrites = NumberOfWrites + 1
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	if securityRequired {
-		keyBytes, hashError := GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(hashError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(hashError)
-		}
-		compressedText, compressionError := filemdl.ZipBytes(data)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(compressionError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr2(compressionError)
-		}
-		encryptedData, encryptionError := securitymdl.AESEncrypt(compressedText, keyBytes)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptionError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptionError)
-		}
-		saveError := filemdl.GetInstance().Save(filePath, encryptedData, makeDir, createBackup)
-		return saveError
-	}
-	saveError := filemdl.GetInstance().Save(filePath, data, makeDir, createBackup)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(saveError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(saveError)
-	}
-	// TODO: Delete file related entries from cacahe entries
-	return nil
-// SaveInterfaceDataToFDB saves the data in FDB
-func SaveInterfaceDataToFDB(filePath string, interfaceData interface{}, makeDir, createBackup bool) error {
-	mutex.Lock()
-	NumberOfWrites = NumberOfWrites + 1
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	data, marshalError := ffjson.Marshal(interfaceData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(marshalError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(marshalError)
-		return marshalError
-	}
-	if securityRequired {
-		keyBytes, hashError := GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(hashError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(hashError)
-		}
-		compressedText, compressionError := filemdl.ZipBytes(data)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(compressionError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr2(compressionError)
-		}
-		encryptedData, encryptionError := securitymdl.AESEncrypt(compressedText, keyBytes)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptionError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptionError)
-		}
-		saveError := filemdl.GetInstance().Save(filePath, encryptedData, makeDir, createBackup)
-		return saveError
-	}
-	saveError := filemdl.GetInstance().Save(filePath, data, makeDir, createBackup)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(saveError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(saveError)
-	}
-	// TODO: Delete file related entries from cacahe entries
-	return nil
-//EnableSecurity Set remote path for receiving files if not found at local
-func EnableSecurity(key []byte, initializationVector string) {
-	securitymdl.SetSecurityConfig(key, initializationVector)
-	defaultSecurityKey = key
-	securityRequired = true
-//DisableSecurity disables security
-func DisableSecurity() {
-	securityRequired = false
-//GetSecurityStatus get status of security flag
-func GetSecurityStatus() bool {
-	return securityRequired
-// GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey generates key using file name + Default key
-func GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
-	fileName := filepath.Base(filePath)
-	fileNameBytes := []byte(fileName)
-	fileNameBytes = append(fileNameBytes, defaultSecurityKey...)
-	keyBytes, getHashError := hashmdl.Get128BitHash(fileNameBytes)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(getHashError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(getHashError)
-	}
-	return keyBytes[:], nil
-//AppendDataToFDB apppends data to FDB
-func AppendDataToFDB(filePath string, data []byte, createBackup bool) error {
-	saveError := filemdl.GetInstance().Save(filePath, data, false, createBackup)
-	return saveError
-// SoftDeleteFileFromFDB rename file as per timestamp
-func SoftDeleteFileFromFDB(filePath string) error {
-	t := time.Now()
-	newFilePath := filePath + "_deleted_" + t.Format("20060102150405")
-	err := filemdl.RenameFile(filePath, newFilePath)
-	return err
-// HardDeleteFileFromFDB permanantly delete file from fdb
-func HardDeleteFileFromFDB(filePath string) error {
-	err := filemdl.DeleteFile(filePath)
-	return err
-//GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity gets data from FDB
-func GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
-	//Following checking will be done for the provided file path, which will let us know
-	// whether the file is Read only/Write only/Update only
-	mutex.Lock()
-	NumberOfReadsWithoutSecurity = NumberOfReadsWithoutSecurity + 1
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		// if !downloadFromInternet {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		// }
-		// if hostAddressForDataFiles == "" {
-		// 	loggermdl.LogError("Call dalhelper.SetRemoteHostPath(remoteHost) to set remote file path ")
-		// 	return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		// }
-		// relativeFilePath := strings.SplitAfter(filePath, splitString)
-		// remotePath := hostAddressForDataFiles + relativeFilePath[1]
-		// resp, httpError := http.Get(remotePath)
-		// if httpError != nil || (resp != nil && resp.StatusCode == 404) {
-		// 	return nil, httpError
-		// }
-		// data, readError := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
-		// if errormdl.CheckErr1(readError) != nil {
-		// 	loggermdl.LogError("Error while reading data from response body ", readError)
-		// 	return nil, errormdl.CheckErr1(readError)
-		// }
-		// defer resp.Body.Close()
-		// saveError := SaveDataToFDB(filePath, data, true, false)
-		// return data, saveError
-	}
-	return data, err
-//SaveDataToFDBWithoutSecurity saves data to FDB
-func SaveDataToFDBWithoutSecurity(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir, createBackup bool) error {
-	mutex.Lock()
-	NumberOfWritesWithoutSecurity = NumberOfWritesWithoutSecurity + 1
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	saveError := filemdl.GetInstance().Save(filePath, data, makeDir, createBackup)
-	return saveError
-// // EnableRemoteFileDownload Set remote address and enable file download from internet
-// func EnableRemoteFileDownload(remoteHostAddress, pathSplitString string) {
-// 	hostAddressForDataFiles = remoteHostAddress
-// 	splitString = pathSplitString
-// 	downloadFromInternet = true
-// }
-// // DisableRemoteFileDownload disables  file download from internet
-// func DisableRemoteFileDownload() {
-// 	hostAddressForDataFiles = ""
-// 	splitString = ""
-// 	downloadFromInternet = false
-// }
-// // GetRemoteFileDownloadStatus get status of file download from internet
-// func GetRemoteFileDownloadStatus() bool {
-// 	return downloadFromInternet
-// }
-// SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue saves the data in FDB without file queueing
-func SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir, createBackup bool) error {
-	mutex.Lock()
-	NumberOfWrites = NumberOfWrites + 1
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	if securityRequired {
-		keyBytes, hashError := GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(hashError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(hashError)
-		}
-		compressedText, compressionError := filemdl.ZipBytes(data)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(compressionError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr2(compressionError)
-		}
-		encryptedData, encryptionError := securitymdl.AESEncrypt(compressedText, keyBytes)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptionError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr1(encryptionError)
-		}
-		saveError := filemdl.WriteFile(filePath, encryptedData, makeDir, createBackup)
-		return saveError
-	}
-	saveError := filemdl.WriteFile(filePath, data, makeDir, createBackup)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(saveError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(saveError)
-	}
-	// TODO: Delete file related entries from cacahe entries
-	return nil
-//AppendDataToFDBWithoutQueue apppends data to FDB without file queueing
-func AppendDataToFDBWithoutQueue(filePath string, data []byte, createBackup bool) error {
-	_, saveError := filemdl.AppendFile(filePath, string(data))
-	return saveError
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdb_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdb_test.go
deleted file mode 100755
index d8aded99d91890044bbc10735cca4983101123ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdb_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-// TODO: Commented because of following error while setting up go modules
-// Command - go mod tidy
-// Error -
-// go: corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/fdb tested by
-//         corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/fdb.test imports
-//         corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/coreospackage/dalhelper imports
-//         gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3@v3.1.0: parsing go.mod:
-//         module declares its path as: github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3
-//                 but was required as: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3
-// //@author  Ajit Jagtap
-// //@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:13:57 GMT+0530 (IST)
-package fdb
-// import (
-// 	"fmt"
-// 	"testing"
-// 	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/coreospackage/dalhelper"
-// 	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-// 	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-// 	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// )
-// func TestGetDataDAO(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	result, err := GetDataDAO("../../testingdata/users.json", "*", true, gjson.Result{})
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// 	a := result.String()
-// 	assert.NotZero(t, a, "Should give len")
-// }
-// func TestGetDataDAO_WithRaw(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	result, err := GetDataDAO("../../testingdata/users.json", "*", true, gjson.Result{})
-// 	//pass same result again
-// 	result, err = GetDataDAO("../../testingdata/users.json", "*", true, result)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// }
-// func TestGetDataDAO_WithFileReadError(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	_, err := GetDataDAO("../../testingdata/users.json", "*", false, gjson.Result{})
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should  return error")
-// }
-// func TestGetDataDAO_WithFileRead(t *testing.T) {
-// 	//no error and cache flush
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	_, err := GetDataDAO("../../testingdata/users.json", "#", true, gjson.Result{})
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// }
-// func TestGetDataDAO_WithCacheGetErrAndFileRead(t *testing.T) {
-// 	//no error and cache flush
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	_, err := GetDataDAO("../../testingdata/users.json", "#", true, gjson.Result{})
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// }
-// func TestSaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users.json", ba, false, false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// }
-// func Test1SaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users.json", ba, false, true)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-// func Test2SaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test3SaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test4SaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test5SaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test6SaveDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestAppendDataToFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := AppendDataToFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc.json", ba, false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestSoftDeleteFileFromFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	err := SoftDeleteFileFromFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestHardDeleteFileFromFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	err := HardDeleteFileFromFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestGetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	_, err := GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test1GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	_, err := GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// // func Test2GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// // 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// // 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// // 	EnableRemoteFileDownload("", "")
-// // 	_, err := GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// // 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// // 	assert.Error(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// // }
-// // func Test3GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// // 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// // 	EnableRemoteFileDownload("http://cdpcdn.mkcl.org/", "testingdata")
-// // 	_, err := GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/92/4d/f1/924df182524b2428080069888694a3a2.mp3")
-// // 	DisableRemoteFileDownload()
-// // 	fmt.Println(GetRemoteFileDownloadStatus())
-// // 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// // }
-// // func Test4GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// // 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// // 	EnableRemoteFileDownload("http://cdpcdn1.mkcl.org/", "testingdata")
-// // 	_, err := GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/3b/23/e4/3b23e4f39eb4bd69b53cfefbe0c606fc.mp4")
-// // 	DisableRemoteFileDownload()
-// // 	fmt.Println(GetRemoteFileDownloadStatus())
-// // 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// // }
-// // func Test5GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// // 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// // 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// // 	EnableRemoteFileDownload("http://cdpcdn.mkcl.org/", "testingdata")
-// // 	_, err := GetDataFromFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/3b/23/e4/3b23e4f39eb4bd69b53cfefbe0c606fc.mp4")
-// // 	DisableRemoteFileDownload()
-// // 	fmt.Println(GetRemoteFileDownloadStatus())
-// // 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// // 	assert.Error(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// // }
-// func TestSaveDataToFDBWithoutSecurity(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutSecurity("../../testingdata/users.json", ba, false, false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestSaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users.json", ba, false, false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test1SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users.json", ba, false, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test2SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users_enc.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test3SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test4SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test5SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test6SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestAppendDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := AppendDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users.json", ba, false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test7SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	ba, _ := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	err := SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json", ba, true, false)
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	fmt.Println(GetSecurityStatus())
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestGetDataFromFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	_, err := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json")
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test1GetDataFromFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	_, err := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error is Expected")
-// }
-// func Test2GetDataFromFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	_, err := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error is Expected")
-// }
-// func Test3GetDataFromFDB(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Fastcache.Purge()
-// 	EnableSecurity([]byte("MKCLSecurity$#@!"), "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-// 	_, err := getDataFromFDB("../../testingdata/users_enc1.json")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-// 	DisableSecurity()
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error is Expected")
-// }
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdbdefault.go b/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdbdefault.go
deleted file mode 100755
index a3976db5f284ebf4d69f90c0fc507eb24a3a489d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdbdefault.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-//+build !prod
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:16:34 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package fdb default compliation;  this will compile only for development envirnoment
-package fdb
-import (
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-func init() {
-	Fastcache = cachemdl.FastCacheHelper{}
-	//FIXME: Below hardcoded values need better number
-	Fastcache.Setup(5000, time.Minute*500, time.Minute*500)
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdbprod.go b/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdbprod.go
deleted file mode 100755
index bd4b26a4f7c40ca99ec77dfe97f77e5df9ebcae8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/fdb/fdbprod.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-//+build prod
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:18:41 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package fdb Prod this will compile only for production envirnoment
-package fdb
-// func init() {
-// 	Mastercache = cachemdl.CacheGCHelper{}
-// 	//FIXME: Below hardcoded values need better number
-// 	Mastercache.Setup(5000, time.Second*500)
-// }
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter/lazywriter.go b/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter/lazywriter.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f24865776d2297c9dca8498c71c2cf1781226f72..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter/lazywriter.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,548 +0,0 @@
-package lazywriter
-import (
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/fdb"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/noaway/heartbeat"
-	"github.com/pquerna/ffjson/ffjson"
-	"github.com/patrickmn/go-cache"
-// var PerformanceAnalyser = map[string]LazyCacheObject{}
-// var isDebugMode = false
-var lazyMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-const MIN_DATA_LENGTH = 10
-// LazyFDBHelper Helps to Save and Get cache object
-// also saves information into hard disk
-type LazyFDBHelper struct {
-	gc                     *cache.Cache
-	Heartbeat              *heartbeat.Task
-	IsProcessRunning       bool
-	NumberOfUpdateAttempts int
-	RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC   time.Duration
-	DISK_READ_COUNT        int
-	DISK_WRITE_COUNT       int
-	CacheExpirationTime    time.Duration
-	CacheCleanUpInterval   time.Duration
-// LazyCacheObject is a
-type LazyCacheObject struct {
-	// Identifier will be used to identify the LazyCacheObject
-	Identifier string
-	// This will be used as a Key for GC cache
-	FileName string
-	// Data is for storing byte array of an object; right now it is not used.
-	GJSONData gjson.Result
-	// This will hold object which developer wants to fetch or store
-	InterfaceData interface{}
-	//This number indicates how many times InterfaceData data is changed
-	ChangeCount int
-	// This will tell if object is locked for file saving or not.
-	IsLocked bool
-	SaveFn SaveDataFn
-// SaveDataFn - This is an user defined callback function executed to presist data. If not provided default save function will be executed.
-type SaveDataFn func(key string, value *LazyCacheObject)
-// StartProcess
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) StartProcess(objectCount int, taskName string,
-	intervalTime int, sleepTime int, maxNumberOfRetry int, isDebugMode bool) {
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("StartProcess")
-	//This is Default value that is why used as
-	// isDebugMode = isDebugMode
-	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
-	if intervalTime > 0 {
-		lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC = intervalTime
-	}
-	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
-	if sleepTime > 0 {
-		lfd.RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC = time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Millisecond
-	}
-	if maxNumberOfRetry <= 0 {
-	} else {
-		lfd.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRY = maxNumberOfRetry
-	}
-	//start Heartbeat event
-	lfd.Heartbeat, _ = heartbeat.NewTast(taskName, lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC)
-	// TODO: Use Fast Cache here
-	// Use default ARC algo for store
-	// lfd.gc = gcache.New(objectCount).
-	// 	LFU().
-	// 	Build()
-	lfd.gc = cache.New(lfd.CacheExpirationTime, lfd.CacheCleanUpInterval)
-	//Init timer
-	lazyMutex.Lock()
-	lfd.Heartbeat.Start(func() error {
-		// check if process already running
-		if lfd.IsProcessRunning {
-			//If process is already running skip processing running it again.
-			return nil
-		}
-		//process eatch object in cache and save to hdd.
-		lfd.saveObjectsToFdb()
-		return nil
-	})
-	lazyMutex.Unlock()
-// ClearLazyObjInterfaceData -
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) ClearLazyObjInterfaceData(identifier string) error {
-	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
-		//TODO: catch errors
-		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
-		if !ok {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("error occured while getting " + item + " from gcache")
-		}
-		cachedObjectActual, _ := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if cachedObjectActual.Identifier == identifier {
-			if cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
-				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
-				// saveDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
-				cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
-				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
-				lazyMutex.Lock()
-				lazyMutex.Unlock()
-				// if isDebugMode {
-				// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName]
-				// 	lazyCacheObject.DISK_WRITE_COUNT++
-				// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-				// }
-			}
-			lazyMutex.Lock()
-			lfd.gc.Delete(cachedObjectActual.FileName)
-			lazyMutex.Unlock()
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-// saveObjectsToFdb is private method which will be called to save object on hdd
-// this will fetch all objects in store and save it one by one
-// right now it is not using any threading
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) saveObjectsToFdb() {
-	lfd.IsProcessRunning = true
-	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
-	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
-		//TODO: catch errors
-		cacheObjectraw, _ := lfd.gc.Get(item)
-		cacheObjActual, _ := cacheObjectraw.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if cacheObjActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
-			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = true
-			// TODO: Catch errors from save function
-			if cacheObjActual.SaveFn == nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("Executing default function")
-				saveDataToFDB(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual.InterfaceData, cacheObjActual.GJSONData)
-			} else {
-				loggermdl.LogError("Executing custom function")
-				cacheObjActual.SaveFn(item, &cacheObjActual)
-			}
-			cacheObjActual.ChangeCount = 0
-			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = false
-			lfd.gc.Set(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
-			lazyMutex.Lock()
-			// if isDebugMode {
-			// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName]
-			// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_WRITE_COUNT++
-			// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-			// }
-			lazyMutex.Unlock()
-			loggermdl.LogError("changes saved to disk at ", cacheObjActual.FileName)
-		}
-	}
-	lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts = lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts + 1
-	lfd.IsProcessRunning = false
-// SaveOrUpdateDataInCache this method will Save object in cache if unavailable
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) SaveOrUpdateDataInCache(newObject LazyCacheObject) bool {
-	jsonString := newObject.GJSONData.String()
-	byteArray := []byte(jsonString)
-	if jsonString == "" {
-		var marshalError error
-		byteArray, marshalError = ffjson.Marshal(newObject.InterfaceData)
-		if marshalError != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while marshaling data ", marshalError)
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	// check data length before saving. If less than assumed data length, return false
-	lengthOfData := len(byteArray)
-	if lengthOfData < MIN_DATA_LENGTH {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data size is less than minimun expected data length. Actual data length: ", lengthOfData)
-		loggermdl.LogError("data received: ", string(byteArray))
-		return false
-	}
-	retryCount := 0
-	// Get prev object and then save new one
-	//TODO: catch errors
-	dataFromGC, ok := lfd.gc.Get(newObject.FileName)
-	if !ok || dataFromGC == nil {
-		newObject.ChangeCount = 1
-		lfd.gc.Set(newObject.FileName, newObject, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
-	} else {
-		oldObject, _ := dataFromGC.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if oldObject.IsLocked && retryCount < lfd.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRY {
-			retryCount++
-			// Sleep for few sec so that other thread will release lock
-			time.Sleep(lfd.RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC)
-			goto retrylabel
-		}
-		newObject.ChangeCount = oldObject.ChangeCount + 1
-		lfd.gc.Set(newObject.FileName, newObject, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
-	}
-	lazyMutex.Lock()
-	lazyMutex.Unlock()
-	// if isDebugMode {
-	// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName]
-	// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_WRITE_COUNT++
-	// 	PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-	// }
-	// loggermdl.LogError("data updated in cache")
-	return true
-//saveDataToFDB data to hard disk.
-// This saves data by marshaling using json.Marshal
-func saveDataToFDB(filePath string, objectData interface{}, GJSONData gjson.Result) bool {
-	//TODO: catch errors
-	stringData := GJSONData.String()
-	byteArray := []byte(stringData)
-	if stringData == "" {
-		var marshalError error
-		byteArray, marshalError = ffjson.Marshal(objectData)
-		if marshalError != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while marshaling data ", marshalError)
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	// check data length before saving. If less than assumed data length, return false
-	lengthOfData := len(byteArray)
-	if lengthOfData < MIN_DATA_LENGTH {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data size is less than minimun expected data length. Actual data length: ", lengthOfData)
-		loggermdl.LogError("data received: ", string(byteArray))
-		return false
-	}
-	saveError := fdb.SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(filePath, byteArray, true, false)
-	if saveError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while saving data ", saveError)
-		return false
-	}
-	return true
-// use it when req.
-// func GetBytes(key interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
-// 	var buf bytes.Buffer
-// 	enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
-// 	err := enc.Encode(key)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		return nil, err
-// 	}
-// 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-// }
-// RemoveDataFromCache Removes Data From Cache
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) RemoveDataFromCache(identifier string) {
-	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
-	// cachedObjectList := lfd.gc.Items()
-	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
-		//TODO: catch errors
-		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting ", item, " from gcache")
-		}
-		cachedObjectActual, _ := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if cachedObjectActual.Identifier == identifier {
-			if cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
-				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
-				saveDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
-				cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
-				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
-				lazyMutex.Lock()
-				lazyMutex.Unlock()
-				// if isDebugMode {
-				// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName]
-				// 	lazyCacheObject.DISK_WRITE_COUNT++
-				// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-				// }
-			}
-			lazyMutex.Lock()
-			lfd.gc.Delete(cachedObjectActual.FileName)
-			lazyMutex.Unlock()
-		}
-	}
-//New Add new Key and value
-// func  (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) SetToCache(newObject LazyCacheObject) error {
-// 	return lfd.gc.Set(newObject.FileName, newObject.InterfaceData)
-// }
-//Get object based on key
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) GetFromCache(newObject LazyCacheObject) (interface{}, bool) {
-	lazyMutex.Lock()
-	lazyMutex.Unlock()
-	// if isDebugMode {
-	// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName]
-	// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_READ_COUNT++
-	// 	PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-	// }
-	return lfd.gc.Get(newObject.FileName)
-// GetAll objects from gc
-// func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) GetAllFromCache() map[interface{}]interface{} {
-// 	return lfd.gc.Items()
-// }
-// GetCacheLength Get Cache Length
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) GetCacheLength() int {
-	return lfd.gc.ItemCount()
-// PurgeCache first saves all data inside FDB and finally purge all Cache
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) PurgeCache() {
-	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
-	// cachedObjectList := lfd.gc.GetALL()
-	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
-		//TODO: catch errors
-		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting ", item, " from gcache")
-		}
-		cachedObjectActual, conversionSuccessful := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if conversionSuccessful && cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
-			cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
-			saveDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
-			cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
-			cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
-			lazyMutex.Lock()
-			lazyMutex.Unlock()
-		}
-	}
-	lazyMutex.Lock()
-	lfd.gc.Flush()
-	lazyMutex.Unlock()
-// =================================== > Lazywriter for appending data to file < ============================================
-// StartProcessForAppend StartProcessForAppend
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) StartProcessForAppend(objectCount int, taskName string,
-	intervalTime int, sleepTime int, maxNumberOfRetry int, isDebugMode bool) {
-	//This is Default value that is why used as
-	// isDebugMode = isDebugMode
-	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
-	if intervalTime > 0 {
-		lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC = intervalTime
-	}
-	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
-	if sleepTime > 0 {
-		lfd.RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC = time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Millisecond
-	}
-	if maxNumberOfRetry <= 0 {
-	} else {
-		lfd.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRY = maxNumberOfRetry
-	}
-	//start Heartbeat event
-	lfd.Heartbeat, _ = heartbeat.NewTast(taskName, lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC)
-	// Use default ARC algo for store
-	lfd.gc = cache.New(lfd.CacheExpirationTime, lfd.CacheCleanUpInterval)
-	//Init timer
-	lazyMutex.Lock()
-	lfd.Heartbeat.Start(func() error {
-		// check if process already running
-		if lfd.IsProcessRunning {
-			//If process is already running skip processing running it again.
-			return nil
-		}
-		//process eatch object in cache and save to hdd.
-		lfd.appendObjectsToFdb()
-		return nil
-	})
-	lazyMutex.Unlock()
-// appendObjectsToFdb is private method which will be called to append object/data to file on hdd
-// this will fetch all objects in store and append data to respective file it one by one
-// right now it is not using any threading
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) appendObjectsToFdb() {
-	lfd.IsProcessRunning = true
-	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
-	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
-		//TODO: catch errors
-		cacheObjectraw, _ := lfd.gc.Get(item)
-		cacheObjActual, _ := cacheObjectraw.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if cacheObjActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
-			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = true
-			appendDataToFDB(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual.InterfaceData, cacheObjActual.GJSONData)
-			cacheObjActual.ChangeCount = 0
-			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = false
-			lfd.gc.Set(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
-			lazyMutex.Lock()
-			// if isDebugMode {
-			// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName]
-			// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_WRITE_COUNT++
-			// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-			// }
-			lazyMutex.Unlock()
-		}
-	}
-	lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts = lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts + 1
-	lfd.IsProcessRunning = false
-// appendDataToFDB appends data to file on hard drive.
-// This appends data by marshaling using json.Marshal
-// '\n' will be added as a separator between two different objects
-func appendDataToFDB(filePath string, objectData interface{}, GJSONData gjson.Result) {
-	//TODO: catch errors
-	jsonString := GJSONData.String()
-	byteArray := []byte(jsonString)
-	if jsonString == "" {
-		var marshalError error
-		byteArray, marshalError = ffjson.Marshal(objectData)
-		if marshalError != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while marshaling data ", marshalError)
-		}
-	}
-	byteArray = append(byteArray, []byte("\n")...)
-	saveError := fdb.AppendDataToFDBWithoutQueue(filePath, byteArray, false)
-	if saveError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while saving data ", saveError)
-	}
-// RemoveDataFromCacheForAppend Removes Data From Cache
-func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) RemoveDataFromCacheForAppend(identifier string) {
-	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
-	cachedObjectList := lfd.gc.Items()
-	for item := range cachedObjectList {
-		//TODO: catch errors
-		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting ", item, " from gcache")
-		}
-		cachedObjectActual, _ := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)
-		if cachedObjectActual.Identifier == identifier {
-			if cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
-				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
-				appendDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
-				cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
-				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
-				lazyMutex.Lock()
-				lazyMutex.Unlock()
-				// if isDebugMode {appendDataToFDB
-				// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName]
-				// 	lazyCacheObject.DISK_WRITE_COUNT++
-				// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
-				// }
-			}
-			lazyMutex.Lock()
-			lfd.gc.Delete(cachedObjectActual.FileName)
-			lazyMutex.Unlock()
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter/lazywriter_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter/lazywriter_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b5ba3fa5409fa6393acbfab3d7a20666b7187f7e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/lazywriter/lazywriter_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-package lazywriter
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"strconv"
-	"sync"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/noaway/heartbeat"
-var masterLazzyObj LazyFDBHelper
-func init() {
-	masterLazzyObj.StartProcessForAppend(10000, "append", 100, 5, 5, false)
-func TestStartProcess(t *testing.T) {
-	task, _ := heartbeat.NewTast("Sample", 3)
-	startIndex := 0
-	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
-	wg.Add(1)
-	task.Start(func() error {
-		lazyCacheObject := LazyCacheObject{}
-		lazyCacheObject.FileName = "logs.json"
-		lazyCacheObject.Identifier = "logs.json"
-		startIndex += 3
-		tmp := `{"name":"SampleObject", "timeInterval": "` + strconv.Itoa(startIndex) + `"}`
-		lazyCacheObject.GJSONData = gjson.Parse(tmp)
-		if ok := masterLazzyObj.SaveOrUpdateDataInCache(lazyCacheObject); ok {
-			fmt.Println("Object append")
-		} else {
-			fmt.Println("Object not append")
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	wg.Wait()
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/mongodb/mongodb.go b/v2/dalmdl/mongodb/mongodb.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 05605ff28f25811047f9f6a004f89ea4b7c9b832..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/mongodb/mongodb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-package mongodb
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	"gopkg.in/mgo.v2/bson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/configmdl"
-	mgo "gopkg.in/mgo.v2"
-// MongoHost -MongoHost
-type MongoHost struct {
-	HostName        string        `json:"hostName"`
-	Server          string        `json:"server"`
-	Port            int           `json:"port"`
-	Username        string        `json:"username"`
-	Password        string        `json:"password"`
-	Database        string        `json:"database"`
-	IsDefault       bool          `json:"isDefault"`
-	MaxIdleConns    int           `json:"maxIdleConns" `
-	MaxOpenConns    int           `json:"maxOpenConns"`
-	ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration `json:"connMaxLifetime" `
-	IsDisabled      bool          `json:"isDisabled" `
-// TomlConfig - TomlConfig
-type TomlConfig struct {
-	MongoHosts map[string]MongoHost
-var instances map[string]*mgo.Session
-var mutex sync.Mutex
-var once sync.Once
-var config TomlConfig
-var defaultHost string
-// func init() {
-// 	instances = make(map[string]*mgo.Session)
-// }
-// Init initializes Mongo Connections for give toml file
-func Init(tomlFilepath, defaultHostName string) error {
-	var sessionError error
-	once.Do(func() {
-		defer mutex.Unlock()
-		mutex.Lock()
-		instances = make(map[string]*mgo.Session)
-		_, err := configmdl.InitConfig(tomlFilepath, &config)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			sessionError = err
-			return
-		}
-		for hostName, hostDetails := range config.MongoHosts {
-			session, err := mgo.DialWithInfo(&mgo.DialInfo{
-				Addrs:    []string{bindMongoServerWithPort(hostDetails.Server, hostDetails.Port)},
-				Username: hostDetails.Username,
-				Timeout:  time.Second * 3,
-				Password: hostDetails.Password,
-				Database: hostDetails.Database,
-			})
-			if err != nil {
-				sessionError = err
-				loggermdl.LogError(sessionError)
-				return
-			}
-			instances[hostName] = session
-		}
-		defaultHost = defaultHostName
-	})
-	return sessionError
-// InitUsingJSON initializes Mongo Connections for give JSON data
-func InitUsingJSON(configs []MongoHost) error {
-	var sessionError error
-	once.Do(func() {
-		defer mutex.Unlock()
-		mutex.Lock()
-		config.MongoHosts = make(map[string]MongoHost)
-		instances = make(map[string]*mgo.Session)
-		for _, hostDetails := range configs {
-			if hostDetails.IsDisabled {
-				continue
-			}
-			session, err := mgo.DialWithInfo(&mgo.DialInfo{
-				Addrs:    []string{bindMongoServerWithPort(hostDetails.Server, hostDetails.Port)},
-				Username: hostDetails.Username,
-				Password: hostDetails.Password,
-				Timeout:  time.Second * 3,
-				Database: hostDetails.Database,
-			})
-			if err != nil {
-				sessionError = err
-				loggermdl.LogError(sessionError)
-				return
-			}
-			instances[hostDetails.HostName] = session
-			if hostDetails.IsDefault {
-				defaultHost = hostDetails.HostName
-			}
-			config.MongoHosts[hostDetails.HostName] = hostDetails
-		}
-	})
-	return sessionError
-// DeleteSession -DeleteSession
-func DeleteSession(hostName string) error {
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	mutex.Lock()
-	if _, ok := instances[hostName]; !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("NO_HOST_FOUND")
-	}
-	delete(instances, hostName)
-	return nil
-// InitNewSession - InitNewSession
-func InitNewSession(hostDetails MongoHost) error {
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	mutex.Lock()
-	if instances == nil {
-		instances = make(map[string]*mgo.Session)
-	}
-	if _, ok := instances[hostDetails.HostName]; ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("DUPLICATE_HOSTNAME")
-	}
-	session, err := mgo.DialWithInfo(&mgo.DialInfo{
-		Addrs:    []string{bindMongoServerWithPort(hostDetails.Server, hostDetails.Port)},
-		Username: hostDetails.Username,
-		Timeout:  time.Second * 3,
-		Password: hostDetails.Password,
-		Database: hostDetails.Database,
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	instances[hostDetails.HostName] = session
-	return nil
-//GetMongoConnection method
-func GetMongoConnection(hostName string) (*mgo.Session, error) {
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	mutex.Lock()
-	if instances == nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("MONGO_INIT_NOT_DONE")
-	}
-	if hostName == "" {
-		if instance, ok := instances[defaultHost]; ok {
-			statemdl.MongoHits()
-			return instance.Copy(), nil
-		}
-	}
-	if instance, ok := instances[hostName]; ok {
-		statemdl.MongoHits()
-		return instance.Copy(), nil
-	}
-	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Session not found for instance: " + hostName)
-// MongoDAO mongo DAO struct
-type MongoDAO struct {
-	hostName       string
-	collectionName string
-// GetMongoDAOWithHost return mongo DAO instance
-func GetMongoDAOWithHost(host, collection string) *MongoDAO {
-	return &MongoDAO{
-		hostName:       host,
-		collectionName: collection,
-	}
-// GetMongoDAO return mongo DAO instance
-func GetMongoDAO(collection string) *MongoDAO {
-	return &MongoDAO{
-		collectionName: collection,
-	}
-// SaveData Save data in mongo db
-func (mg *MongoDAO) SaveData(data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	insertError := collection.Insert(data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// UpdateAll update all
-func (mg *MongoDAO) UpdateAll(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateAll(selector, bson.M{"$set": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// Update will update single entry
-func (mg *MongoDAO) Update(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	updateError := collection.Update(selector, bson.M{"$set": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// GetData will return query for selector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) GetData(selector map[string]interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	var result []interface{}
-	collection.Find(selector).All(&result)
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(result)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError)
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	return &rs, nil
-// DeleteData will delete data given for selector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) DeleteData(selector map[string]interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	deleteError := collection.Remove(selector)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError)
-	}
-	return deleteError
-// DeleteAll will delete all the matching data given for selector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) DeleteAll(selector map[string]interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	_, deleteError := collection.RemoveAll(selector)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError)
-	}
-	return deleteError
-// GetProjectedData will return query for selector and projector
-func (mg *MongoDAO) GetProjectedData(selector map[string]interface{}, projector map[string]interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	var result []interface{}
-	collection.Find(selector).Select(projector).All(&result)
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(result)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError)
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	return &rs, nil
-// GetAggregateData - return result using aggregation query
-func (mg *MongoDAO) GetAggregateData(selector interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	var result []bson.M
-	collection.Pipe(selector).All(&result)
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(result)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(marshalError)
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	return &rs, nil
-// Upsert will update single entry
-func (mg *MongoDAO) Upsert(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.Upsert(selector, bson.M{"$set": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// PushData - append in array
-func (mg *MongoDAO) PushData(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateAll(selector, bson.M{"$push": data})
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// CustomUpdate - CustomUpdate
-func (mg *MongoDAO) CustomUpdate(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	_, updateError := collection.UpdateAll(selector, data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// CustomUpdateOne - CustomUpdateOne
-func (mg *MongoDAO) CustomUpdateOne(selector map[string]interface{}, data interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if !ok {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	updateError := collection.Update(selector, data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(updateError)
-	}
-	return nil
-/************************* BULK Functionalities ******************************/
-// BulkSaveData ata Save data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkSaveData(data []interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	b := collection.Bulk()
-	b.Insert(data...)
-	_, insertError := b.Run()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(insertError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// BulkUpdateData  update data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkUpdateData(data []interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	b := collection.Bulk()
-	b.UpdateAll(data...)
-	_, insertError := b.Run()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// BulkDeleteData  delete data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkDeleteData(data []interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	b := collection.Bulk()
-	b.RemoveAll(data...)
-	_, insertError := b.Run()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// BulkUpsertData  Upsert data in mongo db in bulk
-func (mg *MongoDAO) BulkUpsertData(data []interface{}) error {
-	session, sessionError := GetMongoConnection(mg.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(sessionError)
-	}
-	defer session.Close()
-	if mg.hostName == "" {
-		mg.hostName = defaultHost
-	}
-	db, ok := config.MongoHosts[mg.hostName]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("No_Configuration_Found_For_Host: " + mg.hostName)
-	}
-	collection := session.DB(db.Database).C(mg.collectionName)
-	b := collection.Bulk()
-	b.Upsert(data...)
-	_, insertError := b.Run()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(insertError)
-	}
-	return nil
-func bindMongoServerWithPort(server string, port int) string {
-	// if port is empty then used default port 27017 & bind to server ip
-	var serverURI string
-	if port <= 0 || strings.TrimSpace(strconv.Itoa(port)) == "" {
-		serverURI = server + ":27017"
-	} else {
-		serverURI = server + ":" + strconv.Itoa(port)
-	}
-	return serverURI
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/mongodb/mongodb_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/mongodb/mongodb_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b2f05fbf0c1df6e405bdbfdbd5a95f73b23a57fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/mongodb/mongodb_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package mongodb
-type sample struct {
-	Name string `bson:"name"`
-// func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
-// 	tomlFilepath := "../../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml"
-// 	err := Init(tomlFilepath)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestGetMongoConnection(t *testing.T) {
-// 	_, err := getMongoConnection("host1")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func TestSaveData(t *testing.T) {
-// 	sample := sample{}
-// 	sample.Name = "test"
-// 	err := GetMongoDAO("host1", "test").SaveData(sample)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test1SaveData(t *testing.T) {
-// 	sample := sample{}
-// 	sample.Name = "test"
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	err := GetMongoDAO("host1", "test").SaveData(sample)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test2SaveData(t *testing.T) {
-// 	sample := sample{}
-// 	sample.Name = "test"
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	err := GetMongoDAO("host1", "test").SaveData(sample)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
-// func Test3SaveData(t *testing.T) {
-// 	sample := sample{}
-// 	sample.Name = "test"
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	err := GetMongoDAO("host1", "test").SaveData(sample)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error Expected")
-// }
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql-config.toml b/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql-config.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 03f29eb1bdb83754e14c68c07ebd96d07ebe5b69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql-config.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-# configuration file for mysql
-    [MysqlHosts.dev]
-        Server = ""
-        Username = "dev"
-        Password = "dev#@!"
-        Protocol="tcp"
-        Database = "CoreStudio"
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql.go b/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b48e4790cb951d38f07c0467b82471fb4e0e0b3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-package mysql
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"database/sql/driver"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/sjsonhelpermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/configmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-	"github.com/gocraft/dbr/v2"
-// Hold a single global connection (pooling provided by sql driver)
-var sqlConnections map[string]*dbr.Connection
-var connectionError error
-var sqlOnce sync.Once
-var config tomlConfig
-var defaultHost string
-// MySQLConnection - MySQLConnection
-type MySQLConnection struct {
-	HostName        string        `json:"hostName" bson:"hostName"`
-	Server          string        `json:"server" bson:"server"`
-	Port            int           `json:"port" bson:"port"`
-	Username        string        `json:"username" bson:"username"`
-	Password        string        `json:"password" bson:"password"`
-	Protocol        string        `json:"protocol" bson:"protocol"`
-	Database        string        `json:"database" bson:"database"`
-	Parameters      []param       `json:"params" bson:"params"`
-	MaxIdleConns    int           `json:"maxIdleConns" bson:"maxIdleConns"`
-	MaxOpenConns    int           `json:"maxOpenConns" bson:"maxOpenConns"`
-	ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration `json:"connMaxLifetime" bson:"connMaxLifetime"`
-	IsDefault       bool          `json:"isDefault" bson:"isDefault"`
-	IsDisabled      bool          `json:"isDisabled" bson:"isDisabled"`
-// InitUsingJSON - InitUsingJSON
-func InitUsingJSON(configs []MySQLConnection) error {
-	sqlOnce.Do(func() {
-		sqlConnections = make(map[string]*dbr.Connection)
-		for _, connectionDetails := range configs {
-			if connectionDetails.IsDisabled {
-				continue
-			}
-			connection, err := InitConnection(connectionDetails)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("Init dbr.Open Err : ", err)
-				connectionError = err
-				return
-			}
-			sqlConnections[connectionDetails.HostName] = connection
-			if connectionDetails.IsDefault {
-				defaultHost = connectionDetails.HostName
-			}
-		}
-	})
-	return connectionError
-// InitConnection - InitConnection
-func InitConnection(connectionDetails MySQLConnection) (*dbr.Connection, error) {
-	paramsString := strings.Builder{}
-	if len(connectionDetails.Parameters) > 0 {
-		for paramIndex, param := range connectionDetails.Parameters {
-			if paramsString.String() == "" {
-				paramsString.WriteString("?")
-			}
-			paramsString.WriteString(param.ParamKey)
-			paramsString.WriteString("=")
-			paramsString.WriteString(param.ParamValue)
-			hasNextParam := paramIndex+1 < len(connectionDetails.Parameters)
-			if hasNextParam {
-				paramsString.WriteString("&")
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	conStr := strings.Builder{}
-	conStr.WriteString(connectionDetails.Username)
-	conStr.WriteString(":")
-	conStr.WriteString(connectionDetails.Password)
-	conStr.WriteString("@")
-	conStr.WriteString(connectionDetails.Protocol)
-	conStr.WriteString("(")
-	conStr.WriteString(connectionDetails.Server)
-	if connectionDetails.Port <= 0 || strings.TrimSpace(strconv.Itoa(connectionDetails.Port)) == "" {
-		conStr.WriteString(":3306") // mysql default port is 3306
-	} else {
-		conStr.WriteString(":")
-		conStr.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(connectionDetails.Port))
-	}
-	conStr.WriteString(")/")
-	conStr.WriteString(connectionDetails.Database)
-	conStr.WriteString(paramsString.String())
-	connection, err := dbr.Open("mysql", conStr.String(), nil)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Init dbr.Open Err : ", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns == 0 {
-		connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns = constantmdl.MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS // default is 2
-	}
-	if connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns == 0 {
-		connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns = constantmdl.MAX_OPEN_CONNECTIONS // default there's no limit
-	}
-	if connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime == 0 {
-		connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime = constantmdl.CONNECTION_MAX_LIFETIME
-	}
-	connection.SetMaxIdleConns(connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns)
-	connection.SetMaxOpenConns(connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns)
-	connection.SetConnMaxLifetime(connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime)
-	return connection, nil
-type param struct {
-	ParamKey   string `json:"paramkey" bson:"paramkey"`
-	ParamValue string `json:"paramvalue" bson:"paramvalue"`
-type tomlConfig struct {
-	MysqlHosts map[string]MySQLConnection
-// Init initializes MYSQL Connections for given toml file
-func Init(tomlFilepath string, defaultHostName string) (map[string]*dbr.Connection, error) {
-	sqlOnce.Do(func() {
-		sqlConnections = make(map[string]*dbr.Connection)
-		_, err := configmdl.InitConfig(tomlFilepath, &config)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Init InitConfig Err : ", err)
-			connectionError = err
-			return
-		}
-		for connectionName, connectionDetails := range config.MysqlHosts {
-			paramsString := ""
-			if len(connectionDetails.Parameters) > 0 {
-				for paramIndex, param := range connectionDetails.Parameters {
-					if paramsString == "" {
-						paramsString = "?"
-					}
-					paramsString = paramsString + param.ParamKey + "=" + param.ParamValue
-					hasNextParam := paramIndex+1 < len(connectionDetails.Parameters)
-					if hasNextParam {
-						paramsString = paramsString + "&"
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			connection, err := dbr.Open("mysql", connectionDetails.Username+":"+connectionDetails.Password+"@"+connectionDetails.Protocol+"("+connectionDetails.Server+")/"+connectionDetails.Database+paramsString, nil)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("Init dbr.Open Err : ", err)
-				connectionError = err
-				return
-			}
-			if connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns == 0 {
-				connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns = constantmdl.MAX_IDLE_CONNECTIONS // default is 2
-			}
-			if connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns == 0 {
-				connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns = constantmdl.MAX_OPEN_CONNECTIONS // default there's no limit
-			}
-			if connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime == 0 {
-				connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime = constantmdl.CONNECTION_MAX_LIFETIME
-			}
-			connection.SetMaxIdleConns(connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns)
-			connection.SetMaxOpenConns(connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns)
-			connection.SetConnMaxLifetime(connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime)
-			sqlConnections[connectionName] = connection
-		}
-		defaultHost = defaultHostName
-	})
-	return sqlConnections, errormdl.CheckErr2(connectionError)
-//GetMYSQLConnection -
-func GetMYSQLConnection(connectionName string) (*dbr.Connection, error) {
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(sqlConnections == nil) {
-		loggermdl.LogError("GetMYSQLConnection Err : ", errormdl.Wrap("MYSQL_INIT_NOT_DONE"))
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("MYSQL_INIT_NOT_DONE")
-	}
-	if connectionName == "" {
-		if instance, keyExist := sqlConnections[defaultHost]; keyExist {
-			statemdl.MySQLHits()
-			return instance, nil
-		}
-	}
-	if session, keyExist := sqlConnections[connectionName]; keyExist {
-		statemdl.MySQLHits()
-		return session, nil
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("GetMYSQLConnection Err : ", errormdl.Wrap("Connection not found for host: "+connectionName))
-	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Connection not found for host: " + connectionName)
-// MysqlDAO Mysql DAO struct
-type MySQLDAO struct {
-	hostName string
-// GetMysqlDAO return Mysql DAO instance
-func GetMySQLDAO() *MySQLDAO {
-	return &MySQLDAO{
-		hostName: defaultHost,
-	}
-// GetMysqlDAOWithHost return Mysql DAO instance
-func GetMySQLDAOWithHost(host string) *MySQLDAO {
-	return &MySQLDAO{
-		hostName: host,
-	}
-// ExecQuery - ExecQuery
-func (md *MySQLDAO) ExecQuery(query string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) {
-	connection, connectionError := GetMYSQLConnection(md.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("SaveUpdateOrDelete GetMYSQLConnection Err : ", connectionError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError)
-	}
-	pingError := connection.Ping()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(pingError) != nil && pingError != driver.ErrBadConn {
-		loggermdl.LogError(pingError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(pingError)
-	}
-	result, execError := connection.Exec(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(execError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(execError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(execError)
-	}
-	_, affectError := result.RowsAffected()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(affectError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(affectError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(affectError)
-	}
-	ID, err := result.LastInsertId()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return strconv.Itoa(int(ID)), nil
-// SelectQuery - SelectQuery
-func (md *MySQLDAO) SelectQuery(query string, args ...interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	connection, connectionError := GetMYSQLConnection(md.hostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("SaveUpdateOrDelete GetMYSQLConnection Err : ", connectionError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError)
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogSpot(connection)
-	pingError := connection.Ping()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(pingError) != nil && pingError != driver.ErrBadConn {
-		loggermdl.LogError(pingError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(pingError)
-	}
-	rows, queryError := connection.Query(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(queryError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(queryError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(queryError)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	columns, err := rows.Columns()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData rows.Columns() Err : ", err)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-	}
-	values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	valuePtrs := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	tableData := "[]"
-	for rows.Next() {
-		for i := 0; i < len(columns); i++ {
-			valuePtrs[i] = &values[i]
-		}
-		rows.Scan(valuePtrs...)
-		data, err := sjsonhelpermdl.SetMultiple("", columns, values)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-		tableData, err = sjson.Set(tableData, "-1", gjson.Parse(data).Value())
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-	}
-	resultSet := gjson.Parse(tableData)
-	return &resultSet, nil
-// ExecTxQuery - ExecTxQuery
-func ExecTxQuery(query string, tx *sql.Tx, args ...interface{}) (string, error) {
-	result, execError := tx.Exec(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(execError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(execError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(execError)
-	}
-	_, affectError := result.RowsAffected()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(affectError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(affectError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(affectError)
-	}
-	ID, err := result.LastInsertId()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return strconv.Itoa(int(ID)), nil
-// SelectTxQuery - SelectTxQuery
-func SelectTxQuery(query string, tx *sql.Tx, args ...interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	rows, queryError := tx.Query(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(queryError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(queryError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(queryError)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	columns, err := rows.Columns()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData rows.Columns() Err : ", err)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-	}
-	values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	valuePtrs := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	tableData := "[]"
-	for rows.Next() {
-		for i := 0; i < len(columns); i++ {
-			valuePtrs[i] = &values[i]
-		}
-		rows.Scan(valuePtrs...)
-		data, err := sjsonhelpermdl.SetMultiple("", columns, values)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-		tableData, err = sjson.Set(tableData, "-1", gjson.Parse(data).Value())
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-	}
-	resultSet := gjson.Parse(tableData)
-	return &resultSet, nil
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql_test.go b/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e18ca423a45d26f2dd1c6e9ba1e951a222243d1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/mysql/mysql_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-package mysql
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/gocraft/dbr/v2"
-	"github.com/gocraft/dbr/v2/dialect"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
-	connmap, err := Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err: ", err)
-	}
-	db := connmap["localhost"]
-	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT person SET Name=?")
-	stmt.Exec("astaxie1")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestInitByPing(t *testing.T) {
-	connmap, err := Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err: ", err)
-	}
-	db := connmap["localhost"]
-	err = db.Ping()
-	if err != nil {
-		panic(err.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestInitWrongDefaultHostname(t *testing.T) {
-	connmap, err := Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhostWrong")
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err: ", err)
-	}
-	db := connmap["localhost"]
-	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT person SET Name=?")
-	stmt.Exec("astaxie1")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestInitMultipleConnections(t *testing.T) {
-	connmap, err := Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err: ", err)
-	}
-	db := connmap["dev"]
-	err2 := db.Ping()
-	if err2 != nil {
-		panic(err2.Error()) // proper error handling instead of panic in your app
-	}
-	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT person SET Name=?")
-	stmt.Exec("astaxie111")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// func TestInitErrorWrongTomlFilePath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	_, err := Init("mysql-config1.toml", "")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-// func TestInitError1(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	_, err := Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-func TestGetMYSQLConnection(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	db, err := GetMYSQLConnection("localhost")
-	stmt, _ := db.Prepare("INSERT person SET Name=?")
-	stmt.Exec("rr1")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetMYSQLConnectionEmptyHost(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	_, err := GetMYSQLConnection("")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not  return error")
-func TestGetMYSQLConnectionWrongHost(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	_, err := GetMYSQLConnection("localhost2")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestGetMYSQLConnectionWrongDefaultHost(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost2")
-	_, err := GetMYSQLConnection("localhost")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// func TestGetMYSQLConnectionWrongDefaultHostAndEmptyHost(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost2")
-// 	_, err := GetMYSQLConnection("")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-func TestGetMYSQLConnectionError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	_, err := GetMYSQLConnection("localhost123")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteData(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	err := GetMysqlDAO().SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayurishinde15", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteDataInitError(t *testing.T) {
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	err := GetMysqlDAO().SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteDataError(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost1")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := GetMysqlDAOWithHost("localhost").SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteDataError1(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := GetMysqlDAO().SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteDataMysqlError(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	err := GetMysqlDAO().SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteDataError2(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	err := GetMysqlDAO().SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSaveUpdateOrDeleteDataError3(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-	err := GetMysqlDAO().SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri3", 25, true, 3000.00)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestGetData(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	selectstmt := "SELECT count(*) cnt,age FROM person1 WHERE age =?"
-	_, err := GetMysqlDAO().GetData(selectstmt, 25)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetDataError(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	selectstmt := "SELECT * FROM person1 WHERE age =?"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err := GetMysqlDAO().GetData(selectstmt, 25)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetDataError1(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	selectstmt := "SELECT * FROM person1 WHERE age =?"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	_, err := GetMysqlDAO().GetData(selectstmt, 25)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetDataError2(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	selectstmt := "SELECT name,age FROM person1 WHERE age =?"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	_, err := GetMysqlDAO().GetData(selectstmt, 25)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestGetDataError3(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	selectstmt := "SELECT name,age FROM person1 WHERE age =?"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-	_, err := GetMysqlDAO().GetData(selectstmt, 25)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestMysqlTransaction(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	connection, connectionError := GetMYSQLConnection("localhost")
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(connectionError)
-	}
-	session := connection.NewSession(nil)
-	tx, err := session.Begin()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	}
-	defer tx.RollbackUnlessCommitted()
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	stmt1 := session.InsertBySql(insertstmt1, "mayuri3", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	buf := dbr.NewBuffer()
-	stmt1.Build(dialect.MySQL, buf)
-	query1, interpolateErr1 := dbr.InterpolateForDialect(buf.String(), buf.Value(), dialect.MySQL)
-	if interpolateErr1 != nil {
-		fmt.Println(interpolateErr1)
-	} else {
-		fmt.Println(query1) // INSERT INTO `test_upsert` (`id`,`name`,`address`) VALUES ('g','Taro','Tokyo') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = 'Taro', address = 'Tokyo'
-	}
-	if result1, insertErr1 := session.InsertBySql(query1).Exec(); insertErr1 != nil {
-		fmt.Println(err)
-	} else {
-		fmt.Println(result1.RowsAffected())
-	}
-	insertstmt2 := "INSERT person1 SET Name=?,age=?,isAlive=?,salary=?"
-	stmt2 := session.InsertBySql(insertstmt2, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	buf2 := dbr.NewBuffer()
-	stmt2.Build(dialect.MySQL, buf2)
-	query2, interpolateErr2 := dbr.InterpolateForDialect(buf2.String(), buf2.Value(), dialect.MySQL)
-	if interpolateErr2 != nil {
-		fmt.Println(interpolateErr2)
-	} else {
-		fmt.Println(query2) // INSERT INTO `test_upsert` (`id`,`name`,`address`) VALUES ('g','Taro','Tokyo') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name = 'Taro', address = 'Tokyo'
-	}
-	if result2, insertErr2 := session.InsertBySql(query2).Exec(); insertErr2 != nil {
-		fmt.Println(err)
-	} else {
-		fmt.Println(result2.RowsAffected())
-	}
-	tx.Commit()
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func BenchmarkSave(b *testing.B) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	insertstmt1 := "INSERT INTO person1 (Name,age,isAlive,salary) VALUES(?,?,?,?)"
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		GetMysqlDAOWithHost("localhost").SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(insertstmt1, "mayuri2", 25, true, 2000.00)
-	}
-func BenchmarkUpdate(b *testing.B) {
-	Init("mysql-config.toml", "localhost")
-	updatestmt := "UPDATE person1 SET isAlive=?,salary=? WHERE Name = ? AND age =?"
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		GetMysqlDAOWithHost("localhost").SaveUpdateOrDeleteData(updatestmt, false, 2000.00, "mayuri2", 25)
-	}
diff --git a/v2/dalmdl/sqlserver/sqlserver.go b/v2/dalmdl/sqlserver/sqlserver.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 164eecddcb80588f5c2b527ac4a97d6798579cbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/dalmdl/sqlserver/sqlserver.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-package sqlserver
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"database/sql/driver"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/url"
-	"strconv"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/sjsonhelpermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	_ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-type SQLServerConfig struct {
-	HostName        string        `json:"hostName"`
-	Server          string        `json:"server"`
-	Port            int           `json:"port"`
-	Username        string        `json:"username"`
-	Password        string        `json:"password"`
-	Database        string        `json:"database"`
-	IsDefault       bool          `json:"isDefault"`
-	MaxIdleConns    int           `json:"maxIdleConns" `
-	MaxOpenConns    int           `json:"maxOpenConns"`
-	ConnMaxLifetime time.Duration `json:"connMaxLifetime" `
-	IsDisabled      bool          `json:"isDisabled" `
-type SQLServerDAO struct {
-	HostName string
-var sqlServerConnections map[string]*sql.DB
-var once sync.Once
-var defaultHost string
-var mutex sync.Mutex
-func init() {
-	sqlServerConnections = make(map[string]*sql.DB)
-// InitUsingJSON initializes sqlserver Connections for give JSON data
-func InitUsingJSON(configs []SQLServerConfig) {
-	var connectionErr error
-	once.Do(func() {
-		mutex.Lock()
-		defer mutex.Unlock()
-		for _, hostDetails := range configs {
-			// Build connection string
-			connString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d;database=%s;",
-				hostDetails.Server, hostDetails.Username, hostDetails.Password, hostDetails.Port, hostDetails.Database)
-			var err error
-			// Create connection pool
-			conn, err := sql.Open("mssql", connString)
-			if err != nil {
-				connectionErr = err
-				loggermdl.LogError("error while creating connection:", err)
-				return
-			}
-			conn.SetConnMaxLifetime(hostDetails.ConnMaxLifetime)
-			conn.SetMaxIdleConns(hostDetails.MaxIdleConns)
-			conn.SetMaxOpenConns(hostDetails.MaxOpenConns)
-			err = conn.Ping()
-			if err != nil {
-				connectionErr = err
-				loggermdl.LogError("failed to connect:", err)
-				return
-			}
-			sqlServerConnections[hostDetails.HostName] = conn
-			if hostDetails.IsDefault {
-				defaultHost = hostDetails.HostName
-			}
-		}
-	})
-// InitConnection - InitConnection
-func InitConnection(connectionDetails SQLServerConfig) (*sql.DB, error) {
-	// Build connection string
-	connString := fmt.Sprintf("server=%s;user id=%s;password=%s;port=%d;database=%s;",
-		connectionDetails.Server, connectionDetails.Username, connectionDetails.Password, connectionDetails.Port, connectionDetails.Database)
-	// Create connection pool
-	connection, err := sql.Open("mssql", connString)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error while creating connection:", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	connection.SetConnMaxLifetime(connectionDetails.ConnMaxLifetime)
-	connection.SetMaxIdleConns(connectionDetails.MaxIdleConns)
-	connection.SetMaxOpenConns(connectionDetails.MaxOpenConns)
-	return connection, nil
-//makeConnURL prepare the url for connection
-func makeConnURL(config SQLServerConfig) *url.URL {
-	return &url.URL{
-		Scheme: "sqlserver",
-		Host:   config.Server + ":" + strconv.Itoa(config.Port),
-		User:   url.UserPassword(config.Username, config.Password),
-	}
-//GetSQLServerConnection returns connection by hostname
-func GetSQLServerConnection(hostName string) (*sql.DB, error) {
-	mutex.Lock()
-	defer mutex.Unlock()
-	if sqlServerConnections == nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("SQLSERVER_INIT_NOT_DONE")
-	}
-	if hostName == "" {
-		if connection, ok := sqlServerConnections[defaultHost]; ok {
-			return connection, nil
-		}
-	}
-	if connection, ok := sqlServerConnections[hostName]; ok {
-		return connection, nil
-	}
-	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Connection not found for : " + hostName)
-//GetSQLServerDAO  returns SQLServer DAO instance with default host
-func GetSQLServerDAO() *SQLServerDAO {
-	return &SQLServerDAO{
-		HostName: defaultHost,
-	}
-//GetSQLServerDAOWithHost returns SQLServer DAO instance with provided host
-func GetSQLServerDAOWithHost(hostName string) *SQLServerDAO {
-	return &SQLServerDAO{
-		HostName: hostName,
-	}
-// SelectQuery - SelectQuery
-func (ss *SQLServerDAO) SelectQuery(query string, args ...interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	connection, connectionError := GetSQLServerConnection(ss.HostName)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("GetSqlServerConnection Err : ", connectionError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(connectionError)
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogSpot(connection)
-	pingError := connection.Ping()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(pingError) != nil && pingError != driver.ErrBadConn {
-		loggermdl.LogError(pingError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(pingError)
-	}
-	rows, queryError := connection.Query(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(queryError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(queryError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(queryError)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	columns, err := rows.Columns()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData rows.Columns() Err : ", err)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-	}
-	values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	valuePtrs := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	tableData := "[]"
-	for rows.Next() {
-		for i := 0; i < len(columns); i++ {
-			valuePtrs[i] = &values[i]
-		}
-		rows.Scan(valuePtrs...)
-		data, err := sjsonhelpermdl.SetMultiple("", columns, values)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-		tableData, err = sjson.Set(tableData, "-1", gjson.Parse(data).Value())
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-	}
-	resultSet := gjson.Parse(tableData)
-	return &resultSet, nil
-// SelectTxQuery - SelectTxQuery
-func SelectTxQuery(query string, tx *sql.Tx, args ...interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	rows, queryError := tx.Query(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(queryError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(queryError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(queryError)
-	}
-	defer rows.Close()
-	columns, err := rows.Columns()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData rows.Columns() Err : ", err)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-	}
-	values := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	valuePtrs := make([]interface{}, len(columns))
-	tableData := "[]"
-	for rows.Next() {
-		for i := 0; i < len(columns); i++ {
-			valuePtrs[i] = &values[i]
-		}
-		rows.Scan(valuePtrs...)
-		data, err := sjsonhelpermdl.SetMultiple("", columns, values)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-		tableData, err = sjson.Set(tableData, "-1", gjson.Parse(data).Value())
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GetAllData sjson.Set Err : ", err)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-		}
-	}
-	resultSet := gjson.Parse(tableData)
-	return &resultSet, nil
-//ExecQuery to execute query
-func (ss *SQLServerDAO) ExecQuery(query string, args ...interface{}) (string, error) {
-	conn, err := GetSQLServerConnection(ss.HostName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	result, err := conn.Exec(query, args...)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	_ = result
-	//TODO: Get last insertedID
-	// var lastInsertedID interface{}
-	// conn.QueryRow("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()")
-	// last, err := result.LastInsertId()
-	return "-1", nil
-// ExecTxQuery - ExecTxQuery
-func ExecTxQuery(query string, tx *sql.Tx, args ...interface{}) (string, error) {
-	result, execError := tx.Exec(query, args...)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(execError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(execError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(execError)
-	}
-	_, affectError := result.RowsAffected()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(affectError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(affectError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(affectError)
-	}
-	//TODO: get last inserted id
-	// ID, err := result.LastInsertId()
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// }
-	// return strconv.Itoa(int(ID)), nil
-	return "-1", nil
diff --git a/v2/downloadhelpermdl/downloadhelpermdl.go b/v2/downloadhelpermdl/downloadhelpermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ce950b29ba60a5bbfa52b0637fe5e325755cb23b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/downloadhelpermdl/downloadhelpermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,389 +0,0 @@
-// Author: Deepak Prakash [17-July-2018]
-// Description: Package downloadhelpermdl will help download files to destination location.
-package downloadhelpermdl
-// All required imports
-import (
-	"io"
-	"net/http"
-	"os"
-	"path"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/hashmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-// Constants Required
-const (
-	EMPTY_STR                       = ""
-	HTTP_PROTOCOL                   = "http"
-	WAIT_TIME_DURATION              = 2000
-	MIN_FILE_SIZE                   = 1
-//TODO: 1. Add Skip List
-//TODO: 2. Lenghth checking
-//TODO: 3. HTTP Pooling
-//TODO: 4. HTTP2 Support - Certificate
-//TODO: 5. Resume Download
-// DownloadHelper - Struct
-type DownloadHelper struct {
-	sourceURL       string
-	destinationPath string
-	retryCount      int
-	DownloadParam   DownloadParameter
-// Structure DownloadParameter: with different parameters which can be received for downloading the file
-type DownloadParameter struct {
-	jwtToken        string
-	isCacheBurst    bool
-	fileHashedValue string
-	requestTimeOut  int64
-	DownloadError   error
-// GetDownloadHelper Gives you download helper from where you can run steps
-func GetDownloadHelper(sourceURL, destinationPath string, retryCount int) *DownloadHelper {
-	newDownloadHelper := DownloadHelper{}
-	newDownloadHelper.sourceURL = sourceURL
-	newDownloadHelper.destinationPath = destinationPath
-	newDownloadHelper.retryCount = retryCount
-	return &newDownloadHelper
-// AddParamsJWT - method to add jwtToken at runtime
-func (dh *DownloadHelper) AddParamsJWT(jwtToken string) *DownloadHelper {
-	dh.DownloadParam.jwtToken = jwtToken
-	return dh
-// AddParamsFileHashed - method to add fileHashedValue at runtime
-func (dh *DownloadHelper) AddParamsFileHashed(fileHashedValue string) *DownloadHelper {
-	dh.DownloadParam.fileHashedValue = fileHashedValue
-	return dh
-// AddParamsFileHashed - method to add fileHashedValue at runtime
-func (dh *DownloadHelper) AddParamsCacheBurst(isCacheBurst bool) *DownloadHelper {
-	dh.DownloadParam.isCacheBurst = isCacheBurst
-	return dh
-func (dh *DownloadHelper) AddRequestTimeout(requestTimeOutValue int64) *DownloadHelper {
-	dh.DownloadParam.requestTimeOut = requestTimeOutValue
-	return dh
-// Run all Steps one by one
-func (dh *DownloadHelper) Run() *DownloadHelper {
-	_, dh.DownloadParam.DownloadError = DownloadFile(dh)
-	return dh
-// Download File From Cloud With / Without Hash Checking
-// params : DownloadParameter, consists of different aspects of downloading
-func DownloadFile(params *DownloadHelper) (bool, error) {
-	// Clean destination path
-	params.destinationPath = filemdl.CleanPath(params.destinationPath)
-	// Source URL and Destination path validations
-	if strings.Trim(params.sourceURL, EMPTY_STR) == EMPTY_STR || strings.Trim(params.destinationPath, EMPTY_STR) == EMPTY_STR || !strings.HasPrefix(params.sourceURL, HTTP_PROTOCOL) {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("DownloadFile : sourceURL/destinationPath is empty or not proper")
-		return false, errormdl.Wrap("Either Source/Destination url is empty or source url does not start with 'http'")
-	}
-	//Check file available on destination location
-	isValid, err := destinationValidator(params.destinationPath)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("File destination validator error : ", err)
-		return false, err
-	}
-	// Cache Burst Implementation
-	if params.DownloadParam.isCacheBurst {
-		mkclCacheBurst := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano(), 10)
-		if strings.Contains(params.sourceURL, "?") {
-			params.sourceURL = params.sourceURL + "&mkclCacheBurst=" + mkclCacheBurst
-		} else {
-			params.sourceURL = params.sourceURL + "?mkclCacheBurst=" + mkclCacheBurst
-		}
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("DownloadFile : Downloading ", params.sourceURL, " at ", params.destinationPath)
-	// Take backup in case required
-	backupTaken := false
-	downloadSuccessfull := false
-		// File present -> Backup required
-		err := backupFile(params.destinationPath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			return false, errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-		}
-		backupTaken = true
-	}
-	var errDownload error
-	// Downloading with retry attempts
-	for index := 0; index <= params.retryCount; index++ {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("Attempt number: ", index+1)
-		// Call method to perform actual downloading
-		errDownload = downloadFileFromCloud(params)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(errDownload) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Download failed: ", err)
-			continue
-		}
-		downloadSuccessfull = true
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("DownloadFile : Download Successful")
-		// Delete backup
-		DeleteBackup(params.destinationPath)
-		// All operations done successfully
-		return true, nil
-	}
-	// Restore backup in case downloading failed
-	if backupTaken && errormdl.CheckBool(!downloadSuccessfull) {
-		restoreBackup(params.destinationPath)
-		time.Sleep(WAIT_TIME_DURATION * time.Millisecond)
-	}
-	return false, errDownload
-// downloadFileFromCloud: To use http client and download a url to a local file.
-// params : DownloadParameter, consists of different aspects of downloading
-func downloadFileFromCloud(params *DownloadHelper) error {
-	// Check hash check enabled or not
-	destinationPath := ""
-	if strings.Trim(params.DownloadParam.fileHashedValue, EMPTY_STR) != EMPTY_STR {
-		// With hash check implementation
-		destinationPath = os.TempDir() + string(os.PathSeparator) + filepath.Base(params.destinationPath)
-	} else {
-		// Without hash check implementation
-		destinationPath = params.destinationPath
-	}
-	// Create file at destination
-	out, err := os.Create(destinationPath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	defer out.Close()
-	//TODO: Code might be refactor (in case provision is given in httpmdl)
-	if params.DownloadParam.requestTimeOut <= 0 {
-		params.DownloadParam.requestTimeOut = 0
-	}
-	// Fetching data from httpClient
-	client := &http.Client{
-		Timeout: time.Duration(params.DownloadParam.requestTimeOut) * time.Second,
-	}
-	// Call to fetch content
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", params.sourceURL, nil)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-	}
-	// Set JWT in request header in case required
-	if strings.Trim(params.DownloadParam.jwtToken, EMPTY_STR) != EMPTY_STR {
-		req.Header.Add("Authorization", params.DownloadParam.jwtToken)
-	}
-	// Call http client
-	resp, err := client.Do(req)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-	}
-	defer resp.Body.Close()
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(resp == nil) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Empty response.")
-	} else if resp.StatusCode != 200 && resp.StatusCode != 206 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Download failed.")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Response code NOT 200 or 206.")
-	}
-	//resp.StatusCode == 200 || resp.StatusCode == 206
-	// Write the response body to file
-	_, err = io.Copy(out, resp.Body)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-	}
-	out.Close()
-	// File downloaded successfully
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("DownloadFile : Download Successful")
-	timeHeader := resp.Header.Get("Last-Modified")
-	//Last-Modified is not available in case of GRIDFS CDN
-	if strings.Trim(timeHeader, EMPTY_STR) != EMPTY_STR {
-		err = updateModifiedDateAndValidate(timeHeader, destinationPath, params)
-		if err != nil {
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// All operations done successfully
-	return nil
-// updateModifiedDate - Method will update modifed date and Validate downloaded file
-func updateModifiedDateAndValidate(timeHeader, destinationPath string, params *DownloadHelper) error {
-	// Get last modified date of file from header file
-	lastModifiedTime, err := time.Parse("Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 GMT", timeHeader)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		// Error while getting last modified date of the file.
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	// Set last modified date and last access date from server
-	err = os.Chtimes(destinationPath, lastModifiedTime, lastModifiedTime)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		// Error while setting last modified date of the file.
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-	}
-	// Validation of downloaded file
-	err = validateDownloadedFile(destinationPath, params)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-	}
-	return nil
-// ValidateDownloadedFile : Method to validate the file is proper and move the file from TEMP to destination in case hashing is required
-func validateDownloadedFile(tempDestinationPath string, params *DownloadHelper) error {
-	// Get file info -> to compare with response length
-	fileInfo, err := filemdl.FileInfo(tempDestinationPath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Error in getting file info: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Error in getting file info.")
-	}
-	// Compare downloaded file with minimum file size
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(fileInfo.Size() < MIN_FILE_SIZE) {
-		// Content is less than minimum file size
-		loggermdl.LogError("Content length less than minimuma specified file size: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Error, file size is less than expected.")
-	}
-	// Check if hash checking requied and then calculate and compare hash of downloaded file
-	if strings.Trim(params.DownloadParam.fileHashedValue, EMPTY_STR) != EMPTY_STR {
-		// Calculate hash value of downloaded file
-		hashValue, err := hashmdl.GetAtributeBasedHash(tempDestinationPath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error in getting hash value of file: ", err)
-			return errormdl.Wrap("Error in getting hash value of file.")
-		}
-		// Compare hash value with provided value
-		if errormdl.CheckBool1(hashValue == params.DownloadParam.fileHashedValue) {
-			// Move file from Temp to actual destination
-			err := filemdl.MoveFile(tempDestinationPath, params.destinationPath)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError("Error in moving downloaded file: ", err)
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Error in moving downloaded file.")
-			}
-			loggermdl.LogDebug("File moved successfully to destination.")
-			return nil
-		}
-		loggermdl.LogError("File and its hashed value is not matching: ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("File and its hashed value is not matching.")
-	}
-	// Validation of downloaded file successfully done
-	return nil
-// destinationValidator
-func destinationValidator(destinationPath string) (int, error) {
-	// Check file available or not
-	if filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(destinationPath) {
-		// File available at destination
-		destInfo, infoError := filemdl.FileInfo(destinationPath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(infoError) != nil {
-			return FILE_PRESENT_CHECK_ERROR, errormdl.Wrap("error occured while getting information of destination directory : " + destinationPath)
-		}
-		if destInfo.IsDir() {
-			loggermdl.LogDebug("DownloadFile : Destination Path is Directory")
-			return FILE_PRESENT_CHECK_ERROR, errormdl.Wrap("destination path must be a file path, got directory : " + destinationPath)
-		}
-	}
-	// File not available at destination
-// backupFile Backup File
-func backupFile(filePath string) error {
-	fileExists := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	if fileExists {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("backupFile : File Exists. Creating Backup")
-		parentDirectory, fileName := path.Split(filePath)
-		ext := path.Ext(fileName)
-		backupFileName := strings.Replace(fileName, ext, "", -1) + "_backup" + ext
-		backupFilePath := filepath.Join(parentDirectory, backupFileName)
-		return filemdl.RenameFile(filePath, backupFilePath)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("backupFile : File Not Exists.")
-	return nil
-// restoreBackup Restores Backup
-func restoreBackup(filePath string) error {
-	fileExists := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	if fileExists {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("restoreBackup : File Exists. Deleting File")
-		err := filemdl.DeleteFile(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-	}
-	parentDirectory, fileName := path.Split(filePath)
-	ext := path.Ext(fileName)
-	backupFileName := strings.Replace(fileName, ext, "", -1) + "_backup" + ext
-	backupFilePath := filepath.Join(parentDirectory, backupFileName)
-	fileExists = filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(backupFilePath)
-	if fileExists {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("restoreBackup : File Exists. Restoring Backup")
-		return filemdl.RenameFile(backupFilePath, filePath)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("restoreBackup : Backup File Not Exists.")
-	return nil
-// DeleteBackup Deletes Backup
-func DeleteBackup(filePath string) error {
-	parentDirectory, fileName := path.Split(filePath)
-	ext := path.Ext(fileName)
-	backupFileName := strings.Replace(fileName, ext, "", -1) + "_backup" + ext
-	backupFilePath := filepath.Join(parentDirectory, backupFileName)
-	fileExists := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(backupFilePath)
-	if fileExists {
-		loggermdl.LogDebug("DeleteBackup : File Exists. Deleting Backup")
-		return filemdl.DeleteFile(backupFilePath)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("DeleteBackup : Backup File Not Exists.")
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/downloadhelpermdl/downloadhelpermdl_test.go b/v2/downloadhelpermdl/downloadhelpermdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d6c99c3a658549e0853f3feaa3a19ce85cdb26ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/downloadhelpermdl/downloadhelpermdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-// Author: Deepak Prakash [17-July-2018]
-// Description: Package downloadhelpermdl will help download files to destination location.
-package downloadhelpermdl
-import (
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-const (
-	MODIFIED_DATE = "Sun, 06 Aug 2017 10:43:25 GMT"
-	SOURCE_URL    = "https://golangcode.com/images/avatar.jpg?name=Deepak"
-// TestCase 1 - Valid Case - Pass
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_1(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := GetDownloadHelper(SOURCE_URL, getDestinationFilePath(), RETRY_COUNT).
-		AddParamsFileHashed("15020162054018").
-		AddParamsJWT("abcdef").
-		AddParamsCacheBurst(true)
-	assert.Empty(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-// TestCase 2 - Empty Source URL - Fail
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_2(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := GetDownloadHelper("", getDestinationFilePath(), RETRY_COUNT)
-	assert.NotNil(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-// TestCase 3 - Destination As Folder - Fail
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_3(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := GetDownloadHelper("https://golangcode.com/images/avatar.jpg", getWorkingDirectoryPath(), RETRY_COUNT)
-	assert.NotNil(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-// TestCase 4 - Wrong URL - Fail
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_4(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := GetDownloadHelper("http://g10.mkcl.org/test", getDestinationFilePath(), RETRY_COUNT).AddParamsCacheBurst(true)
-	assert.NotNil(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-// TestCase 5 - File Backup Error - Fail
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_5(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// TestCase 6 - Cache Burst URL - Pass
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_6(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile().AddParamsCacheBurst(true)
-	assert.Nil(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-// TestCase 7 - Wrong Hashed Value - Fail
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_8(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile().AddParamsFileHashed("WrongValue")
-	assert.NotNil(t, dh.Run().downloadParam.DownloadError)
-// TestCase 8 - Delete File Failed Case
-func Test_restoreBackup_1(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := getDestinationFilePath()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, restoreBackup(filePath))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// TestCase 9 - Backup File Does Not Exist
-func Test_restoreBackup_2(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := getDestinationFilePath()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	assert.Nil(t, restoreBackup(filePath))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// TestCase 10 - Backup creation of a non-existing file
-func TestBackupFile_1(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := getWorkingDirectoryPath() + "\\testCase22.jpg"
-	assert.Nil(t, backupFile(filePath))
-// TestCase 11 - Destination Validator
-func Test_destinationValidator(t *testing.T) {
-	destinationPath := getWorkingDirectoryPath() + "\\testCase22.jpg"
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err := destinationValidator(destinationPath)
-	assert.Nil(t, err)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// TestCase 12 - validate Downloaded File
-func Test_validateDownloadedFile_1(t *testing.T) {
-	tempDestinationPath := getWorkingDirectoryPath() + "\\testCase22.jpg"
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, validateDownloadedFile(tempDestinationPath, dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// TestCase 13 - validate Downloaded File
-func Test_validateDownloadedFile_2(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, validateDownloadedFile(dh.destinationPath, dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// TestCase 14 - validate Downloaded File
-func Test_validateDownloadedFile_3(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile().AddParamsFileHashed("15020162054018")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, validateDownloadedFile(dh.destinationPath, dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// TestCase 15 - validate Downloaded File
-func Test_validateDownloadedFile_4(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile().AddParamsFileHashed("15020162054018")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, validateDownloadedFile(dh.destinationPath, dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-// TestCase 16 - validate Downloaded File
-func Test_validateDownloadedFile_5(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile().AddParamsFileHashed("15020162054018")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, validateDownloadedFile(dh.destinationPath, dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// TestCase 17 - Download File From Cloud
-func Test_downloadFileFromCloud_1(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, downloadFileFromCloud(dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// TestCase 18 - Download File From Cloud
-func Test_downloadFileFromCloud_2(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, downloadFileFromCloud(dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// TestCase 19 - Download File From Cloud
-func Test_downloadFileFromCloud_3(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, downloadFileFromCloud(dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// TestCase 20 - Download File From Cloud
-func Test_downloadFileFromCloud_4(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, downloadFileFromCloud(dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-// TestCase 21 - Update Modified Date and Validate
-func Test_updateModifiedDateAndValidate_1(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, updateModifiedDateAndValidate(MODIFIED_DATE, getTempDestinationFilePath(), dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// TestCase 22 - Update Modified Date and Validate
-func Test_updateModifiedDateAndValidate_2(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, updateModifiedDateAndValidate(MODIFIED_DATE, getTempDestinationFilePath(), dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// TestCase 23 - Update Modified Date and Validate
-func Test_updateModifiedDateAndValidate_3(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, updateModifiedDateAndValidate(MODIFIED_DATE, getTempDestinationFilePath(), dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-// TestCase 24 - Download File From Cloud
-func Test_downloadFileFromCloud_5(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	assert.NotNil(t, downloadFileFromCloud(dh))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// TestCase 25 - Download File From Cloud
-func Test_downloadFileFromCloud_6(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	assert.Nil(t, downloadFileFromCloud(dh))
-// TestCase 26 - Destination File Creation Failed - Fail
-func TestGetDownloadHelper_7(t *testing.T) {
-	dh := createFile()
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	_, err := DownloadFile(dh)
-	assert.NotNil(t, err)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// Helper Method - to create file at application running level
-func createFile() *DownloadHelper {
-	destinationPath := getWorkingDirectoryPath() + "\\testCase.jpg"
-	dh := GetDownloadHelper("https://golangcode.com/images/avatar.jpg?name=Deepak", destinationPath, RETRY_COUNT)
-	fileExists := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(destinationPath)
-	if !fileExists {
-		dh.Run()
-	}
-	return dh
-// Helper Method - to fetch application running file path
-func getWorkingDirectoryPath() string {
-	dir, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir(os.Args[0]))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	}
-	return dir
-// Helper Method - to provide destination file path
-func getDestinationFilePath() string {
-	return getWorkingDirectoryPath() + "\\testCase.jpg"
-// Helper Method - to provide destination file path
-func getTempDestinationFilePath() string {
-	return os.TempDir() + string(os.PathSeparator) + "\\testCase.jpg"
diff --git a/v2/errormdl/errorcodemdl.go b/v2/errormdl/errorcodemdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index ee113b9dfd34445dd01ece4097b23d1ee36e2481..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/errormdl/errorcodemdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-package errormdl
-const (
-	// NOERROR - success Code
-	NOERROR = 1000
-	// SJSONERROR - sjson helper error
-	SJSONERROR          = 1001
-	KEYNOTFOUND         = 1002
-	CASTINGERROR        = 1003
-	EMAILERROR          = 1005
-	// DB Errors
-	MONGOERROR     = 2001
-	MYSQLERROR     = 2002
-	// CUSTOM Error
diff --git a/v2/errormdl/errormdl.go b/v2/errormdl/errormdl.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 651f38705a0163d1d3ef3fc5857ae3dc2dacab3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/errormdl/errormdl.go
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-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:36:54 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package errormdl will help you catch error
-package errormdl
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-// IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn mark this on if you want system cases to fail
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool bool
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 bool
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool2 bool
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool3 bool
-// IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn mark this on if you want system cases to fail
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt bool
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt1 bool
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 bool
-// IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn mark this on if you want system cases to fail
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn bool
-// IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 mark this on if you want system cases to fail
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 bool
-// IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 mark this on if you want system cases to fail
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 bool
-// IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 mark this on if you want system cases to fail
-var IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 bool
-// CoreError is custom error
-type CoreError struct {
-	msg string
-// CheckBool will help checking bool condition for real as well as test cases. It can fail based on  IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn flag
-func CheckBool(orginalInput bool) bool {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool {
-		return !orginalInput
-	}
-	return orginalInput
-func CheckBool1(orginalInput bool) bool {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 {
-		return !orginalInput
-	}
-	return orginalInput
-func CheckBool2(orginalInput bool) bool {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool2 {
-		return !orginalInput
-	}
-	return orginalInput
-func CheckBool3(orginalInput bool) bool {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool3 {
-		return !orginalInput
-	}
-	return orginalInput
-// CheckInt will help checking int condition for real as well as test cases. It can fail based on  IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn flag
-func CheckInt(len int) int {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt {
-		return constantmdl.ZERO
-	}
-	return len
-func CheckInt1(len int) int {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt1 {
-		return constantmdl.MINUS_ONE
-	}
-	return len
-func CheckInt2(len int) int {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 {
-		return constantmdl.MINUS_ONE
-	}
-	return len
-// CheckErr will help checking err condition for real as well as test cases. It can fail based on  IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn flag
-func CheckErr(err error) error {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn {
-		return Wrap("This is test error")
-	}
-	return err
-// CheckErr1 condition for real as well as test cases. It can fail based on  IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 flag
-func CheckErr1(err error) error {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 {
-		return Wrap("This is test error")
-	}
-	return err
-// CheckErr2 condition for real as well as test cases. It can fail based on  IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 flag
-func CheckErr2(err error) error {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 {
-		return Wrap("This is test error")
-	}
-	return err
-// CheckErr3 condition for real as well as test cases. It can fail based on  IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 flag
-func CheckErr3(err error) error {
-	if IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 {
-		return Wrap("This is test error")
-	}
-	return err
-// Wrap Use wrapper error an not golang
-func Wrap(msg string) *CoreError {
-	err := CoreError{}
-	err.msg = msg
-	return &err
-// WrapWithCode Use wrapper error an not golang
-func WrapWithCode(msg string, errorCode int) (int, *CoreError) {
-	err := CoreError{}
-	err.msg = msg
-	return errorCode, &err
-// Error is interface method so that this will help compatibility with error
-func (cerr *CoreError) Error() string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf(cerr.msg)
diff --git a/v2/errormdl/errormdl_test.go b/v2/errormdl/errormdl_test.go
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index 0877d067810f07e335c2ae9d0919460cbb422daa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/errormdl/errormdl_test.go
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@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:36:43 GMT+0530 (IST)
-package errormdl
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestCoreError_Wrap(t *testing.T) {
-	err := Wrap("test")
-	if err != nil {
-		assert.Len(t, err.Error(), 4, "Check if we get back error")
-		assert.Error(t, err)
-	}
-func TestCheckBool(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool(true), "it should return true")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool(false), "it should return false")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool1(true), "it should return true")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool1(false), "it should return false")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool2 = true
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool2(true), "it should return true")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool2 = false
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool2(false), "it should return false")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool3 = true
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool3(true), "it should return true")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool3 = false
-	assert.False(t, CheckBool3(false), "it should return false")
-func TestCheckError(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr(errors.New("hi")))
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr(errors.New("hi")))
-func TestCheckError1(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr1(errors.New("hi")))
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr1(errors.New("hi")))
-func TestCheckError2(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr2(errors.New("hi")))
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr2(errors.New("hi")))
-func TestCheckError3(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr3(errors.New("hi")))
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-	assert.Error(t, CheckErr3(errors.New("hi")))
-func TestCheckInt(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt = false
-	assert.Equal(t, CheckInt(2), 2, "Should return 2")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt = true
-	assert.Equal(t, CheckInt(2), 0, "Should return zero")
-func TestCheckInt1(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt1 = false
-	assert.Equal(t, CheckInt1(2), 2, "Should return 2")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt1 = true
-	assert.Equal(t, CheckInt1(2), -1, "Should return -1")
-func TestCheckInt2(t *testing.T) {
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = false
-	assert.Equal(t, CheckInt2(2), 2, "Should return 2")
-	IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = true
-	assert.Equal(t, CheckInt2(2), -1, "Should return -1")
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filemdl.go b/v2/filemdl/filemdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7774d45542d5e3f23bf63632c64921ffc1c1b10a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filemdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"io"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/juju/fslock"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-var (
-	backupPath = ""
-	dbPath     = ""
-	filePtrs   cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-const (
-	// TempDir - Serves as tmp directory for atomic file operations
-	TempDir = "tmp"
-func init() {
-	filePtrs.Setup(100000, time.Hour*72, time.Hour*72)
-	if !FileAvailabilityCheck(TempDir) {
-		CreateDirectory(TempDir) // Create directory "tmp" at app root
-	}
-// TODO: Symbolic link evelution for this package not supported in windows .symlink file
-// SetBackPath set backup folder path
-func SetBackPath(folderPath, dbFolderPath string) error {
-	if folderPath == "" || dbFolderPath == "" {
-		return errors.New("Backup folder path and DB Path must not be empty")
-	}
-	bFolder, bFile := filepath.Split(folderPath)
-	if bFile != "" {
-		return errors.New("Backup Path must be folder or you forget to provide slash at the end")
-	}
-	dbFolder, dbFile := filepath.Split(dbFolderPath)
-	if dbFile != "" {
-		return errors.New("DB Path must be folder or you forget to provide slash at the end")
-	}
-	backupPath = bFolder
-	dbPath = dbFolder
-	return nil
-// createFileBackup createfile back in backup folder
-func createFileBackup(filePath string) error {
-	if backupPath == "" || dbPath == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Backup folder path not set")
-		return errors.New("Backup folder path not set")
-	}
-	backupFilePath := backupPath + strings.TrimPrefix(filePath, dbPath)
-	_, err := CopyFile(filePath, backupFilePath, true)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return nil
-//FileHelperServiceObject FileHelperServiceObject must be created while calling FileSearh function
-type FileHelperServiceObject struct {
-	searchResult   []string
-	searchFileName string
-// ReadFile reads contents from provided file path and retry when timeout occure
-func ReadFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	ba, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err).Error() == "i/o timeout" {
-			return ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
-		}
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return ba, nil
-// ReadFileUsingFp reads contents from provided file pointer
-func ReadFileUsingFp(fp *os.File) ([]byte, error) {
-	filePath := fp.Name()
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	if _, err := fp.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	ba, err := ioutil.ReadAll(fp)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err).Error() == "i/o timeout" {
-			return ioutil.ReadFile(filePath)
-		}
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return ba, nil
-//createFile creates a new file
-func createFile(filePath string) (*os.File, error) {
-	// function is usable for file module only. Required for zip module
-	return os.Create(filePath)
-func createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(filePath string) error {
-	dir, _ := filepath.Split(filePath)
-	createError := CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// WriteFile writes provided  bytes to file
-func WriteFile(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir bool, createBackup bool) error {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	if makeDir {
-		createError := createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	if createBackup {
-		backupErr := createFileBackup(filePath)
-		if backupErr != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(backupErr)
-		}
-	}
-	return ioutil.WriteFile(filePath, data, 0644)
-// WriteFileUsingFp writes provided bytes to file
-func WriteFileUsingFp(f *os.File, data []byte, makeDir bool, createBackup bool) error {
-	filePath := f.Name()
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	if makeDir {
-		createError := createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	if createBackup {
-		backupErr := createFileBackup(filePath)
-		if backupErr != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(backupErr)
-		}
-	}
-	err := f.Truncate(0)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.Seek(0, 0)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if err = f.Sync(); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.Write(data)
-	return err
-//AppendFile appends provided data/text to file
-func AppendFile(filename string, text string) (int, error) {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filename)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filename = path
-	}
-	f, err := os.OpenFile(filename, os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0777)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	defer f.Close()
-	return f.WriteString(text)
-//DeleteFile deletes provided file path
-func DeleteFile(filePath string) error {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	err := os.Remove(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return nil
-// RenameFile renames/moves file from old path to new path
-func RenameFile(oldFilePath, newFilePath string) error {
-	return os.Rename(oldFilePath, newFilePath)
-// CreateDirectory creates directory using provided path
-func CreateDirectory(directoryPath string) error {
-	return os.Mkdir(directoryPath, os.ModePerm)
-// CreateDirectoryRecursive creates directory recursively using provided path
-func CreateDirectoryRecursive(directoryPath string) error {
-	return os.MkdirAll(directoryPath, os.ModePerm)
-// DeleteDirectory creates directory using provided path
-func DeleteDirectory(directoryPath string) error {
-	return os.RemoveAll(directoryPath)
-//ListDirectory returns list of all available components of directory
-func ListDirectory(directoryPath string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) {
-	return ioutil.ReadDir(directoryPath)
-//MoveDirectory MoveDirectory
-func MoveDirectory(source, destination string) error {
-	return os.Rename(source, destination)
-//MoveFile MoveFile
-func MoveFile(source, destination string) error {
-	return os.Rename(source, destination)
-// MoveFileToOtherHost MoveFileToOtherHost
-func MoveFileToOtherHost(source, destination string) error {
-	// Copy source file to destination
-	_, copyError := CopyFile(source, destination, true)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(copyError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(copyError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(copyError)
-	}
-	// Delete source file
-	deleteError := DeleteFile(source)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(deleteError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError)
-	}
-	return nil
-// MoveFolderToOtherHost MoveFolderToOtherHost
-func MoveFolderToOtherHost(source, destination string) error {
-	// Copy source dir to destination
-	copyError := CopyDir(source, destination)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(copyError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(copyError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(copyError)
-	}
-	// Delete source file
-	deleteError := DeleteDirectory(source)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(deleteError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(deleteError)
-	}
-	return nil
-//CopyFile CopyFile
-func CopyFile(source, destination string, makeDir bool) (int64, error) {
-	// return os.Rename(source, destination)
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(source)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		source = path
-	}
-	in, openError := os.Open(source)
-	defer in.Close()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(openError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(openError)
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr(openError)
-	}
-	if makeDir {
-		createError := createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(destination)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(createError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-			return 0, errormdl.CheckErr1(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	out, createError := os.Create(destination)
-	defer out.Close()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(createError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr2(createError)
-	}
-	n, copyError := io.Copy(out, in)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr3(copyError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(copyError)
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr3(copyError)
-	}
-	return n, nil
-//CopyDir makes copy of source directory to the destination directory
-func CopyDir(source string, dest string) (err error) {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(source)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(linkErr) == nil {
-		source = path
-	}
-	// get properties of source dir
-	sourceinfo, err := os.Stat(source)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	// create dest dir
-	err = os.MkdirAll(dest, sourceinfo.Mode())
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-	}
-	directory, _ := os.Open(source)
-	defer directory.Close()
-	objects, err := directory.Readdir(-1)
-	for _, obj := range objects {
-		sourcefilepointer := source + "/" + obj.Name()
-		destinationfilepointer := dest + "/" + obj.Name()
-		if obj.IsDir() {
-			// create sub-directories - recursively
-			err = CopyDir(sourcefilepointer, destinationfilepointer)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			}
-		} else {
-			// perform copy
-			_, err = CopyFile(sourcefilepointer, destinationfilepointer, true)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return
-//ReplaceFile ReplaceFile
-func ReplaceFile(data []byte, destination string, createBackup bool) error {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(destination)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(linkErr) == nil {
-		destination = path
-	}
-	return WriteFile(destination, data, false, createBackup)
-//TruncateFile TruncateFile
-func TruncateFile(path string, size int64) error {
-	tmp, linkErr := os.Readlink(path)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(linkErr) == nil {
-		path = tmp
-	}
-	return os.Truncate(path, size)
-//SeekFile SeekFile
-// func SeekFile(path string, offset int64) error {
-// 	file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_RDWR, 0600)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		return err
-// 	}
-// 	defer file.Close()
-// 	_, err = file.Seek(offset, 0)
-// 	return err
-// }
-//FileInfo FileInfo
-func FileInfo(path string) (os.FileInfo, error) {
-	tmp, linkErr := os.Readlink(path)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(linkErr) == nil {
-		path = tmp
-	}
-	return os.Stat(path)
-//FileSearch FileSearch
-func (fileHelperServiceObject *FileHelperServiceObject) FileSearch(fileName, path string) ([]string, error) {
-	fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult = []string{}
-	fileHelperServiceObject.searchFileName = fileName
-	searchDirectory, err := os.Open(path)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	defer searchDirectory.Close()
-	testFileInfo, _ := searchDirectory.Stat()
-	if !testFileInfo.IsDir() {
-		return fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult, err
-	}
-	err = filepath.Walk(path, fileHelperServiceObject.findFile)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult, errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-	}
-	return fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult, nil
-func (fileHelperServiceObject *FileHelperServiceObject) findFile(path string, fileInfo os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	// get absolute path of the folder that we are searching
-	absolute, err := filepath.Abs(path)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-	}
-	if fileInfo.IsDir() {
-		testDir, err := os.Open(absolute)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr2(err)
-		}
-		testDir.Close()
-		return nil
-	}
-	matched, err := filepath.Match(fileHelperServiceObject.searchFileName, fileInfo.Name())
-	if errormdl.CheckErr3(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr3(err)
-	}
-	if matched {
-		add := absolute
-		fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult = append(fileHelperServiceObject.searchResult, add)
-	}
-	return nil
-//FileAvailabilityCheck checks whether file is available at given location
-func FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath string) bool {
-	tmp, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = tmp
-	}
-	fileInfo, err := os.Stat(filePath)
-	if fileInfo == nil && errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return false
-	}
-	return true
-// CleanPath clean path
-func CleanPath(path string) string {
-	path = strings.Replace(path, "\n", "\\n", -1)
-	path = strings.Replace(path, "\t", "\\t", -1)
-	path = strings.Replace(path, "\r", "\\r", -1)
-	path = strings.Replace(path, "\b", "\\b", -1)
-	path = strings.Replace(path, "\a", "\\b", -1)
-	path = strings.Replace(path, "\v", "\\b", -1)
-	//path = strings.Replace(path, '\', '/', -1)
-	normalizedPath := filepath.Clean(path)
-	normalizedPath = filepath.ToSlash(normalizedPath)
-	if strings.HasSuffix(path, string(filepath.Separator)) || strings.HasSuffix(path, "/") {
-		normalizedPath = normalizedPath + "/"
-	}
-	return normalizedPath
-// AppendDataInFile - AppendDataInFile
-func AppendDataInFile(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir bool) error {
-	if makeDir {
-		createError := createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	file := &os.File{}
-	rawPtr, ok := filePtrs.Get(filePath)
-	if !ok {
-		tmp, openError := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0777)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(openError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(openError)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(openError)
-		}
-		file = tmp
-	} else {
-		file, ok = rawPtr.(*os.File)
-		if !ok {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("file pointer casting error")
-		}
-	}
-	_, writeError := file.Write(data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(writeError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(writeError)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(writeError)
-	}
-	filePtrs.SetNoExpiration(filePath, file)
-	return nil
-// CloseFilePointer - CloseFilePointer
-func CloseFilePointer(filePath string) error {
-	file := &os.File{}
-	rawPtr, ok := filePtrs.Get(filePath)
-	if !ok {
-		tmp, openError := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_APPEND|os.O_WRONLY, 0777)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(openError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(openError)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(openError)
-		}
-		file = tmp
-	} else {
-		file, ok = rawPtr.(*os.File)
-		if !ok {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("file pointer casting error")
-		}
-	}
-	file.Close()
-	filePtrs.Delete(filePath)
-	return nil
-// WalkFunc - WalkFunc
-type WalkFunc func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error
-// Walk - walks folder recursively
-func Walk(root string, walkFunc WalkFunc) error {
-	info, err := FileInfo(root)
-	if err != nil {
-		err = walkFunc(root, info, err)
-	} else {
-		err = walk(root, info, walkFunc)
-	}
-	return err
-// walk - walks specified path
-func walk(path string, fileInfo os.FileInfo, walkFunc WalkFunc) error {
-	// if not dir
-	if !fileInfo.IsDir() {
-		return walkFunc(path, fileInfo, nil)
-	}
-	// if dir
-	err := walkFunc(path, fileInfo, nil)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	fileInfos, err := ListDirectory(path)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
-		filePath := path + string(filepath.Separator) + fileInfo.Name()
-		_, err := FileInfo(filePath)
-		if err != nil {
-			if err = walkFunc(filePath, fileInfo, err); err != nil {
-				return err
-			}
-		} else {
-			err = walk(filePath, fileInfo, walkFunc)
-			if err != nil {
-				if !fileInfo.IsDir() {
-					return err
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-// ListFileRecursively - returns array of filepath recursively from specified path
-func ListFileRecursively(path string) ([]string, error) {
-	paths := make([]string, 0)
-	err := Walk(path, func(filePath string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-		if !info.IsDir() {
-			paths = append(paths, filePath)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	if err != nil {
-		return paths, err
-	}
-	return paths, nil
-// OpenFile - opens file with specified mode
-func OpenFile(path string, flag int, perm os.FileMode) (*os.File, error) {
-	f, err := os.OpenFile(path,
-		flag, perm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return f, nil
-// Open - opens file with read mode
-func Open(name string) (*os.File, error) {
-	return OpenFile(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0)
-// FastReadFile - reads contents from provided file path with fast read method
-func FastReadFile(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	file, err := Open(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	defer file.Close()
-	fileStat, err := file.Stat()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	fileBytes := make([]byte, fileStat.Size())
-	bytesRead, err := file.Read(fileBytes)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) == nil && bytesRead < len(fileBytes) {
-		err = errormdl.Wrap("short read")
-	}
-	return fileBytes, err
-// FastWriteFile - writes provided bytes to file with fast write method
-func FastWriteFile(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir bool, createBackup bool, safeMode bool) error {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	if makeDir {
-		createError := createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	if createBackup {
-		backupErr := createFileBackup(filePath)
-		if backupErr != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(backupErr)
-		}
-	}
-	if safeMode {
-		return writeFileSafely(filePath, data, 0644)
-	}
-	return writeFile(filePath, data, 0644)
-func writeFileSafely(filePath string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) error {
-	_, name := filepath.Split(filePath)
-	tmpFile, err := ioutil.TempFile(TempDir, name)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	closeTempFile := true
-	defer func() {
-		if closeTempFile {
-			tmpFile.Close()
-		}
-	}()
-	n, err := tmpFile.Write(data)
-	if err != nil {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("cannot create temp file:" + err.Error())
-	}
-	if n < len(data) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("cannot create temp file: short write")
-	}
-	err = tmpFile.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	tmpFileName := tmpFile.Name()
-	info, err := os.Stat(filePath)
-	if err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
-		return err
-	}
-	// get the file mode from the original file and use that for the replacement
-	// file, too.
-	if err == nil {
-		if err := os.Chmod(tmpFileName, info.Mode()); err != nil {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("can't set filemode on tempfile: " + tmpFileName + ", error: " + err.Error())
-		}
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogError(tmpFileName)
-	// set closeTempFile to false and close the tempFile. The file will be opened in AtomicReplaceFile function.
-	// If we don't close the file here, we will get "file is being used by another process" error
-	closeTempFile = false
-	tmpFile.Close()
-	if err := AtomicReplaceFile(tmpFileName, filePath); err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Atomic replace failed - ", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("cannot replace " + filePath + " with " + tmpFileName)
-	}
-	return nil
-func writeFile(filename string, data []byte, perm os.FileMode) error {
-	f, err := OpenFile(filename, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, perm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer f.Close()
-	n, err := f.Write(data)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if n < len(data) {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("short write")
-	}
-	return f.Sync()
-// AppendDataToFile - AppendDataToFile
-func AppendDataToFile(filePath string, data []byte, makeDir bool) (startOffset int64, dataSize int, err error) {
-	path, linkErr := os.Readlink(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(linkErr) == nil {
-		filePath = path
-	}
-	if makeDir {
-		// create file recursively
-		createError := createRecursiveDirectoryForFile(filePath)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(createError)
-			return startOffset, dataSize, errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	f, err := OpenFile(filePath, os.O_APPEND|os.O_CREATE|os.O_WRONLY, 0644)
-	if err != nil {
-		return startOffset, dataSize, err
-	}
-	defer f.Close()
-	fileStat, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return startOffset, dataSize, err
-	}
-	startOffset = fileStat.Size()
-	n, err := f.WriteString(string(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		return startOffset, dataSize, err
-	}
-	if n < len(data) {
-		return startOffset, dataSize, errormdl.Wrap("short write")
-	}
-	dataSize = n
-	err = f.Sync()
-	return startOffset, dataSize, err
-// ReadFileFromOffset - ReadFileFromOffset
-func ReadFileFromOffset(f *os.File, startOffset int64, dataSize int64) ([]byte, error) {
-	bytesOfFile := make([]byte, dataSize)
-	_, err := f.ReadAt(bytesOfFile, startOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return bytesOfFile, err
-	}
-	return bytesOfFile, nil
-// WriteFileAtOffset - WriteFileAtOffset
-func WriteFileAtOffset(f *os.File, startOffset int64, bytesToWrite []byte) (int64, error) {
-	n, err := f.WriteAt(bytesToWrite, startOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return 0, err
-	}
-	if n < len(bytesToWrite) {
-		return int64(n), errormdl.Wrap("short write")
-	}
-	return int64(n), nil
-// AcquireFileLock -
-func AcquireFileLock(filePath string) (*fslock.Lock, error) {
-	lock := fslock.New(filePath)
-	lockErr := lock.Lock()
-	if lockErr != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("failed to acquire lock > " + lockErr.Error())
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("failed to acquire lock > " + lockErr.Error())
-	}
-	return lock, nil
-// ReleaseFileLock
-func ReleaseFileLock(lock *fslock.Lock) error {
-	return lock.Unlock()
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_darwin.go b/v2/filemdl/filemdl_darwin.go
deleted file mode 100644
index acd187767d9c8ebcafabb998afd29d37eca8e74f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_darwin.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// TODO: Build flag needs to be passed while building exe/executable
-// +build !windows
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"os"
-// AtomicReplaceFile atomically replaces the destination file or directory with the
-// source.  It is guaranteed to either replace the target file entirely, or not
-// change either file.
-func AtomicReplaceFile(source, destination string) error {
-	return os.Rename(source, destination)
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_linux.go b/v2/filemdl/filemdl_linux.go
deleted file mode 100644
index acd187767d9c8ebcafabb998afd29d37eca8e74f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_linux.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// TODO: Build flag needs to be passed while building exe/executable
-// +build !windows
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"os"
-// AtomicReplaceFile atomically replaces the destination file or directory with the
-// source.  It is guaranteed to either replace the target file entirely, or not
-// change either file.
-func AtomicReplaceFile(source, destination string) error {
-	return os.Rename(source, destination)
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_test.go b/v2/filemdl/filemdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dd072d9ea8538e9b5eeb435d34e4eab94b8afa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1214 +0,0 @@
-// TODO: Commented because of following error while setting up go modules
-// Command - go mod tidy
-// Error -
-// go: corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl tested by
-//         corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl.test imports
-//         corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/coreospackage/dalhelper imports
-//         gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3@v3.1.0: parsing go.mod:
-//         module declares its path as: github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3
-//                 but was required as: gopkg.in/ahmetb/go-linq.v3
-package filemdl
-// import (
-// 	"encoding/json"
-// 	_ "net/http/pprof"
-// 	"path/filepath"
-// 	"reflect"
-// 	"sync"
-// 	"testing"
-// 	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/coreospackage/dalhelper"
-// 	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-// 	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-// )
-// func TestCleanup(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := DeleteDirectory("../testingdata/testData")
-// 	err = Unzip("../testingdata/testData.zip", "../testingdata")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "Error Not expected")
-// }
-// func Test2ReadFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	_, err := ReadFile("")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error is expected")
-// }
-// func Test1ReadFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		filePath string
-// 	}
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		want    []byte
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    []byte
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/users.json"},
-// 			want:    ba,
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			got, err := ReadFile(tt.args.filePath)
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("ReadFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 				return
-// 			}
-// 			if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-// 				t.Errorf("ReadFile() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestWriteFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		filePath         string
-// 		data             []byte
-// 		makeDir          bool
-// 		createFileBackup bool
-// 	}
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/writeFile/tmp.json", ba, false, false},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/writeFile/test/tmp.json", ba, false, false},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/writeFile/test/tmp.json", ba, true, false},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test4",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/writeFile/test/", ba, true, false},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test5",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/writeFile/test2?/tmp.json", ba, true, false},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test6",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/.symlink", ba, true, false},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := WriteFile(tt.args.filePath, tt.args.data, tt.args.makeDir, tt.args.createFileBackup); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("WriteFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestAppendFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		filename string
-// 		text     string
-// 	}
-// 	str := `
-// 	{
-// 		"title": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1",
-// 		"contentID": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// 		"author": "",
-// 		"isQC": false,
-// 		"QCBy": null,
-// 		"qc": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// 		"log": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// 		"duration": 0,
-// 		"languageID": "1",
-// 		"name": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1",
-// 		"originalName": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1.pdf",
-// 		"path": "2a57dc3355a316bf5922c31851c7b73c.pdf",
-// 		"size": "110515",
-// 		"tags": ["5th",
-// 		" Study Skill",
-// 		" Abhyas Kausalya unit 1"],
-// 		"type": "",
-// 		"isUploaded": true,
-// 		"uploadedBy": "rashmis",
-// 		"UploadedDate": "25-01-2018",
-// 		"useIn": null,
-// 		"thumbnail": "",
-// 		"isLatest": false,
-// 		"srtFiles": [],
-// 		"description": "",
-// 		"isSupportingFiles": false,
-// 		"passcode": "",
-// 		"fileHash": "14504648841716758967",
-// 		"location": "/Abhyas Kausalya unit 1/Abhyas Kausalya unit 1.pdf",
-// 		"localName": "2a57dc3355a316bf5922c31851c7b73c.pdf",
-// 		"isCompressed": false,
-// 		"compressedSize": "",
-// 		"compressedPath": "",
-// 		"compressed480Size": "",
-// 		"compressed480Path": ""
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	ln := 1018
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		want    int
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{filename: "../testingdata/testData/appendFile/tmp.json", text: str},
-// 			want:    ln,
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{filename: "../testingdata/testData/appendFile/test5/tmp.json", text: str},
-// 			want:    0,
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			got, err := AppendFile(tt.args.filename, tt.args.text)
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("AppendFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 				return
-// 			}
-// 			if got != tt.want {
-// 				t.Errorf("AppendFile() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestDeleteFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		filePath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteFile/tmp.json"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteFile/test/tmp.json"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteFile/test"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test4",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteFile/"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := DeleteFile(tt.args.filePath); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("DeleteFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestRenameFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		oldFilePath string
-// 		newFilePath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{oldFilePath: "../testingdata/testData/renameFile/log.txt", newFilePath: "../testingdata/testData/renameFile/log1.txt"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{oldFilePath: "../testingdata/testData/renameFile/log1.txt", newFilePath: "../testingdata/processedData/testData/renameFile/log.txt"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{oldFilePath: "../testingdata/testData/renameFile/log.txt", newFilePath: "../testingdata/processedData/testData/renameFile/log.txt"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := RenameFile(tt.args.oldFilePath, tt.args.newFilePath); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("RenameFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestCreateDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		directoryPath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/createDir/test"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/createDir/test"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/createDir/test?"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test4",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/createDir/test1/test2/"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := CreateDirectory(tt.args.directoryPath); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("CreateDirectory() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestDeleteDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		directoryPath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteDir/test"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteDir/test"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteDir/test2"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test4",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/deleteDir/test1/test2/"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := DeleteDirectory(tt.args.directoryPath); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("DeleteDirectory() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestListDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		directoryPath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		want    int
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/listDir/tmp"},
-// 			want:    2,
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{"../testingdata/testData/listDir/test1/test2/"},
-// 			want:    0,
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			got, err := ListDirectory(tt.args.directoryPath)
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("ListDirectory() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 				return
-// 			}
-// 			if !reflect.DeepEqual(len(got), tt.want) {
-// 				t.Errorf("ListDirectory() = %v, want %v", len(got), tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestMoveFileToOtherHost(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		source      string
-// 		destination string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/testData/MoveFileToOtherHost/test.mp4", destination: "../testingdata/testData/MoveFileToOtherHost/test2/test.mp4"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			// errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 			if err := MoveFileToOtherHost(tt.args.source, tt.args.destination); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("MoveFileToOtherHost() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 			// errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func Test1MoveFileToOtherHost(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		source      string
-// 		destination string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/testData/MoveFileToOtherHost/test.mp4", destination: "../testingdata/testData/MoveFileToOtherHost/test2/test.mp4"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 			err := MoveFileToOtherHost(tt.args.source, tt.args.destination)
-// 			errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("MoveFileToOtherHost() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func Test2MoveFileToOtherHost(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := MoveFileToOtherHost("../testingdata/testData/MoveFileToOtherHost/test1.mp4", "../testingdata/testData/MoveFileToOtherHost/output/test1.mp4")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This is test error")
-// }
-// func TestCopyFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		source      string
-// 		destination string
-// 		makeDir     bool
-// 	}
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		want    int64
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int64
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/users.json", destination: "../testingdata/testData/copyFile/tmp.json", makeDir: true},
-// 			want:    int64(len(ba)),
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int64
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/users.json", destination: "../testingdata/testData/copyFile/test2??/tmp.json", makeDir: true},
-// 			want:    0,
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int64
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/users.json", destination: "../testingdata/testData/copyFile/test3/tmp.json", makeDir: false},
-// 			want:    0,
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int64
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test4",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/", destination: "../testingdata/testData/copyFile/test3/", makeDir: true},
-// 			want:    0,
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			got, err := CopyFile(tt.args.source, tt.args.destination, tt.args.makeDir)
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("CopyFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 				return
-// 			}
-// 			if got != tt.want {
-// 				t.Errorf("CopyFile() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func Test1CopyFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		source      string
-// 		destination string
-// 		makeDir     bool
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		want    int64
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			want    int64
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/users.json", destination: "../testingdata/testData/copyFile/test2/tmp.json", makeDir: true},
-// 			want:    0,
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-// 			got, err := CopyFile(tt.args.source, tt.args.destination, tt.args.makeDir)
-// 			errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("CopyFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 				return
-// 			}
-// 			if got != tt.want {
-// 				t.Errorf("CopyFile() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func Test2CopyDir(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	err := CopyDir("../testingdata/tmp", "../testingdata/testData/copyDir")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test1CopyDir(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	err := CopyDir("../testingdata/tmp", "../testingdata/testData/copyDir/failed")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func TestCopyDir(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		source string
-// 		dest   string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/tmp", dest: "../testingdata/testData/copyDir/test4"},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/roshan", dest: "../testingdata/testData/copyDir/test2??/tmp.json"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test3",
-// 			args:    args{source: "../testingdata/users.json", dest: "../testingdata/testData/copyDir/test3"},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := CopyDir(tt.args.source, tt.args.dest); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("CopyDir() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestTruncateFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		path string
-// 		size int64
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test1",
-// 			args:    args{path: "../testingdata/testData/truncateFile/tmp.json", size: 123},
-// 			wantErr: false,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name    string
-// 			args    args
-// 			wantErr bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name:    "test2",
-// 			args:    args{path: "../testingdata/testData/truncateFile/test10/tmp.json", size: 123},
-// 			wantErr: true,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if err := TruncateFile(tt.args.path, tt.args.size); (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("TruncateFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func Test3FileHelperServiceObject_FileSearch(t *testing.T) {
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	_, err := obj.FileSearch("tmp.json", "../testingdata/tmp/tmp.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test2FileHelperServiceObject_FileSearch(t *testing.T) {
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	_, err := obj.FileSearch("tmp.json", "../testingdata/tmp")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test1FileHelperServiceObject_FileSearch(t *testing.T) {
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	_, err := obj.FileSearch("tmp.json", "../testingdata/tmp")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// // func TestFileHelperServiceObject_FileSearch(t *testing.T) {
-// // 	type args struct {
-// // 		fileName string
-// // 		path     string
-// // 	}
-// // 	tests := []struct {
-// // 		name                    string
-// // 		fileHelperServiceObject *FileHelperServiceObject
-// // 		args                    args
-// // 		want                    []string
-// // 		wantErr                 bool
-// // 	}{
-// // 		struct {
-// // 			name                    string
-// // 			fileHelperServiceObject *FileHelperServiceObject
-// // 			args                    args
-// // 			want                    []string
-// // 			wantErr                 bool
-// // 		}{
-// // 			name: "test1",
-// // 			fileHelperServiceObject: &FileHelperServiceObject{},
-// // 			args:    args{fileName: "tmp.json", path: "../testingdata/tmp/"},
-// // 			want:    []string{"D:\\go\\src\\CoreOSWork\\tmp\\tmp.json"},
-// // 			wantErr: false,
-// // 		},
-// // 	}
-// // 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// // 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// // 			got, err := tt.fileHelperServiceObject.FileSearch(tt.args.fileName, tt.args.path)
-// // 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// // 				t.Errorf("FileHelperServiceObject.FileSearch() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// // 				return
-// // 			}
-// // 			if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-// // 				t.Errorf("FileHelperServiceObject.FileSearch() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// // 			}
-// // 		})
-// // 	}
-// // }
-// func TestCleanPath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		path string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name string
-// 		args args
-// 		want string
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name string
-// 			args args
-// 			want string
-// 		}{
-// 			name: "test1",
-// 			args: args{"c:\\d\\e/f/"},
-// 			want: "c:/d/e/f/",
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if got := CleanPath(tt.args.path); got != tt.want {
-// 				t.Errorf("CleanPath() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func Test_findFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	obj.searchFileName = "tmp.json"
-// 	err := filepath.Walk("../testingdata/tmp", obj.findFile)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test4findFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	obj.searchFileName = "tmp.json"
-// 	err := filepath.Walk("../testingdata/tmp", obj.findFile)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test3findFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = true
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	obj.searchFileName = "tmp.json"
-// 	err := filepath.Walk("../testingdata/tmp", obj.findFile)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn3 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test2findFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	obj.searchFileName = "tmp.json"
-// 	err := filepath.Walk("../testingdata/tmp", obj.findFile)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func Test1findFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	obj := FileHelperServiceObject{}
-// 	obj.searchFileName = "tmp.json"
-// 	err := filepath.Walk("../testingdata/tmp", obj.findFile)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This Should not be Error")
-// }
-// func TestFileAvailabilityCheck(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		filePath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name string
-// 		args args
-// 		want bool
-// 	}{
-// 		struct {
-// 			name string
-// 			args args
-// 			want bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name: "test1",
-// 			args: args{"../testingdata/testData/fileAva/test.txt"},
-// 			want: true,
-// 		},
-// 		struct {
-// 			name string
-// 			args args
-// 			want bool
-// 		}{
-// 			name: "test2",
-// 			args: args{"../testingdata/testData/fileAva/test1.txt"},
-// 			want: false,
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if got := FileAvailabilityCheck(tt.args.filePath); got != tt.want {
-// 				t.Errorf("FileAvailabilityCheck() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestGetInstance(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := GetInstance().Error
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error is expected here")
-// }
-// func Test1Filemdl_Save(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := GetInstance().Save("testPath", []byte("roshan"), false, false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error is expected here")
-// }
-// func TestFilemdl_Save(t *testing.T) {
-// 	Init(3, 3)
-// 	str := `
-// 	{
-// 		"title": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1",
-// 		"contentID": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// 		"author": "",
-// 		"isQC": false,
-// 		"QCBy": null,
-// 		"qc": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// 		"log": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// 		"duration": 0,
-// 		"languageID": "1",
-// 		"name": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1",
-// 		"originalName": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1.pdf",
-// 		"path": "2a57dc3355a316bf5922c31851c7b73c.pdf",
-// 		"size": "110515",
-// 		"tags": ["5th",
-// 		" Study Skill",
-// 		" Abhyas Kausalya unit 1"],
-// 		"type": "",
-// 		"isUploaded": true,
-// 		"uploadedBy": "rashmis",
-// 		"UploadedDate": "25-01-2018",
-// 		"useIn": null,
-// 		"thumbnail": "",
-// 		"isLatest": false,
-// 		"srtFiles": [],
-// 		"description": "",
-// 		"isSupportingFiles": false,
-// 		"passcode": "",
-// 		"fileHash": "14504648841716758967",
-// 		"location": "/Abhyas Kausalya unit 1/Abhyas Kausalya unit 1.pdf",
-// 		"localName": "2a57dc3355a316bf5922c31851c7b73c.pdf",
-// 		"isCompressed": false,
-// 		"compressedSize": "",
-// 		"compressedPath": "",
-// 		"compressed480Size": "",
-// 		"compressed480Path": ""
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	ba, _ := json.Marshal(str)
-// 	var err error
-// 	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
-// 	wg.Add(32)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	for index := 0; index < 8; index++ {
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.Error(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp1.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.Error(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp2.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.Error(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp3.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.Error(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 	}
-// 	wg.Wait()
-// 	wg.Add(32)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	for index := 0; index < 8; index++ {
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.NoError(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp1.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.NoError(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp2.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.NoError(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 		go func() {
-// 			err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp3.json", ba, false, false)
-// 			assert.NoError(t, err, "Check this error")
-// 			wg.Done()
-// 		}()
-// 	}
-// 	wg.Wait()
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// }
-// // func Test1Save(t *testing.T) {
-// // 	str := `
-// // 	{
-// // 		"title": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1",
-// // 		"contentID": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// // 		"author": "",
-// // 		"isQC": false,
-// // 		"QCBy": null,
-// // 		"qc": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// // 		"log": "fc60934f5b3e0eae14d46f6a9a05f119",
-// // 		"duration": 0,
-// // 		"languageID": "1",
-// // 		"name": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1",
-// // 		"originalName": "Abhyas Kausalya unit 1.pdf",
-// // 		"path": "2a57dc3355a316bf5922c31851c7b73c.pdf",
-// // 		"size": "110515",
-// // 		"tags": ["5th",
-// // 		" Study Skill",
-// // 		" Abhyas Kausalya unit 1"],
-// // 		"type": "",
-// // 		"isUploaded": true,
-// // 		"uploadedBy": "rashmis",
-// // 		"UploadedDate": "25-01-2018",
-// // 		"useIn": null,
-// // 		"thumbnail": "",
-// // 		"isLatest": false,
-// // 		"srtFiles": [],
-// // 		"description": "",
-// // 		"isSupportingFiles": false,
-// // 		"passcode": "",
-// // 		"fileHash": "14504648841716758967",
-// // 		"location": "/Abhyas Kausalya unit 1/Abhyas Kausalya unit 1.pdf",
-// // 		"localName": "2a57dc3355a316bf5922c31851c7b73c.pdf",
-// // 		"isCompressed": false,
-// // 		"compressedSize": "",
-// // 		"compressedPath": "",
-// // 		"compressed480Size": "",
-// // 		"compressed480Path": ""
-// // 	}
-// // 	`
-// // 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// // 	ba, _ := json.Marshal(str)
-// // 	err := GetInstance().Save("../testingdata/processedData/output/tmp.json", ba)
-// // 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// // 	assert.Error(t, err, "Check this error")
-// // }
-// func Test_createFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	_, err := createFile("../testingdata/processedData/output/createFile.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// }
-// func TestReadFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		filePath string
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name    string
-// 		args    args
-// 		want    []byte
-// 		wantErr bool
-// 	}{
-// 		// TODO: Add test cases.
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			got, err := ReadFile(tt.args.filePath)
-// 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
-// 				t.Errorf("ReadFile() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
-// 				return
-// 			}
-// 			if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-// 				t.Errorf("ReadFile() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestMoveDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := MoveDirectory("../testingdata/testData/move/test", "../testingdata/testData/move/test2/test")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No error Generated")
-// }
-// func TestMoveFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := MoveFile("../testingdata/testData/move/test1.txt", "../testingdata/testData/move/test2/test.txt")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No error Generated")
-// }
-// func TestReplaceFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := ReplaceFile(ba, "../testingdata/processedData/output/ReplaceFile.json", false)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not thorw error")
-// }
-// func TestFileHelper_triggerWritingData(t *testing.T) {
-// 	obj := GetInstance()
-// 	obj.triggerWritingData()
-// 	assert.NoError(t, nil, "No Error return by this")
-// }
-// func TestFileInfo(t *testing.T) {
-// 	_, err := FileInfo("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This hsould not throw error")
-// }
-// func Test2WriteFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	err := WriteFile("../testingdata/users.json", ba, true, true)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "Error expected Here")
-// }
-// func Test1_createFileBackup(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := createFileBackup("../testingdata/tmp/tmp.json")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error expected Here")
-// }
-// func TestSetBackPath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := SetBackPath("../testingdata/processedData/test/backup/", "../testingdata/processedData/DB/")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Here")
-// }
-// func Test1SetBackPath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := SetBackPath("", "../testingdata/processedData/DB/")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error expected Here")
-// }
-// func Test2SetBackPath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := SetBackPath("../testingdata/processedData/test/backup", "../testingdata/processedData/DB/")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error expected Here")
-// }
-// func Test3SetBackPath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := SetBackPath("../testingdata/processedData/test/backup/", "../testingdata/processedData/DB")
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error expected Here")
-// }
-// func Test4SetBackPath(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := SetBackPath("../testingdata/backup/", "../testingdata/")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Here")
-// }
-// func Test_createFileBackup(t *testing.T) {
-// 	SetBackPath("../testingdata/backup/", "../testingdata/")
-// 	err := createFileBackup("../testingdata/tmp/tmp.json")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Here")
-// }
-// func Test2_createFileBackup(t *testing.T) {
-// 	SetBackPath("../testingdata/backup/", "../testingdata/")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	err := createFileBackup("../testingdata/tmp/tmp.json")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "Error expected Here")
-// }
-// func Test1WriteFile(t *testing.T) {
-// 	ba, _ := dalhelper.GetDataFromFDB("../testingdata/users.json")
-// 	SetBackPath("../testingdata/backup/", "../testingdata/")
-// 	err := WriteFile("../testingdata/users.json", ba, true, true)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "No Error Here")
-// }
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_windows.go b/v2/filemdl/filemdl_windows.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 824438f0018c14ee0ad7759c1540a506806aee68..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filemdl_windows.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"os"
-	"syscall"
-	"unsafe"
-const (
-	moveFileReplacExisting = 0x1
-	moveFileWriteThrough   = 0x8
-var (
-	modkernel32     = syscall.NewLazyDLL("kernel32.dll")
-	procMoveFileExW = modkernel32.NewProc("MoveFileExW")
-//sys moveFileEx(lpExistingFileName *uint16, lpNewFileName *uint16, dwFlags uint32) (err error) = MoveFileExW
-// AtomicReplaceFile atomically replaces the destination file or directory with the
-// source.  It is guaranteed to either replace the target file entirely, or not
-// change either file.
-func AtomicReplaceFile(source, destination string) error {
-	src, err := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(source)
-	if err != nil {
-		return &os.LinkError{"replace", source, destination, err}
-	}
-	dest, err := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(destination)
-	if err != nil {
-		return &os.LinkError{"replace", source, destination, err}
-	}
-	// see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365240(v=vs.85).aspx
-	if err := moveFileEx(src, dest, moveFileReplacExisting|moveFileWriteThrough); err != nil {
-		return &os.LinkError{"replace", source, destination, err}
-	}
-	return nil
-func moveFileEx(lpExistingFileName *uint16, lpNewFileName *uint16, dwFlags uint32) (err error) {
-	r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procMoveFileExW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpExistingFileName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpNewFileName)), uintptr(dwFlags))
-	if r1 == 0 {
-		if e1 != 0 {
-			err = error(e1)
-		} else {
-			err = syscall.EINVAL
-		}
-	}
-	return
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filepack/packFile.go b/v2/filemdl/filepack/packFile.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 507cb4cefed2cc23edd07d879be5640f2072a3cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filepack/packFile.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2400 +0,0 @@
-package filepack
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/hashmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/securitymdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-const (
-	fileStatusReady                     = 0
-	fileStatusUpdatingData              = 1
-	fileStatusUpdatingIndex             = 2
-	fileStatusOffsetInFile              = 0
-	isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile        = 1
-	isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile = 2
-	isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile         = 3
-	isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile       = 4
-	footerOffsetInFile                  = 5
-	footerOffsetReservedSize            = 15
-	footerSizeOffset                    = 20
-	filehashOffest                      = 35
-	lastUpdatedOffset                   = 43
-	dataStartOffset                     = 53
-	sizeReservedForHeaders              = 53
-	lineBreak                           = "\r\n"
-	// IndexKeyValSeperator -
-	IndexKeyValSeperator = "="
-	// FileType - represents key for type of file. Used whenever we need to set file type field in json
-	FileType = "fileType"
-// ErrNoDataFound - ErrNoDataFound
-var ErrNoDataFound = errors.New("No data found")
-var isSecurityEnabled bool
-var isCompressionEnabled bool
-var defaultSecurityKey = []byte{}
-var lineBreakBytes = []byte(lineBreak)
-// Init - initializes pack config
-func Init(isSecurityRequired, isCompressionRequired bool, securityKey string) {
-	defaultSecurityKey = []byte(securityKey)
-	isSecurityEnabled = isSecurityRequired
-	isCompressionEnabled = isCompressionRequired
-// InFileIndex -
-type InFileIndex struct {
-	FileType    string             `json:"fileType"`
-	IndexFields []InFileIndexField `json:"indexFields"`
-// InFileIndexField - InFileIndexField
-type InFileIndexField struct {
-	FieldName string `json:"fieldName"`
-	Query     string `json:"query"`
-var mutexMap = map[string]*sync.Mutex{}
-var getMapSyncMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-func getLock(fileLocation string) *sync.Mutex {
-	getMapSyncMutex.Lock()
-	defer getMapSyncMutex.Unlock()
-	m, found := mutexMap[fileLocation]
-	if !found {
-		m = &sync.Mutex{}
-		mutexMap[fileLocation] = m
-	}
-	return m
-func appendPaddingPadValue(value int64, padNumber int) string {
-	no := strconv.Itoa(padNumber)
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%0"+no+"d", value)
-func getFileStatus(f *os.File) (int, error) {
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, fileStatusOffsetInFile, 1)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	status, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
-	return status, err
-func getFooterOffset(f *os.File) int64 {
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, footerOffsetInFile, footerOffsetReservedSize)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return -1
-	}
-	footerOffset, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err", err)
-		return -1
-	}
-	return int64(footerOffset)
-func setFileStatusFlag(f *os.File, fileStatus int) error {
-	status := strconv.Itoa(fileStatus)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, fileStatusOffsetInFile, []byte(status))
-	return err
-func setFileReadyForUploadFlag(f *os.File, isReadyToUpload bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isReadyToUpload)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFileUpdatedAndNotCommitedFlag(f *os.File, isUpdatedAndNotCommited bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isUpdatedAndNotCommited)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFileReorgRequiredFlag(f *os.File, isReorgRequired bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isReorgRequired)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFileReindexRequiredFlag(f *os.File, isReindexRequired bool) error {
-	flagVal := strconv.FormatBool(isReindexRequired)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile, []byte(flagVal))
-	return err
-func setFooterOffset(f *os.File, footerOffset int64) error {
-	footerOffestInString := appendPaddingPadValue(footerOffset, 15)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, footerOffsetInFile, []byte(footerOffestInString))
-	return err
-func setFooterSize(f *os.File, footerSize int64) error {
-	footerSizeInString := appendPaddingPadValue(footerSize, 15)
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, footerSizeOffset, []byte(footerSizeInString))
-	return err
-func getFooterSize(f *os.File) (int64, error) {
-	data, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, footerSizeOffset, 15)
-	if err != nil {
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	footerSize, err := strconv.Atoi(string(data))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err", err)
-		return -1, err
-	}
-	return int64(footerSize), nil
-func setIndexDataInFile(f *os.File, footerOffset int64, indexData string) error {
-	_, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, footerOffset, []byte(indexData))
-	return err
-func compressData(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	var hashError error
-	dataByteToWriteRes, hashError := filemdl.ZipBytes(data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(hashError) != nil {
-		return data, errormdl.CheckErr2(hashError)
-	}
-	return dataByteToWriteRes, nil
-func decompressData(data []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	var hashError error
-	dataByteToWriteRes, hashError := filemdl.UnZipBytes(data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(hashError) != nil {
-		return data, errormdl.CheckErr2(hashError)
-	}
-	return dataByteToWriteRes, nil
-func encryptData(data []byte, fileName string) (dataOut []byte, err error) {
-	key, err := getSecurityKey(fileName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return dataOut, err
-	}
-	dataOut, err = compressData(data)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	dataOut, err = securitymdl.AESEncrypt(dataOut, key)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	return
-func decryptData(data []byte, fileName string) (dataOut []byte, err error) {
-	key, err := getSecurityKey(fileName)
-	if err != nil {
-		return dataOut, err
-	}
-	dataOut, err = securitymdl.AESDecrypt(data, key)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	dataOut, err = decompressData(dataOut)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	return
-func getSecurityKey(fileName string) ([]byte, error) {
-	key := []byte{}
-	var err error
-	securityKeyGenFunc := securitymdl.GetSecurityKeyGeneratorFunc()
-	if securityKeyGenFunc != nil {
-		key, err = securityKeyGenFunc(fileName)
-	} else {
-		key, err = GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(fileName)
-	}
-	return key, err
-func addFileDataInFile(f *os.File, offset int64, data string, breakLine bool, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (int64, error) {
-	dataBytes := []byte(data)
-	// if isSecurityEnabled {
-	// 	dataBytes, err = encryptData(dataBytes, f.Name())
-	// 	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// 	}
-	// }
-	// if !isSecurityEnabled && isCompressionEnabled {
-	// 	dataBytes, err = filemdl.ZipBytes(dataBytes)
-	// 	if err != nil {
-	// 		return 0, err
-	// 	}
-	// }
-	if secParams.EnableSecurity {
-		// _, fileName := filepath.Split(f.Name())
-		key, err := securitymdl.GenSecKeyBytes(f.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("failed to generate security key: ", err)
-			return 0, err
-		}
-		dataBytes, err = encryptWithCompression(dataBytes, secParams.EnableCompression, key)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return 0, err
-		}
-	}
-	if breakLine {
-		dataBytes = append(dataBytes, lineBreakBytes...)
-	}
-	return filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, offset, dataBytes)
-func addByteDataInFile(f *os.File, offset int64, dataBytes []byte, breakLine bool) (int64, error) {
-	var err error
-	if breakLine {
-		dataBytes = append(dataBytes, lineBreakBytes...)
-	}
-	dataSize, err := filemdl.WriteFileAtOffset(f, offset, dataBytes)
-	return dataSize, err
-func getInFileIndexData(f *os.File) (string, error) {
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return "[]", errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	footerSize, err := getFooterSize(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "[]", nil
-	}
-	if footerSize == 0 {
-		return "[]", nil
-	}
-	dataByte, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, footerStartOffset, footerSize)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err.Error() == "EOF" {
-			loggermdl.LogError("EOF")
-			return "[]", nil
-		}
-		loggermdl.LogError("error while fetching index data", err)
-		return "[]", err
-	}
-	return string(dataByte), nil
-func getFileDataFromPack(f *os.File, startOffset, dataSize int64, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) ([]byte, error) {
-	ba, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffset, dataSize)
-	if secParams.EnableSecurity {
-		// _, fileName := filepath.Split(fp.Name())
-		key, err := securitymdl.GenSecKeyBytes(f.Name(), rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("failed to generate security key: ", err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		ba, err = decryptwithDecompression(ba, secParams.EnableCompression, key)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	}
-	return ba, err
-// GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey generates key using file name + Default key
-func GetKeyWithFileNameAndDefaultKey(filePath string) ([]byte, error) {
-	fileName := filepath.Base(filePath)
-	fileNameBytes := []byte(fileName)
-	fileNameBytes = append(fileNameBytes, defaultSecurityKey...)
-	keyBytes, getHashError := hashmdl.Get128BitHash(fileNameBytes)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(getHashError) != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(getHashError)
-	}
-	return keyBytes[:], nil
-func CreateIndexJSON(indexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	json := `{}`
-	for _, indexField := range indexFields {
-		val := rs.Get(indexField.Query).Value()
-		// validation
-		if val == nil {
-			return "", errormdl.Wrap("please provide value for index field: " + indexField.Query)
-		}
-		json, _ = sjson.Set(json, indexField.FieldName, val)
-	}
-	return json, nil
-func initializeWithHeader(filePath string) error {
-	// fileLock, err := filemdl.AcquireFileLock(filePath)
-	// defer filemdl.ReleaseFileLock(fileLock)
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// }
-	// initailize file with headers and fdb index entry
-	f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer f.Close()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(strconv.Itoa(fileStatusReady)), fileStatusOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// isFile ready for upload  =0
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// _, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(appendPaddingToNumber(sizeReservedForHeaders, 15)), footerOffsetInFile)
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, sizeReservedForHeaders+int64(len(lineBreak)))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, 0)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("filehash"), filehashOffest)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(timestamp), lastUpdatedOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("\r\n"), sizeReservedForHeaders)
-	return err
-func initializeWithHeaderUsingFp(f *os.File) error {
-	// fileLock, err := filemdl.AcquireFileLock(filePath)
-	// defer filemdl.ReleaseFileLock(fileLock)
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// }
-	// initailize file with headers and fdb index entry
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	// defer f.Close()
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// }
-	_, err := f.WriteAt([]byte(strconv.Itoa(fileStatusReady)), fileStatusOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// isFile ready for upload  =0
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReadyForUploadOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isUpdatedAndNotCommitedOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReorgRequiredOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("0"), isReindexRequiredOffsetInFile)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// _, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(appendPaddingToNumber(sizeReservedForHeaders, 15)), footerOffsetInFile)
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, sizeReservedForHeaders+int64(len(lineBreak)))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, 0)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("filehash"), filehashOffest)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	timestamp := strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte(timestamp), lastUpdatedOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	_, err = f.WriteAt([]byte("\r\n"), sizeReservedForHeaders)
-	return err
-// AddFileInPackFile -
-func AddFileInPackFile(filePath string, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) error {
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	if !isFilePresent {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(filePath)
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		err = initializeWithHeader(filePath)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	return addFileInPackFile(filePath, infileIndexFields, rs, secParams)
-// AddMediaInPackFile -
-func AddMediaInPackFile(filePath string, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	if !isFilePresent {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(filePath)
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		err = initializeWithHeader(filePath)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", err
-		}
-	}
-	return addMediaInPackFile(filePath, mediaData, infileIndexFields, rs)
-// AddMediaInPackFileUsingFp - AddMediaInPackFileUsingFp
-func AddMediaInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.Name())
-	info, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", infileIndex, err
-	}
-	if !isFilePresent || info.Size() == 0 {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(f.Name())
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", infileIndex, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		err = initializeWithHeaderUsingFp(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", infileIndex, err
-		}
-	}
-	return addMediaInPackFileUsingFp(f, infileIndex, mediaData, infileIndexFields, rs)
-func addMediaInPackFile(filePath string, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	recordID := ""
-	fileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	// if file is being created for first time
-	fileStatus := fileStatusReady
-	// if isFilePresent {
-	fileStatus, err = getFileStatus(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err.Error() == "EOF" {
-			fileStatus = fileStatusReady
-		} else {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-	}
-	// }
-	if fileStatusReady == fileStatus {
-		// if its first write in file then add fdb index data of fileType FDBIndex
-		//prepare data
-		indexRowJSON, err := CreateIndexJSON(infileIndexFields, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		// compress & encrypt data
-		previousIndexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-		footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-		if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-			return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-		}
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		// write data
-		dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		recordID = rs.Get("recordID").String()
-		if recordID == "" {
-			recordID = guidmdl.GetGUID()
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", fileType)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-		// append new entry in infile index
-		parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-		// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-		updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData, "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-		// updating infile index
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-		err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-		err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-		err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, err
-		}
-		f.Sync()
-	} else {
-		// retry after timeout
-	}
-	return recordID, nil
-func addMediaInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	recordID := ""
-	fileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	lock := getLock(f.Name())
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// }
-	// if file is being created for first time
-	// fileStatus := fileStatusReady
-	// if isFilePresent {
-	// if its first write in file then add fdb index data of fileType FDBIndex
-	//prepare data
-	indexRowJSON, err := CreateIndexJSON(infileIndexFields, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	previousIndexData := "[]"
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		previousIndexData, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return recordID, infileIndex, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		previousIndexData = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	recordID = guidmdl.GetGUID()
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", fileType)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData, "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-	// updating infile index
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	err = f.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	return recordID, &updatedIndexDataObj, nil
-func addFileInPackFile(filePath string, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) error {
-	fileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	// if file is being created for first time
-	fileStatus := fileStatusReady
-	// if isFilePresent {
-	fileStatus, err = getFileStatus(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err.Error() == "EOF" {
-			fileStatus = fileStatusReady
-		} else {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// }
-	if fileStatusReady == fileStatus {
-		// if its first write in file then add fdb index data of fileType FDBIndex
-		//prepare data
-		indexRowJSON, err := CreateIndexJSON(infileIndexFields, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", fileType)
-		fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-		// compress & encrypt data
-		previousIndexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-		footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-		if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-			return errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-		}
-		dataString := rs.String()
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// write data
-		dataSize, err := addFileDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, dataString, true, rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-		// append new entry in infile index
-		parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-		// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-		updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData, "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-		// updating infile index
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-		err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-		err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-		err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		f.Sync()
-	} else {
-		// retry after timeout
-	}
-	return nil
-// GetDataFromPackFile - GetDataFromPackFile
-func GetDataFromPackFile(filePath string, inFileIndexQueries []string, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (string, error) {
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath) {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("file not found at:" + filePath)
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.Open(filePath)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	indexDataString, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", filePath, err)
-		return "", err
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	sb.WriteString("[")
-	indexRows.ForEach(func(key, indexRow gjson.Result) bool {
-		// read files
-		startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-		dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-		if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-			return true
-		}
-		dataByte := []byte{'{', '}'}
-		var err error
-		// dataByte, err = filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffSet, dataSize)
-		dataByte, err = getFileDataFromPack(f, startOffSet, dataSize, rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return true
-		}
-		_, err = sb.Write(dataByte)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return true
-		}
-		sb.WriteString(",")
-		return true // keep iterating
-	})
-	sb.WriteString("]")
-	finalResult := strings.Replace(sb.String(), ",]", "]", 1)
-	return finalResult, nil
-// GetMediaFromPackFile - GetMediaFromPackFile
-func GetMediaFromPackFile(filePath string, recordID string) ([]byte, gjson.Result, error) {
-	dataByte := []byte{}
-	var indexRow gjson.Result
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath) {
-		return dataByte, indexRow, errormdl.Wrap("file not found at:" + filePath)
-	}
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.Open(filePath)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-		return dataByte, indexRow, err
-	}
-	indexDataString, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", filePath, err)
-		return dataByte, indexRow, err
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	if indexRows.String() == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data not found for record id: ", recordID)
-		return dataByte, indexRow, errormdl.Wrap("data not found for record id: " + recordID)
-	}
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	sb.WriteString("[")
-	indexRow = indexRows.Get("0")
-	// indexRows.ForEach(func(key, indexRow gjson.Result) bool {
-	// read files
-	startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-	dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-	if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-		return dataByte, indexRow, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-	}
-	// dataByte := []byte{'{', '}'}
-	// var err error
-	// dataByte, err = filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffSet, dataSize)
-	dataByte, err = getFileDataFromPack(f, startOffSet, dataSize, nil, securitymdl.FDBSecParams{EnableSecurity: false})
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return dataByte, indexRow, err
-	}
-	return dataByte, indexRow.Get("requiredData"), nil
-// GetMediaFromPackFileUsingFp - GetMediaFromPackFileUsingFp
-func GetMediaFromPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, recordID string) ([]byte, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	dataByte := []byte{}
-	var metaData *gjson.Result
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.Name()) {
-		return dataByte, metaData, errormdl.Wrap("file not found at:" + f.Name())
-	}
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	lock := getLock(f.Name())
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.Open(filePath)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-	// 	return dataByte, metaData, err
-	// }
-	indexDataString := "[]"
-	var err error
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		indexDataString, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-			return dataByte, metaData, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		indexDataString = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	if indexRows.String() == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data not found for recordId: ", recordID)
-		return dataByte, metaData, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-	}
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	sb.WriteString("[")
-	indexRow := indexRows.Get("0")
-	// indexRows.ForEach(func(key, indexRow gjson.Result) bool {
-	// read files
-	startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-	dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-	if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-		return dataByte, metaData, errormdl.Wrap("data not found")
-	}
-	// dataByte := []byte{'{', '}'}
-	// var err error
-	// dataByte, err = filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffSet, dataSize)
-	dataByte, err = getFileDataFromPack(f, startOffSet, dataSize, nil, securitymdl.FDBSecParams{EnableSecurity: false})
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return dataByte, metaData, err
-	}
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "requiredData", indexRow.Get("requiredData").String())
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "infileIndex", indexData.String())
-	metaDataObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	return dataByte, &metaDataObj, nil
-// UpdateMediaInPackFile - UpdateMediaInPackFile
-func UpdateMediaInPackFile(filePath string, recordID string, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath) {
-		return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("file not found at:" + filePath)
-	}
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	indexDataString, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", filePath, err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	foundAtIndex := -1
-	foundIndexRow := gjson.Result{}
-	for index, indexRow := range indexRows.Array() {
-		if indexRow.Get("recordID").String() == recordID {
-			foundAtIndex = index
-			foundIndexRow = indexRow
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	// if indexRows.String() == "" {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("data not found for record id: ", recordID)
-	// 	return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("data not found for record id: " + recordID)
-	// }
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return recordID, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON := foundIndexRow.String()
-	if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", rs.Get("fileType").String())
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	updatedIndexRow := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(indexDataString, strconv.Itoa(foundAtIndex), updatedIndexRow.Value())
-	// updatedIndexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, err
-	}
-	err = f.Sync()
-	return recordID, err
-// UpdateMediaInPackFileUsingFp - UpdateMediaInPackFileUsingFp
-func UpdateMediaInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, recordID string, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.Name())
-	info, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", infileIndex, err
-	}
-	if !isFilePresent || info.Size() == 0 {
-		return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("file not found at:" + f.Name())
-	}
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	lock := getLock(f.Name())
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(f.Name(), os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-	// 	return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	// }
-	indexDataString := "[]"
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		indexDataString, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-			return recordID, infileIndex, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		indexDataString = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	foundAtIndex := -1
-	foundIndexRow := gjson.Result{}
-	for index, indexRow := range indexData.Array() {
-		r := indexRow.Get("recordID").String()
-		if r != "" && indexRow.Get("recordID").String() == recordID {
-			foundAtIndex = index
-			foundIndexRow = indexRow
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("no data found to update: ", recordID)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update ")
-	}
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON := foundIndexRow.String()
-	// if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-	// 	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", rs.Get("fileType").String())
-	// }
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	updatedIndexRow := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(indexDataString, strconv.Itoa(foundAtIndex), updatedIndexRow.Value())
-	// updatedIndexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	err = f.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	return recordID, &updatedIndexDataObj, err
-// UpsertMediaInPackFileUsingFp - UpsertMediaInPackFileUsingFp
-func UpsertMediaInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, recordID string, mediaData []byte, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result) (string, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.Name())
-	info, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", infileIndex, err
-	}
-	if !isFilePresent || info.Size() == 0 {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(f.Name())
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", infileIndex, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		err = initializeWithHeaderUsingFp(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return "", infileIndex, err
-		}
-	}
-	inFileIndexQueries := []string{`#[recordID=` + recordID + `]`}
-	lock := getLock(f.Name())
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-	// 	return recordID, err
-	// }
-	indexDataString := "[]"
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		indexDataString, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", f.Name(), err)
-			return recordID, infileIndex, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		indexDataString = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	foundAtIndex := -1
-	foundIndexRow := gjson.Result{}
-	for index, indexRow := range indexData.Array() {
-		if indexRow.Get("recordID").String() == recordID {
-			foundAtIndex = index
-			foundIndexRow = indexRow
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	// if foundAtIndex == -1 {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("no data found to update: ", recordID)
-	// 	return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	// }
-	// if indexRows.String() == "" {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("data not found for record id: ", recordID)
-	// 	return recordID,infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("data not found for record id: " + recordID)
-	// }
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return recordID, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addByteDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, mediaData, true)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON := foundIndexRow.String()
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "requiredData", rs.String())
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "recordID", recordID)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	updatedIndexRow := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(indexDataString, strconv.Itoa(foundAtIndex), updatedIndexRow.Value())
-	// updatedIndexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	err = f.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordID, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	return recordID, &updatedIndexDataObj, err
-// UpdateFilesInPackFile - UpdateFilesInPackFile
-func UpdateFilesInPackFile(filePath string, infileIndexQueries []string, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	// check fileType index availability
-	// check is data present
-	// if data present
-	// then calculate size of updated data
-	// if size is less than or equal to previuos data size
-	// then write at the same location
-	// else if size of updated data is more than existing data then append it to end of data
-	// update startOffset and data size of file in index row
-	// update footer offset and footer size
-	requestedFileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(requestedFileType) == 0 {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath) {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("file not found: " + filePath)
-	}
-	// lock, err := filemdl.AcquireFileLock(filePath)
-	// defer filemdl.ReleaseFileLock(lock)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-	// }
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-	}
-	indexDataString, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	// infileIndexQueries = append(infileIndexQueries, `#[fileType==`+requestedFileType+`]`)
-	indexRows := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRecordsToUpdate := indexRows
-	for _, query := range infileIndexQueries {
-		indexRecordsToUpdate = indexRecordsToUpdate.Get(query + "#")
-	}
-	indexRecordsToUpdateObjs := indexRecordsToUpdate.Array()
-	if len(indexRecordsToUpdateObjs) == 0 {
-		return nil, ErrNoDataFound
-	}
-	// updating first record
-	resultArrayStr := "[]"
-	for _, recordToUpdateIndexRow := range indexRecordsToUpdateObjs {
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("recordToUpdateIndexRow", recordToUpdateIndexRow)
-		result, err := updateSingleRecordInPackFile(f, recordToUpdateIndexRow, *rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-		}
-		resultArrayStr, _ = sjson.Set(resultArrayStr, "-1", result.Value())
-	}
-	resultData := gjson.Parse(resultArrayStr)
-	return &resultData, nil
-func updateSingleRecordInPackFile(f *os.File, recordToUpdateIndexRow gjson.Result, rs gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	fileStartOffset := recordToUpdateIndexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-	dataSize := recordToUpdateIndexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-	if fileStartOffset == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index row details incorrect - start offset :", fileStartOffset, " data size :", dataSize)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("index row details incorrect")
-	}
-	// compare data size
-	// TODO: compare with encrypted data
-	// update fields data
-	// existingData, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, fileStartOffset, dataSize)
-	existingData, err := getFileDataFromPack(f, fileStartOffset, dataSize, &rs, secParams)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	updatedDataStr := strings.TrimSpace(string(existingData))
-	rs.ForEach(func(key, val gjson.Result) bool {
-		// updating existing data
-		updatedDataStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedDataStr, key.String(), val.Value())
-		return true
-	})
-	newDataSize := int64(len(updatedDataStr))
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	updatedFooterOffset := footerStartOffset
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	indexDataString, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	existingIndexRows := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	if len(strings.TrimSpace(updatedDataStr)) <= len(strings.TrimSpace(string(existingData))) {
-		newDataSize, err = addFileDataInFile(f, fileStartOffset, updatedDataStr, false, &rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		// newDataSize = newDataSize + 2
-	} else {
-		newDataSize, err = addFileDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, updatedDataStr, true, &rs, secParams)
-		updatedFooterOffset = footerStartOffset + newDataSize
-		fileStartOffset = footerStartOffset
-	}
-	// indexRows, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return nil, err
-	// }
-	// update startofffset and datasize in infile index
-	// updateIndexRow
-	updatedIndexRowStr := recordToUpdateIndexRow.String()
-	recordToUpdateIndexRow.ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool {
-		indexFieldKey := key.String()
-		if rs.Get(indexFieldKey).Exists() {
-			updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, indexFieldKey, rs.Get(indexFieldKey).Value())
-		}
-		return true
-	})
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(updatedDataStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "startOffset", fileStartOffset)
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "dataSize", newDataSize)
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	updatedIndexRows, err := updateIndexRow(&existingIndexRows, recordToUpdateIndexRow, gjson.Parse(updatedIndexRowStr))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updated index data", updatedIndexRows)
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, updatedFooterOffset, updatedIndexRows.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, updatedFooterOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexRows.String())))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	f.Sync()
-	// TODO: discussion
-	// err = setFileReadyForUploadFlag(f, true)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	updatedData := gjson.Parse(updatedDataStr)
-	return &updatedData, nil
-func updateIndexRow(indexRows *gjson.Result, previousIndexRow gjson.Result, updatedRow gjson.Result) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	indexRowObjs := indexRows.Array()
-	if len(indexRowObjs) == 0 {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRows", indexRows)
-	prevIndexRowString := previousIndexRow.String()
-	foundRowIndex := -1
-	for index, indexRowObj := range indexRowObjs {
-		if indexRowObj.String() != "" && prevIndexRowString != "" && indexRowObj.String() == prevIndexRowString {
-			foundRowIndex = index
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if foundRowIndex == -1 {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("no record found to update")
-	}
-	var err error
-	updatedIndexDataString := indexRows.String()
-	// for _, foundRowIndex := range foundRowIndexes {
-	updatedIndexDataString, err = sjson.Set(updatedIndexDataString, strconv.Itoa(foundRowIndex), updatedRow.Value())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("failed to update index rows")
-	}
-	// }
-	updatedIndexData := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexDataString)
-	return &updatedIndexData, nil
-// DeletDataFromPackFile -DeletDataFromPackFile
-func DeletDataFromPackFile(filePath string, infileIndexQueries []string) (int, error) {
-	// get indexdata
-	// get update index records
-	// save updated index
-	// update index size header
-	// lock, err := filemdl.AcquireFileLock(filePath)
-	// defer filemdl.ReleaseFileLock(lock)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	recordsDeletedCnt := 0
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	indexDataStr, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataStr)
-	indexRecordsToDelete := indexData
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRecordsToDelete file type", indexRecordsToDelete)
-	for _, query := range infileIndexQueries {
-		indexRecordsToDelete = indexRecordsToDelete.Get(query + "#")
-	}
-	indexRowsToDelete := indexRecordsToDelete.Array()
-	if len(indexRowsToDelete) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ErrNoDataFound")
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, ErrNoDataFound
-	}
-	updatedIndexRecords := indexData
-	for _, indexRowToRemove := range indexRowsToDelete {
-		updatedIndexRecords, err = removeIndexRow(updatedIndexRecords, indexRowToRemove.String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("fail to delete record:", err)
-			return recordsDeletedCnt, errormdl.Wrap("fail to delete record:" + err.Error())
-		}
-		recordsDeletedCnt++
-	}
-	footerOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerOffset == -1 {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-	}
-	newIndexDataSize := len(updatedIndexRecords.String())
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerOffset, updatedIndexRecords.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to update infile index data :", err)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	}
-	return recordsDeletedCnt, setFooterSize(f, int64(newIndexDataSize))
-func removeIndexRow(indexRows gjson.Result, indexRowToDelete string) (gjson.Result, error) {
-	indexRowObjs := indexRows.Array()
-	if len(indexRowObjs) == 0 {
-		return indexRows, errormdl.Wrap("no data found to update")
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRows", indexRows)
-	foundIndexToDelete := -1
-	for index, indexRowObj := range indexRowObjs {
-		if indexRowObj.String() != "" && indexRowToDelete != "" && indexRowObj.String() == indexRowToDelete {
-			foundIndexToDelete = index
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if foundIndexToDelete == -1 {
-		return indexRows, errormdl.Wrap("no record found to delete")
-	}
-	var err error
-	updatedIndexDataString, err := sjson.Delete(indexRows.String(), strconv.Itoa(foundIndexToDelete))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	}
-	return gjson.Parse(updatedIndexDataString), nil
-// AddFileInPackFileUsingFp -
-func AddFileInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) error {
-	filePath := f.Name()
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	info, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if !isFilePresent || info.Size() == 0 {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(filePath)
-		err := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		err = initializeWithHeaderUsingFp(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	return addFileInPackFileUsingFp(f, infileIndexFields, rs, secParams)
-func addFileInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) error {
-	filePath := f.Name()
-	fileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	// 	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	// }
-	// if file is being created for first time
-	fileStatus := fileStatusReady
-	// if isFilePresent {
-	fileStatus, err := getFileStatus(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err.Error() == "EOF" {
-			fileStatus = fileStatusReady
-		} else {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-	}
-	// }
-	if fileStatusReady == fileStatus {
-		// if its first write in file then add fdb index data of fileType FDBIndex
-		//prepare data
-		indexRowJSON, err := CreateIndexJSON(infileIndexFields, rs)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", fileType)
-		fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-		// compress & encrypt data
-		previousIndexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-		footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-		if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-			return errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-		}
-		dataString := rs.String()
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// write data
-		dataSize, err := addFileDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, dataString, true, rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-		// append new entry in infile index
-		parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-		// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-		updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData, "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-		// updating infile index
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-		err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-		err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-		err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-		err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		f.Sync()
-	} else {
-		// retry after timeout
-	}
-	return nil
-// GetDataFromPackFileUsingFp - GetDataFromPackFileUsingFp
-func GetDataFromPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndexData *gjson.Result, inFileIndexQueries []string, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (string, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	filePath := f.Name()
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath) {
-		return "", infileIndexData, errormdl.Wrap("file not found at:" + filePath)
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.Open(filePath)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("err while opening file: ", filePath, err)
-	// 	return "", err
-	// }
-	indexDataString := ""
-	var err error
-	if infileIndexData == nil {
-		indexDataString, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("index data not found: ", filePath, err)
-			return "", infileIndexData, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		indexDataString = infileIndexData.String()
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRows := indexData
-	// indexRows := indexData.Get(`#[fileType==` + requestedFileType + `]#`)
-	for i := 0; i < len(inFileIndexQueries); i++ {
-		indexRows = indexRows.Get(inFileIndexQueries[i] + "#")
-	}
-	sb := strings.Builder{}
-	sb.WriteString("[")
-	indexRows.ForEach(func(key, indexRow gjson.Result) bool {
-		// read files
-		startOffSet := indexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-		dataSize := indexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-		if startOffSet == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-			return true
-		}
-		dataByte := []byte{'{', '}'}
-		var err error
-		// dataByte, err = filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, startOffSet, dataSize)
-		dataByte, err = getFileDataFromPack(f, startOffSet, dataSize, rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return true
-		}
-		_, err = sb.Write(dataByte)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return true
-		}
-		sb.WriteString(",")
-		return true // keep iterating
-	})
-	sb.WriteString("]")
-	finalResult := strings.Replace(sb.String(), ",]", "]", 1)
-	return finalResult, &indexData, nil
-// AddPackFileUsingFp -
-func AddPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, infileIndex, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (infileIndexData *gjson.Result, err error) {
-	filePath := f.Name()
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	info, err := f.Stat()
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	if !isFilePresent || info.Size() == 0 {
-		dir, _ := filepath.Split(filePath)
-		err = filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			err = err
-			return
-		}
-		err = initializeWithHeaderUsingFp(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	return addPackFileUsingFp(f, infileIndex, infileIndexFields, rs, secParams)
-func addPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, infileIndexFields []InFileIndexField, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	filePath := f.Name()
-	fileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(fileType) == 0 {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-	}()
-	//prepare data
-	indexRowJSON, err := CreateIndexJSON(infileIndexFields, rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileType", fileType)
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(rs.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error writing to bucket: ", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	// compress & encrypt data
-	previousIndexData := "[]"
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		previousIndexData, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		previousIndexData = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("previous index data", previousIndexData)
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	dataString := rs.String()
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	// write data
-	dataSize, err := addFileDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, dataString, true, rs, secParams)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "startOffset", footerStartOffset)
-	indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", dataSize)
-	// append new entry in infile index
-	parsedindexRowJSON := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-	// indexTableRecords, _ = sjson.Set(indexTableRecords, "-1", parsedJsonzObj.Value())
-	updatedIndexData, _ := sjson.Set(previousIndexData, "-1", parsedindexRowJSON.Value())
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updatedIndexData", updatedIndexData)
-	// updating infile index
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	footerNewOffset := footerStartOffset + dataSize
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, footerNewOffset)
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexData)))
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerNewOffset, updatedIndexData)
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	f.Sync()
-	// } else {
-	// 	// retry after timeout
-	// }
-	updatedIndexDataObj := gjson.Parse(updatedIndexData)
-	return &updatedIndexDataObj, nil
-// UpdateFilesInPackFileUsingFp - UpdateFilesInPackFileUsingFp
-func UpdateFileInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndexQueries []string, infileIndex, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (*gjson.Result, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	// check fileType index availability
-	// check is data present
-	// if data present
-	// then calculate size of updated data
-	// if size is less than or equal to previuos data size
-	// then write at the same location
-	// else if size of updated data is more than existing data then append it to end of data
-	// update startOffset and data size of file in index row
-	// update footer offset and footer size
-	requestedFileType := rs.Get("fileType").String()
-	if len(requestedFileType) == 0 {
-		return nil, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("please specify fileType")
-	}
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(f.Name()) {
-		return nil, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("file not found: " + f.Name())
-	}
-	// lock, err := filemdl.AcquireFileLock(filePath)
-	// defer filemdl.ReleaseFileLock(lock)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return nil, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-	// }
-	lock := getLock(f.Name())
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return nil, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-	// }
-	indexDataString := "[]"
-	var err error
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		indexDataString, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, infileIndex, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		indexDataString = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	// infileIndexQueries = append(infileIndexQueries, `#[fileType==`+requestedFileType+`]`)
-	indexRows := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	indexRecordsToUpdate := indexRows
-	for _, query := range infileIndexQueries {
-		indexRecordsToUpdate = indexRecordsToUpdate.Get(query + "#")
-	}
-	indexRecordsToUpdateObjs := indexRecordsToUpdate.Array()
-	if len(indexRecordsToUpdateObjs) == 0 {
-		return nil, infileIndex, ErrNoDataFound
-	}
-	// updating first record
-	resultArrayStr := "[]"
-	var updatedInfileIndex *gjson.Result
-	var result *gjson.Result
-	for _, recordToUpdateIndexRow := range indexRecordsToUpdateObjs {
-		// loggermdl.LogDebug("recordToUpdateIndexRow", recordToUpdateIndexRow)
-		result, updatedInfileIndex, err = updateSingleRecordInPackFileUsingFp(f, recordToUpdateIndexRow, updatedInfileIndex, rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to update data" + err.Error())
-		}
-		resultArrayStr, _ = sjson.Set(resultArrayStr, "-1", result.Value())
-	}
-	resultData := gjson.Parse(resultArrayStr)
-	return &resultData, updatedInfileIndex, nil
-func updateSingleRecordInPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, recordToUpdateIndexRow gjson.Result, infileIndex, rs *gjson.Result, secParams securitymdl.FDBSecParams) (*gjson.Result, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	fileStartOffset := recordToUpdateIndexRow.Get("startOffset").Int()
-	dataSize := recordToUpdateIndexRow.Get("dataSize").Int()
-	if fileStartOffset == 0 || dataSize == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("index row details incorrect - start offset :", fileStartOffset, " data size :", dataSize)
-		return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("index row details incorrect")
-	}
-	// compare data size
-	// TODO: compare with encrypted data
-	// update fields data
-	// existingData, err := filemdl.ReadFileFromOffset(f, fileStartOffset, dataSize)
-	existingData, err := getFileDataFromPack(f, fileStartOffset, dataSize, rs, secParams)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	updatedDataStr := strings.TrimSpace(string(existingData))
-	rs.ForEach(func(key, val gjson.Result) bool {
-		// updating existing data
-		updatedDataStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedDataStr, key.String(), val.Value())
-		return true
-	})
-	newDataSize := int64(len(updatedDataStr))
-	footerStartOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	updatedFooterOffset := footerStartOffset
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingData)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	indexDataString := "[]"
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		indexDataString, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-	} else {
-		indexDataString = infileIndex.String()
-	}
-	existingIndexRows := gjson.Parse(indexDataString)
-	if len(strings.TrimSpace(updatedDataStr)) <= len(strings.TrimSpace(string(existingData))) {
-		newDataSize, err = addFileDataInFile(f, fileStartOffset, updatedDataStr, false, rs, secParams)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-		// newDataSize = newDataSize + 2
-	} else {
-		newDataSize, err = addFileDataInFile(f, footerStartOffset, updatedDataStr, true, rs, secParams)
-		updatedFooterOffset = footerStartOffset + newDataSize
-		fileStartOffset = footerStartOffset
-	}
-	// indexRows, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return nil, err
-	// }
-	// update startofffset and datasize in infile index
-	// updateIndexRow
-	updatedIndexRowStr := recordToUpdateIndexRow.String()
-	recordToUpdateIndexRow.ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool {
-		indexFieldKey := key.String()
-		if rs.Get(indexFieldKey).Exists() {
-			updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, indexFieldKey, rs.Get(indexFieldKey).Value())
-		}
-		return true
-	})
-	fileHash, err := securitymdl.GetHash(updatedDataStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "startOffset", fileStartOffset)
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "dataSize", newDataSize)
-	updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "fileHash", fileHash)
-	updatedIndexRows, err := updateIndexRow(&existingIndexRows, recordToUpdateIndexRow, gjson.Parse(updatedIndexRowStr))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("updated index data", updatedIndexRows)
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, updatedFooterOffset, updatedIndexRows.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterOffset(f, updatedFooterOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(f, int64(len(updatedIndexRows.String())))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	f.Sync()
-	// TODO: discussion
-	// err = setFileReadyForUploadFlag(f, true)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	updatedData := gjson.Parse(updatedDataStr)
-	return &updatedData, updatedIndexRows, nil
-// DeletDataFromPackFileUsingFp -DeletDataFromPackFileUsingFp
-func DeletDataFromPackFileUsingFp(f *os.File, infileIndex *gjson.Result, infileIndexQueries []string) (int, *gjson.Result, error) {
-	// get indexdata
-	// get update index records
-	// save updated index
-	// update index size header
-	// lock, err := filemdl.AcquireFileLock(filePath)
-	// defer filemdl.ReleaseFileLock(lock)
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	recordsDeletedCnt := 0
-	lock := getLock(f.Name())
-	lock.Lock()
-	// f, err := filemdl.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_RDWR|os.O_SYNC, 0777)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		// f.Close()
-	}()
-	// if err != nil {
-	// 	return recordsDeletedCnt, err
-	// }
-	indexDataStr := "[]"
-	var err error
-	if infileIndex == nil {
-		indexDataStr, err = getInFileIndexData(f)
-		if err != nil {
-			return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, err
-		}
-		loggermdl.LogError("infile index in file", indexDataStr)
-	} else {
-		indexDataStr = infileIndex.String()
-		loggermdl.LogError("infile index in cache", indexDataStr)
-	}
-	indexData := gjson.Parse(indexDataStr)
-	indexRecordsToDelete := indexData
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug("indexRecordsToDelete file type", indexRecordsToDelete)
-	for _, query := range infileIndexQueries {
-		indexRecordsToDelete = indexRecordsToDelete.Get(query + "#")
-	}
-	indexRowsToDelete := indexRecordsToDelete.Array()
-	if len(indexRowsToDelete) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("ErrNoDataFound")
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, ErrNoDataFound
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("before delete ", indexData)
-	updatedIndexRecords := indexData
-	for _, indexRowToRemove := range indexRowsToDelete {
-		updatedIndexRecords, err = removeIndexRow(updatedIndexRecords, indexRowToRemove.String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("fail to delete record:", err)
-			return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to delete record:" + err.Error())
-		}
-		recordsDeletedCnt++
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("updatedIndexRecords after delete ", updatedIndexRecords, f.Name())
-	footerOffset := getFooterOffset(f)
-	if footerOffset == -1 {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-	}
-	newIndexDataSize := len(updatedIndexRecords.String())
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusUpdatingIndex)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(f, footerOffset, updatedIndexRecords.String())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to update infile index data :", err)
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	err = setFileStatusFlag(f, fileStatusReady)
-	if err != nil {
-		return recordsDeletedCnt, infileIndex, err
-	}
-	return recordsDeletedCnt, &updatedIndexRecords, setFooterSize(f, int64(newIndexDataSize))
-func encryptWithCompression(data []byte, compress bool, encKey []byte) (res []byte, err error) {
-	if compress {
-		res, err = filemdl.ZipBytes(data)
-		if err != nil {
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	return securitymdl.AESEncrypt(res, encKey)
-func decryptwithDecompression(data []byte, deCompress bool, encKey []byte) (res []byte, err error) {
-	res, err = securitymdl.AESDecrypt(data, encKey)
-	if err != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	if deCompress {
-		return filemdl.UnZipBytes(res)
-	}
-	return
-func ReorgPackFile(filePath string) error {
-	isFilePresent := filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath)
-	if !isFilePresent {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("file not found")
-	}
-	lock := getLock(filePath)
-	lock.Lock()
-	f, err := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
-	defer func() {
-		lock.Unlock()
-		f.Close()
-	}()
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Error occured during reOrg of file data", err)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Error occured during reOrg of file data")
-	}
-	_, sourceFileName := filepath.Split(filePath)
-	desFileName := sourceFileName + "_" + strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().Unix(), 10)
-	tempFilepath, err := filepath.Abs(filepath.Join(filemdl.TempDir, desFileName))
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	tempFilDir, _ := filepath.Split(tempFilepath)
-	err = filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(tempFilDir)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = initializeWithHeader(tempFilepath)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	dir, _ := filepath.Split(tempFilepath)
-	if dir != "" {
-		createError := filemdl.CreateDirectoryRecursive(dir)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(createError) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(createError)
-		}
-	}
-	fpTemp, err := os.OpenFile(tempFilepath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, os.ModePerm)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		fpTemp.Close()
-	}()
-	infileIndexData, err := getInFileIndexData(f)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	infileIndexRows := gjson.Parse(infileIndexData)
-	if len(infileIndexRows.Array()) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	tempFileFooterStartOffset := getFooterOffset(fpTemp)
-	if tempFileFooterStartOffset == -1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("fail to fetch infile index offset")
-		return errormdl.Wrap("fail to fetch infile index data")
-	}
-	updatedIndexRowStr := "[]"
-	for _, infileIndex := range infileIndexRows.Array() {
-		startOffset, err := strconv.Atoi(infileIndex.Get("startOffset").String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while fetching startOffset", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		dataSize, err := strconv.Atoi(infileIndex.Get("dataSize").String())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while fetching dataSize", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		byteArr, err := getFileDataFromPack(f, int64(startOffset), int64(dataSize), nil, securitymdl.FDBSecParams{EnableSecurity: false})
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error occured while reading file data from offset", err)
-			return err
-		}
-		byteCnt, err := addByteDataInFile(fpTemp, tempFileFooterStartOffset, byteArr, false)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		indexRowJSON, _ := sjson.Set(infileIndex.String(), "startOffset", tempFileFooterStartOffset)
-		indexRowJSON, _ = sjson.Set(indexRowJSON, "dataSize", byteCnt)
-		indexRowJSONObj := gjson.Parse(indexRowJSON)
-		updatedIndexRowStr, _ = sjson.Set(updatedIndexRowStr, "-1", indexRowJSONObj.Value())
-		tempFileFooterStartOffset = tempFileFooterStartOffset + byteCnt
-	}
-	err = setFooterOffset(fpTemp, tempFileFooterStartOffset)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setFooterSize(fpTemp, int64(len(updatedIndexRowStr)))
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = setIndexDataInFile(fpTemp, tempFileFooterStartOffset, updatedIndexRowStr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = fpTemp.Sync()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = fpTemp.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	err = f.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return filemdl.AtomicReplaceFile(tempFilepath, filePath)
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filepack/packFile_test.go b/v2/filemdl/filepack/packFile_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e36e89f9e3b8a95ae1449ddb57227bb265d99673..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filepack/packFile_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-package filepack
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"log"
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-func TestSaveDataInPackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	// get file list
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "vijay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "studentId", 10014)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "class", "SY_MCA")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "age", 23)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Profile")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	IndexFields := []InFileIndexField{
-		InFileIndexField{
-			FieldName: "name",
-			Query:     "name",
-		},
-	}
-	// create pack
-	err := AddFileInPackFile("/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack", IndexFields, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-func TestGetDataInPackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[fileType=="Profile"]`, `#[name=="vijay"]`}
-	res, err := GetDataFromPackFile("/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack1", infileIndexQueries)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	fmt.Println("res", res)
-func TestUpdateFileInPackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "vijay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "studentId", 10014)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "class", "TY_MCA")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "age", 23)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Profile")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[fileType=="Profile"]`, `#[name=="vijay"]`}
-	filePaths := []string{`/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack`, `/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack1`}
-	for _, filePath := range filePaths {
-		res, err := UpdateFilesInPackFile(filePath, infileIndexQueries, &studentObj)
-		if err != nil {
-			log.Fatal(err)
-		}
-		fmt.Println("res", res)
-	}
-func TestUpdateFileInMultiplePackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "name", "vijay")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "studentId", 10014)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "class", "TY_MCA")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "age", 23)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Profile")
-	studentObj := gjson.Parse(data)
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[fileType=="Profile"]`, `#[name=="vijay"]`}
-	res, err := UpdateFilesInPackFile("/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack", infileIndexQueries, &studentObj)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	fmt.Println("res", res)
-func TestDeletDataFromPackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	infileIndexQueries := []string{`#[fileType=="Profile"]`, `#[name=="vijay"]`}
-	_, err := DeletDataFromPackFile("/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack1", infileIndexQueries)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-func TestAddMediaInPackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	data, _ := sjson.Set("", "extension", "png")
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "fileType", "Asset")
-	rs := gjson.Parse(data)
-	filePath := "/home/vivekn/Pictures/abc.png"
-	dataByte, err := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	// dataByte = []byte("hello")
-	IndexFields := []InFileIndexField{}
-	id, err := AddMediaInPackFile("/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack1", dataByte, IndexFields, &rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError(id)
-func TestGetMediaFromPackFile(t *testing.T) {
-	// data, _ := sjson.Set("", "extension", "png")
-	// data, _ = sjson.Set(data, "recordID", "1V6my0ijyVn8Yu5cubfgcUwRiDk")
-	// rs := gjson.Parse(data)
-	infileIndeQueries := []string{`#[recordID="1V8rdwCsRFyUq91byPE2ad0rb4e"]`}
-	filePath := "/home/vivekn/fdb_data/packFileTest/pack1"
-	data, err := GetMediaFromPackFile(filePath, infileIndeQueries)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Fatal(err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError(string(data))
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filequeueing.go b/v2/filemdl/filequeueing.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c2ae65b95e6e71a8a52df5a60caffdd4686022ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filequeueing.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"container/list"
-	"errors"
-	"io"
-	"sync"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/workerpoolmdl"
-// Filemdl Object
-type Filemdl struct {
-	requestList *list.List
-	lock        sync.Mutex
-	taskCount   int
-	concurrency int
-	Error       error
-// enqueObject is used for enquing writing request in list
-type enqueObject struct {
-	writer       *io.PipeWriter
-	Reader       *io.PipeReader
-	FilePath     string
-	Data         []byte
-	makeDir      bool
-	createBackup bool
-var instance *Filemdl
-var once sync.Once
-var trigger sync.Once
-// init initalises once and initiate new list object
-func init() {
-	once.Do(func() {
-		instance = &Filemdl{
-			requestList: list.New(),
-		}
-		instance.taskCount = constantmdl.TASKCOUNT
-		instance.concurrency = constantmdl.TASKCOUNT
-	})
-// Init initializes Filemdl object with parameters
-func Init(taskCount, concurrency int) {
-	instance.taskCount = taskCount
-	instance.concurrency = concurrency
-	if taskCount == 0 {
-		instance.taskCount = constantmdl.TASKCOUNT
-		instance.concurrency = constantmdl.TASKCOUNT
-	}
-// GetInstance return single instance of filemdl object
-func GetInstance() *Filemdl {
-	if instance == nil || instance.requestList == nil {
-		instance = &Filemdl{}
-		loggermdl.LogError("filemdl does not initialise")
-		instance.Error = errors.New("filemdl does not initialise")
-	}
-	return instance
-// getEnqueueObject returns new enques object for each write request
-func getEnqueueObject(filePath string, ba []byte, makeDir, createBackup bool) enqueObject {
-	r, w := io.Pipe()
-	obj := enqueObject{}
-	obj.writer = w
-	obj.Reader = r
-	obj.Data = ba
-	obj.FilePath = filePath
-	obj.makeDir = makeDir
-	obj.createBackup = createBackup
-	return obj
-// enqueueingRequest push request in list from back
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) enqueueingRequest(filePath string, ba []byte, makeDir, createBackup bool) *enqueObject {
-	en := getEnqueueObject(filePath, ba, makeDir, createBackup)
-	filemdl.lock.Lock()
-	filemdl.requestList.PushBack(en)
-	filemdl.lock.Unlock()
-	return &en
-// Save Enque the requested object
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) Save(filePath string, ba []byte, makeDir, createBackup bool) error {
-	if filemdl.Error != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(filemdl.Error)
-		return filemdl.Error
-	}
-	en := filemdl.enqueueingRequest(filePath, ba, makeDir, createBackup)
-	trigger.Do(func() {
-		go filemdl.triggerWritingData()
-	})
-	buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
-	buf.ReadFrom(en.Reader)
-	if len(buf.Bytes()) != 0 {
-		err := errormdl.Wrap(buf.String())
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	en.Reader.Close()
-	return nil
-// triggerWritingData triggers the writing thread to write data (only once)
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) triggerWritingData() {
-	tasks := []*workerpoolmdl.Task{}
-	fileList := make(map[string]string)
-	deleteStatus := false
-	el := filemdl.getFirstElement()
-	if el == nil {
-		return
-	}
-	// This logic will execute very first time
-	en := el.Value.(enqueObject)
-	if _, ok := fileList[en.FilePath]; !ok {
-		tasks = append(tasks, workerpoolmdl.NewTask(en, writeQueueData))
-		fileList[en.FilePath] = ""
-		deleteStatus = true
-	}
-	tmp := el
-	el = el.Next()
-	if deleteStatus {
-		filemdl.deleteElement(el, tmp)
-	}
-	tasks, el, fileList = filemdl.listTasks(tasks, el, fileList)
-// listTasks collect task as per threshold from list
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) listTasks(tasks []*workerpoolmdl.Task, el *list.Element, fileList map[string]string) ([]*workerpoolmdl.Task, *list.Element, map[string]string) {
-	for {
-		deleteStatus := false
-		if el == nil {
-			if len(tasks) > 0 {
-				tasks, fileList = filemdl.runTask(tasks)
-			}
-			el = filemdl.getFirstElement()
-			continue
-		}
-		if len(tasks) == filemdl.taskCount {
-			tasks, fileList = filemdl.runTask(tasks)
-			el = filemdl.getFirstElement()
-			continue
-		}
-		en := el.Value.(enqueObject)
-		// this will check if task contains only unique files
-		if _, ok := fileList[en.FilePath]; !ok {
-			tasks = append(tasks, workerpoolmdl.NewTask(en, writeQueueData))
-			fileList[en.FilePath] = ""
-			deleteStatus = true
-		}
-		tmp := el
-		el = el.Next()
-		if deleteStatus {
-			filemdl.deleteElement(el, tmp)
-		}
-	}
-// runTask runs the collected task from list using workpool
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) runTask(tasks []*workerpoolmdl.Task) ([]*workerpoolmdl.Task, map[string]string) {
-	p := workerpoolmdl.NewPool(tasks, filemdl.concurrency)
-	p.Run()
-	tasks = []*workerpoolmdl.Task{}
-	fileList := make(map[string]string)
-	return tasks, fileList
-// getFirstElement return front element from list
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) getFirstElement() *list.Element {
-	defer filemdl.lock.Unlock()
-	filemdl.lock.Lock()
-	return filemdl.requestList.Front()
-// deleteElement delete given element from list
-func (filemdl *Filemdl) deleteElement(el, tmp *list.Element) {
-	filemdl.lock.Lock()
-	// if current element is not nil, it will delete its prevevious else delete current element
-	if el != nil {
-		filemdl.requestList.Remove(el.Prev())
-	} else {
-		filemdl.requestList.Remove(tmp)
-	}
-	filemdl.lock.Unlock()
-// writeQueueData writes data in the file or any other stream
-func writeQueueData(raw interface{}) error {
-	en := raw.(enqueObject)
-	err := WriteFile(en.FilePath, en.Data, en.makeDir, en.createBackup)
-	defer en.writer.Close()
-	// if error found in writing on any destinatio stream, error will be written on same pipe instance
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		en.writer.Write([]byte(errormdl.CheckErr(err).Error()))
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filezip.go b/v2/filemdl/filezip.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5546ec121df5c78c0756526fb496fcd730e5f0a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filezip.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,351 +0,0 @@
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"archive/zip"
-	"io"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"os"
-	"path"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	// "github.com/DataDog/zstd"
-	"github.com/klauspost/compress/zstd"
-var encoder, _ = zstd.NewWriter(nil)
-var decoder, _ = zstd.NewReader(nil)
-//Zip - Zip
-func Zip(source, target string) error {
-	source = filepath.Clean(source)
-	target = filepath.Clean(target)
-	zipfile, err := os.Create(target)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer zipfile.Close()
-	archive := zip.NewWriter(zipfile)
-	defer archive.Close()
-	info, err := os.Stat(source)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	var baseDir string
-	if info.IsDir() {
-		baseDir = filepath.Base(source)
-	}
-	filepath.Walk(source, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		header, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(info)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		if baseDir != "" {
-			header.Name = filepath.Join(baseDir, strings.TrimPrefix(path, source))
-			// Replace all occurances of \\ with /. This is necessary to properly unzip the zip file created on windows system on ubuntu system
-			header.Name = strings.Replace(header.Name, "\\", "/", -1)
-		}
-		if info.IsDir() {
-			header.Name += "/"
-		} else {
-			header.Method = zip.Deflate
-		}
-		writer, err := archive.CreateHeader(header)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		if info.IsDir() {
-			return nil
-		}
-		file, err := os.Open(path)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		_, err = io.Copy(writer, file)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		}
-		file.Close()
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	})
-	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-//ZipWithoutBaseDirectory Zip Without Base Directory
-func ZipWithoutBaseDirectory(source, target string) error {
-	source = filepath.Clean(source)
-	target = filepath.Clean(target)
-	zipfile, err := os.Create(target)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer zipfile.Close()
-	archive := zip.NewWriter(zipfile)
-	defer archive.Close()
-	info, err := os.Stat(source)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	var baseDir string
-	if info.IsDir() {
-		baseDir = filepath.Base(source)
-	}
-	filepath.Walk(source, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		header, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(info)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		if baseDir != "" {
-			header.Name = strings.TrimPrefix(path, source)
-			// Replace all occurances of \\ with /. This is necessary to properly unzip the zip file created on windows system on ubuntu system
-			header.Name = strings.Replace(header.Name, "\\", "/", -1)
-		}
-		if info.IsDir() {
-			header.Name += "/"
-		} else {
-			header.Method = zip.Deflate
-		}
-		writer, err := archive.CreateHeader(header)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		if info.IsDir() {
-			return nil
-		}
-		file, err := os.Open(path)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		_, err = io.Copy(writer, file)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		}
-		file.Close()
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	})
-	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-//ZipWithSkipFileList This method will skip the file added in skiplist from zip
-func ZipWithSkipFileList(source, target string, skipFileList []string) error {
-	source = filepath.Clean(source)
-	target = filepath.Clean(target)
-	zipfile, err := os.Create(target)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	defer zipfile.Close()
-	archive := zip.NewWriter(zipfile)
-	defer archive.Close()
-	info, err := os.Stat(source)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	var baseDir string
-	if info.IsDir() {
-		baseDir = filepath.Base(source)
-	}
-	filepath.Walk(source, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
-		if !checkPathInSkipList(info.Name(), skipFileList) {
-			header, err := zip.FileInfoHeader(info)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-				return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-			}
-			if baseDir != "" {
-				header.Name = filepath.Join(baseDir, strings.TrimPrefix(path, source))
-				// Replace all occurances of \\ with /. This is necessary to properly unzip the zip file created on windows system on ubuntu system
-				header.Name = strings.Replace(header.Name, "\\", "/", -1)
-			}
-			if info.IsDir() {
-				header.Name += "/"
-			} else {
-				header.Method = zip.Deflate
-			}
-			writer, err := archive.CreateHeader(header)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-				return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-			}
-			if info.IsDir() {
-				return nil
-			}
-			file, err := os.Open(path)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-				return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-			}
-			_, err = io.Copy(writer, file)
-			if err != nil {
-			}
-			file.Close()
-			return nil
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-func checkPathInSkipList(path string, skipList []string) bool {
-	for _, prefix := range skipList {
-		if strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) {
-			return true
-		}
-		if strings.HasSuffix(path, prefix) {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-//Unzip Unzip
-func Unzip(archive, target string) error {
-	reader, err := zip.OpenReader(archive)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	mkcDirError := os.MkdirAll(target, 0755)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(mkcDirError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(mkcDirError))
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(mkcDirError)
-	}
-	for _, file := range reader.File {
-		filePath := filepath.Join(target, file.Name)
-		parentPath := path.Dir(CleanPath(filePath))
-		if !FileAvailabilityCheck(parentPath) {
-			CreateDirectoryRecursive(parentPath)
-		}
-		if file.FileInfo().IsDir() {
-			os.MkdirAll(filePath, file.Mode())
-			continue
-		}
-		fileReader, openError := file.Open()
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(openError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(openError))
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(openError)
-		}
-		targetFile, targetOpenError := os.OpenFile(filePath, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, file.Mode())
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(targetOpenError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(targetOpenError))
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(targetOpenError)
-		}
-		_, copyError := io.Copy(targetFile, fileReader)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(copyError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(copyError))
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(copyError)
-		}
-		targetCloseError := targetFile.Close()
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(targetCloseError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(targetCloseError))
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(targetCloseError)
-		}
-		fileCloseError := fileReader.Close()
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(fileCloseError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(fileCloseError))
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(fileCloseError)
-		}
-	}
-	closeError := reader.Close()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(closeError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(errormdl.CheckErr(closeError))
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(closeError)
-	}
-	return nil
-//ZipBytes - zip byte array
-func ZipBytes(inputData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	// compressedData, err := zstd.CompressLevel(nil, inputData, 9)
-	compressedData := encoder.EncodeAll(inputData, make([]byte, 0, len(inputData)))
-	return compressedData, nil
-// ZipSingleFile - Zip single file
-func ZipSingleFile(sourceFilePath, destFilePath string) error {
-	inputData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(sourceFilePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	compressedData, err := ZipBytes(inputData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	err = ioutil.WriteFile(destFilePath, compressedData, 0644)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-//UnZipBytes bytes - Decompress
-func UnZipBytes(compressedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	// decompressedData, err := zstd.Decompress(nil, compressedData)
-	decompressedData, err := decoder.DecodeAll(compressedData, nil)
-	return decompressedData, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-// UnZipSingleFile - UnZip Single File
-func UnZipSingleFile(sourceFilePath, destFilePath string) error {
-	inputData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(sourceFilePath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	uncompressedData, err := UnZipBytes(inputData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	err = ioutil.WriteFile(destFilePath, uncompressedData, 0644)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filezip_test.go b/v2/filemdl/filezip_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 025a391e42cac4f4b0f6b925b984152417e59023..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filezip_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestZipWithoutBaseDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-	err := ZipWithoutBaseDirectory("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestZipWithoutBaseDirectory.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1ZipWithoutBaseDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for target zip can't be created
-	err := ZipWithoutBaseDirectory("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test1ZipWithoutBaseDirectory.zip")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2ZipWithoutBaseDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for source folder can't be read
-	err := ZipWithoutBaseDirectory("X:/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test2ZipWithoutBaseDirectory.zip")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test3ZipWithoutBaseDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for walk for source folder
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := ZipWithoutBaseDirectory("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test3ZipWithoutBaseDirectory.zip")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test4ZipWithoutBaseDirectory(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for walk for source folder
-	err := ZipWithoutBaseDirectory("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test4ZipWithoutBaseDirectory.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func TestZipWithSkipFileList(t *testing.T) {
-	err := ZipWithSkipFileList("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestZipWithSkipFileList.zip", []string{})
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1ZipWithSkipFileList(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for target zip can't be created
-	err := ZipWithSkipFileList("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test1ZipWithSkipFileList.zip", []string{})
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2ZipWithSkipFileList(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for source folder can't be read
-	err := ZipWithSkipFileList("X:/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test2ZipWithSkipFileList.zip", []string{})
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test3ZipWithSkipFileList(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for walk for source folder
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := ZipWithSkipFileList("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test3ZipWithSkipFileList.zip", []string{})
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test4ZipWithSkipFileList(t *testing.T) {
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/Test4ZipWithSkipFileList.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test5ZipWithSkipFileList(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/Test5ZipWithSkipFileList.zip")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test_checkPathInSkipList(t *testing.T) {
-	retVal := checkPathInSkipList("a", []string{"a", "b", "c"})
-	assert.True(t, retVal, "This should return true")
-func Test1_checkPathInSkipList(t *testing.T) {
-	retVal := checkPathInSkipList("d", []string{"a", "b", "c"})
-	assert.False(t, retVal, "This should return false")
-func Test_Unzip(t *testing.T) {
-	Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/Test_Unzip.zip")
-	retVal := Unzip("../testingdata/testData/Test_Unzip.zip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test_Unzip")
-	assert.NoError(t, retVal, "This should not return error")
-func Test1_Unzip(t *testing.T) {
-	Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/Test1_Unzip.zip")
-	retVal := Unzip("X:/Test1_Unzip.zip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test1_Unzip")
-	assert.Error(t, retVal, "This should return error")
-func Test2_Unzip(t *testing.T) {
-	Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/Test2_Unzip.zip")
-	retVal := Unzip("../testingdata/testData/Test2_Unzip.zip", "X:/Test2_Unzip")
-	assert.Error(t, retVal, "This should return error")
-func Test3_Unzip(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/Test3_Unzip.zip")
-	retVal := Unzip("../testingdata/testData/Test3_Unzip.zip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test3_Unzip")
-	assert.Error(t, retVal, "This should return error")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
diff --git a/v2/filemdl/filezip_zip_test.go b/v2/filemdl/filezip_zip_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a69eecb4c47e5e655725a43172e7e750c7fe5da8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/filemdl/filezip_zip_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-package filemdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestZip(t *testing.T) {
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestZip.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1Zip(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for target zip can't be created
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test1Zip.zip")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2Zip(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for source folder can't be read
-	err := Zip("X:/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test2Zip.zip")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test3Zip(t *testing.T) {
-	// test case for walk for source folder
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test3Zip.zip")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test4Zip(t *testing.T) {
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test4Zip.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test5Zip(t *testing.T) {
-	err := Zip("../testingdata/testData/filezip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test5Zip.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test_ZipBytes(t *testing.T) {
-	inputData := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-	_, err := ZipBytes(inputData)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1_ZipBytes(t *testing.T) {
-	inputData := []byte{}
-	_, err := ZipBytes(inputData)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func TestZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	err := ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestZipSingleFile.zip")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1ZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	err := ZipSingleFile("X:/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test1ZipSingleFile.zip")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2ZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	err := ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "X:/Test1ZipSingleFile.zip")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test3ZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test2ZipSingleFile.zip")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test_UnZipBytes(t *testing.T) {
-	inputData := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-	inputData, _ = ZipBytes(inputData)
-	_, err := UnZipBytes(inputData)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1_UnZipBytes(t *testing.T) {
-	inputData := []byte{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-	_, err := UnZipBytes(inputData)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func TestUnZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestUnZipSingleFile.zip")
-	err := UnZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestUnZipSingleFile.zip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/uz-vs-code-settings.json")
-	// fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not throw error")
-func Test1UnZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test1UnZipSingleFile.zip")
-	err := UnZipSingleFile("X:/TestUnZipSingleFile.zip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/uz-vs-code-settings.json")
-	// fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test2UnZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test2UnZipSingleFile.zip")
-	err := UnZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/Test2UnZipSingleFile.zip", "X:/uz-vs-code-settings.json")
-	// fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should throw error")
-func Test3UnZipSingleFile(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	ZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/vs-code-settings.json", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestUnZipSingleFile.zip")
-	err := UnZipSingleFile("../testingdata/testData/filezip/TestUnZipSingleFile.zip", "../testingdata/testData/filezip/uz-vs-code-settings.json")
-	// fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should not throw error")
diff --git a/v2/generate.sh b/v2/generate.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 732a64f43efe00f1cfdcc90265b9277833e07f52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/generate.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash or zsh
-protoc grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/gjsonhelpermdl/gjsonhelpermdl.go b/v2/gjsonhelpermdl/gjsonhelpermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b8fe0e7c9df1db67aa128eb96f48af6f94273a52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/gjsonhelpermdl/gjsonhelpermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,363 +0,0 @@
-package gjsonhelpermdl
-import (
-	"strconv"
-	"time"
-	"unicode/utf16"
-	"unicode/utf8"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// GetInterface - return interface of rs
-func GetInterface(t *gjson.Result, timeStampKeys ...string) interface{} {
-	if t.Type == gjson.String {
-		return t.Str
-	}
-	switch t.Type {
-	default:
-		return nil
-	case gjson.False:
-		return false
-	case gjson.Number:
-		return t.Num
-	case gjson.JSON:
-		r := arrayOrMap(t, 0, true, timeStampKeys...)
-		if r.vc == '{' {
-			return r.oi
-		} else if r.vc == '[' {
-			return r.ai
-		}
-		return nil
-	case gjson.True:
-		return true
-	}
-type arrayOrMapResult struct {
-	a  []gjson.Result
-	ai []interface{}
-	o  map[string]gjson.Result
-	oi map[string]interface{}
-	vc byte
-func arrayOrMap(t *gjson.Result, vc byte, valueize bool, timeStampKeys ...string) (r arrayOrMapResult) {
-	var json = t.Raw
-	var i int
-	var value gjson.Result
-	var count int
-	var key gjson.Result
-	if vc == 0 {
-		for ; i < len(json); i++ {
-			if json[i] == '{' || json[i] == '[' {
-				r.vc = json[i]
-				i++
-				break
-			}
-			if json[i] > ' ' {
-				goto end
-			}
-		}
-	} else {
-		for ; i < len(json); i++ {
-			if json[i] == vc {
-				i++
-				break
-			}
-			if json[i] > ' ' {
-				goto end
-			}
-		}
-		r.vc = vc
-	}
-	if r.vc == '{' {
-		if valueize {
-			r.oi = make(map[string]interface{})
-		} else {
-			r.o = make(map[string]gjson.Result)
-		}
-	} else {
-		if valueize {
-			r.ai = make([]interface{}, 0)
-		} else {
-			r.a = make([]gjson.Result, 0)
-		}
-	}
-	for ; i < len(json); i++ {
-		if json[i] <= ' ' {
-			continue
-		}
-		// get next value
-		if json[i] == ']' || json[i] == '}' {
-			break
-		}
-		switch json[i] {
-		default:
-			if (json[i] >= '0' && json[i] <= '9') || json[i] == '-' {
-				value.Type = gjson.Number
-				value.Raw, value.Num = tonum(json[i:])
-				value.Str = ""
-			} else {
-				continue
-			}
-		case '{', '[':
-			value.Type = gjson.JSON
-			value.Raw = squash(json[i:])
-			value.Str, value.Num = "", 0
-		case 'n':
-			value.Type = gjson.Null
-			value.Raw = tolit(json[i:])
-			value.Str, value.Num = "", 0
-		case 't':
-			value.Type = gjson.True
-			value.Raw = tolit(json[i:])
-			value.Str, value.Num = "", 0
-		case 'f':
-			value.Type = gjson.False
-			value.Raw = tolit(json[i:])
-			value.Str, value.Num = "", 0
-		case '"':
-			value.Type = gjson.String
-			value.Raw, value.Str = tostr(json[i:])
-			value.Num = 0
-		}
-		i += len(value.Raw) - 1
-		if r.vc == '{' {
-			if count%2 == 0 {
-				key = value
-			} else {
-				if valueize {
-					if _, ok := r.oi[key.Str]; !ok {
-						if len(timeStampKeys) > 0 && detectTimeStampKey(key.Str, timeStampKeys) {
-							t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, value.String())
-							if err == nil {
-								r.oi[key.Str] = t.Local()
-							} else {
-								r.oi[key.Str] = value.Value()
-							}
-						} else {
-							r.oi[key.Str] = value.Value()
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					if _, ok := r.o[key.Str]; !ok {
-						r.o[key.Str] = value
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			count++
-		} else {
-			if valueize {
-				r.ai = append(r.ai, value.Value())
-			} else {
-				r.a = append(r.a, value)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return
-func detectTimeStampKey(key string, timeStamppKeys []string) bool {
-	for _, timeStampKey := range timeStamppKeys {
-		if timeStampKey == key {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-func squash(json string) string {
-	// expects that the lead character is a '[' or '{'
-	// squash the value, ignoring all nested arrays and objects.
-	// the first '[' or '{' has already been read
-	depth := 1
-	for i := 1; i < len(json); i++ {
-		if json[i] >= '"' && json[i] <= '}' {
-			switch json[i] {
-			case '"':
-				i++
-				s2 := i
-				for ; i < len(json); i++ {
-					if json[i] > '\\' {
-						continue
-					}
-					if json[i] == '"' {
-						// look for an escaped slash
-						if json[i-1] == '\\' {
-							n := 0
-							for j := i - 2; j > s2-1; j-- {
-								if json[j] != '\\' {
-									break
-								}
-								n++
-							}
-							if n%2 == 0 {
-								continue
-							}
-						}
-						break
-					}
-				}
-			case '{', '[':
-				depth++
-			case '}', ']':
-				depth--
-				if depth == 0 {
-					return json[:i+1]
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return json
-func tonum(json string) (raw string, num float64) {
-	for i := 1; i < len(json); i++ {
-		// less than dash might have valid characters
-		if json[i] <= '-' {
-			if json[i] <= ' ' || json[i] == ',' {
-				// break on whitespace and comma
-				raw = json[:i]
-				num, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(raw, 64)
-				return
-			}
-			// could be a '+' or '-'. let's assume so.
-			continue
-		}
-		if json[i] < ']' {
-			// probably a valid number
-			continue
-		}
-		if json[i] == 'e' || json[i] == 'E' {
-			// allow for exponential numbers
-			continue
-		}
-		// likely a ']' or '}'
-		raw = json[:i]
-		num, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(raw, 64)
-		return
-	}
-	raw = json
-	num, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(raw, 64)
-	return
-func tolit(json string) (raw string) {
-	for i := 1; i < len(json); i++ {
-		if json[i] < 'a' || json[i] > 'z' {
-			return json[:i]
-		}
-	}
-	return json
-func tostr(json string) (raw string, str string) {
-	// expects that the lead character is a '"'
-	for i := 1; i < len(json); i++ {
-		if json[i] > '\\' {
-			continue
-		}
-		if json[i] == '"' {
-			return json[:i+1], json[1:i]
-		}
-		if json[i] == '\\' {
-			i++
-			for ; i < len(json); i++ {
-				if json[i] > '\\' {
-					continue
-				}
-				if json[i] == '"' {
-					// look for an escaped slash
-					if json[i-1] == '\\' {
-						n := 0
-						for j := i - 2; j > 0; j-- {
-							if json[j] != '\\' {
-								break
-							}
-							n++
-						}
-						if n%2 == 0 {
-							continue
-						}
-					}
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			var ret string
-			if i+1 < len(json) {
-				ret = json[:i+1]
-			} else {
-				ret = json[:i]
-			}
-			return ret, unescape(json[1:i])
-		}
-	}
-	return json, json[1:]
-// unescape unescapes a string
-func unescape(json string) string { //, error) {
-	var str = make([]byte, 0, len(json))
-	for i := 0; i < len(json); i++ {
-		switch {
-		default:
-			str = append(str, json[i])
-		case json[i] < ' ':
-			return string(str)
-		case json[i] == '\\':
-			i++
-			if i >= len(json) {
-				return string(str)
-			}
-			switch json[i] {
-			default:
-				return string(str)
-			case '\\':
-				str = append(str, '\\')
-			case '/':
-				str = append(str, '/')
-			case 'b':
-				str = append(str, '\b')
-			case 'f':
-				str = append(str, '\f')
-			case 'n':
-				str = append(str, '\n')
-			case 'r':
-				str = append(str, '\r')
-			case 't':
-				str = append(str, '\t')
-			case '"':
-				str = append(str, '"')
-			case 'u':
-				if i+5 > len(json) {
-					return string(str)
-				}
-				r := runeit(json[i+1:])
-				i += 5
-				if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) {
-					// need another code
-					if len(json[i:]) >= 6 && json[i] == '\\' && json[i+1] == 'u' {
-						// we expect it to be correct so just consume it
-						r = utf16.DecodeRune(r, runeit(json[i+2:]))
-						i += 6
-					}
-				}
-				// provide enough space to encode the largest utf8 possible
-				str = append(str, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
-				n := utf8.EncodeRune(str[len(str)-8:], r)
-				str = str[:len(str)-8+n]
-				i-- // backtrack index by one
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return string(str)
-// runeit returns the rune from the the \uXXXX
-func runeit(json string) rune {
-	n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(json[:4], 16, 64)
-	return rune(n)
diff --git a/v2/go.mod b/v2/go.mod
deleted file mode 100644
index 96eb59b1288d515cc66d099f60aea379d7e58bf8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/go.mod
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-module corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2
-go 1.14
-require (
-	github.com/BurntSushi/toml v0.3.1
-	github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash v1.2.8
-	github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3 v3.1.0
-	github.com/asaskevich/govalidator v0.0.0-20200428143746-21a406dcc535
-	github.com/aymerick/raymond v2.0.2+incompatible
-	github.com/boltdb/bolt v1.3.1
-	github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb v0.0.0-20200620013148-b91950f658ec
-	github.com/dgraph-io/dgo v1.0.0
-	github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go v3.2.0+incompatible
-	github.com/gin-gonic/gin v1.6.3
-	github.com/go-ldap/ldap/v3 v3.2.3
-	github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-routing v2.1.4+incompatible // indirect
-	github.com/go-redis/redis/v7 v7.4.0
-	github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.5.0
-	github.com/gocraft/dbr/v2 v2.7.0
-	github.com/golang/gddo v0.0.0-20200715224205-051695c33a3f // indirect
-	github.com/golang/protobuf v1.4.2
-	github.com/google/go-cmp v0.5.0 // indirect
-	github.com/hashicorp/go-version v1.2.1
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deleted file mode 100644
index 92d2967a9b288c06f759c6f5264994d70db81bc3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.pb.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-// Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT.
-// source: grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto
-package grpcbuildermdl
-import (
-	context "context"
-	fmt "fmt"
-	proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto"
-	grpc "google.golang.org/grpc"
-	codes "google.golang.org/grpc/codes"
-	status "google.golang.org/grpc/status"
-	math "math"
-// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
-var _ = proto.Marshal
-var _ = fmt.Errorf
-var _ = math.Inf
-// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
-// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against.
-// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the
-// proto package needs to be updated.
-const _ = proto.ProtoPackageIsVersion3 // please upgrade the proto package
-type GRPCMessage struct {
-	Name                 string   `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"`
-	Data                 []byte   `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"`
-	IsRestricted         bool     `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=isRestricted,proto3" json:"isRestricted,omitempty"`
-	IsRoleBased          bool     `protobuf:"varint,4,opt,name=isRoleBased,proto3" json:"isRoleBased,omitempty"`
-	Token                string   `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=token,proto3" json:"token,omitempty"`
-	Branch               string   `protobuf:"bytes,6,opt,name=branch,proto3" json:"branch,omitempty"`
-	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
-	XXX_unrecognized     []byte   `json:"-"`
-	XXX_sizecache        int32    `json:"-"`
-func (m *GRPCMessage) Reset()         { *m = GRPCMessage{} }
-func (m *GRPCMessage) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GRPCMessage) ProtoMessage()    {}
-func (*GRPCMessage) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
-	return fileDescriptor_e620ca3a5f127fa1, []int{0}
-func (m *GRPCMessage) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCMessage.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GRPCMessage) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCMessage.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (m *GRPCMessage) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCMessage.Merge(m, src)
-func (m *GRPCMessage) XXX_Size() int {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCMessage.Size(m)
-func (m *GRPCMessage) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCMessage.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GRPCMessage proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GRPCMessage) GetName() string {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Name
-	}
-	return ""
-func (m *GRPCMessage) GetData() []byte {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Data
-	}
-	return nil
-func (m *GRPCMessage) GetIsRestricted() bool {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.IsRestricted
-	}
-	return false
-func (m *GRPCMessage) GetIsRoleBased() bool {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.IsRoleBased
-	}
-	return false
-func (m *GRPCMessage) GetToken() string {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Token
-	}
-	return ""
-func (m *GRPCMessage) GetBranch() string {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Branch
-	}
-	return ""
-type GRPCRequest struct {
-	GrpcMessage          *GRPCMessage `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=grpcMessage,proto3" json:"grpcMessage,omitempty"`
-	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{}     `json:"-"`
-	XXX_unrecognized     []byte       `json:"-"`
-	XXX_sizecache        int32        `json:"-"`
-func (m *GRPCRequest) Reset()         { *m = GRPCRequest{} }
-func (m *GRPCRequest) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GRPCRequest) ProtoMessage()    {}
-func (*GRPCRequest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
-	return fileDescriptor_e620ca3a5f127fa1, []int{1}
-func (m *GRPCRequest) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCRequest.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GRPCRequest) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCRequest.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (m *GRPCRequest) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCRequest.Merge(m, src)
-func (m *GRPCRequest) XXX_Size() int {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCRequest.Size(m)
-func (m *GRPCRequest) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCRequest.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GRPCRequest proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GRPCRequest) GetGrpcMessage() *GRPCMessage {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.GrpcMessage
-	}
-	return nil
-type GRPCResponse struct {
-	Data                 string   `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"`
-	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
-	XXX_unrecognized     []byte   `json:"-"`
-	XXX_sizecache        int32    `json:"-"`
-func (m *GRPCResponse) Reset()         { *m = GRPCResponse{} }
-func (m *GRPCResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GRPCResponse) ProtoMessage()    {}
-func (*GRPCResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
-	return fileDescriptor_e620ca3a5f127fa1, []int{2}
-func (m *GRPCResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCResponse.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GRPCResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCResponse.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (m *GRPCResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCResponse.Merge(m, src)
-func (m *GRPCResponse) XXX_Size() int {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCResponse.Size(m)
-func (m *GRPCResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCResponse.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GRPCResponse proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GRPCResponse) GetData() string {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Data
-	}
-	return ""
-type GRPCByteResponse struct {
-	Data                 []byte   `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"`
-	ErrorCode            int32    `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=errorCode,proto3" json:"errorCode,omitempty"`
-	Error                string   `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=error,proto3" json:"error,omitempty"`
-	XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral struct{} `json:"-"`
-	XXX_unrecognized     []byte   `json:"-"`
-	XXX_sizecache        int32    `json:"-"`
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) Reset()         { *m = GRPCByteResponse{} }
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) }
-func (*GRPCByteResponse) ProtoMessage()    {}
-func (*GRPCByteResponse) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) {
-	return fileDescriptor_e620ca3a5f127fa1, []int{3}
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) XXX_Unmarshal(b []byte) error {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCByteResponse.Unmarshal(m, b)
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCByteResponse.Marshal(b, m, deterministic)
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) XXX_Merge(src proto.Message) {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCByteResponse.Merge(m, src)
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) XXX_Size() int {
-	return xxx_messageInfo_GRPCByteResponse.Size(m)
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) XXX_DiscardUnknown() {
-	xxx_messageInfo_GRPCByteResponse.DiscardUnknown(m)
-var xxx_messageInfo_GRPCByteResponse proto.InternalMessageInfo
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) GetData() []byte {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Data
-	}
-	return nil
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) GetErrorCode() int32 {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.ErrorCode
-	}
-	return 0
-func (m *GRPCByteResponse) GetError() string {
-	if m != nil {
-		return m.Error
-	}
-	return ""
-func init() {
-	proto.RegisterType((*GRPCMessage)(nil), "grpcbuildermdl.GRPCMessage")
-	proto.RegisterType((*GRPCRequest)(nil), "grpcbuildermdl.GRPCRequest")
-	proto.RegisterType((*GRPCResponse)(nil), "grpcbuildermdl.GRPCResponse")
-	proto.RegisterType((*GRPCByteResponse)(nil), "grpcbuildermdl.GRPCByteResponse")
-func init() {
-	proto.RegisterFile("grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto", fileDescriptor_e620ca3a5f127fa1)
-var fileDescriptor_e620ca3a5f127fa1 = []byte{
-	// 324 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto
-	0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0x7c, 0x92, 0x41, 0x4b, 0x3b, 0x31,
-	0x10, 0xc5, 0xff, 0xfb, 0xb7, 0x2d, 0xee, 0x6c, 0x91, 0x12, 0x44, 0x82, 0xf6, 0xb0, 0xc4, 0x4b,
-	0x4f, 0x15, 0xea, 0xd9, 0x4b, 0x7b, 0xb0, 0x07, 0x15, 0x89, 0x78, 0x29, 0x78, 0x48, 0x37, 0x43,
-	0xbb, 0x74, 0xbb, 0xa9, 0x49, 0x2a, 0xf8, 0x91, 0xfc, 0x96, 0x92, 0x64, 0x4b, 0x77, 0xcb, 0xe2,
-	0x6d, 0xde, 0xcb, 0x30, 0x79, 0xbf, 0x61, 0xe0, 0x76, 0xa5, 0x77, 0xd9, 0x72, 0x9f, 0x17, 0x12,
-	0xf5, 0x56, 0x16, 0x77, 0x4d, 0x39, 0xde, 0x69, 0x65, 0x15, 0xb9, 0x68, 0xba, 0xec, 0x27, 0x82,
-	0xe4, 0x91, 0xbf, 0xce, 0x9e, 0xd1, 0x18, 0xb1, 0x42, 0x42, 0xa0, 0x53, 0x8a, 0x2d, 0xd2, 0x28,
-	0x8d, 0x46, 0x31, 0xf7, 0xb5, 0xf3, 0xa4, 0xb0, 0x82, 0xfe, 0x4f, 0xa3, 0x51, 0x9f, 0xfb, 0x9a,
-	0x30, 0xe8, 0xe7, 0x86, 0xa3, 0xb1, 0x3a, 0xcf, 0x2c, 0x4a, 0x7a, 0x96, 0x46, 0xa3, 0x73, 0xde,
-	0xf0, 0x48, 0x0a, 0x49, 0x6e, 0xb8, 0x2a, 0x70, 0x2a, 0x0c, 0x4a, 0xda, 0xf1, 0x2d, 0x75, 0x8b,
-	0x5c, 0x42, 0xd7, 0xaa, 0x0d, 0x96, 0xb4, 0xeb, 0xbf, 0x0b, 0x82, 0x5c, 0x41, 0x6f, 0xa9, 0x45,
-	0x99, 0xad, 0x69, 0xcf, 0xdb, 0x95, 0x62, 0x4f, 0x21, 0x2a, 0xc7, 0xcf, 0x3d, 0x1a, 0x4b, 0x1e,
-	0x20, 0x71, 0x30, 0x55, 0x72, 0x9f, 0x38, 0x99, 0xdc, 0x8c, 0x4f, 0xb0, 0x6b, 0x70, 0xbc, 0xde,
-	0xcf, 0x18, 0xf4, 0xc3, 0x34, 0xb3, 0x53, 0xa5, 0x39, 0x52, 0x56, 0xe4, 0xae, 0x66, 0x0b, 0x18,
-	0xb8, 0x9e, 0xe9, 0xb7, 0xc5, 0xd6, 0xbe, 0xc3, 0x36, 0x86, 0x10, 0xa3, 0xd6, 0x4a, 0xcf, 0x94,
-	0x44, 0xbf, 0xa6, 0x2e, 0x3f, 0x1a, 0x8e, 0xd2, 0x0b, 0xbf, 0xa4, 0x98, 0x07, 0x31, 0xf9, 0x08,
-	0x34, 0x6f, 0xa8, 0xbf, 0xf2, 0x0c, 0xc9, 0x4b, 0x90, 0x73, 0x51, 0xca, 0x02, 0x35, 0x69, 0xe5,
-	0xa8, 0xc8, 0xaf, 0xd3, 0xb6, 0xc7, 0x7a, 0x48, 0xf6, 0x6f, 0xf2, 0x0e, 0xb1, 0x73, 0x67, 0x6b,
-	0xcc, 0x36, 0x64, 0x5e, 0x17, 0x7f, 0x8e, 0x1e, 0xb6, 0x3f, 0x1e, 0xc6, 0x4e, 0x07, 0x8b, 0x93,
-	0x0b, 0x5a, 0xf6, 0xfc, 0x61, 0xdd, 0xff, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0x8f, 0x39, 0xa8, 0x6a,
-	0x7f, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00,
-// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used.
-var _ context.Context
-var _ grpc.ClientConnInterface
-// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file
-// is compatible with the grpc package it is being compiled against.
-const _ = grpc.SupportPackageIsVersion6
-// GRPCServiceClient is the client API for GRPCService service.
-// For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream.
-type GRPCServiceClient interface {
-	GRPCHandler(ctx context.Context, in *GRPCRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GRPCByteResponse, error)
-type gRPCServiceClient struct {
-	cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
-func NewGRPCServiceClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GRPCServiceClient {
-	return &gRPCServiceClient{cc}
-func (c *gRPCServiceClient) GRPCHandler(ctx context.Context, in *GRPCRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GRPCByteResponse, error) {
-	out := new(GRPCByteResponse)
-	err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/grpcbuildermdl.GRPCService/GRPCHandler", in, out, opts...)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return out, nil
-// GRPCServiceServer is the server API for GRPCService service.
-type GRPCServiceServer interface {
-	GRPCHandler(context.Context, *GRPCRequest) (*GRPCByteResponse, error)
-// UnimplementedGRPCServiceServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
-type UnimplementedGRPCServiceServer struct {
-func (*UnimplementedGRPCServiceServer) GRPCHandler(ctx context.Context, req *GRPCRequest) (*GRPCByteResponse, error) {
-	return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GRPCHandler not implemented")
-func RegisterGRPCServiceServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GRPCServiceServer) {
-	s.RegisterService(&_GRPCService_serviceDesc, srv)
-func _GRPCService_GRPCHandler_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
-	in := new(GRPCRequest)
-	if err := dec(in); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if interceptor == nil {
-		return srv.(GRPCServiceServer).GRPCHandler(ctx, in)
-	}
-	info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
-		Server:     srv,
-		FullMethod: "/grpcbuildermdl.GRPCService/GRPCHandler",
-	}
-	handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-		return srv.(GRPCServiceServer).GRPCHandler(ctx, req.(*GRPCRequest))
-	}
-	return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
-var _GRPCService_serviceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
-	ServiceName: "grpcbuildermdl.GRPCService",
-	HandlerType: (*GRPCServiceServer)(nil),
-	Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
-		{
-			MethodName: "GRPCHandler",
-			Handler:    _GRPCService_GRPCHandler_Handler,
-		},
-	},
-	Streams:  []grpc.StreamDesc{},
-	Metadata: "grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto",
-// GRPCCheckClient is the client API for GRPCCheck service.
-// For semantics around ctx use and closing/ending streaming RPCs, please refer to https://godoc.org/google.golang.org/grpc#ClientConn.NewStream.
-type GRPCCheckClient interface {
-	GRPCCheck(ctx context.Context, in *GRPCRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GRPCResponse, error)
-type gRPCCheckClient struct {
-	cc grpc.ClientConnInterface
-func NewGRPCCheckClient(cc grpc.ClientConnInterface) GRPCCheckClient {
-	return &gRPCCheckClient{cc}
-func (c *gRPCCheckClient) GRPCCheck(ctx context.Context, in *GRPCRequest, opts ...grpc.CallOption) (*GRPCResponse, error) {
-	out := new(GRPCResponse)
-	err := c.cc.Invoke(ctx, "/grpcbuildermdl.GRPCCheck/GRPCCheck", in, out, opts...)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return out, nil
-// GRPCCheckServer is the server API for GRPCCheck service.
-type GRPCCheckServer interface {
-	GRPCCheck(context.Context, *GRPCRequest) (*GRPCResponse, error)
-// UnimplementedGRPCCheckServer can be embedded to have forward compatible implementations.
-type UnimplementedGRPCCheckServer struct {
-func (*UnimplementedGRPCCheckServer) GRPCCheck(ctx context.Context, req *GRPCRequest) (*GRPCResponse, error) {
-	return nil, status.Errorf(codes.Unimplemented, "method GRPCCheck not implemented")
-func RegisterGRPCCheckServer(s *grpc.Server, srv GRPCCheckServer) {
-	s.RegisterService(&_GRPCCheck_serviceDesc, srv)
-func _GRPCCheck_GRPCCheck_Handler(srv interface{}, ctx context.Context, dec func(interface{}) error, interceptor grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor) (interface{}, error) {
-	in := new(GRPCRequest)
-	if err := dec(in); err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if interceptor == nil {
-		return srv.(GRPCCheckServer).GRPCCheck(ctx, in)
-	}
-	info := &grpc.UnaryServerInfo{
-		Server:     srv,
-		FullMethod: "/grpcbuildermdl.GRPCCheck/GRPCCheck",
-	}
-	handler := func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-		return srv.(GRPCCheckServer).GRPCCheck(ctx, req.(*GRPCRequest))
-	}
-	return interceptor(ctx, in, info, handler)
-var _GRPCCheck_serviceDesc = grpc.ServiceDesc{
-	ServiceName: "grpcbuildermdl.GRPCCheck",
-	HandlerType: (*GRPCCheckServer)(nil),
-	Methods: []grpc.MethodDesc{
-		{
-			MethodName: "GRPCCheck",
-			Handler:    _GRPCCheck_GRPCCheck_Handler,
-		},
-	},
-	Streams:  []grpc.StreamDesc{},
-	Metadata: "grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto",
diff --git a/v2/grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto b/v2/grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ad603582cbd5e3f4102238445dafc94bce39e41..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/grpcbuildermdl/grpcbuildermdl.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-syntax = "proto3";
-package grpcbuildermdl;
-option go_package = "grpcbuildermdl";
-message GRPCMessage {
-    string name =1 ;
-    bytes data =2;
-    bool isRestricted = 3 ;
-    bool isRoleBased = 4;
-    string token = 5;
-    string branch = 6;
-message GRPCRequest {
-    GRPCMessage grpcMessage = 1;
-message GRPCResponse {
-    string data = 1;
-message GRPCByteResponse {
-    bytes data = 1;
-    int32  errorCode = 2;
-    string error = 3;
-service GRPCService {
-    rpc GRPCHandler(GRPCRequest) returns (GRPCByteResponse) {};
-service GRPCCheck {
-    rpc GRPCCheck(GRPCRequest) returns (GRPCResponse) { };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/grpcclientmdl/grpcclientmdl.go b/v2/grpcclientmdl/grpcclientmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 11a0d30c87b752f5b2f384ed5778f24d706d5818..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/grpcclientmdl/grpcclientmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-package grpcclientmdl
-import (
-	"context"
-	"errors"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/grpcbuildermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	grpcpool "github.com/processout/grpc-go-pool"
-	"google.golang.org/grpc"
-// TotalCheck TotalCheck
-func TotalCheck() (string, error) {
-	// TODO: review
-	conn, err := grpc.Dial("", grpc.WithInsecure())
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Could not connect: ", err)
-	}
-	defer conn.Close()
-	c := grpcbuildermdl.NewGRPCCheckClient(conn)
-	req := &grpcbuildermdl.GRPCRequest{}
-	res, err := c.GRPCCheck(context.Background(), req)
-	return res.GetData(), nil
-var instances = make(map[string]*grpcpool.Pool)
-var instancesList map[string]map[string]*grpcpool.Pool
-// Init init
-func Init(grpcServerURLList []string, grpcClients []string) {
-	// instances = make(map[string]*grpcpool.Pool)
-	loggermdl.LogError("Length of grpcServerURLList", len(grpcServerURLList))
-	for index := 0; index < len(grpcServerURLList); index++ {
-		CreateConnection(grpcServerURLList[index], grpcClients[index])
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("instances", instances)
-//ByteHandler ByteHandler
-func ByteHandler(req *grpcbuildermdl.GRPCRequest, grpcServerURL string) ([]byte, int32, string, error) {
-	if instances[grpcServerURL] != nil {
-		conn, err := instances[grpcServerURL].Get(context.Background())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Failed to create gRPC pool: %v", err)
-			return nil, 0, "", err
-		}
-		defer conn.Close()
-		client := grpcbuildermdl.NewGRPCServiceClient(conn.ClientConn)
-		res, err := client.GRPCHandler(context.Background(), req)
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("GRPCHandler err:", res.GetError())
-			return res.GetData(), res.GetErrorCode(), res.GetError(), err
-		}
-		return res.GetData(), res.GetErrorCode(), res.GetError(), nil
-	}
-	return nil, 0, "", errors.New("no grpc connection found")
-// CreateConnection method
-func CreateConnection(serverURL string, grpcClientName string) {
-	var factory grpcpool.Factory
-	factory = func() (*grpc.ClientConn, error) {
-		conn, err := grpc.Dial(serverURL, grpc.WithInsecure())
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Failed to start gRPC connection: %v", err)
-		}
-		return conn, err
-	}
-	pool, err := grpcpool.New(factory, 5, 5, time.Second)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Failed to create gRPC pool: %v", err)
-	}
-	instances[grpcClientName] = pool
diff --git a/v2/hashmdl/hashmdl.go b/v2/hashmdl/hashmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cbb278d3fc0b9fd10605895c0ae7bfa1a838ed95..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/hashmdl/hashmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-package hashmdl
-import (
-	"crypto/md5"
-	"os"
-	"strconv"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	OneOfOne "github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash"
-// GetHashChecksumOfByteArray Get Hash Check sum
-func GetHashChecksumOfByteArray(byteArray []byte) (uint64, error) {
-	if byteArray == nil || len(byteArray) <= 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("data is nil or length is less than or equal to zero")
-		return 0, errormdl.Wrap("data is nil or length is less than or equal to zero")
-	}
-	hash := OneOfOne.New64()
-	_, writeerr := hash.Write(byteArray)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(writeerr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling hash.Write : ", errormdl.CheckErr(writeerr))
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr(writeerr)
-	}
-	return hash.Sum64(), nil
-//GetHashChecksumOfFile Get Hash Check sum
-func GetHashChecksumOfFile(filePath string) (uint64, error) {
-	byteArray, readerr := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(readerr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling hash.Write : ", errormdl.CheckErr(readerr))
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr(readerr)
-	}
-	hash, hasherr := GetHashChecksumOfByteArray(byteArray)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(hasherr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling GetHashChecksumOfByteArray  : ", errormdl.CheckErr1(hasherr))
-		return 0, errormdl.CheckErr1(hasherr)
-	}
-	return hash, nil
-// GetAtributeBasedHash this func will return the hash calcluted on basis of file attributes
-func GetAtributeBasedHash(filePath string) (string, error) {
-	fileInfo, statErr := os.Stat(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(statErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting stats of file : ", filePath, " : ", errormdl.CheckErr(statErr))
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(statErr)
-	}
-	fileModTime := fileInfo.ModTime()
-	fileLength := fileInfo.Size()
-	customFileHash := strconv.FormatInt(fileModTime.Unix(), 10) + strconv.FormatInt(fileLength, 10)
-	return customFileHash, nil
-// TODO: implement another hashing algo instead of MD5
-// Get128BitHash returns 128 bit hash
-func Get128BitHash(data []byte) ([16]byte, error) {
-	if data == nil || len(data) <= 0 {
-		return [16]byte{}, errormdl.Wrap("data is nil or length is less than or equal to zero")
-	}
-	return md5.Sum(data), nil
diff --git a/v2/hashmdl/hashmdl_test.go b/v2/hashmdl/hashmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc36255d44793d3e90b28b3284ab2cde1987e8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/hashmdl/hashmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-package hashmdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestGetHashChecksumOfByteArray(t *testing.T) {
-	data := []byte("This is test value")
-	type args struct {
-		byteArray []byte
-	}
-	tests := []struct {
-		name      string
-		args      args
-		want      uint64
-		wantError bool
-	}{
-		{"success scenario", args{data}, 12276080534736706571, false},
-		{"output mismatched", args{data}, 12276080534736706570, true},
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		hash, _ := GetHashChecksumOfByteArray(data)
-		if tt.wantError {
-			assert.NotEqual(t, tt.want, hash, "Output not matching")
-		} else {
-			assert.Equal(t, tt.want, hash, "Output matching")
-		}
-	}
-	for _, tt := range tests {
-		errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-		_, hashError := GetHashChecksumOfByteArray(data)
-		if tt.wantError {
-			assert.Error(t, hashError, "test error occued")
-		}
-	}
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-func TestGetHashChecksumBlankByteArray(t *testing.T) {
-	blankData := []byte{}
-	_, hashError := GetHashChecksumOfByteArray(blankData)
-	assert.Error(t, hashError, "error occured")
-func TestGetHashChecksumOfFileSuccess(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := "../testingdata/hashcalculation.txt"
-	hash, _ := GetHashChecksumOfFile(filePath)
-	var expectedHash uint64
-	expectedHash = 12276080534736706571
-	assert.Equal(t, expectedHash, hash, "Output matching")
-func TestGetHashChecksumOfFilePathFail(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := "../testingdata/hashcalculation.tx"
-	_, hashError := GetHashChecksumOfFile(filePath)
-	assert.Error(t, hashError, "error occured")
-func TestGetHashChecksumOfFileHashFail(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	filePath := "../testingdata/hashcalculation.txt"
-	_, hashError := GetHashChecksumOfFile(filePath)
-	assert.Error(t, hashError, "error occured")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-func TestGetAttributeBAsedHashSuccess(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := "../testingdata/hashcalculation.txt"
-	hash, _ := GetAtributeBasedHash(filePath)
-	assert.Equal(t, "153120260918", hash, "hash calculated successfully")
-func TestGetAttributeBasedHashFileNotFound(t *testing.T) {
-	filePath := "../testingdata/hashcalculation.tx"
-	_, hashError := GetAtributeBasedHash(filePath)
-	assert.Error(t, hashError, "file not found")
-func TestGet128BitHash(t *testing.T) {
-	data := []byte("This is test value")
-	hash, _ := Get128BitHash(data)
-	// [153 250 83 89 165 124 176 214 93 174 227 143 162 183 105 127]
-	expectedHash := [16]byte{153, 250, 83, 89, 165, 124, 176, 214, 93, 174, 227, 143, 162, 183, 105, 127}
-	assert.Equal(t, expectedHash, hash, "matched")
-func TestGet128BitHashError(t *testing.T) {
-	data := []byte("")
-	_, hashError := Get128BitHash(data)
-	assert.Error(t, hashError, "nil/empty byte array")
diff --git a/v2/httpclientmdl/httpclientmdl.go b/v2/httpclientmdl/httpclientmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 95573c00d74431412a8d83f4d5e85263747b3034..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/httpclientmdl/httpclientmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-package httpclientmdl
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"net/http"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-var httpClient *http.Client
-var once sync.Once
-// GetHTTPClient This method will return the httpClient object with preconfigured settings
-func GetHTTPClient() *http.Client {
-	once.Do(func() {
-		transport := &http.Transport{
-			MaxIdleConns:        constantmdl.MAXIDLECONNS,
-			MaxIdleConnsPerHost: constantmdl.MAXIDLECONNSPERHOST,
-			IdleConnTimeout:     constantmdl.IDLECONNTIMEOUT,
-		}
-		httpClient = &http.Client{
-			Transport: transport,
-		}
-	})
-	return httpClient
-type HTTPTransport struct {
-	MaxIdleConns        int
-	MaxIdleConnsPerHost int
-	IdleConnTimeout     time.Duration
-// GetHTTPClientWithConfig This method will return the httpClient object with preconfigured settings
-func GetHTTPClientWithConfig(httpTransport HTTPTransport) *http.Client {
-	if httpTransport.MaxIdleConns == 0 {
-		httpTransport.MaxIdleConns = constantmdl.MAXIDLECONNS
-	}
-	if httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost == 0 {
-		httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = constantmdl.MAXIDLECONNSPERHOST
-	}
-	if httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout == 0 {
-		httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout = constantmdl.IDLECONNTIMEOUT
-	}
-	transport := &http.Transport{
-		MaxIdleConns:        httpTransport.MaxIdleConns,
-		MaxIdleConnsPerHost: httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost,
-		IdleConnTimeout:     httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout,
-	}
-	httpClient := &http.Client{
-		Transport: transport,
-	}
-	return httpClient
-// DoHTTPWithRetry for retry support to http request
-func DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts int, sleeptime time.Duration, request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
-	// Get the HTTPClient
-	client := GetHTTPClient()
-	if request.Body != nil {
-		// Read the content
-		bodyBytes, errReadAll := ioutil.ReadAll(request.Body)
-		if errormdl.CheckBool(errReadAll != nil) {
-			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Error in ReadAll function in DoHTTPWithRetry")
-		}
-		//fmt.Println("request.Body after readong its content-----", request.Body)
-		// Restore the io.ReadCloser to its original state
-		request.Body = ioutil.NopCloser(bytes.NewBuffer(bodyBytes))
-		resp, err := client.Do(request)
-		if errormdl.CheckBool(resp != nil && err == nil && resp.StatusCode < constantmdl.HTTP400ERROR) {
-			defer resp.Body.Close()
-			return resp, nil
-		}
-		//fmt.Println("request.Body after do request-----", request.Body)
-		return TryAttemptsWithRequestBody(client, request, resp, err, attempts, sleeptime, bodyBytes)
-	}
-	resp, err := client.Do(request)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(resp != nil && err == nil && resp.StatusCode < constantmdl.HTTP400ERROR) {
-		defer resp.Body.Close()
-		return resp, nil
-	}
-	return TryAttempts(client, request, resp, err, attempts, sleeptime)
-// TryAttemptsWithRequestBody it retries http post request with a request body when failed or gives error
-func TryAttemptsWithRequestBody(client *http.Client, request *http.Request, resp *http.Response, err error, attempts int, sleeptime time.Duration, bodyBytes []byte) (*http.Response, error) {
-	newURL := request.URL.String()
-	for i := attempts; i > 0; i-- {
-		time.Sleep(sleeptime)
-		newRequest, newReqErr := http.NewRequest(request.Method, newURL, bytes.NewBuffer(bodyBytes))
-		if newReqErr == nil {
-			resp, err = client.Do(newRequest)
-			//fmt.Println("attempts remained", i)
-			if resp == nil {
-				continue
-			}
-			defer resp.Body.Close()
-			if resp.StatusCode < constantmdl.HTTP400ERROR && err == nil {
-				return resp, nil
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return resp, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-// TryAttempts it retries http get/post request without request body
-func TryAttempts(client *http.Client, request *http.Request, resp *http.Response, err error, attempts int, sleeptime time.Duration) (*http.Response, error) {
-	for i := attempts; i > 0; i-- {
-		time.Sleep(sleeptime)
-		resp, err = client.Do(request)
-		//fmt.Println("attempts remained", i)
-		if resp == nil {
-			continue
-		}
-		defer resp.Body.Close()
-		if resp.StatusCode < constantmdl.HTTP400ERROR && err == nil {
-			return resp, nil
-		}
-	}
-	return resp, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
diff --git a/v2/httpclientmdl/httpclientmdl_test.go b/v2/httpclientmdl/httpclientmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 05cda7481d2de4c34a61c7d8179093549a0c58e0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/httpclientmdl/httpclientmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-package httpclientmdl
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"net/http"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestGethttpclientwithconfigNotPanic(t *testing.T) {
-	httpTransport := HTTPTransport{}
-	httpTransport.MaxIdleConns = 10
-	httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 20
-	httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout = 90
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { GetHTTPClientWithConfig(httpTransport) }, "The code did  panic")
-func TestGethttpclientwithconfigDefaults(t *testing.T) {
-	httpTransport := HTTPTransport{}
-	httpTransport.MaxIdleConns = 0
-	httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 0
-	httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout = 0
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { GetHTTPClientWithConfig(httpTransport) }, "The code did  panic")
-func TestGethttpclientwithconfigNil(t *testing.T) {
-	httpTransport := HTTPTransport{}
-	httpTransport.MaxIdleConns = 10
-	httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 20
-	httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout = 90
-	assert.NotNil(t, func() { GetHTTPClientWithConfig(httpTransport) }, "Do not return nil")
-func TestGethttpclientNil(t *testing.T) {
-	assert.NotNil(t, func() { GetHTTPClient() }, "Do not return nil")
-func TestGethttpclientnotpanic(t *testing.T) {
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { GetHTTPClient() }, "The code did  panic")
-func BenchmarkGethttpclient(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		GetHTTPClient()
-	}
-func BenchmarkGethttpclientDefault(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		httpTransport := HTTPTransport{}
-		httpTransport.MaxIdleConns = 10
-		httpTransport.MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 20
-		httpTransport.IdleConnTimeout = 90
-		GetHTTPClientWithConfig(httpTransport)
-	}
-var (
-	attempts  int
-	sleeptime time.Duration
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryGET200(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl", nil)
-	resp, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-	assert.Equal(t, resp.StatusCode, 200)
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryGETError(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://www.servernotrunning.org", nil)
-	_, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryGETAttempt(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl-error", nil)
-	resp, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-	assert.Equal(t, resp.StatusCode, 404)
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryGETAttempt2(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl", nil)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	resp, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-	assert.Equal(t, resp.StatusCode, 200)
-// Person struct
-type Person struct {
-	Name string `json:"name"`
-	Age  string `json:"age"`
-func addPerson(c *gin.Context) {
-	person := Person{}
-	defer c.Request.Body.Close()
-	byteArr, readErr := ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
-	if readErr != nil {
-		c.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, "")
-		return
-	}
-	unmarshallErr := json.Unmarshal(byteArr, &person)
-	if unmarshallErr != nil {
-		c.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, "")
-		return
-	}
-	c.String(http.StatusOK, "person1 is added successfully!")
-	return
-var router *gin.Engine
-func Init(o *gin.RouterGroup) {
-	o.POST("/addPerson", addPerson)
-func init() {
-	router = gin.New()
-	o := router.Group("/o")
-	Init(o)
-	router.Run("localhost:8081")
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryPOST200(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	var jsonStr = []byte(`{"name":"Arnav","age":"4"}`)
-	// request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://localhost:8081/o/addPerson", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-	resp, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-	assert.Equal(t, resp.StatusCode, 200)
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryPOSTError(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	var jsonStr = []byte(`{"name":"Arnav","age":"4"}`)
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.servernotrunning.org", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-	_, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryPOSTAttempt(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	var jsonStr = []byte(`{"name":"Arnav","age":"4"}`)
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl-error", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-	resp, _ := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	assert.Equal(t, resp.StatusCode, 404)
-// func TestDoHttpWithRetryPOSTAttempt2(t *testing.T) {
-// 	attempts = 2
-// 	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-// 	var jsonStr = []byte(`{"name":"Arnav","age":"4"}`)
-// 	request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	resp, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.StatusCode, 200)
-// }
-func TestDoHttpWithRetryPOSTReadAllError(t *testing.T) {
-	attempts = 2
-	sleeptime = 2 * time.Second
-	var jsonStr = []byte(`{"name":"Arnav","age":"4"}`)
-	request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl-error", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	_, err := DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should  return error")
-func BenchmarkDoHttpWithRetry(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		attempts := 2
-		sleeptime := 2 * time.Second
-		request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl-error", nil)
-		DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	}
-func BenchmarkDoHttpWithRetryPOST(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		attempts := 2
-		sleeptime := 2 * time.Second
-		var jsonStr = []byte(`{"name":"Arnav","age":"4"}`)
-		request, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.mkcl.org/about-mkcl-error", bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
-		DoHTTPWithRetry(attempts, sleeptime, request)
-	}
diff --git a/v2/httpservermdl/httpservermdl.go b/v2/httpservermdl/httpservermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f82476755dd6050bb58bbbe5146c4c8af3f6fcb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/httpservermdl/httpservermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package httpservermdl
-import (
-	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-// GetServer will return the webserver pointer
-func GetServer() *gin.Engine {
-	// TODO: use sync.Once
-	server := gin.New()
-	return server
diff --git a/v2/httpservermdl/httpservermdl_test.go b/v2/httpservermdl/httpservermdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 39bb72b593a555bd72c18c146d0a5ca2e0f130ea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/httpservermdl/httpservermdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-package httpservermdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestGetServer(t *testing.T) {
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { GetServer() }, "The code did  panic")
-func BenchmarkGethttpclientDefault(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		GetServer()
-	}
diff --git a/v2/loggermdl/loggerdefault.go b/v2/loggermdl/loggerdefault.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 7e37e67bfbc94a869d44af831dcd0a278324c2b0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/loggermdl/loggerdefault.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// +build !prod
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:40:34 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package loggermdl
-package loggermdl
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"os"
-	logging "github.com/op/go-logging"
-	goon "github.com/shurcooL/go-goon"
-var log = logging.MustGetLogger("mkcllogger")
-var format = logging.MustStringFormatter(
-	`%{color}%{time:15:04:05} %{shortfile} %{callpath:5} â–¶ %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset}`,
-func init() {
-	log.ExtraCalldepth = 1
-	backend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
-	backendFormatter := logging.NewBackendFormatter(backend, format)
-	backendLeveled := logging.AddModuleLevel(backend)
-	logging.SetBackend(backendLeveled, backendFormatter)
-// LogDebug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
-func LogDebug(args ...interface{}) {
-	log.Debug("", args)
-// LogInfo logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
-func LogInfo(args ...interface{}) {
-	log.Info("", args)
-// LogWarn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
-func LogWarn(args ...interface{}) {
-	log.Warning("", args)
-// LogError logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
-func LogError(args ...interface{}) {
-	log.Error("", args)
-// LogPanic logs a message at level Panic on the standard logger.
-func LogPanic(args ...interface{}) {
-	log.Panic(args)
-// // LogJSONObject Format string
-// func LogJSONObject(pobj interface{}) {
-// 	jsonByte, _ := json.Marshal(pobj)
-// 	var objnew map[string]interface{}
-// 	json.Unmarshal(jsonByte, &objnew)
-// 	f := colorjson.NewFormatter()
-// 	f.Indent = 2
-// 	s, _ := f.Marshal(objnew)
-// 	fmt.Println(string(s))
-// }
-// // LogJSONByte Format string
-// func LogJSONByte(pobj []byte) {
-// 	var objnew map[string]interface{}
-// 	json.Unmarshal(pobj, &objnew)
-// 	f := colorjson.NewFormatter()
-// 	f.Indent = 2
-// 	s, _ := f.Marshal(objnew)
-// 	fmt.Println(string(s))
-// }
-// // LogJSONString Format string
-// func LogJSONString(str string) {
-// 	var objnew map[string]interface{}
-// 	json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &objnew)
-// 	f := colorjson.NewFormatter()
-// 	f.Indent = 2
-// 	s, _ := f.Marshal(objnew)
-// 	fmt.Println(string(s))
-// }
-// LogHRStart can end line with <<<
-func LogHRStart() {
-	fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
-// LogHREnd can end line with <<<
-func LogHREnd() {
-	fmt.Println("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
-// LogSpot will print block
-func LogSpot(args ...interface{}) {
-	fmt.Println(">>>>>>>>>>STRT>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
-	log.Info("", args)
-	fmt.Println("<<<<<<<<<END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
-// LogVars Prints variables with formatting
-func LogVars(xvars ...interface{}) {
-	for _, i := range xvars {
-		goon.Dump(i)
-	}
-// TODO:This Function bring back later// LogTable will print data in table form
-// func LogTable(data []interface{}) {
-// 	t := gotabulate.Create(data)
-// 	fmt.Println(t.Render("grid"))
-// }
diff --git a/v2/loggermdl/loggerdefault_test.go b/v2/loggermdl/loggerdefault_test.go
deleted file mode 100755
index a34d5bd155c3edef15a3f6def7c10021b6315c94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/loggermdl/loggerdefault_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:40:10 GMT+0530 (IST)
-package loggermdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore"
-func ExampleLogVars() {
-	type Example struct {
-		name string
-	}
-	a := Example{"name"}
-	LogVars(a)
-	//Output:
-	//(loggermdl.Example)(loggermdl.Example{
-	//	name: (string)("name"),
-	//})
-func ExampleLogError() {
-	LogError("a")
-	//Output:
-	//
-func ExampleLogInfo() {
-	LogInfo("a")
-	//Output:
-	//
-func ExampleLogWarn() {
-	LogWarn("a")
-	//Output:
-	//
-func ExampleLogDebug() {
-	LogDebug("a")
-	//Output:
-	//
-func TestLogJSONString(t *testing.T) {
-	a := `{"Age": 1,"Name": "sometext"}`
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { LogJSONString(a) }, "The code did  panic")
-	//Output2:
-	// {
-	//   "Age": 1,
-	//   "Name": "sometext"
-	// }
-func ExampleLogHREnd() {
-	LogHREnd()
-	//Output:
-	//<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
-func TestLogJSONObject(t *testing.T) {
-	type MySt struct {
-		Name string
-		Age  int
-	}
-	m := MySt{"sometext", 1}
-	// jsonUnmarshal(json.Marshal(m), &m)
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { LogJSONObject(m) }, "The code did  panic")
-	//Output1:
-	//{
-	//   "Age": 1,
-	//   "Name": "sometext"
-	//}
-func TestLogJSONByte(t *testing.T) { // func ExampleLogJSONByte() {
-	type MySt struct {
-		Name string
-		Age  int
-	}
-	m := MySt{"sometext", 1}
-	a, _ := json.Marshal(m)
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { LogJSONByte(a) }, "The code did  panic")
-	//Output1:
-	// {
-	//   "Age": 1,
-	//   "Name": "sometext"
-	// }
-func ExampleLogHRStart() {
-	LogHRStart()
-	//Output:
-	//>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
-func ExampleGetCaller() {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	GetCallers(0)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	a := GetCallers(0)
-	fmt.Println(len(a))
-	//output:
-	//15
-func ExampleNegetiveGetCaller() {
-	a := GetCallers(-323232323)
-	fmt.Println(len(a))
-	//output:
-	//8
-func ExampleInit() {
-	Init("filename", 3, 7, 5, zapcore.DebugLevel)
-	//output:
-	//
-func TestLogPanic(t *testing.T) {
-	assert.Panics(t, func() { LogPanic("a") }, "The code did not panic")
-	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { LogSpot("A") }, "The code did not panic")
-// func TestLogTable(t *testing.T) {
-// 	type MySt struct {
-// 		Name string
-// 		Age  int
-// 	}
-// 	m1 := MySt{"sometextm1", 1}
-// 	m2 := MySt{"sometext m2", 13}
-// 	ary := make([]interface{}, 2)
-// 	ary = append(ary, m1)
-// 	ary = append(ary, m2)
-// 	assert.NotPanics(t, func() { LogTable(ary) }, "The code did  panic")
-// }
diff --git a/v2/loggermdl/loggermdl.go b/v2/loggermdl/loggermdl.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 82b173c9730729d1f8f6376ecbb47d4fc815ed6f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/loggermdl/loggermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 06:40:54 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package loggermdl will help you log error
-package loggermdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"runtime"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"go.uber.org/zap"
-	"go.uber.org/zap/zapcore"
-	lumberjack "gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2"
-var logger *zap.Logger
-var sugar *zap.SugaredLogger
-// Init  Init Logger
-// maxBackupFileSize,  megabytes
-// maxAgeForBackupFile,  days
-func Init(fileName string, maxBackupCnt, maxBackupFileSize, maxAgeForBackupFileInDays int, loglevel zapcore.Level) {
-	os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(fileName), os.ModePerm)
-	w := zapcore.AddSync(&lumberjack.Logger{
-		Filename:   fileName,
-		MaxSize:    maxBackupFileSize, // megabytes
-		MaxBackups: maxBackupCnt,
-		MaxAge:     maxAgeForBackupFileInDays, // days
-	})
-	// zap.AddStacktrace(
-	rawJSON := []byte(`{
-	  "level": "debug",
-	  "encoding": "json",
-	  "outputPaths": ["stdout", "/tmp/logs"],
-	  "errorOutputPaths": ["stderr"],
-	  "initialFields": {"foo": "bar"},
-	  "disableCaller":false,
-	  "encoderConfig": {
-	    "messageKey": "m",
-	    "callerKey": "c",
-	    "callerEncode": 0,
-	    "timeKey": "t",
-		"levelKey": "l",
-	    "levelEncoder": "lowercase"
-	  }
-	}`)
-	var cfg zap.Config
-	json.Unmarshal(rawJSON, &cfg)
-	core := zapcore.NewCore(
-		//enc, //
-		zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(zap.NewDevelopmentEncoderConfig()),
-		w,
-		loglevel,
-	)
-	logger = zap.New(core, zap.AddCaller(), zap.AddCallerSkip(1))
-	defer logger.Sync()
-	sugar = logger.Sugar()
-// GetCallers will return callers chain
-func GetCallers(skip int) string {
-	_, file, line, ok := runtime.Caller(skip)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!ok) {
-		file = "<???>"
-		line = 1
-	} else {
-		slash := strings.LastIndex(file, "/")
-		if slash >= 0 {
-			file = file[slash+1:]
-		}
-	}
-	return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", file, line)
diff --git a/v2/loggermdl/loggerprod.go b/v2/loggermdl/loggerprod.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 243dca215ae18d2553fd3ac94d0c8c60262ad533..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/loggermdl/loggerprod.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// +build prod
-package loggermdl
-// LogDebug logs a message at level Debug on the standard logger.
-func LogDebug(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Debug(args)
-// LogInfo logs a message at level Info on the standard logger.
-func LogInfo(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Info(args)
-// LogWarn logs a message at level Warn on the standard logger.
-func LogWarn(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Warn(args)
-// LogError logs a message at level Error on the standard logger.
-func LogError(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Error(args)
-// LogFatal logs a message at level Fatal on the standard logger.
-func LogFatal(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Fatal(args)
-// Log as an Info but highlights it.
-func LogSpot(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Info(args)
-// Panic logs a message at level Panic on the standard logger.
-func LogPanic(args ...interface{}) {
-	sugar.Panic(args)
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediaaudio.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediaaudio.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 906bb079d40a7b21cc9df4caa0ee85d7c39abb35..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediaaudio.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-// getAudioFromVideo1
-// ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -f mp3 -ab 192000 -vn music.mp3
-// GetAudioFromVideo - GetAudioFromVideo
-func getAudioFromVideo1(inputPath, outputfilePath string) error {
-	commandargs := []string{`-i`, inputPath, `-f`, `mp3`, `-ab`, `192000`, `-vn`, `-y`, outputfilePath}
-	return executeargs("ffmpeg", commandargs)
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediaaudio_test.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediaaudio_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ceee84d55edf077117a8aa6fcf1bf91b7237bf8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediaaudio_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-// func Test_getAudioFromVideo(t *testing.T) {
-// 	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/audio/sample.mp4"
-// 	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-// 	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/audio/sample-audio.mp3"
-// 	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-// 	err := getAudioFromVideo(inputPath, outputPath)
-// 	fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-// }
-func Test_getAudioFromVideo1(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/audio/sample.mp4"
-	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/audio/sample-audio1.mp3"
-	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-	err := getAudioFromVideo1(inputPath, outputPath)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-// func Test_getAudioFromVideo2(t *testing.T) {
-// 	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/audio/sample.mp4"
-// 	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-// 	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/audio/sample-audio2.mp3"
-// 	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-// 	err := getAudioFromVideo2(inputPath, outputPath)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-// }
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediaimage.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediaimage.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0039c029f44513466e509ac368ec90b64aefde4c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediaimage.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-// ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=320:240 output_320x240.png
-// ffmpeg -i test.tif -vf scale=504:376 -sws_flags bilinear out.bmp
-// ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=iw*2:ih input_double_width.png
-// CompressImage - CompressImage
-func compressImage(inputPath, outputfilePath string) error {
-	commandargs := []string{`-i`, inputPath, `-vf`, `scale=iw:-1`, `-y`, outputfilePath}
-	return executeargs("ffmpeg", commandargs)
-// ResizeImage - ResizeImage
-func resizeImage(inputPath, outputfilePath, targetwidth string) error {
-	commandargs := []string{`-i`, inputPath, `-vf`, `scale=` + targetwidth + `:-1`, `-y`, outputfilePath}
-	return executeargs("ffmpeg", commandargs)
-// resizeImageWithoutAspectRatio - resizeImageWithoutAspectRatio
-func resizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(inputPath, outputfilePath, targetwidth, targetheight string) error {
-	commandargs := []string{`-i`, inputPath, `-vf`, `scale=` + targetwidth + `:` + targetheight, `-y`, outputfilePath}
-	return executeargs("ffmpeg", commandargs)
-// SmartCropImage - SmartCropImage
-func smartCropImage() error {
-	return executeargs("", []string{})
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediaimage_test.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediaimage_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e1e71d8fb6be7758adbb560470f6b808cf64594..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediaimage_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func Test_compressImage(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/sample.bmp"
-	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/sample-compress-image.jpg"
-	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-	err := compressImage(inputPath, outputPath)
-	// fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will not thrown an error.")
-func Test1_compressImage(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/path with spaces/sample.bmp"
-	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/path with spaces/sample-compress-image.jpg"
-	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-	err := compressImage(inputPath, outputPath)
-	// fmt.Println("err: ", err)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will not thrown an error.")
-func Test_resizeImage(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/sample.bmp"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/sample-resized-image.bmp"
-	err := resizeImage(inputPath, outputPath, "100")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will not throw error")
-func Test_resizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/sample.bmp"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/image/sample-resize-wo-aspect-image.bmp"
-	err := resizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(inputPath, outputPath, "100", "100")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will not throw error")
-func Test_smartCropImage(t *testing.T) {
-	err := smartCropImage()
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will not throw error")
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediamdl.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediamdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fcffb1cbc0a13badccc225128c1f5214e331f94..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediamdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"os/exec"
-// CompressVideo - CompressVideo
-func CompressVideo(inputPath, outputfilePath string) error {
-	return compressVideo(inputPath, outputfilePath)
-// ResizeVideo - ResizeVideo
-func ResizeVideo(inputPath, targetwidth, targetheight, outputfilePath string) error {
-	return resizeVideo(inputPath, targetwidth, targetheight, outputfilePath)
-// GetAudioFromVideo - GetAudioFromVideo
-func GetAudioFromVideo(inputPath, outputfilePath string) error {
-	return getAudioFromVideo1(inputPath, outputfilePath)
-// CompressImage - CompressImage
-func CompressImage(inputPath, outputfilePath string) error {
-	return compressImage(inputPath, outputfilePath)
-// ResizeImage - ResizeImage
-func ResizeImage(inputPath, outputfilePath, targetwidth string) error {
-	return resizeImage(inputPath, outputfilePath, targetwidth)
-// ResizeImageWithoutAspectRatio - ResizeImageWithoutAspectRatio
-func ResizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(inputPath, outputfilePath, targetwidth, targetheight string) error {
-	return resizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(inputPath, outputfilePath, targetwidth, targetheight)
-// SmartCropImage - SmartCropImage
-func SmartCropImage() error {
-	return smartCropImage()
-func executeargs(commandline string, args []string) error {
-	cmd := exec.Command(commandline, args...)
-	var stderr bytes.Buffer
-	cmd.Stderr = &stderr
-	err := cmd.Run()
-	if err != nil {
-		// loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		// loggermdl.LogError(stderr.String())
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediamdl_test.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediamdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a97556dbb2baead7ab88692e4c46f0af28a5c8c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediamdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestCompressVideo(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/video/sample.avi"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/video/sample-compress-video.mp4"
-	err := CompressVideo(inputPath, outputPath)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-func TestResizeVideo(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/video/sample.mp4"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/video/sample-resize-video.mp4"
-	err := ResizeVideo(inputPath, "100", "100", outputPath)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-func TestGetAudioFromVideo(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/audio/sample.mp4"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/audio/sample-audio.mp3"
-	err := GetAudioFromVideo(inputPath, outputPath)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-func TestCompressImage(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/image/sample.bmp"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/image/sample-compress-image.jpg"
-	err := CompressImage(inputPath, outputPath)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-func TestResizeImage(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/image/sample.bmp"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/image/sample-resized-image.bmp"
-	err := ResizeImage(inputPath, outputPath, "100")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-func TestResizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/image/sample.bmp"
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/mediamdl/image/sample-resize-wo-aspect-image.bmp"
-	err := ResizeImageWithoutAspectRatio(inputPath, outputPath, "100", "100")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will thrown an error.")
-func TestSmartCropImage(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SmartCropImage()
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This will not throw error")
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediavideo.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediavideo.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c80b4a737a20bf3176cb2e3edbb5918ea2c0a77..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediavideo.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-// data := `ffmpeg  -i ` + inputPath + ` -strict -2 -s 720x480 -vf scale=1280:0 -c:v libx264 -preset veryslow -crf 24 -y ` + outputfilePath
-// CompressVideo - CompressVideo
-func compressVideo(inputPath, outputfilePath string) error {
-	commandargs := []string{`-i`, inputPath, `-strict`, `-2`, `-vf`, `scale=iw:-1`, `-c:v`, `libx264`, `-preset`, `veryslow`, `-crf`, `24`, `-y`, outputfilePath}
-	return executeargs("ffmpeg", commandargs)
-// ResizeVideo - ResizeVideo
-func resizeVideo(inputPath, targetwidth, targetheight, outputfilePath string) error {
-	commandargs := []string{`-i`, inputPath, `-strict`, `-2`, `-s`, targetwidth + `x` + targetheight, `-vf`, `scale=iw:-1`, `-c:v`, `libx264`, `-preset`, `veryslow`, `-crf`, `24`, `-y`, outputfilePath}
-	return executeargs("ffmpeg", commandargs)
diff --git a/v2/mediamdl/mediavideo_test.go b/v2/mediamdl/mediavideo_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d0826189e2e886a0627e624dea957872d6caf805..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/mediamdl/mediavideo_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-package mediamdl
-import (
-	"path/filepath"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func Test_compressVideo(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/video/sample.avi"
-	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/video/sample-compress-video.mp4"
-	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-	err := compressVideo(inputPath, outputPath)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will not thrown an error.")
-func Test_resizeVideo(t *testing.T) {
-	inputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/video/sample.mp4"
-	inputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(inputPath)
-	outputPath := "../testingdata/testData/mediamdl/video/sample-resize-video.mp4"
-	outputPath, _ = filepath.Abs(outputPath)
-	err := resizeVideo(inputPath, "100", "100", outputPath)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This will not thrown an error.")
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email-config.toml b/v2/notificationmdl/email/email-config.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b1d5e1de9259dc8ffe42a4fc0b4b5113025048..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email-config.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email-template.html b/v2/notificationmdl/email/email-template.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e182e34678888864733e558f1607219a667adeb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email-template.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-    <title>Handler</title>
-        hello {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}}! 
-        I am implementing golang template email notification.
-                    {{range .Emails}}
-                        An email addresses are {{.}}
-                    {{end}}
-        <div class="note">
-           <p> <a href="http://www.mkcl.org/" style="color: darkcyan"><b>Visit MKCL here</b></a> </p>
-        </div>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email.go b/v2/notificationmdl/email/email.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 953dfe921f7306189b3bce0e51df05d9fff69e4a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-package email
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"crypto/tls"
-	"html/template"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"gopkg.in/gomail.v2"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/configmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	raymond "github.com/aymerick/raymond"
-// EmailConfig - EmailConfig
-type EmailConfig struct {
-	HostName  string `json:"hostName"`
-	Server    string `json:"server"`
-	Port      int    `json:"port"`
-	Username  string `json:"username"`
-	Password  string `json:"password"`
-	SSL       bool   `json:"SSL"`
-	IsDefault bool   `json:"isDefault"`
-var once sync.Once
-var config = EmailConfig{}
-var emailInitError error
-// Init - initializes toml file configurations
-func Init(tomlFilepath string) error {
-	once.Do(func() {
-		_, err := configmdl.InitConfig(tomlFilepath, &config)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			emailInitError = err
-			return
-		}
-	})
-	return emailInitError
-type Email struct {
-	from        string
-	replyTo     string
-	to          []string
-	cc          []string
-	bcc         []string
-	subject     string
-	attachments []string
-	body        string
-	plainBody   string // alternate text if template fails
-func NewEmail(to, cc, bcc, attachments []string, from, replyTo, subject, body string) *Email {
-	return &Email{
-		from:        from,
-		replyTo:     replyTo,
-		to:          to,
-		cc:          cc,
-		bcc:         bcc,
-		subject:     subject,
-		attachments: attachments,
-		body:        body,
-	}
-// SetAlternateText - set alternate text for email
-func (email *Email) SetAlternateText(plainBody string) {
-	email.plainBody = plainBody
-// SendMail - send email service sends email as per the given html template and data
-//templateData can contain any type of values, including array, slice, map, struct and func
-func (email *Email) SendMail(templateFilePath string, templateData interface{}) error {
-	err := email.parseTemplateFile(templateFilePath, templateData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	err = email.ParsePlainText(email.plainBody, templateData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	if err := email.Send(); errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling SendMail: ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Failed to send the email to: " + strings.Join(email.to, ", "))
-	}
-	return nil
-func (email *Email) parseTemplateFile(templateFilePath string, templateData interface{}) error {
-	tmplt, err := template.ParseFiles(templateFilePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateFile: ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
-	if err = tmplt.Execute(buffer, templateData); errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateFile: ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	email.body = buffer.String()
-	return nil
-// SendMailWithHandlebar - send email service sends email as per the given html text and data
-//templateData can contain any type of values, including array, slice, map, struct and func
-func (email *Email) SendMailWithHandlebar(templateText string, templateData interface{}) error {
-	err := email.parseTemplateText(templateText, templateData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	if err := email.Send(); errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling SendMailWithHandlebar: ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Failed to send the email to: " + strings.Join(email.to, ", "))
-	}
-	return nil
-func (email *Email) parseTemplateText(templateText string, templateData interface{}) error {
-	tmplt, err := raymond.Parse(templateText)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateText: ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	emailbody, err := tmplt.Exec(templateData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateText: ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	email.body = emailbody
-	return nil
-// Send -send email
-func (email *Email) Send() error {
-	domain, domainErr := getSenderDomain(email.from)
-	if domainErr != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error getting domain address: ", domainErr)
-		return domainErr
-	}
-	message := gomail.NewMessage()
-	message.SetHeader("From", email.from)
-	message.SetHeader("To", email.to...)
-	message.SetHeader("Reply-To", email.replyTo)
-	message.SetHeader("Cc", email.cc...)
-	message.SetHeader("Bcc", email.bcc...)
-	message.SetHeader("Subject", email.subject)
-	message.SetHeader("Message-ID", getMSGIDHeader(domain, guidmdl.GetGUID()))
-	if len(strings.TrimSpace(email.plainBody)) == 0 {
-		message.SetBody("text/html", email.body)
-	} else {
-		message.SetBody("text/plain", email.plainBody)
-		message.AddAlternative("text/html", email.body)
-	}
-	for _, attachment := range email.attachments {
-		message.Attach(attachment) // attach whatever you want
-	}
-	dialer := gomail.Dialer{Host: config.Server, Port: config.Port, Username: config.Username, Password: config.Password, SSL: config.SSL}
-	dialer.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: !config.SSL}
-	if err := dialer.DialAndSend(message); errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling Send(): ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-func getMSGIDHeader(domain, guid string) string {
-	return "<" + guid + "@" + domain + ">"
-func getSenderDomain(from string) (string, error) {
-	s := strings.Split(from, "@")
-	if len(s) != 2 {
-		return "", errormdl.Wrap("invalid email id for sender")
-	}
-	return s[1], nil
-// SendMailSMTP - send email service sends email as per the given html template and data using smtp
-// func (email *Email) SendMailSMTP(templateFilePath string, templateData interface{}) error {
-// 	err := email.parseTemplate(templateFilePath, templateData)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-// 		return err
-// 	}
-// 	if err := email.sendMailSMTP(); err != nil {
-// 		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-// 		return errormdl.Wrap("Failed to send the email to: " + strings.Join(email.to, ", "))
-// 	}
-// 	return nil
-// }
-// func (email *Email) sendMailSMTP() error {
-// 	body := "To: " + strings.Join(email.to, ",") + "\r\nSubject: " + email.subject + "\r\n" + constantmdl.MIME + "\r\n" + email.body
-// 	SMTP := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", config.Server, config.Port)
-// 	if err := smtp.SendMail(SMTP, smtp.PlainAuth("", config.Email, config.Password, config.Server), config.Email, email.to, []byte(body)); err != nil {
-// 		return err
-// 	}
-// 	return nil
-// }
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/email/emailSLS.go b/v2/notificationmdl/email/emailSLS.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 97a4553ff73f641cece938ecdaa2c932b96848f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/email/emailSLS.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-package email
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"crypto/tls"
-	"html/template"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	gomail "gopkg.in/gomail.v2"
-var instances map[string]EmailConfig
-var onceMutex sync.Once
-var defaultHost string
-// InitUsingJSON initializes Email Connections for give JSON data
-func InitUsingJSON(configs []EmailConfig) {
-	onceMutex.Do(func() {
-		instances = make(map[string]EmailConfig)
-		for _, config := range configs {
-			instances[config.HostName] = config
-			if config.IsDefault {
-				defaultHost = config.HostName
-			}
-		}
-	})
-// SendMailFromSLS -send email
-func (email *Email) SendMailFromSLS(hostName string) error {
-	config := EmailConfig{}
-	if hostName == "" {
-		tmp, ok := instances[defaultHost]
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Host not found: " + hostName)
-			return errormdl.Wrap("Host not found: " + hostName)
-		}
-		config = tmp
-	} else {
-		tmp, ok := instances[hostName]
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Host not found: " + hostName)
-			return errormdl.Wrap("Host not found: " + hostName)
-		}
-		config = tmp
-	}
-	domain, domainErr := getSenderDomain(email.from)
-	if domainErr != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error getting domain address: ", domainErr)
-		return domainErr
-	}
-	message := gomail.NewMessage()
-	message.SetHeader("From", email.from)
-	message.SetHeader("To", email.to...)
-	message.SetHeader("Reply-To", email.replyTo)
-	message.SetHeader("Cc", email.cc...)
-	message.SetHeader("Bcc", email.bcc...)
-	message.SetHeader("Subject", email.subject)
-	message.SetHeader("Message-ID", getMSGIDHeader(domain, guidmdl.GetGUID()))
-	if len(strings.TrimSpace(email.plainBody)) == 0 {
-		message.SetBody("text/html", email.body)
-	} else {
-		message.SetBody("text/plain", email.plainBody)
-		message.AddAlternative("text/html", email.body)
-	}
-	for _, attachment := range email.attachments {
-		message.Attach(attachment) // attach whatever you want
-	}
-	dialer := gomail.Dialer{Host: config.Server, Port: config.Port, Username: config.Username, Password: config.Password, SSL: config.SSL}
-	dialer.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: !config.SSL}
-	if err := dialer.DialAndSend(message); errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling Send(): ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-		return err
-	}
-	return nil
-// // ParseTemplateText -ParseTemplateText
-// func (email *Email) ParseTemplateText(templateText string, templateData interface{}) error {
-// 	tmplt, err := raymond.Parse(templateText)
-// 	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-// 		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateText: ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-// 		return err
-// 	}
-// 	emailbody, err := tmplt.Exec(templateData)
-// 	if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-// 		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateText: ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-// 		return err
-// 	}
-// 	email.body = emailbody
-// 	return nil
-// }
-// ParseTemplateText - ParseTemplateText
-func (email *Email) ParseTemplateText(templateFileText string, templateData interface{}) error {
-	tmp := template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(templateFileText))
-	// tmplt, err := template.ParseGlob(templateFileText)
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateFile: ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
-	err := tmp.Execute(buffer, templateData)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	// if err = tmplt.Execute(buffer, templateData); errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling parseTemplateFile: ", errormdl.CheckErr1(err))
-	// 	return err
-	// }
-	email.body = buffer.String()
-	return nil
-// ParsePlainText - ParsePlainText
-func (email *Email) ParsePlainText(templateFileText string, templateData interface{}) error {
-	tmp := template.Must(template.New("email").Parse(templateFileText))
-	buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
-	err := tmp.Execute(buffer, templateData)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return err
-	}
-	email.plainBody = buffer.String()
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email_test.go b/v2/notificationmdl/email/email_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a2b4195b8e2eb40dbeb25d37dcef040681490fce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/email/email_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-package email
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-type Person struct {
-	FirstName string
-	LastName  string
-	Emails    []string
-func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := Init("email-config.toml")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendMail(t *testing.T) {
-	persondata := Person{
-		FirstName: "Mayuri",
-		LastName:  "Shinde",
-		Emails:    []string{"mayuris@gmail.com", "mayuri@gmail.com"},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test Email gomail"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	// cc := []string{"onkarh@mkcl.org", "kumargauravs@mkcl.org"}
-	// bcc := []string{"Prajkty@mkcl.org", "rakeshd@mkcl.org"}
-	//attachments := []string{"go.jpg"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	err := mail.SendMail("email-template.html", persondata)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendMailErrorWrongTemplt(t *testing.T) {
-	persondata := Person{
-		FirstName: "Mayuri",
-		LastName:  "Shinde",
-		Emails:    []string{"mayuris@gmail.com", "mayuri@gmail.com"},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test Email gomail"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	err := mail.SendMail("wrong.html", persondata)
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSendMailError(t *testing.T) {
-	persondata := Person{
-		FirstName: "Mayuri",
-		LastName:  "Shinde",
-		Emails:    []string{"mayuris@gmail.com", "mayuri@gmail.com"},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test Email gomail"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := mail.SendMail("email-template.html", persondata)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSendMailError1(t *testing.T) {
-	persondata := Person{
-		FirstName: "Mayuri",
-		LastName:  "Shinde",
-		Emails:    []string{"mayuris@gmail.com", "mayuri@gmail.com"},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test Email gomail"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := mail.SendMail("email-template.html", persondata)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func BenchmarkSendMail(b *testing.B) {
-	persondata := Person{
-		FirstName: "Mayuri",
-		LastName:  "Shinde",
-		Emails:    []string{"mayuris@gmail.com", "mayuri@gmail.com"},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test Email smtp"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		mail.SendMail("email-template.html", persondata)
-	}
-func TestSendMailWithHandlebar(t *testing.T) {
-	tpl1 := `<div class="post">
-	<h1>By {{author.firstName}} {{author.lastName}}</h1>
-	<div class="body">{{body}}</div>
-	<h1>Comments</h1>
-	{{#each comments}}
-	<h2>By {{author.firstName}} {{author.lastName}}</h2>
-	<div class="body">{{content}}</div>
-	{{/each}}
-  </div>`
-	type Person struct {
-		FirstName string
-		LastName  string
-	}
-	type Comment struct {
-		Author Person
-		Body   string `handlebars:"content"`
-	}
-	type Post struct {
-		Author   Person
-		Body     string
-		Comments []Comment
-	}
-	ctx1 := Post{
-		Person{"Jean", "Valjean"},
-		"Life is difficult",
-		[]Comment{
-			Comment{
-				Person{"Marcel", "Beliveau"},
-				"LOL!",
-			},
-		},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test SendMailWithHandlebar"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	err := mail.SendMailWithHandlebar(tpl1, ctx1)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendMailWithHandlebarError(t *testing.T) {
-	tpl2 := `<div class="entry">
-	<h1>{{title}}</h1>
-	<div class="body">
-	  {{body}}
-	</div>
-  </div>
-  `
-	ctx2 := []map[string]string{
-		{
-			"title": "My New Post",
-			"body":  "This is my first post!",
-		},
-		{
-			"title": "Here is another post",
-			"body":  "This is my second post!",
-		},
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test SendMailWithHandlebarError"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := mail.SendMailWithHandlebar(tpl2, ctx2)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendMailWithHandlebarError1(t *testing.T) {
-	tpl1 := `<div class="entry">
-	<h1>{{title}}</h1>
-	<div class="body">
-	  {{body}}
-	</div>
-  </div>
-  `
-	ctx1 := map[string]string{
-		"title": "My New Post",
-		"body":  "This is my first post!",
-	}
-	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-	subject := "Test SendMailWithHandlebarError1"
-	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-	Init("email-config.toml")
-	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	err := mail.SendMailWithHandlebar(tpl1, ctx1)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// func BenchmarkSendMailSMTP(b *testing.B) {
-// 	persondata := Person{
-// 		FirstName: "Mayuri",
-// 		LastName:  "Shinde",
-// 		Emails:    []string{"mayuris@gmail.com", "mayuri@gmail.com"},
-// 	}
-// 	from := "mayuris@mkcl.org"
-// 	subject := "Test Email smtp"
-// 	to := []string{"mayuri92shinde@gmail.com"}
-// 	Init("email-config.toml")
-// 	mail := NewEmail(to, []string{}, []string{}, []string{}, from, subject, "")
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		mail.SendMailSMTP("email-template.html", persondata)
-// 	}
-// }
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms-config.toml b/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms-config.toml
deleted file mode 100644
index f5ccc9648bace043d19eedc6067f4a8d26b8f221..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms-config.toml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms.go b/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2026d7f78153301ee7873c7a33dd9f1764847d88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-package sms
-import (
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"sync"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/configmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-type SMSConfig struct {
-	SMSGatewayUrl string
-	UserName      string
-	Password      string
-	SenderID      string
-	CDMAHeader    string
-var once sync.Once
-var config = SMSConfig{}
-var smsInitError error
-// Init - initializes toml file configurations
-func Init(tomlFilepath string) error {
-	once.Do(func() {
-		_, err := configmdl.InitConfig(tomlFilepath, &config)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			smsInitError = err
-			return
-		}
-	})
-	return smsInitError
-// SendSMS -
-func SendSMS(message string, mobileNumber string) error {
-	// define url
-	var Url *url.URL
-	// add url
-	Url, parseErr := url.Parse(config.SMSGatewayUrl)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(parseErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while connect with SMS gateway : ", errormdl.CheckErr(parseErr))
-		return parseErr
-	}
-	// add url parameters
-	urlParameters := url.Values{}
-	urlParameters.Add("username", config.UserName)
-	urlParameters.Add("password", config.Password)
-	if len(mobileNumber) == 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling SendSMS : ", errormdl.Wrap("Mobile number empty"))
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Mobile number empty")
-	}
-	urlParameters.Add("to", constantmdl.COUNTRYCODE+mobileNumber)
-	urlParameters.Add("from", config.CDMAHeader)
-	urlParameters.Add("text", message)
-	// encode url
-	Url.RawQuery = urlParameters.Encode()
-	// send get request
-	response, getErr := http.Get(Url.String())
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(getErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling SendSMS : ", errormdl.CheckErr1(getErr))
-		if response != nil {
-			response.Body.Close()
-		}
-		return getErr
-	}
-	response.Body.Close()
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms_test.go b/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e0ba8a228b36de800fb7e6e611ebe911e646d9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/notificationmdl/sms/sms_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package sms
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestInit(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	err := Init("sms-config.toml")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendSMS(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("sms-config.toml")
-	err := SendSMS("Hi..", "7768982288")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendMobileempty(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("sms-config.toml")
-	err := SendSMS("Hi..", "")
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSendMessageempty(t *testing.T) {
-	Init("sms-config.toml")
-	err := SendSMS("", "7768982288")
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-func TestSendSMSError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	Init("sms-config.toml")
-	err := SendSMS("Hi..", "7768982288")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestSendSMSError1(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-	Init("sms-config.toml")
-	err := SendSMS("Hi..", "7768982288")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
diff --git a/v2/powerbuildermdl/powerbuildermdl.go b/v2/powerbuildermdl/powerbuildermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e56a03c6a0882e16793d3afc2522a0d01061a4ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/powerbuildermdl/powerbuildermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-package powerbuildermdl
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/grpcservermdl.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/grpcservermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 14cc1de2485d07e49b047fd4b99b3d54029e5c74..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/grpcservermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"context"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"net"
-	"google.golang.org/grpc"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/grpcbuildermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-// Server server
-type Server struct{}
-// GRPCInit init
-func GRPCInit(GRPCPort net.Listener) {
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("In GRPCInit")
-	s := grpc.NewServer()
-	grpcbuildermdl.RegisterGRPCCheckServer(s, &Server{})
-	grpcbuildermdl.RegisterGRPCServiceServer(s, &Server{})
-	if err := s.Serve(GRPCPort); err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Unable to start GRPC server: %v", err)
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogError("GRPC server started on :", GRPCPort.Addr().String())
-// GRPCHandler GRPCHandler
-func (*Server) GRPCHandler(ctx context.Context, req *grpcbuildermdl.GRPCRequest) (*grpcbuildermdl.GRPCByteResponse, error) {
-	loggermdl.LogError("GRPC Handler inoked:")
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	errExecutingActivity := ""
-	if req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRestricted() {
-		claim, _ := jwtmdl.GeneratePricipleObjUsingToken(req.GetGrpcMessage().GetToken(), jwtmdl.GlobalJWTKey)
-		groups, grperr := roleenforcemdl.GetGroupNames(claim, "groups")
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(grperr) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error accessing group", grperr)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(grperr)
-		}
-		userID, ok := claim["userId"].(string)
-		if !ok || len(userID) < 2 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Unable to parse UserID from JWT Token")
-			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Unable to parse UserID from JWT Token")
-		}
-		rawMetadata, ok := claim["metadata"]
-		if ok {
-			metadata, ok := rawMetadata.(string)
-			if !ok {
-				loggermdl.LogError("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-				return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-			}
-			principal.Metadata = metadata
-		}
-		principal.Groups = groups
-		principal.UserID = userID
-		principal.Token = req.GetGrpcMessage().GetToken()
-	}
-	//TODO: call executeServiveBranchWise
-	// result, _, _, errorCode, err := executeService(
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetName(),
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetData(), req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRestricted(),
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRoleBased(), false, principal)
-	result, _, _, errorCode, err := executeServiceWithBranch(
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetName(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetBranch(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetData(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRestricted(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRoleBased(), false, principal)
-	e, _ := json.Marshal(result)
-	if err != nil {
-		errExecutingActivity = err.Error()
-	}
-	res := &grpcbuildermdl.GRPCByteResponse{
-		Data:      e,
-		ErrorCode: int32(errorCode),
-		Error:     errExecutingActivity,
-	}
-	return res, nil
-// GRPCCheck GRPCCheck
-func (*Server) GRPCCheck(ctx context.Context, req *grpcbuildermdl.GRPCRequest) (*grpcbuildermdl.GRPCResponse, error) {
-	claim, _ := jwtmdl.GeneratePricipleObjUsingToken(req.GetGrpcMessage().GetToken(), jwtmdl.GlobalJWTKey)
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	groups, grperr := roleenforcemdl.GetGroupNames(claim, "groups")
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(grperr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(grperr)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(grperr)
-	}
-	userID, ok := claim["userId"].(string)
-	if !ok || len(userID) < 2 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Unable to parse UserID from JWT Token")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Unable to parse UserID from JWT Token")
-	}
-	rawMetadata, ok := claim["metadata"]
-	if ok {
-		metadata, ok := rawMetadata.(string)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-		}
-		principal.Metadata = metadata
-	}
-	principal.Groups = groups
-	principal.UserID = userID
-	principal.Token = req.GetGrpcMessage().GetToken()
-	//TODO: remove logger
-	loggermdl.LogError("Branch:", req.GetGrpcMessage().GetBranch())
-	_, _, _, _, err := executeServiceWithBranch(
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetName(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetBranch(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetData(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRestricted(),
-		req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRoleBased(), false, principal)
-	// _, _, _, _, err := executeService(
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetName(),
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetData(),
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRestricted(),
-	// 	req.GetGrpcMessage().GetIsRoleBased(), false, principal)
-	res := &grpcbuildermdl.GRPCResponse{
-		Data: "Response from GRPC Check service",
-	}
-	return res, err
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/masterServicemdl.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/masterServicemdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9526e37659d3b85a2096dffeac5c4a8548f87140..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/masterServicemdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-	dalmdl "corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/dao"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/mongodb"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// Master - struct for master Service
-type Master struct {
-	serviceName  string
-	isCach       bool
-	cacheTime    time.Duration
-	isRestricted bool
-	isRoleBased  bool
-	isMongo      bool
-// MongoQuery - for mongo service
-type MongoQuery struct {
-	collection         string
-	host               string
-	query              string
-	projectionQuery    string
-	args               []string
-	isAggregationQuery bool
-// FDBQuery - for fdb services
-type FDBQuery struct {
-	filePath string
-	query    []string
-// Runable - helps to run
-type Runable struct {
-	Master
-	MongoQuery
-	FDBQuery
-// MongoService - return mongo query object
-func (m *Master) MongoService(collectionName, mongoQuery string) *Runable {
-	mongo := MongoQuery{
-		collection: collectionName,
-		query:      mongoQuery,
-	}
-	m.isMongo = true
-	runable := &Runable{
-		Master:     *m,
-		MongoQuery: mongo,
-	}
-	return runable
-// MongoServiceWithHost - return mongo query object
-func (m *Master) MongoServiceWithHost(hostName, collectionName, mongoQuery string) *Runable {
-	mongo := MongoQuery{
-		host:       hostName,
-		collection: collectionName,
-		query:      mongoQuery,
-	}
-	m.isMongo = true
-	runable := &Runable{
-		Master:     *m,
-		MongoQuery: mongo,
-	}
-	return runable
-// FDBService - return mongo query object
-func (m *Master) FDBService(filPath string, query ...string) *Runable {
-	FDB := FDBQuery{
-		filePath: filPath,
-		query:    query,
-	}
-	runable := &Runable{
-		Master:   *m,
-		FDBQuery: FDB,
-	}
-	return runable
-// IsCachable for both fdb and mongo
-func (m *Master) IsCachable() *Master {
-	m.isCach = true
-	return m
-// IsCachableWithExpiration for both fdb and mongo
-func (m *Master) IsCachableWithExpiration(cacheExpirationTime time.Duration) *Master {
-	m.isCach = true
-	m.cacheTime = cacheExpirationTime
-	return m
-// SetArgs set argument for query string
-func (m *Runable) SetArgs(args ...string) *Runable {
-	if m.Master.isMongo {
-		m.MongoQuery.args = args
-	}
-	return m
-// SetProjectionQuery set SetProjectionQuery for query string
-func (m *Runable) SetProjectionQuery(query string) *Runable {
-	if m.Master.isMongo {
-		m.MongoQuery.projectionQuery = query
-	}
-	return m
-// IsAggregationQuery - Set flag for aggregation query
-func (m *Runable) IsAggregationQuery() *Runable {
-	if m.Master.isMongo {
-		m.MongoQuery.isAggregationQuery = true
-	}
-	return m
-// // Register - register it in cacahe
-// func (m *Runable) Register() {
-// 	service := ServiceCache{
-// 		MasterService:   m,
-// 		IsMasterService: true,
-// 	}
-// 	commonServiceRegistration(m.Master.serviceName, service, m.Master.isRestricted, m.Master.isRoleBased)
-// }
-// Run - execute and return output and error
-func (m *Runable) Run(data []byte, principal *servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-	if m.Master.isMongo {
-		return m.runMongoService(data, principal)
-	}
-	return m.runFDBService()
-func (m *Runable) runMongoService(data []byte, principal *servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(data)
-	tmp := m.MongoQuery.query
-	var principalError error
-	tmp, principalError = parsePricipalObject(tmp, principal)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(principalError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(principalError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(principalError)
-	}
-	if m.MongoQuery.isAggregationQuery {
-		v, formatError := m.formatAggregateQuery(&rs, tmp)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(formatError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(formatError)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(formatError)
-		}
-		query, getError := mongodb.GetMongoDAOWithHost(m.MongoQuery.host, m.MongoQuery.collection).GetAggregateData(v)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(getError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(getError)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(getError)
-		}
-		return query.Value(), nil
-	}
-	v, p, formatError := m.formatNormalQuery(&rs, tmp)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(formatError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(formatError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(formatError)
-	}
-	query, getError := mongodb.GetMongoDAOWithHost(m.MongoQuery.host, m.MongoQuery.collection).GetProjectedData(v, p)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(getError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(getError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(getError)
-	}
-	return query.Value(), nil
-func (m *Runable) formatAggregateQuery(rs *gjson.Result, tmp string) ([]interface{}, error) {
-	for i, arg := range m.MongoQuery.args {
-		result := rs.Get(arg).String()
-		argNotation := "~" + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
-		tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, argNotation, result, 1)
-	}
-	v, ok := gjson.Parse(tmp).Value().([]interface{})
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Invalid Mongo Query")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Invalid Mongo Query")
-	}
-	return v, nil
-func (m *Runable) formatNormalQuery(rs *gjson.Result, tmp string) (map[string]interface{}, map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	for i, arg := range m.MongoQuery.args {
-		result := rs.Get(arg).String()
-		argNotation := "~" + strconv.Itoa(i+1)
-		tmp = strings.Replace(tmp, argNotation, result, 1)
-	}
-	v, ok := gjson.Parse(tmp).Value().(map[string]interface{})
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Invalid Mongo Query")
-		return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("Invalid Mongo Query")
-	}
-	if m.MongoQuery.projectionQuery == "" {
-		m.MongoQuery.projectionQuery = "{}"
-	}
-	p, ok := gjson.Parse(m.MongoQuery.projectionQuery).Value().(map[string]interface{})
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Invalid Mongo Projection Query Query")
-		return nil, nil, errormdl.Wrap("Invalid Mongo Projection Query Query")
-	}
-	return v, p, nil
-func parsePricipalObject(query string, principal *servicebuildermdl.Principal) (string, error) {
-	ba, marshalError := json.Marshal(principal)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(marshalError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(marshalError)
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(marshalError)
-	}
-	pricipalRS := gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-	result := pricipalRS.Get("userId").String()
-	argNotation := "~tokenUserId"
-	query = strings.Replace(query, argNotation, result, 1)
-	return query, nil
-func (m *Runable) runFDBService() (interface{}, error) {
-	rs, getError := dalmdl.GetDAO().
-		FilePath(m.FDBQuery.filePath).
-		Query(m.FDBQuery.query...).
-		IsCacheableWithDuration(m.Master.cacheTime).
-		Run()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(getError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(getError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(getError)
-	}
-	return rs.Value(), nil
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/masterServicemdl_test.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/masterServicemdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ec904a1e6ffee929c73e5cf92d7cb2746b915d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/masterServicemdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-// func TestRunable_Run(t *testing.T) {
-// 	err := mongodb.Init("../testingdata/testData/config/config.toml", "host1")
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err)
-// 	query := `{"name": "~1", "age": ~2}`
-// 	input := `{"name": "roshan", "age": 23}`
-// 	run := RegisterMasterService("serviceName", true, false).
-// 		IsCachable().
-// 		MongoService("test", query).
-// 		SetArgs("name", "age")
-// 	result, err := run.Run([]byte(input))
-// 	fmt.Println(result)
-// 	assert.NotNil(t, result)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err)
-// }
-// func TestFDB_Run(t *testing.T) {
-// 	path := "../testingdata/users.json"
-// 	run := RegisterMasterService("serviceName", true, false).
-// 		IsCachableWithExpiration(1000).
-// 		FDBService(path, "*")
-// 	result, err := run.Run(nil)
-// 	fmt.Println(result)
-// 	assert.NotNil(t, result)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err)
-// }
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/responseHanldermdl.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/responseHanldermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a19da004dcb37e9a968f370d44dc5e5dca4ea572..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/responseHanldermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-//  Repose Header setting
-var responseHeaders cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-func init() {
-	// TODO: Take all configurations from config module
-	responseHeaders.Setup(10, time.Minute*10, time.Minute*10)
-// ResponseHeaders this is struct for Response headers
-type ResponseHeaders struct {
-	ServiceName string
-	HeaderID    string           `json:"headerId"`
-	LCache      bool             `json:"lCache"`
-	Methods     []responseMethod `json:"methods"`
-type responseMethod struct {
-	MethodName string      `json:"methodName"`
-	Data       interface{} `json:"data"`
-type responseData struct {
-	Result         interface{}   `json:"result"`
-	Error          interface{}   `json:"error"`
-	ResponseHeader interface{}   `json:"reponseHeader"`
-	ErrorCode      int           `json:"errorCode"`
-	DebugResponse  DebugResponse `json:"debugInfo"`
-	IsCompressed   bool          `json:"isCompressed"`
-	ServerTime     time.Time     `json:"serverTime"`
-// DebugResponse - DebugResponse
-type DebugResponse struct {
-	StackTrace      interface{} `json:"stackTrace"`
-	PerformanceInfo interface{} `json:"performanceInfo"`
-// CreateResponseHeader create an instance of response header for service
-func CreateResponseHeader(serviceName string) *ResponseHeaders {
-	lCacheflag := false
-	responseHeader, ok := responseHeaders.Get(serviceName)
-	if ok {
-		lCacheflag = responseHeader.(ResponseHeaders).LCache
-		// TODO: Delete functionality
-		// responseHeaders.Delete(serviceName)
-	}
-	rh := &ResponseHeaders{}
-	rh.ServiceName = serviceName
-	rh.LCache = lCacheflag
-	rh.HeaderID = guidmdl.GetGUID()
-	return rh
-// EnableReponseCache cache this response in local storge
-func (rh *ResponseHeaders) EnableReponseCache() *ResponseHeaders {
-	rh.LCache = true
-	return rh
-// DisableReponseCache cache this response in local storge
-func (rh *ResponseHeaders) DisableReponseCache() *ResponseHeaders {
-	rh.LCache = false
-	return rh
-// AddMethod add method and data in response
-func (rh *ResponseHeaders) AddMethod(name string, data interface{}) *ResponseHeaders {
-	rh.Methods = append(rh.Methods, responseMethod{MethodName: name, Data: data})
-	return rh
-// SetResponseHeader set response headers in cache
-func (rh *ResponseHeaders) SetResponseHeader() {
-	responseHeaders.SetNoExpiration(rh.ServiceName, *rh)
-// GetResponseHeader return response header object
-func GetResponseHeader(serviceName string) (interface{}, bool) {
-	return responseHeaders.Get(serviceName)
-func formatResponse(ab *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder, responseData responseData) responseData {
-	if ab == nil {
-		return responseData
-	}
-	stackTrace, _ := ab.GetDataResultset("MQLStackTrace")
-	performanceTrace, _ := ab.GetDataResultset("MQLPerformanceTrace")
-	responseData.DebugResponse.StackTrace = stackTrace.Value()
-	responseData.DebugResponse.PerformanceInfo = performanceTrace.Value()
-	responseData.ServerTime = time.Now()
-	return responseData
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuilder_fasthttp.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuilder_fasthttp.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f3bc639e03c763f564a05996fc9512423cf207f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuilder_fasthttp.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-//  +build fasthttp
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"context"
-	"net"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	version "github.com/hashicorp/go-version"
-	"github.com/pquerna/ffjson/ffjson"
-	routing "github.com/qiangxue/fasthttp-routing"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// Init routing init
-func Init(o, r, c *routing.RouteGroup, JWTKey string) {
-	o.Post("/mql/state", statemdl.StateHandler)
-	o.Post("/mql", OpenHandler)
-	r.Post("/mql", RestrictedHandler)
-	c.Post("/mql", RoleBasedHandler)
-	o.Post("/heavymql", HeavyOpenHandler)
-	r.Post("/heavymql", HeavyRestrictedHandler)
-	c.Post("/heavymql", HeavyRoleBasedHandler)
-	jwtmdl.GlobalJWTKey = JWTKey
-func commonHandler(c *routing.Context, isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity bool, principalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) error {
-	serviceHeader := string(c.Request.Header.Peek("Service-Header"))
-	branch := CleanBranch(
-		strings.TrimSpace(string(c.Request.Header.Peek(Header_Branch))),
-	)
-	services := strings.Split(serviceHeader, ",")
-	versionError := appVersioning(c)
-	if versionError != nil {
-		_, err := c.WriteString(versionError.Error())
-		c.SetStatusCode(417)
-		return err
-	}
-	responseMap := make(map[string]responseData)
-	var reqBody []byte
-	reqBody = c.Request.Body()
-	requestBody := gjson.ParseBytes(reqBody)
-	for i := 0; i < len(services); i++ {
-		responseDataObj := responseData{}
-		service := services[i]
-		result, ab, isCompressed, errorCode, err := executeServiceWithBranch(service, branch, []byte(requestBody.Get(service).String()), isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity, principalObj)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			if ab == nil {
-				responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errorCode
-				responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-			} else {
-				responseDataObj.Error = ab.GetErrorData()
-				if responseDataObj.Error == nil {
-					responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-				}
-				errorCode := ab.GetErrorCode()
-				if errorCode == 0 {
-					errorCode = errormdl.EXPECTATIONFAILED
-				}
-				responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errorCode
-				if ab.TransactionEnable {
-					loggermdl.LogError("transaction enabled rollback")
-					var err error
-					// database transaction rollback if transaction is enabled
-					switch ab.DatabaseType {
-					case dalmdl.MYSQL:
-						if ab.TXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("MYSQL Transaction Rollbacked")
-							err = ab.TXN.Rollback()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.MYSQLERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.SQLSERVER:
-						if ab.SQLServerTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("SQLSERVER Transaction Rollbacked")
-							err = ab.SQLServerTXN.Rollback()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.MYSQLERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.GraphDB:
-						if ab.GraphDbTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("GRAPHDB Transaction Rollbacked")
-							err = ab.GraphDbTXN.Discard(context.TODO())
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.GRAPHDBERROR
-							}
-						}
-					default:
-						loggermdl.LogError("Invalid database type while rollback transaction")
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ab != nil {
-				if ab.TransactionEnable {
-					var err error
-					switch ab.DatabaseType {
-					case dalmdl.MYSQL:
-						if ab.TXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("MYSQL Transaction Commit")
-							err = ab.TXN.Commit()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.MYSQLERROR
-							} else {
-								responseDataObj.Result = result
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.SQLSERVER:
-						if ab.SQLServerTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("SQLSERVER Transaction Commit")
-							err = ab.SQLServerTXN.Commit()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.SQLSERVERERROR
-							} else {
-								responseDataObj.Result = result
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.GraphDB:
-						if ab.SQLServerTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("GRAPHDB Transaction Commit")
-							err = ab.GraphDbTXN.Commit(context.TODO())
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.GRAPHDBERROR
-							} else {
-								responseDataObj.Result = result
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-							}
-						}
-					default:
-						loggermdl.LogError("Invalid database type while commit transaction")
-					}
-				} else {
-					responseDataObj.Result = result
-					responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-				}
-			} else {
-				responseDataObj.Result = result
-				responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-			}
-		}
-		responseDataObj.IsCompressed = isCompressed
-		responseDataObj = formatResponse(ab, responseDataObj)
-		responseMap[service] = responseDataObj
-		// Token extraction
-		// if ab != nil {
-		// 	token, ok := ab.GetDataString("MQLToken")
-		// 	if !ok {
-		// 		token = string(c.Request.Header.Peek("Authorization"))
-		// 		token = strings.TrimPrefix(token, "Bearer")
-		// 		token = strings.TrimSpace(token)
-		// 		c.Response.Header.Set("Authorization", token)
-		// 	}
-		// 	c.Response.Header.Set("Authorization", token)
-		// } else {
-		// 	token := string(c.Request.Header.Peek("Authorization"))
-		// 	token = strings.TrimPrefix(token, "Bearer")
-		// 	token = strings.TrimSpace(token)
-		// 	c.Response.Header.Set("Authorization", token)
-		// }
-		if ab != nil {
-			token, ok := ab.GetDataString("MQLToken")
-			if ok {
-				c.Response.Header.Set("Authorization", token)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	ba, _ := ffjson.Marshal(responseMap)
-	_, err := c.Write(ba)
-	c.SetStatusCode(200)
-	return err
-// OpenHandler for /o
-func OpenHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	c.Response.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	principal.ClientIP = getClientIP(c)
-	commonHandler(c, false, false, false, principal)
-	return nil
-// RestrictedHandler for /r
-func RestrictedHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	c.Response.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		_, err := c.WriteString(extractError.Error())
-		c.SetStatusCode(412)
-		return err
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, false, false, pricipalObj)
-	return nil
-// RoleBasedHandler for /r/c
-func RoleBasedHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	c.Response.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		_, err := c.WriteString(extractError.Error())
-		c.SetStatusCode(412)
-		return err
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, true, false, pricipalObj)
-	return nil
-// HeavyOpenHandler for /o
-func HeavyOpenHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	c.Response.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	principal.ClientIP = getClientIP(c)
-	commonHandler(c, false, false, true, principal)
-	return nil
-// HeavyRestrictedHandler for /r
-func HeavyRestrictedHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	c.Response.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		_, err := c.WriteString(extractError.Error())
-		c.SetStatusCode(412)
-		return err
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, false, true, pricipalObj)
-	return nil
-// HeavyRoleBasedHandler for /r/c
-func HeavyRoleBasedHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	c.Response.Header.Set("content-type", "application/json")
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		_, err := c.WriteString(extractError.Error())
-		c.SetStatusCode(412)
-		return err
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, true, true, pricipalObj)
-	return nil
-func appVersioning(c *routing.Context) error {
-	if isAppVersionEnabled {
-		appVersion := string(c.Request.Header.Peek("app-version"))
-		if appVersion == "" {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("No App version Found in request header")
-		}
-		ver, err := version.NewVersion(appVersion)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		if isStrictMode {
-			if !ver.Equal(applicationVersion) {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Application version mismatched")
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ver.GreaterThan(applicationVersion) {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Server Version is outdated")
-			}
-			if ver.LessThan(minimumSupportedVersion) {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Client Version is outdated")
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-func extractPricipalObject(c *routing.Context) (servicebuildermdl.Principal, error) {
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	if jwtmdl.GlobalJWTKey == "" {
-		return principal, errormdl.Wrap("No Global JWT key found")
-	}
-	claim, decodeError := jwtmdl.DecodeToken(&c.Request)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError) != nil {
-		// loggermdl.LogError(decodeError)
-		return principal, errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError)
-	}
-	groups, grperr := roleenforcemdl.GetGroupNames(claim, "groups")
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(grperr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(grperr)
-		return principal, errormdl.CheckErr(grperr)
-	}
-	userID, _ := claim["userId"].(string)
-	if len(userID) < 2 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("UserID length is less than 2")
-		return principal, errormdl.Wrap("UserID length is less than 2")
-	}
-	rawMetadata, ok := claim["metadata"]
-	if ok {
-		metadata, ok := rawMetadata.(string)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-			return principal, errormdl.Wrap("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-		}
-		principal.Metadata = metadata
-	}
-	principal.Groups = groups
-	principal.UserID = userID
-	principal.Token = string(c.Request.Header.Peek("Authorization"))
-	// set client ip
-	principal.ClientIP = getClientIP(c)
-	return principal, nil
-// getClientIP - returns respected header value from request header
-func getClientIP(c *routing.Context) string {
-	clientIP := string(c.Request.Header.Peek("X-Real-Ip"))
-	if clientIP == "" {
-		clientIP = string(c.Request.Header.Peek("X-Forwarded-For"))
-	}
-	if clientIP == "" {
-		clientIP, _, splitHostPortError := net.SplitHostPort(c.RemoteIP().String())
-		if splitHostPortError == nil && isCorrectIP(clientIP) {
-			return clientIP
-		}
-		return ""
-	}
-	if isCorrectIP(clientIP) {
-		return clientIP
-	}
-	return ""
-// isCorrectIP - return true if ip string is valid textual representation of an IP address, else returns false
-func isCorrectIP(ip string) bool {
-	return net.ParseIP(ip) != nil
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuilder_gin.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuilder_gin.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 70c51d3ea80cd8856366c74c789aad9674573c2b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuilder_gin.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-//  +build !fasthttp
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"context"
-	"io/ioutil"
-	"net"
-	"net/http"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/jwtmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/authmdl/roleenforcemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-	version "github.com/hashicorp/go-version"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// Init routing init
-func Init(o, r, c *gin.RouterGroup, JWTKey string) {
-	o.POST("/mql/state", statemdl.StateHandler)
-	o.POST("/mql", OpenHandler)
-	r.POST("/mql", RestrictedHandler)
-	c.POST("/mql", RoleBasedHandler)
-	o.POST("/heavymql", HeavyOpenHandler)
-	r.POST("/heavymql", HeavyRestrictedHandler)
-	c.POST("/heavymql", HeavyRoleBasedHandler)
-	jwtmdl.GlobalJWTKey = JWTKey
-func commonHandler(c *gin.Context, isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity bool, principalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) {
-	serviceHeader := c.Request.Header.Get("Service-Header")
-	branch := CleanBranch(
-		strings.TrimSpace(c.Request.Header.Get(Header_Branch)),
-	)
-	services := strings.Split(serviceHeader, ",")
-	versionError := appVersioning(c)
-	if versionError != nil {
-		c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, versionError.Error())
-		return
-	}
-	responseMap := make(map[string]responseData)
-	responseDataObj := responseData{}
-	var reqBody []byte
-	var readError error
-	reqBody, readError = ioutil.ReadAll(c.Request.Body)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr2(readError) != nil {
-		responseDataObj.Error = errormdl.CheckErr2(readError).Error()
-		responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.EXPECTATIONFAILED
-		loggermdl.LogError(readError)
-		c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, responseDataObj)
-		return
-	}
-	requestBody := gjson.ParseBytes(reqBody)
-	for i := 0; i < len(services); i++ {
-		responseDataObj := responseData{}
-		service := services[i]
-		result, ab, isCompressed, errorCode, err := executeServiceWithBranch(service, branch, []byte(requestBody.Get(service).String()), isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity, principalObj)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			if ab == nil {
-				responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errorCode
-				responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-			} else {
-				responseDataObj.Error = ab.GetErrorData()
-				if responseDataObj.Error == nil {
-					responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-				}
-				errorCode := ab.GetErrorCode()
-				if errorCode == 0 {
-					errorCode = errormdl.EXPECTATIONFAILED
-				}
-				responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errorCode
-				if ab.TransactionEnable {
-					loggermdl.LogError("transaction enabled rollback")
-					var err error
-					// database transaction rollback if transaction is enabled
-					switch ab.DatabaseType {
-					case dalmdl.MYSQL:
-						if ab.TXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("MYSQL Transaction Rollbacked")
-							err = ab.TXN.Rollback()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.MYSQLERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.SQLSERVER:
-						if ab.SQLServerTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("SQLSERVER Transaction Rollbacked")
-							err = ab.SQLServerTXN.Rollback()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.MYSQLERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.GraphDB:
-						if ab.GraphDbTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("GRAPHDB Transaction Rollbacked")
-							err = ab.GraphDbTXN.Discard(context.TODO())
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.GRAPHDBERROR
-							}
-						}
-					default:
-						loggermdl.LogError("Invalid database type while rollback transaction")
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ab != nil {
-				if ab.TransactionEnable {
-					var err error
-					switch ab.DatabaseType {
-					case dalmdl.MYSQL:
-						if ab.TXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("MYSQL Transaction Commit")
-							err = ab.TXN.Commit()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.MYSQLERROR
-							} else {
-								responseDataObj.Result = result
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.SQLSERVER:
-						if ab.SQLServerTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("SQLSERVER Transaction Commit")
-							err = ab.SQLServerTXN.Commit()
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.SQLSERVERERROR
-							} else {
-								responseDataObj.Result = result
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-							}
-						}
-					case dalmdl.GraphDB:
-						if ab.SQLServerTXN != nil {
-							loggermdl.LogError("GRAPHDB Transaction Commit")
-							err = ab.GraphDbTXN.Commit(context.TODO())
-							if err != nil {
-								responseDataObj.Error = err.Error()
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.GRAPHDBERROR
-							} else {
-								responseDataObj.Result = result
-								responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-							}
-						}
-					default:
-						loggermdl.LogError("Invalid database type while commit transaction")
-					}
-				} else {
-					responseDataObj.Result = result
-					responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-				}
-			} else {
-				responseDataObj.Result = result
-				responseDataObj.ErrorCode = errormdl.NOERROR
-			}
-		}
-		responseDataObj.IsCompressed = isCompressed
-		responseDataObj = formatResponse(ab, responseDataObj)
-		responseMap[service] = responseDataObj
-		// Token extraction
-		if ab != nil {
-			token, _ := ab.GetDataString("MQLToken")
-			c.Header("Authorization", token)
-		}
-	}
-	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, responseMap)
-	return
-// OpenHandler for /o
-func OpenHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	principal.ClientIP = getClientIP(c)
-	commonHandler(c, false, false, false, principal)
-// RestrictedHandler for /r
-func RestrictedHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, extractError.Error())
-		return
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, false, false, pricipalObj)
-// RoleBasedHandler for /r/c
-func RoleBasedHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, extractError.Error())
-		return
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, true, false, pricipalObj)
-// HeavyOpenHandler for /o
-func HeavyOpenHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	principal.ClientIP = getClientIP(c)
-	commonHandler(c, false, false, true, principal)
-// HeavyRestrictedHandler for /r
-func HeavyRestrictedHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, extractError.Error())
-		return
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, false, true, pricipalObj)
-// HeavyRoleBasedHandler for /r/c
-func HeavyRoleBasedHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	pricipalObj, extractError := extractPricipalObject(c)
-	if extractError != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(extractError)
-		c.JSON(http.StatusExpectationFailed, extractError.Error())
-		return
-	}
-	commonHandler(c, true, true, true, pricipalObj)
-func appVersioning(c *gin.Context) error {
-	if isAppVersionEnabled {
-		appVersion := c.Request.Header.Get("app-version")
-		if appVersion == "" {
-			return errormdl.Wrap("No App version Found in request header")
-		}
-		ver, err := version.NewVersion(appVersion)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		if isStrictMode {
-			if !ver.Equal(applicationVersion) {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Application version mismatched")
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ver.GreaterThan(applicationVersion) {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Server Version is outdated")
-			}
-			if ver.LessThan(minimumSupportedVersion) {
-				return errormdl.Wrap("Client Version is outdated")
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-func extractPricipalObject(c *gin.Context) (servicebuildermdl.Principal, error) {
-	principal := servicebuildermdl.Principal{}
-	if jwtmdl.GlobalJWTKey == "" {
-		return principal, errormdl.Wrap("No Global JWT key found")
-	}
-	claim, decodeError := jwtmdl.DecodeToken(c.Request)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError) != nil {
-		return principal, errormdl.CheckErr(decodeError)
-	}
-	groups, grperr := roleenforcemdl.GetGroupNames(claim, "groups")
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(grperr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(grperr)
-		return principal, errormdl.CheckErr(grperr)
-	}
-	userID, _ := claim["userId"].(string)
-	if len(userID) < 2 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("UserID length is less than 2")
-		return principal, errormdl.Wrap("UserID length is less than 2")
-	}
-	rawMetadata, ok := claim["metadata"]
-	if ok {
-		metadata, ok := rawMetadata.(string)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-			return principal, errormdl.Wrap("Unable to parse metadata from JWT Token")
-		}
-		principal.Metadata = metadata
-	}
-	principal.Groups = groups
-	principal.UserID = userID
-	principal.Token = c.Request.Header.Get("Authorization")
-	principal.ClientIP = getClientIP(c)
-	return principal, nil
-// getClientIP - returns respected header value from request header
-func getClientIP(c *gin.Context) string {
-	clientIP := c.Request.Header.Get("X-Real-Ip")
-	if clientIP == "" {
-		clientIP = c.Request.Header.Get("X-Forwarded-For")
-	}
-	if clientIP == "" {
-		clientIP, _, splitHostPortError := net.SplitHostPort(c.Request.RemoteAddr)
-		if splitHostPortError == nil && isCorrectIP(clientIP) {
-			return clientIP
-		}
-		return ""
-	}
-	if isCorrectIP(clientIP) {
-		return clientIP
-	}
-	return ""
-// isCorrectIP - return true if ip string is valid textual representation of an IP address, else returns false
-func isCorrectIP(ip string) bool {
-	return net.ParseIP(ip) != nil
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuildermdl.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuildermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 56f60708177297448ad3fd6d0fe28763130c5e99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuildermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/statemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-const (
-	Header_Branch = "Service-Branch"
-// CleanBranch returns "main" branch if the branch string is empty after trimming all spaces. if Non-empty returns same string(including spaces along with characters).
-func CleanBranch(branch string) string {
-	if strings.TrimSpace(branch) == "" {
-		branch = constantmdl.Branch_Main
-	}
-	return branch
-func ConcatenateEntityWithBranch(name, branch string) string {
-	return name + constantmdl.Branch_Separator + CleanBranch(branch)
-func setResponseHeader(serviceName string) responseData {
-	rd := responseData{}
-	val, ok := GetResponseHeader(serviceName)
-	if ok {
-		rd.ResponseHeader = val
-	}
-	return rd
-func executeServiceWithBranch(name, branch string, data []byte, isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity bool, principalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder, bool, int, error) {
-	start := time.Now()
-	var isCompressed bool
-	var service interface{}
-	var ab *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder
-	var found bool
-	// for calling queries as queries are not associated with any branch
-	activity := name
-	if name != "FetchQueryData" {
-		activity = ConcatenateEntityWithBranch(name, branch)
-	}
-	if isRestricted {
-		if isRoleBased {
-			service, found = roleBasedServices.Get(activity)
-		} else {
-			service, found = restrictedServices.Get(activity)
-		}
-	} else {
-		service, found = openServices.Get(activity)
-	}
-	if !found {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Service Not Found: " + activity)
-		return nil, ab, isCompressed, errormdl.SERVICENOTFOUND, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not Found: " + name)
-	}
-	// FetchQueryData & FetchGCData
-	// We are not validating token for these two activities here.
-	// we are checking & validating token inside these routes because these routes are used for open, restricted & rolebased actors.
-	if isRestricted && isRoleBased && name != "FetchQueryData" && name != "FetchGCData" {
-		if !validateRoleFromToken(principalObj, service.(ServiceCache)) {
-			loggermdl.LogError("INVALID_ACTOR: " + name)
-			return nil, ab, isCompressed, errormdl.SERVICENOTFOUND, errormdl.Wrap("INVALID_ACTOR: " + name)
-		}
-	}
-	var result interface{}
-	var serviceError error
-	tmpServiceCache := service.(ServiceCache)
-	serviceCache := tmpServiceCache
-	if serviceCache.HeavyDataActivity {
-		if !heavyDataActivity {
-			return nil, ab, isCompressed, errormdl.SERVICENOTFOUND, errormdl.Wrap("Service is marked as heavy data... kindly use heavymql route")
-		}
-	}
-	if serviceCache.AsyncService {
-		asyncToken := guidmdl.GetGUID()
-		data, err := sjson.SetBytes(data, "asyncToken", asyncToken)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return nil, nil, isCompressed, errormdl.SJSONERROR, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		rs := gjson.ParseBytes(data)
-		serviceCache.preHooksExec(&rs, &principalObj)
-		go serviceCache.Service(&rs, principalObj)
-		servingTime := time.Since(start)
-		go statemdl.UpdateServiceStateWithBranch(name, branch, servingTime, serviceError, isRestricted, isRoleBased)
-		return asyncToken, nil, isCompressed, errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(data)
-	// This step is actual execution of service
-	serviceCache.preHooksExec(&rs, &principalObj)
-	result, ab, serviceError = serviceCache.Service(&rs, principalObj)
-	servingTime := time.Since(start)
-	// Record State for every service
-	go statemdl.UpdateServiceStateWithBranch(name, branch, servingTime, serviceError, isRestricted, isRoleBased)
-	if serviceError == nil {
-		serviceCache.postHooksExec(result, &principalObj)
-		if serviceCache.HeavyDataActivity {
-			isCompressed = true
-		}
-	}
-	return result, ab, isCompressed, errormdl.EXPECTATIONFAILED, serviceError
-// executeService is same as `executeServiceWithBranch` but works for `main` branch
-func executeService(name string, data []byte, isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity bool, principalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder, bool, int, error) {
-	return executeServiceWithBranch(name, constantmdl.Branch_Main, data, isRestricted, isRoleBased, heavyDataActivity, principalObj)
-func validateRoleFromToken(principalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal, service ServiceCache) bool {
-	// check if group from request is present in groups associated with the service.
-	for _, g := range service.Groups {
-		for _, tokenGroup := range principalObj.Groups {
-			if g == tokenGroup {
-				return true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-func (s ServiceCache) preHooksExec(rs *gjson.Result, principalObj *servicebuildermdl.Principal) {
-	for i := 0; i < len(s.PreHooks); i++ {
-		var service interface{}
-		activityName := ConcatenateEntityWithBranch(s.PreHooks[i].ActivityName, s.PreHooks[i].Branch)
-		var found bool
-		if s.PreHooks[i].ActorType == "ROLEBASED" {
-			service, found = roleBasedServices.Get(activityName)
-		}
-		if s.PreHooks[i].ActorType == "RESTRICTED" {
-			service, found = restrictedServices.Get(activityName)
-		}
-		if s.PreHooks[i].ActorType == "OPEN" {
-			service, found = openServices.Get(activityName)
-		}
-		if !found {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Pre Hook Not found: ", activityName, " for actor type: ", s.PreHooks[i].ActorType, " branch:", s.PreHooks[i].Branch)
-			return
-		}
-		tmpServiceCache := service.(ServiceCache)
-		serviceCache := tmpServiceCache
-		go serviceCache.Service(rs, *principalObj)
-	}
-func (s ServiceCache) postHooksExec(data interface{}, principalObj *servicebuildermdl.Principal) {
-	if len(s.PostHooks) == 0 {
-		return
-	}
-	rs := gjson.Result{}
-	if data != nil {
-		// Fixed: Panic if data is nil.
-		objType := reflect.TypeOf(data).String()
-		if strings.Contains(objType, "map[string]") {
-			ba, _ := json.Marshal(data)
-			rs = gjson.ParseBytes(ba)
-		}
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < len(s.PostHooks); i++ {
-		activityName := ConcatenateEntityWithBranch(s.PostHooks[i].ActivityName, s.PostHooks[i].Branch)
-		var service interface{}
-		var found bool
-		if s.PostHooks[i].ActorType == "ROLEBASED" {
-			service, found = roleBasedServices.Get(activityName)
-		}
-		if s.PostHooks[i].ActorType == "RESTRICTED" {
-			service, found = restrictedServices.Get(activityName)
-		}
-		if s.PostHooks[i].ActorType == "OPEN" {
-			service, found = openServices.Get(activityName)
-		}
-		if !found {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Post Hook Not found: ", activityName, " for actor type: ", s.PostHooks[i].ActorType, " Branch:", s.PostHooks[i].Branch)
-			return
-		}
-		tmpServiceCache := service.(ServiceCache)
-		serviceCache := tmpServiceCache
-		go serviceCache.Service(&rs, *principalObj)
-	}
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuildermdl_test.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuildermdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 2908af73b274e0ee23710fb9a97764a6d5081899..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/routebuildermdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-// import (
-// 	"bytes"
-// 	"fmt"
-// 	"mime/multipart"
-// 	"net/http"
-// 	"net/http/httptest"
-// 	"testing"
-// 	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// 	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-// 	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-// 	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-// 	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-// )
-// var router *gin.Engine
-// func DummyService(data *gjson.Result, pricipalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-// 	return "success", nil
-// }
-// func RDummyService(data *gjson.Result, pricipalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-// 	fmt.Println(pricipalObj)
-// 	return "success", nil
-// }
-// func RBDummyService(data *gjson.Result, pricipalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-// 	return "success", nil
-// }
-// func MultiparService(form *multipart.Form, pricipalObj servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-// 	return "success", nil
-// }
-// type testBl struct {
-// 	servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder
-// }
-// func GetBLHolder() *testBl {
-// 	test := testBl{}
-// 	test.New(&servicebuildermdl.Principal{})
-// 	return &test
-// }
-// // func MasterService() {
-// // 	// test := GetBLHolder()
-// // 	// sb := servicebuildermdl.GetSB("MasterService", &test.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-// // 	// 	AddStep("Test -1", "", nil, nil, nil)
-// // 	// RegisterMasterService("MasterService", sb, true, true)
-// // }
-// func init() {
-// 	router = gin.New()
-// 	o := router.Group("/o")
-// 	r := router.Group("/r")
-// 	c := r.Group("/c")
-// 	Init(o, r, c, "mysupersecretpassword")
-// 	CreateResponseHeader("DummyService").
-// 		EnableReponseCache().
-// 		AddMethod("test", nil).
-// 		SetResponseHeader()
-// 	CreateResponseHeader("RDummyService").SetResponseHeader()
-// 	RegisterNormalService("DummyService", DummyService, false, false)
-// 	RegisterNormalService("RDummyService", RDummyService, true, false)
-// 	RegisterNormalService("RBDummyService", RBDummyService, true, true)
-// 	RegisterFormBasedService("MultiparService", MultiparService, true, true)
-// 	CreateResponseHeader("DummyService").
-// 		DisableReponseCache().
-// 		SetResponseHeader()
-// 	// MasterService()
-// }
-// func Test_OpenHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	login := `
-// 	{
-// 		"loginId": "demo",
-// 		"password": "demo"
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/o/mql", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(login)))
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "DummyService")
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 200)
-// }
-// func Test_RestrictedHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	login := `
-// 	{
-// 		"loginId": "demo",
-// 		"password": "demo"
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/mql", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(login)))
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "RDummyService")
-// 	req.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJzYW5kZWVwc3MiLCJncm91cHMiOlsiYWRtaW4iXX0.chD9SRf_UqnV9eT5PQ-z52iA7iOFWB4Ck0BuJVF5Sgo")
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 200)
-// }
-// func Test_RoleBasedHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	login := `
-// 	{
-// 		"loginId": "demo",
-// 		"password": "demo"
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(login)))
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "RBDummyService")
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 200)
-// }
-// func Test1_RestrictedHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	login := `
-// 	{
-// 		"loginId": "demo",
-// 		"password": "demo"
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(login)))
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "RDummyService")
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 417)
-// }
-// func Test2_RestrictedHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	login := `
-// 	{
-// 		"loginId": "demo",
-// 		"password": "demo"
-// 	}
-// 	`
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(login)))
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "RDummyService")
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn2 = true
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 417)
-// }
-// func Test1_MultipartHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
-// 	writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
-// 	part, _ := writer.CreateFormFile("file", "tmp.json")
-// 	part.Write([]byte("tmp data"))
-// 	writer.Close()
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", body)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "MultiparService")
-// 	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 200)
-// }
-// func Test2_MultipartHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-// 	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
-// 	writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
-// 	part, _ := writer.CreateFormFile("file", "tmp.json")
-// 	part.Write([]byte("tmp data"))
-// 	writer.Close()
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", body)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "MultiparService")
-// 	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 417)
-// }
-// func Test3_MultipartHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = true
-// 	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
-// 	writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
-// 	part, _ := writer.CreateFormFile("file", "tmp.json")
-// 	part.Write([]byte("tmp data"))
-// 	writer.Close()
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", body)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "MultiparService")
-// 	req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn1 = false
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 417)
-// }
-// func Test4_MultipartHandler(t *testing.T) {
-// 	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
-// 	writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
-// 	part, _ := writer.CreateFormFile("file", "tmp.json")
-// 	part.Write([]byte("tmp data"))
-// 	writer.Close()
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", body)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "MultiparService")
-// 	// req.Header.Add("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 417)
-// }
-// func Test_MasterService(t *testing.T) {
-// 	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "/r/c/mql", nil)
-// 	req.Header.Set("Service-Header", "MasterService")
-// 	resp := httptest.NewRecorder()
-// 	router.ServeHTTP(resp, req)
-// 	assert.Equal(t, resp.Code, 417)
-// }
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/serviceCachemdl.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/serviceCachemdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index fc047134266d3e8851bc96845e668fbefd46f7da..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/serviceCachemdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/servicebuildermdl"
-	version "github.com/hashicorp/go-version"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-var (
-	restrictedServices cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-	roleBasedServices  cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-	openServices       cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-	loginService       func(*gjson.Result, servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, string, error)
-	applicationVersion      *version.Version
-	minimumSupportedVersion *version.Version
-	isAppVersionEnabled     bool
-	isStrictMode            bool
-func init() {
-	restrictedServices.Setup(10, time.Second*600, time.Second*600)
-	openServices.Setup(10, time.Second*600, time.Second*600)
-	roleBasedServices.Setup(10, time.Second*600, time.Second*600)
-// Hook - Hook
-type Hook struct {
-	ActivityName string
-	ActorType    string
-	Branch       string
-// ServiceCache ServiceCache object
-type ServiceCache struct {
-	Service            func(*gjson.Result, servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder, error)
-	AsyncService       bool
-	HeavyDataActivity  bool
-	PreHooks           []Hook
-	PostHooks          []Hook
-	Groups             []string
-	TransactionEnabled bool
-	DatabaseType       string // database type for transaction begin(MYSQL,SQLSERVER etc.)
-	TransactionHost    string // host to begin transaction. if it is empty then transaction will begin on default host
-// ServiceType -ServiceType
-type ServiceType = func(*gjson.Result, servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder, error)
-// GetRestrictedServicePtr -GetRestrictedServicePtr
-func GetRestrictedServicePtr(serviceName string) (ServiceType, error) {
-	intService, ok := restrictedServices.Get(serviceName)
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not found")
-	}
-	serviceCache, ok := intService.(ServiceCache)
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not Casted")
-	}
-	return serviceCache.Service, nil
-// GetOpenServicePtr -GetOpenServicePtr
-func GetOpenServicePtr(serviceName string) (ServiceType, error) {
-	intService, ok := openServices.Get(serviceName)
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not found")
-	}
-	serviceCache, ok := intService.(ServiceCache)
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not Casted")
-	}
-	return serviceCache.Service, nil
-// GetRoleBasedServicePtr -GetRoleBasedServicePtr
-func GetRoleBasedServicePtr(serviceName string) (ServiceType, error) {
-	intService, ok := roleBasedServices.Get(serviceName)
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not found")
-	}
-	serviceCache, ok := intService.(ServiceCache)
-	if !ok {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not Casted")
-	}
-	return serviceCache.Service, nil
-// RegisterNormalService is for transactional services
-func RegisterNormalService(serviceName string, servicePtr ServiceType, isRestricted, isRoleBased bool) {
-	service := ServiceCache{
-		Service: servicePtr,
-	}
-	commonServiceRegistration(serviceName, service, isRestricted, isRoleBased)
-// RegisterServiceInSLS is for transactional services
-func RegisterServiceInSLS(serviceName string, servicePtr ServiceCache, isRestricted, isRoleBased bool) {
-	// service := ServiceCache{
-	// 	Service: servicePtr,
-	// }
-	commonServiceRegistration(serviceName, servicePtr, isRestricted, isRoleBased)
-// RegisterLoginSerivce is for login service
-func RegisterLoginSerivce(service func(*gjson.Result, servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, string, error)) {
-	loginService = service
-func commonServiceRegistration(serviceName string, service ServiceCache, isRestricted, isRoleBased bool) {
-	if isRestricted {
-		if isRoleBased {
-			roleBasedServices.SetNoExpiration(serviceName, service)
-		} else {
-			restrictedServices.SetNoExpiration(serviceName, service)
-		}
-	} else {
-		openServices.SetNoExpiration(serviceName, service)
-	}
-// SetAppVersion -SetAppVersion
-func SetAppVersion(appVersion, minSupportedVersion string) error {
-	app, err := version.NewVersion(appVersion)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	min, err := version.NewVersion(minSupportedVersion)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		return errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	versionValidation := min.Compare(app)
-	if versionValidation == 1 {
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Minimum version is more than app version")
-	}
-	if versionValidation == 0 {
-		isStrictMode = true
-	}
-	applicationVersion = app
-	minimumSupportedVersion = min
-	isAppVersionEnabled = true
-	return nil
-// CallService - calls service with provided configuration, returns result and error from executed service
-func CallService(name string, rs *gjson.Result, isRestricted bool, isRoleBased bool, p servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-	return CallServiceWithBranch(name, constantmdl.Branch_Main, rs, isRestricted, isRoleBased, p)
-// CallServiceWithBranch - calls service of given branch with provided configuration, returns result and error from executed service
-func CallServiceWithBranch(name, branch string, rs *gjson.Result, isRestricted bool, isRoleBased bool, p servicebuildermdl.Principal) (interface{}, error) {
-	var found bool
-	var service interface{}
-	if strings.TrimSpace(branch) == "" {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Branch is empty")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Branch is empty")
-	}
-	activityName := ConcatenateEntityWithBranch(name, branch)
-	// if isRestricted {
-	// 	if isRoleBased {
-	// 		service, found = roleBasedServices.Get(activityName)
-	// 	} else {
-	// 		service, found = restrictedServices.Get(activityName)
-	// 	}
-	// } else {
-	// 	service, found = openServices.Get(activityName)
-	// }
-	switch {
-	case isRestricted == true && isRoleBased == true:
-		service, found = roleBasedServices.Get(activityName)
-	case isRestricted == true && isRoleBased == false:
-		service, found = restrictedServices.Get(activityName)
-	case isRestricted == false:
-		service, found = openServices.Get(activityName)
-	}
-	if !found {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Service Not Found: " + name)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service Not Found: " + name)
-	}
-	tmpSvcCache, ok := service.(ServiceCache)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Unable to cast service object for ", name)
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Service execution failed for " + name)
-	}
-	serviceCache := tmpSvcCache
-	res, _, err := serviceCache.Service(rs, p)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Service execution failed for ", name, " : ", err)
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return res, nil
diff --git a/v2/routebuildermdl/serviceCachemdl_test.go b/v2/routebuildermdl/serviceCachemdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 36555e26a4d654e313d11678211f519fbd4baef2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/routebuildermdl/serviceCachemdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-package routebuildermdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestSetAppVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SetAppVersion("1.0.1", "1.0.0")
-	assert.NoError(t, err)
-func Test1SetAppVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SetAppVersion("1.0.1", "1.0.1")
-	assert.NoError(t, err)
-func Test2SetAppVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SetAppVersion("1.0", "1.0.1")
-	assert.Error(t, err)
-func Test3SetAppVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SetAppVersion("", "1.0.1")
-	assert.Error(t, err)
-func Test4SetAppVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SetAppVersion("1.0.1", "2.0.1")
-	assert.Error(t, err)
-func Test5SetAppVersion(t *testing.T) {
-	err := SetAppVersion("1.0.1", "")
-	assert.Error(t, err)
diff --git a/v2/securitymdl/devsecurityconstants.go b/v2/securitymdl/devsecurityconstants.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8647186b2435a6cc5b0eb9e99b5fbabbe49cac8e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/securitymdl/devsecurityconstants.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-//+build !prod
-package securitymdl
-// IV set IV for dev mode
-var IV = ""
-var securityKey = []byte{}
-func init() {
diff --git a/v2/securitymdl/fdbSecurity.go b/v2/securitymdl/fdbSecurity.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b0bf8498a23acc038337b5e8fa8cd571fbca86c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/securitymdl/fdbSecurity.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-package securitymdl
-All FDB related security options are provided.
-User needs to Set fdb options on application startup.
-In case of CS, this is done by restricted and rolebased global cache.
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/hashmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-const (
-	SEC_ENCKey     = "encKey"
-	SEC_UserKey    = "userKey"
-	SEC_FieldQuery = "fieldQuery"
-	SEC_SECURITY   = "security"
-const (
-	// SharedPrefix prefix represents the file is sharable i.e encryption key does not include (fdbSec.fieldQuery)
-	SharedPrefix = "ss_"
-	EmptySTR     = ""
-// FDBSecOptions provide options to be set for fdb security.
-// All fields are compulsorry. On applying options, we will get error if any field is empty.
-// Only these options are exposed as actual
-type FDBSecOptions struct {
-	EncKey         string // the global encryption key used in the project. This key will be applicable in all cases.
-	UserDefinedKey string // the user defined key in the project. This key will be applicable in all cases.
-	FieldQuery     string // query to get dynamic field. Ex. Each student data can be encrypted with studentID. Applicable only for the shared bucket.
-// FDBSecParams provide options for the FDB security for the FDB CRUD operations.
-type FDBSecParams struct {
-	EnableSecurity    bool
-	EnableCompression bool
-func NewFDBOptions() *FDBSecOptions {
-	return new(FDBSecOptions)
-// Apply sets the internal security variable.
-// Returns error if options fail while validations and if Apply() is already called.
-func (fo *FDBSecOptions) Apply() error {
-	if fdbSec.setSec {
-		return errors.New("fdb security is already set")
-	}
-	if err := fo.Validate(); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	fdbSec.setSec = true
-	fdbSec.encKey = fo.EncKey
-	fdbSec.userDefinedKey = fo.UserDefinedKey
-	fdbSec.fieldQuery = fo.FieldQuery
-	fdbSec.enableSharedFiles = fdbSec.fieldQuery != EmptySTR // if true, trow error if result from query is empty string
-	return nil
-type fdbSecurity struct {
-	setSec         bool   // set is in Apply() method.
-	encKey         string // the global encryption key used in the project
-	userDefinedKey string // the user defined key in the project
-	fieldQuery     string // query to get dynamic field. Ex. Each student data can be encrypted with studentID. Allowed to be empty. If empty, use same encryption for all cases.
-	enableSharedFiles bool // True if fieldQuery is not empty.
-var fdbSec fdbSecurity
-// Validate checks options for empty fields.
-func (fs *FDBSecOptions) Validate() error {
-	if fs.EncKey == "" {
-		return errors.New("FDB security: encryption key can not be empty")
-	}
-	if fs.UserDefinedKey == "" {
-		return errors.New("FDB security: user defined key can not be empty")
-	}
-	// if fs.FieldQuery == "" {
-	// 	// this is allowed for now. If empty, same encryption is used for all buckets.
-	// 	// return errors.New("FDB security: field query can not be empty")
-	// }
-	return nil
-// GetFDBSecOptions returns the copy of fdb options set by Apply() method.
-func GetFDBSecOptions() FDBSecOptions {
-	return FDBSecOptions{
-		EncKey:         fdbSec.encKey,
-		UserDefinedKey: fdbSec.userDefinedKey,
-		FieldQuery:     fdbSec.fieldQuery,
-	}
-// GenSecKey generates the security key for FDB.
-// If fileName has prefix "ss_" then key is generated by
-// 1. Global encryption key (fdbSec.encKey)
-// 2. UserDefinedKey (fdbSec.userDefinedKey)
-// 3. fileName
-// else result by firing (fdbSec.fieldQuery) on data is also included in generation. If rusult is empty, expect an error.
-// Order for key: data.Get(fdbSec.fieldQuery).String() + fdbSec.encKey + fdbSec.userDefinedKey + fileName(only)
-func GenSecKeyBytes(fileName string, data *gjson.Result) ([]byte, error) {
-	// here data is String not JSON
-	rs := gjson.Parse(data.String())
-	_, fileName = filepath.Split(fileName)
-	if fileName == EmptySTR {
-		return nil, errors.New("GenerateSecurityKey: fileName must not be empty")
-	}
-	// Warning: The order of string concatenation must be preserved as specified.
-	key := fdbSec.encKey + fdbSec.userDefinedKey + fileName
-	useFieldQuery, err := CheckDataForFieldQuery(fileName, &rs)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if useFieldQuery {
-		key = rs.Get(fdbSec.fieldQuery).String() + key
-	}
-	hash, err := hashmdl.Get128BitHash([]byte(key))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, errors.New("GenerateSecurityKey: " + err.Error())
-	}
-	hashedKey := hash[:]
-	return hashedKey, nil
-func GenSecKey(fileName string, data *gjson.Result) (string, error) {
-	key, err := GenSecKeyBytes(fileName, data)
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	return string(key), nil
-// CheckDataForFieldQuery checks for result of field query in data.
-// If no query is provided OR Not shared file, the result will be false, nil
-// Else will check for query result. If result is empty, error will be thrown.
-// Check only if security is enabled for the database.
-// fileName must not be empty and data must not be nil
-func CheckDataForFieldQuery(fileName string, data *gjson.Result) (bool, error) {
-	if strings.HasPrefix(fileName, SharedPrefix) || !fdbSec.enableSharedFiles {
-		// this is a shared file OR no query provided. No need to check for dynamic query result.
-		return false, nil
-	}
-	if data.Get(fdbSec.fieldQuery).String() == EmptySTR {
-		return false, errors.New("CheckDataForFieldQuery: got empty data for defined field query " + fdbSec.fieldQuery)
-	}
-	return true, nil
diff --git a/v2/securitymdl/prodsecurityconstants.go b/v2/securitymdl/prodsecurityconstants.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b28a49defa5d137d8d66c80f39adec6e1ecc2dcc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/securitymdl/prodsecurityconstants.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-//+build prod
-package securitymdl
-// IV set IV for prod mode
-var IV = ""
-var securityKey = []byte{}
-func init() {
diff --git a/v2/securitymdl/securitymdl.go b/v2/securitymdl/securitymdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 00006d0cb3c359ea2f3881992bdf040c3a5e1845..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/securitymdl/securitymdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-package securitymdl
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"crypto/aes"
-	"crypto/cipher"
-	"encoding/base64"
-	"math/rand"
-	"strconv"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	OneOfOne "github.com/OneOfOne/xxhash"
-	"golang.org/x/crypto/bcrypt"
-// SecurityKeyGeneratorFunc - header definition
-type SecurityKeyGeneratorFunc func(string) ([]byte, error)
-var securityKeyGeneratorFunc SecurityKeyGeneratorFunc
-// SetSecurityKeyGeneratorFunc - sets default security Key
-func SetSecurityKeyGeneratorFunc(genratorFunc SecurityKeyGeneratorFunc) {
-	securityKeyGeneratorFunc = genratorFunc
-// GetSecurityKeyGeneratorFunc - returns security Key
-func GetSecurityKeyGeneratorFunc() SecurityKeyGeneratorFunc {
-	return securityKeyGeneratorFunc
-// SetSecurityConfig will set security key and initializationVector
-func SetSecurityConfig(secKey []byte, initializationVector string) {
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("SetSecurityConfig Started")
-	SetIV(initializationVector)
-	SetSecurityKey(secKey)
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("SetSecurityConfig Ended")
-// SetIV will set initializationVector
-func SetIV(initializationVector string) {
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("SetIV Started")
-	if initializationVector != "" {
-		IV = initializationVector
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("SetIV Ended")
-// SetSecurityKey will set Security key
-func SetSecurityKey(secKey []byte) {
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("SetSecurityKey Started")
-	if secKey != nil && len(secKey) != 1 {
-		securityKey = secKey
-	}
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("SetSecurityKey Ended")
-//AESEncrypt Encrypts given text
-func AESEncrypt(plainText, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	block, newCipherErr := aes.NewCipher(key)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(newCipherErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling aes.NewCipher() : ", errormdl.CheckErr(newCipherErr))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(newCipherErr)
-	}
-	padding := block.BlockSize() - len(plainText)%block.BlockSize()
-	padtext := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(padding)}, padding)
-	plainText = append(plainText, padtext...)
-	cipherText := make([]byte, len(plainText))
-	ivBytes := []byte(IV)
-	if ivBytes == nil || len(ivBytes) < 1 || len(ivBytes) != block.BlockSize() {
-		loggermdl.LogError("IV length must equal block size")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("IV length must equal block size")
-	}
-	cbc := cipher.NewCBCEncrypter(block, ivBytes)
-	cbc.CryptBlocks(cipherText, plainText)
-	encodedData := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.EncodedLen(len(plainText)))
-	base64.StdEncoding.Encode(encodedData, cipherText)
-	return encodedData, nil
-//AESDecrypt Decrypts given cipher text
-func AESDecrypt(encodedData, key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-	decodedData := make([]byte, base64.StdEncoding.DecodedLen(len(encodedData)))
-	n, decoreErr := base64.StdEncoding.Decode(decodedData, encodedData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(decoreErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling base64.StdEncoding.Decode() : ", errormdl.CheckErr(decoreErr))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(decoreErr)
-	}
-	cipherText := decodedData[:n]
-	block, newCipherErr := aes.NewCipher(key)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr1(newCipherErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling aes.NewCipher : ", errormdl.CheckErr1(newCipherErr))
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr1(newCipherErr)
-	}
-	ivBytes := []byte(IV)
-	if ivBytes == nil || len(ivBytes) < 1 || len(ivBytes) != block.BlockSize() {
-		loggermdl.LogError("IV length must equal block size ")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("IV length must equal block size ")
-	}
-	cbc := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, []byte(IV))
-	calculatedCipherSize := len(cipherText) % cbc.BlockSize()
-	if errormdl.CheckInt1(calculatedCipherSize) != 0 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
-	}
-	cbc.CryptBlocks(cipherText, cipherText)
-	length := len(cipherText)
-	if errormdl.CheckInt(length) < 1 {
-		loggermdl.LogError("length of cipherText is less than 1")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("length of cipherText is less than 1")
-	}
-	unpadding := int(cipherText[length-1])
-	difference := length - unpadding
-	if errormdl.CheckInt2(difference) < 0 {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("length of (length - unpadding) is less than 0")
-	}
-	return cipherText[:(length - unpadding)], nil
-// //AESEncryptDefault method to encrypt with default config (securityKey)
-// func AESEncryptDefault(plainText []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-// 	loggermdl.LogDebug("AESEncryptDefault Started")
-// 	compressedText, compressionError := Compress(plainText)
-// 	if compressionError != nil {
-// 		return plainText, compressionError
-// 	}
-// 	loggermdl.LogDebug("AESEncryptDefault Started")
-// 	return AESEncrypt(compressedText, securityKey)
-// }
-// // AESDecryptDefault method to decrypt with default config (securityKey)
-// func AESDecryptDefault(encodedData []byte) ([]byte, error) {
-// 	loggermdl.LogDebug("AESDecryptDefault Started")
-// 	compressedText, decryptionError := AESDecrypt(encodedData, securityKey)
-// 	if decryptionError != nil {
-// 		return encodedData, decryptionError
-// 	}
-// 	byteArray, err := Decompress(compressedText)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 	}
-// 	loggermdl.LogDebug("AESDecryptDefault Started")
-// 	return byteArray, nil
-// }
-// CreateSecurityKey generates random string of given length
-func CreateSecurityKey(keyLength int) (string, error) {
-	if keyLength <= constantmdl.MAX_RANDOM_STRING_LENGTH {
-		seededRand := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano()))
-		b := make([]byte, keyLength)
-		for i := range b {
-			b[i] = constantmdl.CharSet[seededRand.Intn(keyLength)]
-		}
-		return string(b), nil
-	}
-	return "", errormdl.Wrap("length should be less than 256 bytes (2048 bits)")
-// SaltPassword Salt using bcrypt creates saltedString of given string,it generates new saltedString each time for the same input
-func SaltPassword(password string) (string, error) {
-	hash, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(password), bcrypt.MinCost)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword() : ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return string(hash), nil
-// CheckPasswordSalt - compares hashed password with its possible plaintext equivalent. Returns true on match, or an false on mismatch.
-func CheckPasswordSalt(hashedPassword, password string) bool {
-	err := bcrypt.CompareHashAndPassword([]byte(hashedPassword), []byte(password))
-	return err == nil
-// GetHash - returns Hash Check sum of given plaintext
-func GetHash(plaintext string) (string, error) {
-	h := OneOfOne.New64()
-	_, err := h.Write([]byte(plaintext))
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling GetHash : ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return strconv.Itoa(int(h.Sum64())), nil
-// GetHashAndSalt - returns Hash Check sum of given plaintext+ salt combination
-func GetHashAndSalt(plaintext, salt string) (string, error) {
-	hashAndSalt, err := GetHash(plaintext + salt)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while calling GetHashAndSalt : ", errormdl.CheckErr(err))
-		return "", errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return hashAndSalt, nil
-// PaddingDataUsingpkcs7 - This methods is copy from https://github.com/mergermarket/go-pkcs7
-func PaddingDataUsingpkcs7(buf []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) {
-	bufLen := len(buf)
-	padLen := size - bufLen%size
-	padded := make([]byte, bufLen+padLen)
-	copy(padded, buf)
-	for i := 0; i < padLen; i++ {
-		padded[bufLen+i] = byte(padLen)
-	}
-	return padded, nil
-// UnpaddingDataUsingpkcs7 - his methods is copy from https://github.com/mergermarket/go-pkcs7
-func UnpaddingDataUsingpkcs7(padded []byte, size int) ([]byte, error) {
-	if len(padded)%size != 0 {
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Padded value wasn't in correct size")
-	}
-	bufLen := len(padded) - int(padded[len(padded)-1])
-	buf := make([]byte, bufLen)
-	copy(buf, padded[:bufLen])
-	return buf, nil
diff --git a/v2/securitymdl/securitymdl_test.go b/v2/securitymdl/securitymdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index d01aa0ffa9f6e1b0e9ebdad355f6909655a3f091..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/securitymdl/securitymdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-package securitymdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-// ===========================================================================================
-// ============================================= Config ======================================
-// ===========================================================================================
-func TestSetSecurityConfigBlankValues(t *testing.T) {
-	secKey := ""
-	initializationVector := ""
-	SetSecurityConfig([]byte(secKey), initializationVector)
-	assert.Equal(t, IV, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "Matching")
-func TestSetSecurityConfig(t *testing.T) {
-	secKey := "1234567891234567"
-	initializationVector := "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB"
-	SetSecurityConfig([]byte(secKey), initializationVector)
-	assert.Equal(t, IV, "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", "Matching")
-func TestSetSecurityConfigDefaultValues(t *testing.T) {
-	secKey := "1234567891234567"
-	initializationVector := "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
-	SetSecurityConfig([]byte(secKey), initializationVector)
-	assert.Equal(t, IV, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "Matching")
-// ===========================================================================================
-// =========================================== AESEncrypt ====================================
-// ===========================================================================================
-func TestAESEncryptSuccess(t *testing.T) {
-	plainText := "Test for success"
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	encText, encError := AESEncrypt([]byte(plainText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Equal(t, "HAtVHhxx9+ULClrO1dkSKMiu6IciRmQ2PcQi4kSsLn4=", string(encText), "Encryption Successful")
-func TestAESEncryptSmallKeyLength(t *testing.T) {
-	plainText := "Test for success"
-	key := "123456789123456"
-	encText, encError := AESEncrypt([]byte(plainText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "Error occured due to key size")
-func TestAESEncryptIVLessThanBlock(t *testing.T) {
-	plainText := "Test for success"
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	IV = "A"
-	encText, encError := AESEncrypt([]byte(plainText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "IV size less than block")
-// ===========================================================================================
-// =========================================== AESDecrypt ====================================
-// ===========================================================================================
-func TestAESDecryptSuccess(t *testing.T) {
-	cipherText := []byte("HAtVHhxx9+ULClrO1dkSKMiu6IciRmQ2PcQi4kSsLn4=")
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("decrypted text : ", string(encText))
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Equal(t, "Test for success", string(encText), "Decryption Successful")
-func TestAESDecryptSmallKeyLength(t *testing.T) {
-	cipherText := []byte("HAtVHhxx9+ULClrO1dkSKMiu6IciRmQ2PcQi4kSsLn4=")
-	key := "123456789123456"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "Error occured due to key size")
-func TestAESDecryptDecodeError(t *testing.T) {
-	cipherText := []byte("HAtVHhxx9+ULClrO1dkSKMiu6IciRmQ2PcQi4kSsLn=")
-	key := "123456789123456"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "Decode error")
-func TestAESDecryptCipherLessThan1(t *testing.T) {
-	cipherText := []byte("")
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "CipherLessThan1")
-func TestAESDecryptCipherSize(t *testing.T) {
-	cipherText := []byte("")
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	IV = "A"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "IV size less than block")
-func TestAESDecryptIVLessThanBlock(t *testing.T) {
-	cipherText := []byte("")
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	IV = "A"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "IV size less than block")
-func TestAESDecryptDifferenceCheck(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt1 = true
-	cipherText := []byte("HAtVHhxx9+ULClrO1dkSKMiu6IciRmQ2PcQi4kSsLn4=")
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, " / crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt1 = false
-func TestAESDecryptDifferenceCheck2(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = true
-	cipherText := []byte("HAtVHhxx9+ULClrO1dkSKMiu6IciRmQ2PcQi4kSsLn4=")
-	key := "1234567891234567"
-	encText, encError := AESDecrypt([]byte(cipherText), []byte(key))
-	loggermdl.LogInfo("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!encrypted text : ", encText)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", encError)
-	assert.Error(t, encError, "length of (length - unpadding) is less than 0 / crypto/cipher: input not full blocks")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = false
-func TestCreateSecurityKey(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = true
-	keyLength := 256
-	key, _ := CreateSecurityKey(keyLength)
-	assert.Len(t, key, keyLength, "length is equal")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = false
-func TestCreateSecurityKeyForOutOfRange(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = true
-	keyLength := 257
-	_, keyerr := CreateSecurityKey(keyLength)
-	loggermdl.LogError("error is : ", keyerr)
-	assert.Error(t, keyerr, "length is out of range,length should be less than 256 bytes (2048 bits)")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckInt2 = false
-func BenchmarkCreateSecurityKey(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		CreateSecurityKey(16)
-	}
-func TestSaltPassword(t *testing.T) {
-	saltedPwd, _ := SaltPassword("P@ssw0rd")
-	assert.NotZero(t, len(saltedPwd), "Should give len")
-func TestSaltPasswordError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err := SaltPassword("P@ssw0rd")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func BenchmarkSaltPassword(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		SaltPassword("P@ssw0rd")
-	}
-func TestCheckPasswordHash(t *testing.T) {
-	match := CheckPasswordSalt("$2a$04$hers/Xb2u00e8wg4e.S7Cu7JbUm4TTR4ED3wU7HTNuuwNGJxOqMZu", "P@ssw0rd")
-	assert.True(t, match)
-func BenchmarkCheckPasswordHash(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		CheckPasswordSalt("$2a$04$hers/Xb2u00e8wg4e.S7Cu7JbUm4TTR4ED3wU7HTNuuwNGJxOqMZu", "P@ssw0rd")
-	}
-func TestGetHash(t *testing.T) {
-	saltedPwd, _ := GetHash("P@ssw0rd")
-	assert.NotZero(t, len(saltedPwd), "Should give len")
-func TestGetHashError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err := GetHash("P@ssw0rd")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestGetHashAndSalt(t *testing.T) {
-	saltedPwd, _ := GetHashAndSalt("P@ssw0rd", "my-salt-key")
-	assert.NotZero(t, len(saltedPwd), "Should give len")
-func TestGetHashAndSaltError(t *testing.T) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = true
-	_, err := GetHashAndSalt("P@ssw0rd", "my-salt-key")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOn = false
-	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-func TestPaddingDataUsingpkcs7(t *testing.T) {
-	data := []byte("hello")
-	size := 16
-	paddingData, err := PaddingDataUsingpkcs7(data, size)
-	if err != nil {
-		assert.Errorf(t, err, "padding error : ")
-	}
-	expected := []byte("hello\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b\x0b")
-	assert.Equal(t, expected, paddingData)
-	t.Logf("Padding Data : %v", paddingData)
-func TestUnpaddingDataUsingpkcs7(t *testing.T) {
-	paddingdata := []byte{104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11}
-	size := 16
-	unPaddingData, err := UnpaddingDataUsingpkcs7(paddingdata, size)
-	if err != nil {
-		assert.Errorf(t, err, "padding error : ")
-	}
-	expected := "hello"
-	assert.Equal(t, expected, string(unPaddingData))
-	t.Logf("Unpadding Data : %v and string is %v", unPaddingData, string(unPaddingData))
diff --git a/v2/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go b/v2/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 42bf1baff3d43a91ea5e0214b17dc2b8a9e076c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,731 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Mon Jul 09 2018 14:00:05 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package servicebuildermdl will help you run BL and fetch data.
-package servicebuildermdl
-import (
-	"database/sql"
-	"net"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/dgraph-io/dgo"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-	linq "github.com/ahmetb/go-linq/v3"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/constantmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/validationmdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/zhouzhuojie/conditions"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// GlobalConfigModel - GlobalConfigModel
-type GlobalConfigModel struct {
-	Key          string   `json:"key"`
-	Value        string   `json:"value"`
-	Restrictions []string `json:"restrictions"`
-var globalConfig map[string]GlobalConfigModel
-var globalConfigMutex sync.Mutex
-var once sync.Once
-var ruleCache map[string]conditions.Expr
-var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-// get server ip address
-var (
-	serverIP = func() string {
-		ifaces, err := net.Interfaces()
-		if err != nil {
-			return ""
-		}
-		for _, iface := range ifaces {
-			if iface.Flags&net.FlagUp == 0 {
-				continue // interface down
-			}
-			if iface.Flags&net.FlagLoopback != 0 {
-				continue // loopback interface
-			}
-			addrs, err := iface.Addrs()
-			if err != nil {
-				return ""
-			}
-			for _, addr := range addrs {
-				var ip net.IP
-				switch v := addr.(type) {
-				case *net.IPNet:
-					ip = v.IP
-				case *net.IPAddr:
-					ip = v.IP
-				}
-				if ip == nil || ip.IsLoopback() {
-					continue
-				}
-				if ip = ip.To4(); ip == nil {
-					continue // not an ipv4 address
-				}
-				return ip.String()
-			}
-		}
-		return ""
-	}()
-func init() {
-	ruleCache = make(map[string]conditions.Expr)
-	globalConfig = make(map[string]GlobalConfigModel)
-	globalConfigMutex = sync.Mutex{}
-// DebugInfo - DebugInfo
-type DebugInfo struct {
-	StackTrace      strings.Builder `json:"stackTrace"`
-	PerformanceInfo strings.Builder `json:"performanceInfo"`
-// LoadData is a method sign for loader methods
-type LoadData = func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error
-// FinalStepProcessOutput is a method sign for loader methods
-type FinalStepProcessOutput = func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error)
-// AbstractBusinessLogicHolder use this type to inheritance
-type AbstractBusinessLogicHolder struct {
-	localServiceData  map[string]interface{}
-	pricipalObject    Principal
-	globalConfigData  map[string]GlobalConfigModel
-	GlobalErrorCode   int
-	ServiceError      interface{}
-	TransactionEnable bool
-	DatabaseType      string // database type for transaction begin(MYSQL,SQLSERVER etc.)
-	IgnoreStrictMode  bool
-	Branch            string  // branch name provided in the header
-	TXN               *sql.Tx // transaction for MySQL
-	SQLServerTXN      *sql.Tx // Transaction for SQLServer
-	GraphDbTXN        *dgo.Txn
-// SetGlobalConfig - SetGlobalConfig
-func SetGlobalConfig(configs map[string]GlobalConfigModel) {
-	globalConfigMutex.Lock()
-	defer globalConfigMutex.Unlock()
-	once.Do(func() {
-		if configs != nil {
-			globalConfig = configs
-		}
-	})
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetBranch(branch string) {
-	ab.Branch = branch
-// GetDataString will give you string
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetDataString(key string) (string, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		return "", false
-	}
-	// cast it
-	value, ok := temp.(string)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool1(!ok) {
-		return "", false
-	}
-	return value, true
-// GetDataInt will give you int
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetDataInt(key string) (int64, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		return 0, false
-	}
-	// cast it
-	value, ok := temp.(int64)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool1(!ok) {
-		return 0, false
-	}
-	return value, true
-// GetDataInterface will give you int
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetDataInterface(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		return nil, false
-	}
-	return temp, true
-// GetDataResultset will give you int
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetDataResultset(key string) (*gjson.Result, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		loggermdl.LogWarn("Key not found -", key)
-		return &gjson.Result{}, false
-	}
-	// cast it
-	value, ok := temp.(*gjson.Result)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool1(!ok) {
-		return &gjson.Result{}, false
-	}
-	return value, true
-// GetMQLRequestData - returns MQLRequestData
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetMQLRequestData() (*gjson.Result, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[constantmdl.MQLRequestData]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		loggermdl.LogWarn("MQL Request Data not Found")
-		return &gjson.Result{}, false
-	}
-	// cast it
-	value, ok := temp.(*gjson.Result)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool1(!ok) {
-		return &gjson.Result{}, false
-	}
-	return value, true
-// GetDataBool will give you int
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetDataBool(key string) (bool, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		return false, false
-	}
-	// cast it
-	value, ok := temp.(bool)
-	if errormdl.CheckBool1(!ok) {
-		return false, false
-	}
-	return value, true
-// GetCustomData will give you string
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetCustomData(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
-	//check in map
-	temp, found := ab.localServiceData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		return 0, false
-	}
-	// cast it
-	return temp, true
-// GetGlobalConfigString - return string value for global config key
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetGlobalConfigString(key string) (string, bool) {
-	globalConfigMutex.Lock()
-	defer globalConfigMutex.Unlock()
-	value, found := ab.globalConfigData[key]
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(!found) {
-		return "", false
-	}
-	if len(value.Restrictions) > 0 {
-		if linq.From(value.Restrictions).WhereT(func(str string) bool {
-			return str == "Open" || str == "OPEN"
-		}).Any() {
-			return value.Value, true
-		}
-		if (linq.From(value.Restrictions).WhereT(func(str string) bool {
-			return str == "Restricted" || str == "RESTRICTED"
-		}).Any()) && ab.pricipalObject.UserID != "" {
-			return value.Value, true
-		}
-		for i := 0; i < len(value.Restrictions); i++ {
-			for j := 0; j < len(ab.pricipalObject.Groups); j++ {
-				if ab.pricipalObject.Groups[j] == value.Restrictions[i] {
-					return value.Value, true
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return "", false
-	}
-	return value.Value, true
-// New will create memory for your data
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) New(principalObject *Principal) *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder {
-	ab.localServiceData = make(map[string]interface{})
-	ab.globalConfigData = globalConfig
-	ab.pricipalObject = *principalObject
-	ab.GlobalErrorCode = 0
-	ab.ServiceError = nil
-	return ab
-// SetResultset will return map data with finaldata key
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetResultset(key string, obj *gjson.Result) {
-	ab.localServiceData[key] = obj
-// SetMQLRequestData - set value
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetMQLRequestData(obj *gjson.Result) {
-	ab.localServiceData[constantmdl.MQLRequestData] = obj
-// SetByteData will set byte data as gjson.Result
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetByteData(key string, obj []byte) {
-	rs := gjson.ParseBytes(obj)
-	ab.localServiceData[key] = &rs
-// SetMQLToken will set token in header
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetMQLToken(token string) {
-	ab.localServiceData["MQLToken"] = token
-// SetCustomData set custom user data in map
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetCustomData(key string, data interface{}) {
-	ab.localServiceData[key] = data
-// SetErrorData will set error
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetErrorData(data interface{}) {
-	ab.ServiceError = data
-// GetFinalData will return map data with finaldata key
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetFinalData() *interface{} {
-	a := ab.localServiceData["finaldata"]
-	return &a
-// SetFinalData will return map data with finaldata key
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetFinalData(data interface{}) {
-	ab.localServiceData["finaldata"] = data
-// GetClientIP will returns client ip address
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetClientIP() string {
-	return ab.pricipalObject.ClientIP
-// GetServerIP will returns server ip address
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetServerIP() string {
-	return serverIP
-// SetErrorCode - SetErrorCode in service context
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetErrorCode(code int) {
-	ab.GlobalErrorCode = code
-// GetErrorData - GetErrorData in service context
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetErrorData() interface{} {
-	if ab == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	return ab.ServiceError
-// GetErrorCode - GetErrorCode in service context
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetErrorCode() int {
-	if ab == nil {
-		return 0
-	}
-	return ab.GlobalErrorCode
-// EchoBL sample EchoBL logic handler
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) EchoBL() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	// loggermdl.LogWarn("EchoBL called")
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"ok": int64(1),
-	}, nil
-// Step help to maintain steps
-type Step struct {
-	Stepname          string
-	expr              conditions.Expr
-	processDataFunc   LoadData
-	IsValidator       bool
-	ValidationDataKey string
-	ValidationFunc    func(interface{}) error
-	RunFunc           func() (map[string]interface{}, error)
-	ErrorFunc         func() (map[string]interface{}, error)
-	JumpStep          string
-// ServiceBuilder will help you to run steps
-type ServiceBuilder struct {
-	ServiceName         string
-	steps               []Step
-	businessLogicHolder *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder
-	ServiceError        error
-// GetSB Gives you service builder from where you can run steps
-func GetSB(name string, ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) *ServiceBuilder {
-	newsb := ServiceBuilder{}
-	newsb.ServiceName = name
-	newsb.businessLogicHolder = ab
-	return &newsb
-// AddStep will add func step with rule
-// Stepname : Give Name to step. It will appear in log.
-// Rule : Give Ybl rule
-// blfunc : Give Business Logic function pointer
-// errorfunc : Give Error  function pointer
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) AddStep(stepname, rule string, ld LoadData, blfunc, errorfunc func() (map[string]interface{}, error)) *ServiceBuilder {
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sb.ServiceError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(sb.ServiceError)
-		return sb
-	}
-	step := Step{}
-	//Check rule in cache
-	mutex.Lock()
-	cachedRule, found := ruleCache[rule]
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(found) {
-		step.expr = cachedRule
-	} else {
-		// Parse the condition language and get expression
-		p := conditions.NewParser(strings.NewReader(rule))
-		expr, err := p.Parse()
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error in step: ", stepname, err)
-			sb.ServiceError = errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-			return sb
-		}
-		step.expr = expr
-		mutex.Lock()
-		ruleCache[rule] = expr
-		mutex.Unlock()
-	}
-	step.RunFunc = blfunc
-	step.ErrorFunc = errorfunc
-	step.Stepname = stepname
-	step.processDataFunc = ld
-	sb.steps = append(sb.steps, step)
-	return sb
-// AddStepWithGoTo - AddStep with goto pointer
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) AddStepWithGoTo(stepname, rule string, ld LoadData, blfunc, errorfunc func() (map[string]interface{}, error), gotoStepName string) *ServiceBuilder {
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sb.ServiceError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(sb.ServiceError)
-		return sb
-	}
-	step := Step{}
-	//Check rule in cache
-	mutex.Lock()
-	cachedRule, found := ruleCache[rule]
-	mutex.Unlock()
-	if errormdl.CheckBool(found) {
-		step.expr = cachedRule
-	} else {
-		// Parse the condition language and get expression
-		p := conditions.NewParser(strings.NewReader(rule))
-		expr, err := p.Parse()
-		if errormdl.CheckErr1(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Error in step: ", stepname, err)
-			sb.ServiceError = errormdl.CheckErr1(err)
-			return sb
-		}
-		step.expr = expr
-		mutex.Lock()
-		ruleCache[rule] = expr
-		mutex.Unlock()
-	}
-	step.RunFunc = blfunc
-	step.ErrorFunc = errorfunc
-	step.Stepname = stepname
-	step.processDataFunc = ld
-	step.JumpStep = gotoStepName
-	sb.steps = append(sb.steps, step)
-	return sb
-// AddValidation add validation step for give dataKey
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) AddValidation(dataKey string, validationfunc func(interface{}) error) *ServiceBuilder {
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sb.ServiceError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(sb.ServiceError)
-		return sb
-	}
-	step := Step{}
-	step.IsValidator = true
-	step.ValidationDataKey = dataKey
-	step.ValidationFunc = validationfunc
-	step.Stepname = "Validation Step"
-	sb.steps = append(sb.steps, step)
-	return sb
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) findStepIndex(stepName string) (int, bool) {
-	for i, step := range sb.steps {
-		if step.Stepname == stepName {
-			return i, true
-		}
-	}
-	return 0, false
-// Run all Steps one by one
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) Run(fn FinalStepProcessOutput) (*interface{}, error) {
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(sb.ServiceError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(sb.ServiceError)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(sb.ServiceError)
-	}
-	_, ok := sb.businessLogicHolder.localServiceData["finaldata"]
-	if ok {
-		return sb.businessLogicHolder.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	maxStepCount := 100
-	for i := 0; i < len(sb.steps); i++ {
-		if maxStepCount == 0 {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Your steps are in recursion and cross limit of 100 steps")
-			return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Your steps are in recursion and cross limit of 100 steps")
-		}
-		maxStepCount--
-		// Validation
-		if sb.steps[i].IsValidator {
-			validationError := sb.executeValidationFunction(sb.steps[i].ValidationDataKey, sb.steps[i].ValidationFunc)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr(validationError) != nil {
-				return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(validationError)
-			}
-			continue
-		}
-		//Load Data
-		if sb.steps[i].processDataFunc != nil {
-			daoError := sb.steps[i].processDataFunc(sb.businessLogicHolder)
-			if errormdl.CheckErr1(daoError) != nil {
-				loggermdl.LogError(daoError)
-				return nil, errormdl.CheckErr1(daoError)
-			}
-		}
-		//Run step func
-		tmp, blError := sb.steps[i].RunFunc()
-		if errormdl.CheckErr2(blError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(blError)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr2(blError)
-		}
-		// Validation using conditions
-		result, evaluteError := conditions.Evaluate(sb.steps[i].expr, tmp)
-		if errormdl.CheckErr3(evaluteError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(evaluteError)
-			return nil, errormdl.CheckErr3(evaluteError)
-		}
-		// if validation fails
-		if !result {
-			// loggermdl.LogWarn(sb.steps[i].Stepname, "Failed", result)
-			// jump step is a functionality like go to on particular step
-			if sb.steps[i].JumpStep != "" {
-				_, recoveryError := sb.executeErrorFunction(sb.steps[i].ErrorFunc)
-				if errormdl.CheckErr(recoveryError) != nil {
-					loggermdl.LogError(recoveryError)
-					return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(recoveryError)
-				}
-				index, ok := sb.findStepIndex(sb.steps[i].JumpStep)
-				if !ok {
-					loggermdl.LogError("Step Name spcify in GOTO not found: " + sb.steps[i].JumpStep)
-					return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Step Name spcify in GOTO not found: " + sb.steps[i].JumpStep)
-				}
-				i = index - 1
-				continue
-			}
-			return sb.executeErrorFunction(sb.steps[i].ErrorFunc)
-		}
-	}
-	return sb.finalOutput(fn)
-// executeValidationFunction exceute when validation failed for any step
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) executeValidationFunction(dataKey string, fn func(interface{}) error) error {
-	validationData, ok := sb.businessLogicHolder.localServiceData[dataKey]
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Data Not Found For Validation: " + dataKey)
-		return errormdl.Wrap("Data Not Found For Validation: " + dataKey)
-	}
-	if fn == nil {
-		return validationmdl.ValidateStruct(validationData)
-	}
-	return fn(validationData)
-// executeErrorFunction exceute when validation failed for any step
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) executeErrorFunction(fn func() (map[string]interface{}, error)) (*interface{}, error) {
-	if fn == nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Data Validation failed and No recovery function found")
-		return nil, errormdl.Wrap("Data Validation failed and No recovery function found")
-	}
-	_, err := fn()
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-		return nil, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-	}
-	return sb.businessLogicHolder.GetFinalData(), nil
-// finalOutput return Final output
-func (sb *ServiceBuilder) finalOutput(fn FinalStepProcessOutput) (*interface{}, error) {
-	if fn == nil {
-		return sb.businessLogicHolder.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	return fn(sb.businessLogicHolder)
-// Principal - Object inside JWT token
-type Principal struct {
-	UserID            string    `json:"userId"`
-	Groups            []string  `json:"groups"`
-	SessionExpiration time.Time `json:"sessionExpiration"`
-	ClientIP          string    `json:"clientIP"`
-	HitsCount         int       `json:"hitsCount"`
-	Token             string    `json:"token"`
-	Metadata          string    `json:"metadata"`
-// // SetPrincipalObject - Set Principal object to BLHolder
-// func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) SetPrincipalObject(object *Principal) {
-// 	ab.pricipalObject = *object
-// }
-// GetPrincipalObject - return Principal object from BLHolder
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetPrincipalObject() *Principal {
-	return &ab.pricipalObject
-// APIResponse - APIResponse
-type APIResponse struct {
-	StatusCode int
-	Body       []byte
-	Headers    []Header
-type Header struct {
-	Key   string
-	Value []string
-// GetResposeObject - return Response object from BLHolder
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetResposeObject(responseKey string) (*APIResponse, error) {
-	tmp, ok := ab.localServiceData[responseKey]
-	if !ok {
-		return &APIResponse{}, errormdl.Wrap("Response not found for key: " + responseKey)
-	}
-	value, ok := tmp.(APIResponse)
-	if !ok {
-		return &APIResponse{}, errormdl.Wrap("Data inside memory is not of type APIResponse: " + responseKey)
-	}
-	return &value, nil
-// FetchValues -FetchValues
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) FetchValues(keyName, query string) (gjson.Result, int, error) {
-	var result gjson.Result
-	if keyName == "Principal" {
-		if query == "userId" {
-			result = gjson.Parse(`{"loginId":"` + ab.GetPrincipalObject().UserID + `"}`).Get("loginId")
-		}
-		if query == "groups" {
-			var err error
-			groupData := ""
-			for _, group := range ab.GetPrincipalObject().Groups {
-				groupData, err = sjson.Set(groupData, "-1", group)
-				if err != nil {
-					loggermdl.LogError(err)
-					return result, errormdl.SJSONERROR, err
-				}
-			}
-			result = gjson.Parse(groupData)
-		}
-		if query == "clientIP" {
-			result = gjson.Parse(`{"clientIP":"` + ab.GetPrincipalObject().ClientIP + `"}`).Get("clientIP")
-		}
-		if query == "token" {
-			result = gjson.Parse(`{"token":"` + ab.GetPrincipalObject().Token + `"}`).Get("token")
-		}
-		if strings.Contains(query, "metadata") {
-			if strings.Contains(query, ":") {
-				token := strings.Split(query, ":")
-				if len(token) > 0 {
-					result = gjson.Parse(ab.GetPrincipalObject().Metadata).Get(token[1])
-				}
-			} else {
-				result = gjson.Parse(ab.GetPrincipalObject().Metadata)
-			}
-		}
-		return result, errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	if keyName == "GlobalConfig" {
-		result, ok := ab.GetGlobalConfigString(query)
-		if !ok {
-			loggermdl.LogError("Key Not Found in global config: " + query)
-			return gjson.Parse(result), errormdl.KEYNOTFOUND, errormdl.Wrap("Key Not Found in global config: " + query)
-		}
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(result)
-		return gjson.Parse(`{"config":"` + result + `"}`).Get("config"), errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	if keyName == "~tokenUserId" {
-		return gjson.Parse(`{"loginId":"` + ab.GetPrincipalObject().UserID + `"}`).Get("loginId"), errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	if keyName == "~TIME" {
-		TIME, err := sjson.Set("{}", "time", time.Now().Unix())
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(err) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return result, errormdl.SJSONERROR, errormdl.CheckErr(err)
-		}
-		return gjson.Parse(TIME).Get("time"), errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	if keyName == "~GUID" {
-		return gjson.Parse(`{"guid":"` + guidmdl.GetGUID() + `"}`).Get("guid"), errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	if keyName == "EMPTYJSON" {
-		return gjson.Parse("{}"), errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-	}
-	rs, ok := ab.GetDataResultset(keyName)
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Key Not Found: " + keyName)
-		return result, errormdl.KEYNOTFOUND, errormdl.Wrap("Key Not Found: " + keyName)
-	}
-	if query != "*" {
-		result = rs.Get(query)
-	} else {
-		result = *rs
-	}
-	return result, errormdl.NOERROR, nil
-// GetAllAbsData - GetAllAbsData
-func (ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) GetAbLocalServiceData() map[string]interface{} {
-	return ab.localServiceData
diff --git a/v2/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl_test.go b/v2/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c33e8e412dc1da45b089e9d4f0c4a9d33cb9665..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/servicebuildermdl/servicebuildermdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,908 +0,0 @@
-package servicebuildermdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"errors"
-	"strconv"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	dalmdl "corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/dalmdl/dao"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-var fastCache cachemdl.FastCacheHelper
-var loaddata LoadData
-func init() {
-	fastCache = cachemdl.FastCacheHelper{}
-	fastCache.Setup(5000, time.Minute*500, time.Minute*500)
-//Create Type with abstract Type
-type MyBLLayer struct {
-	AbstractBusinessLogicHolder
-// // attach methods to it
-// func (m *MyBLLayer) FindAndVerifyMobileNumber() map[string]interface{} {
-// 	loginID := "noone"
-// 	//check in cache
-// 	fresult, okay := fastCache.Get("#[mobileNo==\"7875383220\"].loginId")
-// 	if okay {
-// 		loginID = fresult.(string)
-// 	} else {
-// 		result1, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-// 		if !ok {
-// 			loggermdl.LogError("error in convert")
-// 		}
-// 		loginID = result1.Get("#[mobileNo==\"7875383220\"].loginId").String()
-// 		fastCache.Set("#[mobileNo==\"7875383220\"].loginId", loginID)
-// 	}
-// 	//add few var in local map and fetch it
-// 	result2, _ := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-// 	m.SetResultset("myresult2", result2)
-// 	m.LocalServiceData["myint"] = 5
-// 	m.GetDataResultset("myresult2")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-// 	m.GetDataResultset("myresult2")
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-// 	cnt1, _ := m.GetDataInt("hi")
-// 	if cnt1 > 1 {
-// 		fmt.Println("hmm")
-// 	}
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-// 	cnt2, _ := m.GetDataInt("hi")
-// 	if cnt2 > 1 {
-// 		fmt.Println("hmm")
-// 	}
-// 	m.SetFinalData(loginID)
-// 	return map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"owner": loginID,
-// 	}
-// }
-//Now we will write DAO
-func GetUsersInfo() (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	return dalmdl.GetDAO().FilePath("../testingdata/users.json").IsCacheable().Query("*").Run()
-// func TestService(t *testing.T) {
-// 	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-// 	mb.New(&Principal{})
-// 	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-// 		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-// 		if err != nil {
-// 			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-// 			return err
-// 		}
-// 		mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-// 		return nil
-// 	}
-// 	// GetSB("mysrv", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-// 	// 	AddStep("Check Mobile", "owner in ('SystemIntegrator')", loaddata, mb.FindAndVerifyMobileNumber, mb.EchoBL)
-// 	// loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) {
-// 	// 	mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = GetUsersInfo()
-// 	// }
-// 	// finalStep := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) *interface{} {
-// 	// 	s :=
-// 	// 	return &s
-// 	// }
-// 	sb, err := GetSB("mysrv", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-// 		AddStep("Check Mobile", "owner = 'SystemIntegrator'", loaddata, mb.FindAndVerifyMobileNumber, mb.EchoBL).
-// 		AddStep("Test STEP 2", "owner = 'SystemIntegrator'", nil, mb.FindAndVerifyMobileNumber, mb.EchoBL).
-// 		Run().FinalOutput(nil)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-// 	} else {
-// 		assert.Equal(t, "SystemIntegrator", *sb, "this should be same")
-// 	}
-// }
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL1() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	condition, ok1 := m.GetDataBool("condition")
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[isEnabled==" + strconv.FormatBool(condition) + "]#").Get("#.loginId")
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(tmp)
-		m.SetResultset("BL1Data", &tmp)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL2() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	loginIDs, ok1 := m.GetDataResultset("BL1Data")
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		var tmp []interface{}
-		loginIDs.ForEach(func(key, value gjson.Result) bool {
-			tmp = append(tmp, rs.Get("#[loginId=="+value.String()+"]#").Value())
-			return true
-		})
-		m.SetFinalData(tmp)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL3() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	condition, ok1 := m.GetDataBool("condition")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[isEnabled==" + strconv.FormatBool(condition) + "]#").Get("#.loginId")
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(tmp)
-		m.SetResultset("BL1Data", &tmp)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL4() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	condition, ok1 := m.GetDataBool("condition")
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[isEnabled==" + strconv.FormatBool(condition) + "]#").Get("#.loginId")
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(tmp)
-		m.SetResultset("BL1Data", &tmp)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL5() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	condition, ok1 := m.GetDataBool("condition")
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[isEnabled==" + strconv.FormatBool(condition) + "]#").Get("#.loginId")
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(tmp)
-		m.SetResultset("BL1Data", &tmp)
-	} else {
-		return nil, errors.New("NO_DATA_FOUND")
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL6() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	condition, ok1 := m.GetDataBool("condition")
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[isEnabled==" + strconv.FormatBool(condition) + "]#").Get("#").Int()
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(tmp)
-		m.SetCustomData("BL1Data", tmp)
-		loginIDs, ok1 := m.GetDataInt("BL1Data")
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(loginIDs, ok1)
-		if ok1 {
-			m.SetFinalData(loginIDs)
-		}
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL7() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	loginIDs, ok1 := m.GetDataInt("BL1Data")
-	loggermdl.LogInfo(loginIDs, ok1)
-	if ok1 {
-		m.SetFinalData(loginIDs)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL8() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	if ok {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[isEnabled==true]#").Get("#").Value()
-		m.SetCustomData("BL1Data", tmp)
-		loginIDs, ok1 := m.GetDataInt("BL1Data")
-		if ok1 {
-			m.SetFinalData(loginIDs)
-		}
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL9() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	loginIDs, ok1 := m.GetDataInterface("BL1Data1")
-	loggermdl.LogInfo(loginIDs, ok1)
-	if ok1 {
-		m.SetFinalData(loginIDs)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func (m *MyBLLayer) BL10() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	loginId, ok1 := m.GetDataString("loginId")
-	rs, ok := m.GetDataResultset("daodata1")
-	if ok && ok1 {
-		tmp := rs.Get("#[loginId==" + loginId + "]#").Value()
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(tmp)
-		m.SetFinalData(tmp)
-	}
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		"$1": true,
-	}, nil
-func Test1Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test2Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "abc == true", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "abc == true", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.Error(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test3Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$2 == true", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.Error(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test4Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == false", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test5Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL3, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == false", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test6Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL4, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == false", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test7Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL5, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == false", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.Error(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test8Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		return errors.New("CUSTOM_DAO_ERROR")
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.EchoBL).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == false", nil, mb.BL2, mb.EchoBL).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.Error(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test9Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		// mb.LocalServiceData["daodata1"] = data
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test1Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == false", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL2, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.Error(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func (m *MyBLLayer) ErrorFunction() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
-	return nil, errors.New("Error_Func")
-func Test10Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resultFunc := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error) {
-		return ab.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test10Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL1, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL2, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(resultFunc)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test11Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resultFunc := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error) {
-		return ab.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test11Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL6, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL7, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(resultFunc)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test12Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resultFunc := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error) {
-		return ab.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test10Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL6, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL7, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(resultFunc)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test13Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resultFunc := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error) {
-		return ab.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test10Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL6, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL7, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(resultFunc)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test14Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resultFunc := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error) {
-		return ab.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test14Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL8, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL9, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(resultFunc)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test15Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	resultFunc := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) (*interface{}, error) {
-		return ab.GetFinalData(), nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("condition", false)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	_, Err := GetSB("Test15Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL8, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		AddStep("Step2", "$1 == true", nil, mb.BL9, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(resultFunc)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test16Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("loginId", "roshanp1")
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test16Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL10, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(nil)
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test17Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("loginId", "roshanp1")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test17Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL10, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(nil)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test18Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("loginId", "roshanp1")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test17Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL10, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(nil)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-type StructToValidate struct {
-	Name string `json:"name" valid:"required,alpha,length(4|8)"`
-	Age  int    `json:"age" valid:"required,range(18|50)"`
-func Test19Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	structToValidate := StructToValidate{}
-	structToValidate.Name = "Jarvis"
-	structToValidate.Age = 23
-	mb.SetCustomData("input", structToValidate)
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("loginId", "roshanp1")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test17Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddValidation("input", nil).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL10, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(nil)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.NoError(t, Err, "No Error Should be return")
-func Test20Service(t *testing.T) {
-	mb := MyBLLayer{}
-	mb.New(&Principal{})
-	structToValidate := StructToValidate{}
-	structToValidate.Name = "Jarvis"
-	mb.SetCustomData("input", structToValidate)
-	loaddata := func(ab *AbstractBusinessLogicHolder) error {
-		data, err := GetUsersInfo()
-		if err != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(err)
-			return err
-		}
-		mb.SetResultset("daodata1", data)
-		return nil
-	}
-	mb.SetCustomData("loginId", "roshanp1")
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = true
-	ab, Err := GetSB("Test17Service", &mb.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder).
-		AddValidation("input", nil).
-		AddStep("Step1", "$1 == true", loaddata, mb.BL10, mb.ErrorFunction).
-		Run(nil)
-	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool1 = false
-	if Err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(Err)
-	} else {
-		ba, _ := json.Marshal(ab)
-		loggermdl.LogInfo(string(ba))
-	}
-	assert.Error(t, Err, "Error Should be return by validator")
diff --git a/v2/sessionmanagermdl/sessionmanager.go b/v2/sessionmanagermdl/sessionmanager.go
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index 724f325d66cf7366f8db8c9e5166a0c78cc22c99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/sessionmanagermdl/sessionmanager.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-package sessionmanagermdl
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/tidwall/sjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/cachemdl"
-// Entry is a data to be stored against a key.
-type Entry struct {
-	Data       gjson.Result `json:"data,omitempty"`
-	Expiration int64        `json:"expiration,omitempty"`
-	ExpiredAT  int64        `json:"expiredAt,omitempty"`
-const (
-	// keys for the entry object
-	KEY_DATA       = "data"
-	KEY_EXPIREDAT  = "expiredAt"
-	KEY_EXPIRATION = "expiration"
-var store cachemdl.Cacher
-var ErrSessionNotFound = errors.New("SESSION_NOT_FOUND")
-var ErrInvalidDataType = errors.New("INVALID_DATA_Type")
-// Init initializes session manager with provided cache. Subsequent calls will not have any effect after first initialization.
-func Init(cache cachemdl.Cacher) {
-	if store != nil {
-		return
-	}
-	store = cache
-// NewEntry prepares the object required to store data in session.
-// The `exp` field interprets time in seconds. Ex. For 5 seconds, set `5`
-func NewEntry(val gjson.Result, exp int64) Entry {
-	duration := time.Duration(exp) * time.Second
-	deadLine := time.Now().Add(duration).Unix()
-	return Entry{
-		Data:       val,
-		Expiration: exp,
-		ExpiredAT:  deadLine,
-	}
-// NewRedisEntry prepares the entry for redis cache. This is required because redis accepts a byte array.
-func NewRedisEntry(entry Entry) string {
-	var data string
-	// the error can be ignored here as we have valid keys and data values
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, KEY_DATA, entry.Data.Value())
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, KEY_EXPIRATION, entry.Expiration)
-	data, _ = sjson.Set(data, KEY_EXPIREDAT, entry.ExpiredAT)
-	return data
-// ToObject returns an cache entry as an object. It is better than sjson.Set() as we need to perform gjson.Parse().
-func ToObject(entry Entry) map[string]interface{} {
-	return map[string]interface{}{
-		KEY_DATA:       entry.Data.Value(),
-		KEY_EXPIRATION: entry.Expiration,
-		KEY_EXPIREDAT:  entry.ExpiredAT,
-	}
-// Store adds/ updates the entry against the provided key.
-func Store(key string, entry Entry) {
-	duration := time.Duration(entry.Expiration) * time.Second
-	// if session manager uses redis cache, the data field (gjson.Result) is saved as is.
-	// This adds irrelevant fields in redis cache and we get them on retrieve operation.
-	// The following operation needs to be performed so that the data is marshaled correctly. Redis only accepts []byte{}.
-	if store.Type() == cachemdl.TypeRedisCache {
-		store.SetWithExpiration(key, NewRedisEntry(entry), duration)
-		return
-	}
-	store.SetWithExpiration(key, entry, duration)
-// Retrieve returns the entry present against the provided key. If a key is not available or data stored is not of type gjson.Result, a non nil error will be returned
-func Retrieve(key string) (Entry, error) {
-	data, ok := store.Get(key)
-	if !ok {
-		return Entry{}, ErrSessionNotFound
-	}
-	switch v := data.(type) {
-	case string: // for result from redis cache
-		res := gjson.Parse(v)
-		return Entry{
-			Data:       res.Get(KEY_DATA),
-			Expiration: res.Get(KEY_EXPIRATION).Int(),
-			ExpiredAT:  res.Get(KEY_EXPIREDAT).Int(),
-		}, nil
-	case Entry: // for result from fastcache
-		return v, nil
-	default:
-		return Entry{}, ErrInvalidDataType
-	}
-// RetrieveAll returns all entries present in memory. **Not for production use. May add performance costs**
-func RetrieveAll() map[string]interface{} {
-	return store.GetAll()
-// RetrieveAndExtend returns the entry and extends the entry expiration by provided `SECONDS`, only if remaining time < extendBy.
-// If extendBy < 0, it is same as Retrieve function.
-func RetrieveAndExtend(key string, extendBy int64) (Entry, error) {
-	entry, err := Retrieve(key)
-	if err != nil {
-		return Entry{}, err
-	}
-	if extendBy > 0 {
-		timeRemaining := entry.ExpiredAT - time.Now().Unix()
-		if timeRemaining < extendBy {
-			// update with new expiratin
-			entry.ExpiredAT = time.Now().Add(time.Second * time.Duration(extendBy)).Unix()
-			entry.Expiration = extendBy
-			Store(key, entry)
-		}
-	}
-	return entry, nil
-// RetrieveAndDelete deletes the entry after first retrieval
-func RetrieveAndDelete(key string) (Entry, error) {
-	entry, err := Retrieve(key)
-	if err != nil {
-		return Entry{}, err
-	}
-	store.Delete(key)
-	return entry, nil
-// Delete removes the entry from session manager. If the key is not present, error `ErrSessionNotFound` will be thrown. Caller can ignore error if this is acceptable.
-func Delete(key string) error {
-	_, ok := store.Get(key)
-	if !ok {
-		return ErrSessionNotFound
-	}
-	store.Delete(key)
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/sjsonhelpermdl/sjsonhelpermdl.go b/v2/sjsonhelpermdl/sjsonhelpermdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f5d74f470c93d76ee7e9ae950db1be1110d4aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/sjsonhelpermdl/sjsonhelpermdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,695 +0,0 @@
-package sjsonhelpermdl
-import (
-	jsongo "encoding/json"
-	"reflect"
-	"strconv"
-	"unsafe"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-// SetMultiple - provided interface  help to set multiple values in your input json
-func SetMultiple(input string, keys []string, values []interface{}) (string, error) {
-	if len(keys) != len(values) {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Length og keys and values should be equal")
-		return input, errormdl.Wrap("Length og keys and values should be equal")
-	}
-	var setError error
-	for i, key := range keys {
-		input, setError = Set(input, key, values[i])
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(setError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(setError)
-			return input, errormdl.CheckErr(setError)
-		}
-	}
-	return input, nil
-// SetInGJSON - provided interface  help to set multiple values in your input GJSON
-func SetInGJSON(input gjson.Result, keys []string, values []interface{}) (*gjson.Result, error) {
-	if len(keys) != len(values) {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Length og keys and values should be equal")
-		return &input, errormdl.Wrap("Length og keys and values should be equal")
-	}
-	inputData := input.String()
-	var setError error
-	for i, key := range keys {
-		inputData, setError = Set(inputData, key, values[i])
-		if errormdl.CheckErr(setError) != nil {
-			loggermdl.LogError(setError)
-			return &input, errormdl.CheckErr(setError)
-		}
-	}
-	input = gjson.Parse(inputData)
-	return &input, nil
-type errorType struct {
-	msg string
-func (err *errorType) Error() string {
-	return err.msg
-// Options represents additional options for the Set and Delete functions.
-type Options struct {
-	// Optimistic is a hint that the value likely exists which
-	// allows for the sjson to perform a fast-track search and replace.
-	Optimistic bool
-	// ReplaceInPlace is a hint to replace the input json rather than
-	// allocate a new json byte slice. When this field is specified
-	// the input json will not longer be valid and it should not be used
-	// In the case when the destination slice doesn't have enough free
-	// bytes to replace the data in place, a new bytes slice will be
-	// created under the hood.
-	// The Optimistic flag must be set to true and the input must be a
-	// byte slice in order to use this field.
-	ReplaceInPlace bool
-type pathResult struct {
-	part  string // current key part
-	path  string // remaining path
-	force bool   // force a string key
-	more  bool   // there is more path to parse
-func parsePath(path string, isStringKey bool) (pathResult, error) {
-	var r pathResult
-	if len(path) > 0 && path[0] == ':' {
-		r.force = true
-		path = path[1:]
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
-		if !isStringKey && path[i] == '.' {
-			r.part = path[:i]
-			r.path = path[i+1:]
-			r.more = true
-			return r, nil
-		}
-		if path[i] == '*' || path[i] == '?' {
-			return r, &errorType{"wildcard characters not allowed in path"}
-		} else if path[i] == '#' {
-			return r, &errorType{"array access character not allowed in path"}
-		}
-		if path[i] == '\\' {
-			// go into escape mode. this is a slower path that
-			// strips off the escape character from the part.
-			epart := []byte(path[:i])
-			i++
-			if i < len(path) {
-				epart = append(epart, path[i])
-				i++
-				for ; i < len(path); i++ {
-					if path[i] == '\\' {
-						i++
-						if i < len(path) {
-							epart = append(epart, path[i])
-						}
-						continue
-					} else if path[i] == '.' {
-						r.part = string(epart)
-						r.path = path[i+1:]
-						r.more = true
-						return r, nil
-					} else if path[i] == '*' || path[i] == '?' {
-						return r, &errorType{
-							"wildcard characters not allowed in path"}
-					} else if path[i] == '#' {
-						return r, &errorType{
-							"array access character not allowed in path"}
-					}
-					epart = append(epart, path[i])
-				}
-			}
-			// append the last part
-			r.part = string(epart)
-			return r, nil
-		}
-	}
-	r.part = path
-	return r, nil
-func mustMarshalString(s string) bool {
-	for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
-		if s[i] < ' ' || s[i] > 0x7f || s[i] == '"' {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// appendStringify makes a json string and appends to buf.
-func appendStringify(buf []byte, s string) []byte {
-	if mustMarshalString(s) {
-		b, _ := jsongo.Marshal(s)
-		return append(buf, b...)
-	}
-	buf = append(buf, '"')
-	buf = append(buf, s...)
-	buf = append(buf, '"')
-	return buf
-// appendBuild builds a json block from a json path.
-func appendBuild(buf []byte, array bool, paths []pathResult, raw string,
-	stringify bool) []byte {
-	if !array {
-		buf = appendStringify(buf, paths[0].part)
-		buf = append(buf, ':')
-	}
-	if len(paths) > 1 {
-		n, numeric := atoui(paths[1])
-		if numeric || (!paths[1].force && paths[1].part == "-1") {
-			buf = append(buf, '[')
-			buf = appendRepeat(buf, "null,", n)
-			buf = appendBuild(buf, true, paths[1:], raw, stringify)
-			buf = append(buf, ']')
-		} else {
-			buf = append(buf, '{')
-			buf = appendBuild(buf, false, paths[1:], raw, stringify)
-			buf = append(buf, '}')
-		}
-	} else {
-		if stringify {
-			buf = appendStringify(buf, raw)
-		} else {
-			buf = append(buf, raw...)
-		}
-	}
-	return buf
-// atoui does a rip conversion of string -> unigned int.
-func atoui(r pathResult) (n int, ok bool) {
-	if r.force {
-		return 0, false
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < len(r.part); i++ {
-		if r.part[i] < '0' || r.part[i] > '9' {
-			return 0, false
-		}
-		n = n*10 + int(r.part[i]-'0')
-	}
-	return n, true
-// appendRepeat repeats string "n" times and appends to buf.
-func appendRepeat(buf []byte, s string, n int) []byte {
-	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
-		buf = append(buf, s...)
-	}
-	return buf
-// trim does a rip trim
-func trim(s string) string {
-	for len(s) > 0 {
-		if s[0] <= ' ' {
-			s = s[1:]
-			continue
-		}
-		break
-	}
-	for len(s) > 0 {
-		if s[len(s)-1] <= ' ' {
-			s = s[:len(s)-1]
-			continue
-		}
-		break
-	}
-	return s
-// deleteTailItem deletes the previous key or comma.
-func deleteTailItem(buf []byte) ([]byte, bool) {
-	for i := len(buf) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
-		// look for either a ',',':','['
-		switch buf[i] {
-		case '[':
-			return buf, true
-		case ',':
-			return buf[:i], false
-		case ':':
-			// delete tail string
-			i--
-			for ; i >= 0; i-- {
-				if buf[i] == '"' {
-					i--
-					for ; i >= 0; i-- {
-						if buf[i] == '"' {
-							i--
-							if i >= 0 && i == '\\' {
-								i--
-								continue
-							}
-							for ; i >= 0; i-- {
-								// look for either a ',','{'
-								switch buf[i] {
-								case '{':
-									return buf[:i+1], true
-								case ',':
-									return buf[:i], false
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			break loop
-		}
-	}
-	return buf, false
-var errNoChange = &errorType{"no change"}
-func appendRawPaths(buf []byte, jstr string, paths []pathResult, raw string,
-	stringify, del bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	var err error
-	var res gjson.Result
-	var found bool
-	if del {
-		if paths[0].part == "-1" && !paths[0].force {
-			res = gjson.Get(jstr, "#")
-			if res.Int() > 0 {
-				res = gjson.Get(jstr, strconv.FormatInt(int64(res.Int()-1), 10))
-				found = true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if !found {
-		res = gjson.Get(jstr, paths[0].part)
-	}
-	if res.Index > 0 {
-		if len(paths) > 1 {
-			buf = append(buf, jstr[:res.Index]...)
-			buf, err = appendRawPaths(buf, res.Raw, paths[1:], raw,
-				stringify, del)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			buf = append(buf, jstr[res.Index+len(res.Raw):]...)
-			return buf, nil
-		}
-		buf = append(buf, jstr[:res.Index]...)
-		var exidx int // additional forward stripping
-		if del {
-			var delNextComma bool
-			buf, delNextComma = deleteTailItem(buf)
-			if delNextComma {
-				i, j := res.Index+len(res.Raw), 0
-				for ; i < len(jstr); i, j = i+1, j+1 {
-					if jstr[i] <= ' ' {
-						continue
-					}
-					if jstr[i] == ',' {
-						exidx = j + 1
-					}
-					break
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			if stringify {
-				buf = appendStringify(buf, raw)
-			} else {
-				buf = append(buf, raw...)
-			}
-		}
-		buf = append(buf, jstr[res.Index+len(res.Raw)+exidx:]...)
-		return buf, nil
-	}
-	if del {
-		return nil, errNoChange
-	}
-	n, numeric := atoui(paths[0])
-	isempty := true
-	for i := 0; i < len(jstr); i++ {
-		if jstr[i] > ' ' {
-			isempty = false
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	if isempty {
-		if numeric {
-			jstr = "[]"
-		} else {
-			jstr = "{}"
-		}
-	}
-	jsres := gjson.Parse(jstr)
-	if jsres.Type != gjson.JSON {
-		if numeric {
-			jstr = "[]"
-		} else {
-			jstr = "{}"
-		}
-		jsres = gjson.Parse(jstr)
-	}
-	var comma bool
-	for i := 1; i < len(jsres.Raw); i++ {
-		if jsres.Raw[i] <= ' ' {
-			continue
-		}
-		if jsres.Raw[i] == '}' || jsres.Raw[i] == ']' {
-			break
-		}
-		comma = true
-		break
-	}
-	switch jsres.Raw[0] {
-	default:
-		return nil, &errorType{"json must be an object or array"}
-	case '{':
-		buf = append(buf, '{')
-		buf = appendBuild(buf, false, paths, raw, stringify)
-		if comma {
-			buf = append(buf, ',')
-		}
-		buf = append(buf, jsres.Raw[1:]...)
-		return buf, nil
-	case '[':
-		var appendit bool
-		if !numeric {
-			if paths[0].part == "-1" && !paths[0].force {
-				appendit = true
-			} else {
-				return nil, &errorType{
-					"cannot set array element for non-numeric key '" +
-						paths[0].part + "'"}
-			}
-		}
-		if appendit {
-			njson := trim(jsres.Raw)
-			if njson[len(njson)-1] == ']' {
-				njson = njson[:len(njson)-1]
-			}
-			buf = append(buf, njson...)
-			if comma {
-				buf = append(buf, ',')
-			}
-			buf = appendBuild(buf, true, paths, raw, stringify)
-			buf = append(buf, ']')
-			return buf, nil
-		}
-		buf = append(buf, '[')
-		ress := jsres.Array()
-		for i := 0; i < len(ress); i++ {
-			if i > 0 {
-				buf = append(buf, ',')
-			}
-			buf = append(buf, ress[i].Raw...)
-		}
-		if len(ress) == 0 {
-			buf = appendRepeat(buf, "null,", n-len(ress))
-		} else {
-			buf = appendRepeat(buf, ",null", n-len(ress))
-			if comma {
-				buf = append(buf, ',')
-			}
-		}
-		buf = appendBuild(buf, true, paths, raw, stringify)
-		buf = append(buf, ']')
-		return buf, nil
-	}
-func isOptimisticPath(path string) bool {
-	for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
-		if path[i] < '.' || path[i] > 'z' {
-			return false
-		}
-		if path[i] > '9' && path[i] < 'A' {
-			return false
-		}
-		if path[i] > 'z' {
-			return false
-		}
-	}
-	return true
-func set(jstr, path, raw string,
-	stringify, del, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	if path == "" {
-		return nil, &errorType{"path cannot be empty"}
-	}
-	if !del && optimistic && isOptimisticPath(path) {
-		res := gjson.Get(jstr, path)
-		if res.Exists() && res.Index > 0 {
-			sz := len(jstr) - len(res.Raw) + len(raw)
-			if stringify {
-				sz += 2
-			}
-			if inplace && sz <= len(jstr) {
-				if !stringify || !mustMarshalString(raw) {
-					jsonh := *(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&jstr))
-					jsonbh := reflect.SliceHeader{
-						Data: jsonh.Data, Len: jsonh.Len, Cap: jsonh.Len}
-					jbytes := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&jsonbh))
-					if stringify {
-						jbytes[res.Index] = '"'
-						copy(jbytes[res.Index+1:], []byte(raw))
-						jbytes[res.Index+1+len(raw)] = '"'
-						copy(jbytes[res.Index+1+len(raw)+1:],
-							jbytes[res.Index+len(res.Raw):])
-					} else {
-						copy(jbytes[res.Index:], []byte(raw))
-						copy(jbytes[res.Index+len(raw):],
-							jbytes[res.Index+len(res.Raw):])
-					}
-					return jbytes[:sz], nil
-				}
-				return nil, nil
-			}
-			buf := make([]byte, 0, sz)
-			buf = append(buf, jstr[:res.Index]...)
-			if stringify {
-				buf = appendStringify(buf, raw)
-			} else {
-				buf = append(buf, raw...)
-			}
-			buf = append(buf, jstr[res.Index+len(res.Raw):]...)
-			return buf, nil
-		}
-	}
-	// parse the path, make sure that it does not contain invalid characters
-	// such as '#', '?', '*'
-	paths := make([]pathResult, 0, 4)
-	r, err := parsePath(path, isStringKey)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	paths = append(paths, r)
-	for r.more {
-		if r, err = parsePath(r.path, isStringKey); err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		paths = append(paths, r)
-	}
-	njson, err := appendRawPaths(nil, jstr, paths, raw, stringify, del)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return njson, nil
-// Set sets a json value for the specified path.
-// A path is in dot syntax, such as "name.last" or "age".
-// This function expects that the json is well-formed, and does not validate.
-// Invalid json will not panic, but it may return back unexpected results.
-// An error is returned if the path is not valid.
-// A path is a series of keys separated by a dot.
-//  {
-//    "name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
-//    "age":37,
-//    "children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
-//    "friends": [
-//      {"first": "James", "last": "Murphy"},
-//      {"first": "Roger", "last": "Craig"}
-//    ]
-//  }
-//  "name.last"          >> "Anderson"
-//  "age"                >> 37
-//  "children.1"         >> "Alex"
-func Set(json, path string, value interface{}) (string, error) {
-	return SetOptions(json, path, value, nil, false)
-// SetAsAStringKey - SetAsAStringKey
-func SetAsAStringKey(json, path string, value interface{}) (string, error) {
-	return SetOptions(json, path, value, nil, true)
-// SetOptions sets a json value for the specified path with options.
-// A path is in dot syntax, such as "name.last" or "age".
-// This function expects that the json is well-formed, and does not validate.
-// Invalid json will not panic, but it may return back unexpected results.
-// An error is returned if the path is not valid.
-func SetOptions(json, path string, value interface{},
-	opts *Options, isStringKey bool) (string, error) {
-	if opts != nil {
-		if opts.ReplaceInPlace {
-			// it's not safe to replace bytes in-place for strings
-			// copy the Options and set options.ReplaceInPlace to false.
-			nopts := *opts
-			opts = &nopts
-			opts.ReplaceInPlace = false
-		}
-	}
-	jsonh := *(*reflect.StringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&json))
-	jsonbh := reflect.SliceHeader{Data: jsonh.Data, Len: jsonh.Len}
-	jsonb := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&jsonbh))
-	res, err := SetBytesOptions(jsonb, path, value, opts, isStringKey)
-	return string(res), err
-// SetBytes sets a json value for the specified path.
-// If working with bytes, this method preferred over
-// Set(string(data), path, value)
-func SetBytes(json []byte, path string, value interface{}, isStringKey bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	return SetBytesOptions(json, path, value, nil, isStringKey)
-// SetBytesOptions sets a json value for the specified path with options.
-// If working with bytes, this method preferred over
-// SetOptions(string(data), path, value)
-func SetBytesOptions(json []byte, path string, value interface{},
-	opts *Options, isStringKey bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	var optimistic, inplace bool
-	if opts != nil {
-		optimistic = opts.Optimistic
-		inplace = opts.ReplaceInPlace
-	}
-	jstr := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&json))
-	var res []byte
-	var err error
-	switch v := value.(type) {
-	default:
-		b, err := jsongo.Marshal(value)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, err
-		}
-		raw := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, raw, false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case dtype:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, "", false, true, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case string:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, v, true, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case []byte:
-		raw := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&v))
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, raw, true, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case bool:
-		if v {
-			res, err = set(jstr, path, "true", false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-		} else {
-			res, err = set(jstr, path, "false", false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-		}
-	case int8:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case int16:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case int32:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case int64:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case uint8:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case uint16:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case uint32:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case uint64:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), 10),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case float32:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 64),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	case float64:
-		res, err = set(jstr, path, strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 64),
-			false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	}
-	if err == errNoChange {
-		return json, nil
-	}
-	return res, err
-// SetRaw sets a raw json value for the specified path.
-// This function works the same as Set except that the value is set as a
-// raw block of json. This allows for setting premarshalled json objects.
-func SetRaw(json, path, value string, isStringKey bool) (string, error) {
-	return SetRawOptions(json, path, value, nil, isStringKey)
-// SetRawOptions sets a raw json value for the specified path with options.
-// This furnction works the same as SetOptions except that the value is set
-// as a raw block of json. This allows for setting premarshalled json objects.
-func SetRawOptions(json, path, value string, opts *Options, isStringKey bool) (string, error) {
-	var optimistic bool
-	if opts != nil {
-		optimistic = opts.Optimistic
-	}
-	res, err := set(json, path, value, false, false, optimistic, false, isStringKey)
-	if err == errNoChange {
-		return json, nil
-	}
-	return string(res), err
-// SetRawBytes sets a raw json value for the specified path.
-// If working with bytes, this method preferred over
-// SetRaw(string(data), path, value)
-func SetRawBytes(json []byte, path string, value []byte, isStringKey bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	return SetRawBytesOptions(json, path, value, nil, isStringKey)
-// SetRawBytesOptions sets a raw json value for the specified path with options.
-// If working with bytes, this method preferred over
-// SetRawOptions(string(data), path, value, opts)
-func SetRawBytesOptions(json []byte, path string, value []byte,
-	opts *Options, isStringKey bool) ([]byte, error) {
-	jstr := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&json))
-	vstr := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&value))
-	var optimistic, inplace bool
-	if opts != nil {
-		optimistic = opts.Optimistic
-		inplace = opts.ReplaceInPlace
-	}
-	res, err := set(jstr, path, vstr, false, false, optimistic, inplace, isStringKey)
-	if err == errNoChange {
-		return json, nil
-	}
-	return res, err
-type dtype struct{}
-// Delete deletes a value from json for the specified path.
-func Delete(json, path string) (string, error) {
-	return Set(json, path, dtype{})
-// DeleteBytes deletes a value from json for the specified path.
-func DeleteBytes(json []byte, path string) ([]byte, error) {
-	return SetBytes(json, path, dtype{}, false)
diff --git a/v2/sjsonhelpermdl/sjsonhelpermdl_test.go b/v2/sjsonhelpermdl/sjsonhelpermdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 732ae7e1ba384411c0998ba559e293bfa68d1fce..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/sjsonhelpermdl/sjsonhelpermdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-package sjsonhelpermdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestSetMultiple(t *testing.T) {
-	input := ""
-	keys := []string{"name", "age", "time"}
-	values := []interface{}{"abc", 23, time.Now()}
-	output, setError := SetMultiple(input, keys, values)
-	fmt.Println(output)
-	assert.NoError(t, setError)
-func TestSetinGJSON(t *testing.T) {
-	input := gjson.Parse("")
-	keys := []string{"name", "age", "time"}
-	values := []interface{}{"abc", 23, time.Now()}
-	output, setError := SetInGJSON(input, keys, values)
-	fmt.Println(output.Value())
-	assert.NoError(t, setError)
-func BenchmarkSetinGJSON(b *testing.B) {
-	for index := 0; index < b.N; index++ {
-		input := gjson.Parse("")
-		keys := []string{"name.sub.sub1", "age"}
-		values := []interface{}{"abc", 23}
-		SetInGJSON(input, keys, values)
-	}
-func BenchmarkTest(b *testing.B) {
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		tmpStr := struct {
-			Name struct {
-				Sub struct {
-					Sub1 string `json:"sub1"`
-				}
-			}
-			Age int `json:"age"`
-		}{}
-		tmp := "{}"
-		// tmp := `{"name":"roshan", "age": 23}`
-		json.Unmarshal([]byte(tmp), &tmpStr)
-		tmpStr.Name.Sub.Sub1 = "abc"
-		tmpStr.Age = 23
-		json.Marshal(tmpStr)
-	}
diff --git a/v2/statemdl/state.go b/v2/statemdl/state.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b53655b72a7e22b6dcdce6c16e7d18f2476a5b46..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/statemdl/state.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-package statemdl
-import (
-	"sync"
-	"time"
-	cron "gopkg.in/robfig/cron.v2"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/filemdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/pquerna/ffjson/ffjson"
-var projectName string
-// Statistic - for app application
-type Statistic struct {
-	ServiceName  string        `json:"serviceName"`
-	Name         string        `json:"name"`
-	TotalHits    int64         `json:"totalHits"`
-	MaxTime      time.Duration `json:"maxTime"`
-	MinTime      time.Duration `json:"minTime"`
-	TotalTime    time.Duration `json:"totalTime"`
-	ErrorCount   int64         `json:"errorCount"`
-	ErrorTime    *time.Time    `json:"errorTime"`
-	LastError    string        `json:"lastError"`
-	Description  string        `json:"description"`
-	IsRestricted bool          `json:"isRestricted"`
-	IsRoleBased  bool          `json:"isRoleBased"`
-	Branch       string        `json:"branch"` // Only applicable to activity stats
-type groupResponse struct {
-	GroupTime string `json:"name"`
-	Hits      int64  `json:"hits"`
-type clientResponse struct {
-	ServicesState  map[string]Statistic `json:"servicesState"`
-	QueryState     map[string]Statistic `json:"queryState"`
-	TotalSMS       int64                `json:"totalSMS"`
-	TotalEmail     int64                `json:"totalEmail"`
-	TotalOTP       int64                `json:"totalOTP"`
-	OTPInCache     int64                `json:"otpInCache"`
-	TotalMongoHits int64                `json:"totalMongoHits"`
-	TotalMySQLHits int64                `json:"totalMySQLHits"`
-	TotalHits      int64                `json:"totalHits"`
-	CacheHits      int64                `json:"cacheHits"`
-	CacheMiss      int64                `json:"cacheMiss"`
-	StartTime      time.Time            `json:"startTime"`
-	NextTime       time.Time            `json:"nextTime"`
-	GroupReport    []groupResponse      `json:"groupReport"`
-type entityHits struct {
-	TotalSMS   int64 `json:"totalSMS"`
-	TotalEmail int64 `json:"totalEmail"`
-	TotalOTP   int64 `json:"totalOTP"`
-	OTPInCache int64 `json:"otpInCache"`
-	Mutex      *sync.Mutex
-type dbHits struct {
-	MongoHits int64 `json:"mongoHits"`
-	MySQLHits int64 `json:"mysqlHits"`
-	Mutex     *sync.Mutex
-type cacheStates struct {
-	totalHits      int64
-	cacheHits      int64
-	cacheMiss      int64
-	cacheHitsMutex *sync.Mutex
-// entityHits - manages hits for SMS and EMAILS
-var entityHitsObj entityHits
-var clientReponseMutex *sync.Mutex
-// dbHitsObj - manages hits for Mongo and MySQL
-var dbHitsObj dbHits
-var lastKept = 20
-var stateCache map[string]Statistic
-var queryCache map[string]Statistic
-var stateMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-var cacheStatistic *cacheStates
-var groupCount int64
-var groupMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-// serverStartTime - server start time
-var serverStartTime time.Time
-var clientResponseData clientResponse
-var initStatus = false
-func init() {
-	// cacheStatistic = &cacheStates{
-	// 	cacheHitsMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
-	// }
-	// entityHitsObj.Mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-	// dbHitsObj.Mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-	// serverStartTime = time.Now()
-	// ba := readStatisticsFile()
-	// unmarshalErr := ffjson.Unmarshal(ba, &clientResponseData)
-	// if errormdl.CheckErr(unmarshalErr) != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(unmarshalErr)
-	// 	return
-	// }
-	// stateCache = clientResponseData.ServicesState
-	// if stateCache == nil {
-	// 	stateCache = make(map[string]Statistic)
-	// }
-	// queryCache = clientResponseData.QueryState
-	// if queryCache == nil {
-	// 	queryCache = make(map[string]Statistic)
-	// }
-	// clientResponseData.NextTime = time.Now().Add(600 * time.Second)
-	// c := cron.New()
-	// c.AddFunc("@every 30s", collectStatistics)
-	// c.Start()
-// Init - Init
-func Init(name string) {
-	projectName = name
-	cacheStatistic = &cacheStates{
-		cacheHitsMutex: &sync.Mutex{},
-	}
-	clientReponseMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-	dbHitsObj.Mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-	serverStartTime = time.Now()
-	ba := readStatisticsFile()
-	unmarshalErr := ffjson.Unmarshal(ba, &clientResponseData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(unmarshalErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(unmarshalErr)
-		return
-	}
-	stateCache = clientResponseData.ServicesState
-	if stateCache == nil {
-		stateCache = make(map[string]Statistic)
-	}
-	queryCache = clientResponseData.QueryState
-	if queryCache == nil {
-		queryCache = make(map[string]Statistic)
-	}
-	clientResponseData.NextTime = time.Now().Add(600 * time.Second)
-	c := cron.New()
-	c.AddFunc("@every 30s", collectStatistics)
-	c.Start()
-	initStatus = true
-func readStatisticsFile() []byte {
-	filePath := getFilePath()
-	if !filemdl.FileAvailabilityCheck(filePath) {
-		return []byte("{}")
-	}
-	ba, readErr := filemdl.ReadFile(filePath)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(readErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(readErr)
-		return []byte("{}")
-	}
-	return ba
-func getFilePath() string {
-	if projectName == "" {
-		return "./statistics.json"
-	}
-	return "./statistics/" + projectName + ".json"
-func updateGlobalHit() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	cacheStatistic.cacheHitsMutex.Lock()
-	updateGroupCache(cacheStatistic.totalHits)
-	cacheStatistic.totalHits++
-	cacheStatistic.cacheHitsMutex.Unlock()
-func updateGroupCache(hitCount int64) {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	groupMutex.Lock()
-	groupCount++
-	groupMutex.Unlock()
-// UpdateServiceState - update entry of service in state map
-func UpdateServiceState(serviceName string, servingTime time.Duration, serviceError error, isRestricted, isRoleBased bool) {
-	UpdateServiceStateWithBranch(serviceName, "main", servingTime, serviceError, isRestricted, isRoleBased)
-func concatenateNameWithBranch(name, branch string) string {
-	if branch == "" {
-		return name + "_main"
-	}
-	return name + "_" + branch
-// UpdateServiceStateWithBranch - update entry of service from a branch in state map
-func UpdateServiceStateWithBranch(serviceName, branch string, servingTime time.Duration, serviceError error, isRestricted, isRoleBased bool) {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	stateMutex.Lock()
-	key := concatenateNameWithBranch(serviceName, branch)
-	serviceState, ok := stateCache[key]
-	if !ok {
-		serviceState = Statistic{
-			ServiceName:  serviceName,
-			Name:         serviceName,
-			IsRestricted: isRestricted,
-			IsRoleBased:  isRoleBased,
-			Branch:       branch,
-		}
-	}
-	serviceState.TotalHits++
-	if serviceError != nil {
-		serviceState.ErrorCount++
-		serviceState.LastError = serviceError.Error()
-		ct := time.Now()
-		serviceState.ErrorTime = &ct
-	} else {
-		serviceState.TotalTime += servingTime
-		if servingTime > serviceState.MaxTime {
-			serviceState.MaxTime = servingTime
-		}
-		if servingTime < serviceState.MinTime || serviceState.MinTime == 0 {
-			serviceState.MinTime = servingTime
-		}
-	}
-	stateCache[key] = serviceState
-	stateMutex.Unlock()
-	updateGlobalHit()
-// UpdateQueryState - update entry of service in state map
-func UpdateQueryState(queryName string, name string, servingTime time.Duration, serviceError error, isRestricted, isRoleBased bool) {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	stateMutex.Lock()
-	queryState, ok := queryCache[queryName]
-	if !ok {
-		queryState = Statistic{
-			ServiceName:  queryName,
-			Name:         name,
-			IsRestricted: isRestricted,
-			IsRoleBased:  isRoleBased,
-		}
-	}
-	queryState.TotalHits++
-	if serviceError != nil {
-		queryState.ErrorCount++
-		queryState.LastError = serviceError.Error()
-		ct := time.Now()
-		queryState.ErrorTime = &ct
-	} else {
-		queryState.TotalTime += servingTime
-		if servingTime > queryState.MaxTime {
-			queryState.MaxTime = servingTime
-		}
-		if servingTime < queryState.MinTime || queryState.MinTime == 0 {
-			queryState.MinTime = servingTime
-		}
-	}
-	queryCache[queryName] = queryState
-	stateMutex.Unlock()
-// UpdateGlobalServiceCacheState - update only cache hits and miss count for all services
-func UpdateGlobalServiceCacheState(cacheHit bool) {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	cacheStatistic.cacheHitsMutex.Lock()
-	defer cacheStatistic.cacheHitsMutex.Unlock()
-	if cacheHit {
-		cacheStatistic.cacheHits++
-	} else {
-		cacheStatistic.cacheMiss++
-	}
-// EmailHits - update only email hits count for all services
-func EmailHits() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	defer entityHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-	entityHitsObj.TotalEmail++
-// OTPHits - update only OTPs hits count for all services -- DPK [12-June-2018]
-func OTPHits() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	entityHitsObj.TotalOTP++
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-// OTPInCache - update only OTPs hits count for all services -- DPK [12-June-2018]
-func OTPInCache(count int64) {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	entityHitsObj.OTPInCache = count
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-// SMSHits - update only sms hits count for all services
-func SMSHits() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	defer entityHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-	entityHitsObj.TotalSMS++
-// MongoHits - update only mongo hits count for all services
-func MongoHits() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	dbHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	defer dbHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-	dbHitsObj.MongoHits++
-// MySQLHits - update only MySQL hits count for all services
-func MySQLHits() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	dbHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	defer dbHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-	dbHitsObj.MySQLHits++
-func collectStatistics() {
-	if !initStatus {
-		return
-	}
-	clientReponseMutex.Lock()
-	defer clientReponseMutex.Unlock()
-	clientResponseData.StartTime = serverStartTime
-	cacheStatistic.cacheHitsMutex.Lock()
-	clientResponseData.TotalHits += cacheStatistic.totalHits
-	clientResponseData.CacheHits += cacheStatistic.cacheHits
-	clientResponseData.CacheMiss += cacheStatistic.cacheMiss
-	cacheStatistic.totalHits = 0
-	cacheStatistic.cacheMiss = 0
-	cacheStatistic.cacheHits = 0
-	cacheStatistic.cacheHitsMutex.Unlock()
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	clientResponseData.TotalEmail += entityHitsObj.TotalEmail
-	entityHitsObj.TotalEmail = 0
-	clientResponseData.OTPInCache = entityHitsObj.OTPInCache
-	entityHitsObj.OTPInCache = 0
-	clientResponseData.TotalOTP += entityHitsObj.TotalOTP
-	entityHitsObj.TotalOTP = 0
-	clientResponseData.TotalSMS += entityHitsObj.TotalSMS
-	entityHitsObj.TotalSMS = 0
-	entityHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-	// DB hits collect
-	dbHitsObj.Mutex.Lock()
-	clientResponseData.TotalMongoHits += dbHitsObj.MongoHits
-	dbHitsObj.MongoHits = 0
-	clientResponseData.TotalMySQLHits += dbHitsObj.MySQLHits
-	dbHitsObj.MySQLHits = 0
-	dbHitsObj.Mutex.Unlock()
-	groupMutex.Lock()
-	current := time.Now()
-	if current.After(clientResponseData.NextTime) || len(clientResponseData.GroupReport) == 0 {
-		gr := groupResponse{}
-		gr.GroupTime = current.String()
-		gr.Hits = groupCount
-		clientResponseData.GroupReport = append(clientResponseData.GroupReport, gr)
-		clientResponseData.NextTime = time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second)
-	} else {
-		clientResponseData.GroupReport[len(clientResponseData.GroupReport)-1].Hits += groupCount
-	}
-	length := len(clientResponseData.GroupReport)
-	if length > lastKept {
-		clientResponseData.GroupReport = clientResponseData.GroupReport[length-lastKept:]
-	}
-	groupCount = 0
-	groupMutex.Unlock()
-	clientResponseData.ServicesState = stateCache
-	clientResponseData.QueryState = queryCache
-	// the marshall function reads data from clientResponseData.ServicesState and clientResponseData.QueryState
-	// as both are maps, we have passed a referrence of stateCache and queryCache respectively.
-	// The following lock guards these two underlying data structures.
-	stateMutex.Lock()
-	defer stateMutex.Unlock()
-	ba, marshalError := ffjson.Marshal(clientResponseData)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(marshalError) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(marshalError)
-		return
-	}
-	writeErr := filemdl.WriteFile(getFilePath(), ba, true, false)
-	if errormdl.CheckErr(writeErr) != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(writeErr)
-	}
diff --git a/v2/statemdl/state_fasthttp.go b/v2/statemdl/state_fasthttp.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6912157d76abb0a136d1006484b86d71938b3fdc..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/statemdl/state_fasthttp.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// +build fasthttp
-package statemdl
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	routing "github.com/qiangxue/fasthttp-routing"
-// StateHandler handler function for sta
-func StateHandler(c *routing.Context) error {
-	clientReponseMutex.Lock()
-	defer clientReponseMutex.Unlock()
-	c.Response.Header.Set("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
-	ba, err := json.Marshal(clientResponseData)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError("Failed to marshall statitics - ", err)
-		c.SetStatusCode(417)
-		return nil
-	}
-	c.SetContentType("application/json")
-	c.WriteData(string(ba))
-	c.SetStatusCode(200)
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/statemdl/state_gin.go b/v2/statemdl/state_gin.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c997ca62569135c9bb996cb996fa8aac472c6798..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/statemdl/state_gin.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// +build !fasthttp
-package statemdl
-import (
-	"github.com/gin-gonic/gin"
-// StateHandler handler function for sta
-func StateHandler(c *gin.Context) {
-	clientReponseMutex.Lock()
-	defer clientReponseMutex.Unlock()
-	c.Header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*")
-	c.JSON(200, clientResponseData)
diff --git a/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl/guidmdl.go b/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl/guidmdl.go
deleted file mode 100755
index 4ee8379a207b0dd498c9772e2f1d177e28857fe9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl/guidmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package guidmdl
-import (
-	"github.com/segmentio/ksuid"
-// GetGUID will give UUID
-func GetGUID() string {
-	//TODO: Check GUID version
-	return ksuid.New().String()
diff --git a/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl/guidmdl_test.go b/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl/guidmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100755
index f9901e09b188bfd77942593d46ea8cc7c5e02353..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/utiliymdl/guidmdl/guidmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-package guidmdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestGetGUID(t *testing.T) {
-	id := GetGUID()
-	id2 := GetGUID()
-	assert.NotEmpty(t, id, "New Guid should not be empty")
-	assert.NotEqual(t, id, id2, "Two GUID should not be equal")
diff --git a/v2/utiliymdl/randommdl/utilitymdl.go b/v2/utiliymdl/randommdl/utilitymdl.go
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index 5c36435df240a4c22331e08f2761347b8ec89aad..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/utiliymdl/randommdl/utilitymdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-package randommdl
-import (
-	"math/rand"
-	"time"
-// RandomString Get Random String
-func RandomString(l int) string {
-	bytes := make([]byte, l)
-	for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
-		bytes[i] = byte(RandInt(65, 90))
-	}
-	return string(bytes)
-// RandInt Get Random int
-func RandInt(min int, max int) int {
-	rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) // to provide random value on every server start
-	return min + rand.Intn(max-min)
diff --git a/v2/utiliymdl/randommdl/utilitymdl_test.go b/v2/utiliymdl/randommdl/utilitymdl_test.go
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index 8fc99652377ef726b52660ff6eb5668594ea1a1b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/utiliymdl/randommdl/utilitymdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package randommdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func Test_RandomString(t *testing.T) {
-	str1 := RandomString(3)
-	str2 := RandomString(3)
-	assert.NotEqual(t, str1, str2, "These random strings should not match")
-func Test_RandomInt(t *testing.T) {
-	int1 := RandInt(1, 100)
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("str1 value:: ", int1)
-	int2 := RandInt(1, 100)
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("str2 value:: ", int2)
-	assert.NotEqual(t, int1, int2, "These random int should not match")
-func Test_RandomIntRestricted(t *testing.T) {
-	int1 := RandInt(5, 6)
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("str1 value:: ", int1)
-	int2 := RandInt(5, 6)
-	loggermdl.LogDebug("str2 value:: ", int2)
-	assert.Equal(t, int1, int2, "These restricted int should  match")
diff --git a/v2/utiliymdl/stringmdl/stringmdl.go b/v2/utiliymdl/stringmdl/stringmdl.go
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index e67f11166bcda24cab0c62d3bd99e5533ea2573b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/utiliymdl/stringmdl/stringmdl.go
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@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-//@author  Ajit Jagtap
-//@version Thu Jul 05 2018 10:02:40 GMT+0530 (IST)
-// Package stringmdl will help you to play with strings
-package stringmdl
-import (
-	"encoding/base64"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"github.com/lithammer/fuzzysearch/fuzzy"
-// FuzzyFind will find string in array
-func FuzzyFind(find string, arr *[]string) []string {
-	return fuzzy.Find(find, *arr)
-// FuzzyRankFind will find rank of string in array
-func FuzzyRankFind(find string, arr *[]string) []fuzzy.Rank {
-	return fuzzy.RankFind(find, *arr)
-// This function is failing FuzzyRankMatch will find rank of string other string
-// func FuzzyRankMatch(find, str string) int {
-// 	return fuzzy.RankMatch(find, str)
-// }
-// ConvertStringToBase64 will Convert String To Base64
-func ConvertStringToBase64(str string) string {
-	encoded := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(str))
-	return encoded
-// ConvertBase64ToString will Convert Base64 To String
-func ConvertBase64ToString(basestr string) (string, error) {
-	conStr, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(basestr)
-	return string(conStr), errormdl.CheckErr(err)
diff --git a/v2/utiliymdl/stringmdl/stringmdl_test.go b/v2/utiliymdl/stringmdl/stringmdl_test.go
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index 2f05605f57a6cfcf16fe280889c0f60057aedb87..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/utiliymdl/stringmdl/stringmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-package stringmdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	_ "github.com/lithammer/fuzzysearch/fuzzy"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-func TestConvertBase64(t *testing.T) {
-	somestring := "some string"
-	base64 := ConvertStringToBase64(somestring)
-	base64New, err := ConvertBase64ToString(base64)
-	assert.NoError(t, err, "It Should not gen error")
-	assert.Equal(t, somestring, base64New, "Orginal string and converted string should be same. ")
-func TestStringTesting(t *testing.T) {
-	//Find In String
-	arr := []string{"This is new string", "and str", "something which should not find"}
-	findResult := FuzzyFind("str", &arr)
-	assert.Len(t, findResult, 2, "it should find str")
-	result := FuzzyRankFind("str", &arr)
-	assert.Len(t, result, 2, "This should find count of match")
-	//matchcnt := FuzzyRankMatch("kitten", "sitting")
-	//assert.Equal(t, 3, matchcnt, "Match count should be same")
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-# Contributing
-## Must follow the guide for issues
-  - Use the search tool before opening a new issue.
-  - Please provide source code and stack trace if you found a bug.
-  - Please review the existing issues, [project cards](https://github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator/projects/1) and provide feedback to them
-## Pull Request Process
-  - Open your pull request against `dev` branch
-  - It should pass all tests in the available continuous integrations systems such as TravisCI.
-  - You should add/modify tests to cover your proposed code changes.
-  - If your pull request contains a new feature, please document it on the README.
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/LICENSE.md b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/LICENSE.md
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-# The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2017 Saddam H <thedevsaddam@gmail.com>
-> Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-> of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-> in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-> to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-> copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-> furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-> The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-> all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-Package govalidator
-[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/thedevsaddam/govalidator.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/thedevsaddam/govalidator)
-[![Project status](https://img.shields.io/badge/version-1.9-green.svg)](https://github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator/releases)
-[![Go Report Card](https://goreportcard.com/badge/github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator)](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator)
-[![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/thedevsaddam/govalidator/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/thedevsaddam/govalidator?branch=master)
-Validate golang request data with simple rules. Highly inspired by Laravel's request validation.
-### Installation
-Install the package using
-$ go get github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator
-// or
-$ go get gopkg.in/thedevsaddam/govalidator.v1
-### Usage
-To use the package import it in your `*.go` code
-import "github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-// or
-import "gopkg.in/thedevsaddam/govalidator.v1"
-### Example
-***Validate `form-data`, `x-www-form-urlencoded` and `query params`***
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	rules := govalidator.MapData{
-		"username": []string{"required", "between:3,8"},
-		"email":    []string{"required", "min:4", "max:20", "email"},
-		"web":      []string{"url"},
-		"phone":    []string{"digits:11"},
-		"agree":    []string{"bool"},
-		"dob":      []string{"date"},
-	}
-	messages := govalidator.MapData{
-		"username": []string{"required:আপনাকে অবশ্যই ইউজারনেম দিতে হবে", "between:ইউজারনেম অবশ্যই ৩-৮ অক্ষর হতে হবে"},
-		"phone":    []string{"digits:ফোন নাম্বার অবশ্যই ১১ নম্বারের হতে হবে"},
-	}
-	opts := govalidator.Options{
-		Request:         r,        // request object
-		Rules:           rules,    // rules map
-		Messages:        messages, // custom message map (Optional)
-		RequiredDefault: true,     // all the field to be pass the rules
-	}
-	v := govalidator.New(opts)
-	e := v.Validate()
-	err := map[string]interface{}{"validationError": e}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-type", "application/json")
-	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
-func main() {
-	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
-	fmt.Println("Listening on port: 9000")
-	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)
-Send request to the server using curl or postman: `curl GET "http://localhost:9000?web=&phone=&zip=&dob=&agree="`
-    "validationError": {
-        "agree": [
-            "The agree may only contain boolean value, string or int 0, 1"
-        ],
-        "dob": [
-            "The dob field must be a valid date format. e.g: yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd etc"
-        ],
-        "email": [
-            "The email field is required",
-            "The email field must be a valid email address"
-        ],
-        "phone": [
-            "ফোন নাম্বার অবশ্যই ১১ নম্বারের হতে হবে"
-        ],
-        "username": [
-            "আপনাকে অবশ্যই ইউজারনেম দিতে হবে",
-            "ইউজারনেম অবশ্যই ৩-৮ অক্ষর হতে হবে"
-        ],
-        "web": [
-            "The web field format is invalid"
-        ]
-    }
-### More examples
-***Validate file***
-* [Validate file](doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md)
-***Validate `application/json` or `text/plain` as raw body***
-* [Validate JSON to simple struct](doc/SIMPLE_STRUCT_VALIDATION.md)
-* [Validate JSON to map](doc/MAP_VALIDATION.md)
-* [Validate JSON to nested struct](doc/NESTED_STRUCT.md)
-* [Validate using custom rule](doc/CUSTOM_RULE.md)
-### Validation Rules
-* `alpha` The field under validation must be entirely alphabetic characters.
-* `alpha_dash` The field under validation may have alpha-numeric characters, as well as dashes and underscores.
-* `alpha_num` The field under validation must be entirely alpha-numeric characters.
-* `between:numeric,numeric` The field under validation check the length of characters/ length of array, slice, map/ range between two integer or float number etc.
-* `numeric` The field under validation must be entirely numeric characters.
-* `numeric_between:numeric,numeric` The field under validation must be a numeric value between the range.
-   e.g: `numeric_between:18,65` may contains numeric value like `35`, `55` . You can also pass float value to check
-* `bool` The field under validation must be able to be cast as a boolean. Accepted input are `true, false, 1, 0, "1" and "0"`.
-* `credit_card` The field under validation must have a valid credit card number. Accepted cards are `Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover and JCB card`
-* `coordinate` The field under validation must have a value of valid coordinate.
-* `css_color` The field under validation must have a value of valid CSS color. Accepted colors are `hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla` like `#909, #00aaff, rgb(255,122,122)`
-* `date` The field under validation must have a valid date of format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd.
-* `date:dd-mm-yyyy` The field under validation must have a valid date of format dd-mm-yyyy.
-* `digits:int` The field under validation must be numeric and must have an exact length of value.
-* `digits_between:int,int` The field under validation must be numeric and must have length between the range.
-   e.g: `digits_between:3,5` may contains digits like `2323`, `12435`
-* `in:foo,bar` The field under validation must have one of the values. e.g: `in:admin,manager,user` must contain the values (admin or manager or user)
-* `not_in:foo,bar` The field under validation must have one value except foo,bar. e.g: `not_in:admin,manager,user` must not contain the values (admin or manager or user)
-* `email` The field under validation must have a valid email.
-* `float` The field under validation must have a valid float number.
-* `max:numeric` The field under validation must have a min length of characters for string, items length for slice/map, value for integer or float.
-   e.g: `min:3` may contains characters minimum length of 3 like `"john", "jane", "jane321"` but not `"mr", "xy"`
-* `max:numeric` The field under validation must have a max length of characters for string, items length for slice/map, value for integer or float.
-   e.g: `max:6` may contains characters maximum length of 6 like `"john doe", "jane doe"` but not `"john", "jane"`
-* `len:numeric` The field under validation must have an exact length of characters, exact integer or float value, exact size of map/slice.
-   e.g: `len:4` may contains characters exact length of 4 like `Food, Mood, Good`
-* `ip` The field under validation must be a valid IP address.
-* `ip_v4` The field under validation must be a valid IP V4 address.
-* `ip_v6` The field under validation must be a valid IP V6 address.
-* `json` The field under validation must be a valid JSON string.
-* `lat` The field under validation must be a valid latitude.
-* `lon` The field under validation must be a valid longitude.
-* `regex:regular expression` The field under validation validate against the regex. e.g: `regex:^[a-zA-Z]+$` validate the letters.
-* `required` The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty. A field is considered "empty" if one of the following conditions are true: 1) The value is null. 2)The value is an empty string. 3) Zero length of map, slice. 4) Zero value for integer or float
-* `size:integer` The field under validation validate a file size only in form-data ([see example](doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md))
-* `ext:jpg,png` The field under validation validate a file extension ([see example](doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md))
-* `mime:image/jpg,image/png` The field under validation validate a file mime type ([see example](doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md))
-* `url` The field under validation must be a valid URL.
-* `uuid` The field under validation must be a valid UUID.
-* `uuid_v3` The field under validation must be a valid UUID V3.
-* `uuid_v4` The field under validation must be a valid UUID V4.
-* `uuid_v5` The field under validation must be a valid UUID V5.
-### Add Custom Rules
-func init() {
-	// simple example
-	govalidator.AddCustomRule("must_john", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		val := value.(string)
-		if val != "john" || val != "John" {
-			return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be John or john", field)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// custom rules to take fixed length word.
-	// e.g: word:5 will throw error if the field does not contain exact 5 word
-	govalidator.AddCustomRule("word", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		valSlice := strings.Fields(value.(string))
-		l, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "word:")) //handle other error
-		if len(valSlice) != l {
-			return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be %d word", field, l)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-Note: Array, map, slice can be validated by adding custom rules.
-### Custom Message/ Localization
-If you need to translate validation message you can pass messages as options.
-messages := govalidator.MapData{
-	"username": []string{"required:You must provide username", "between:The username field must be between 3 to 8 chars"},
-	"zip":      []string{"numeric:Please provide zip field as numeric"},
-opts := govalidator.Options{
-	Messages:        messages,
-### Contribution
-If you are interested to make the package better please send pull requests or create an issue so that others can fix.
-[Read the contribution guide here](CONTRIBUTING.md)
-### Contributors
-- [Jun Kimura](https://github.com/bluele)
-- [Steve HIll](https://github.com/stevehill1981)
-- [ErickSkrauch](https://github.com/erickskrauch)
-- [Sakib Sami](https://github.com/s4kibs4mi)
-- [Rip](https://github.com/ripbandit)
-- [Jose Nazario](https://github.com/paralax)
-### See all [contributors](https://github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator/graphs/contributors)
-### See [benchmarks](doc/BENCHMARK.md)
-### Read [API documentation](https://godoc.org/github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator)
-### **License**
-The **govalidator** is an open-source software licensed under the [MIT License](LICENSE.md).
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/BENCHMARK.md b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/BENCHMARK.md
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--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/BENCHMARK.md
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-Machine: Mac Book Pro-2015 2.7GHz 8GB
-Go version: go1.8.1 darwin/amd64
-| ➜ go test -run=XXX -bench=. -benchmem=true |           |            |           |              |
-| Benchmark_IsAlpha-4                        | 5000000   | 323 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsAlphaDash-4                    | 3000000   | 415 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsAlphaNumeric-4                 | 5000000   | 338 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsBoolean-4                      | 100000000 | 10.6 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsCreditCard-4                   | 3000000   | 543 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsCoordinate-4                   | 2000000   | 950 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsCSSColor-4                     | 5000000   | 300 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsDate-4                         | 2000000   | 719 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsDateDDMMYY-4                   | 3000000   | 481 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsEmail-4                        | 1000000   | 1172 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsFloat-4                        | 3000000   | 432 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsIn-4                           | 200000000 | 7.34 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsJSON-4                         | 1000000   | 1595 ns/op | 768 B/op  | 12 allocs/op |
-| Benchmark_IsNumeric-4                      | 10000000  | 195 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsLatitude-4                     | 3000000   | 523 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsLongitude-4                    | 3000000   | 516 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsIP-4                           | 1000000   | 1073 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsIPV4-4                         | 3000000   | 580 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsIPV6-4                         | 1000000   | 1288 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsMatchedRegex-4                 | 200000    | 7133 ns/op | 5400 B/op | 66 allocs/op |
-| Benchmark_IsURL-4                          | 1000000   | 1159 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsUUID-4                         | 2000000   | 832 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsUUID3-4                        | 2000000   | 783 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsUUID4-4                        | 2000000   | 899 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_IsUUID5-4                        | 2000000   | 828 ns/op  | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| BenchmarkRoller_Start-4                    | 200000    | 6869 ns/op | 2467 B/op | 28 allocs/op |
-| Benchmark_isContainRequiredField-4         | 300000000 | 4.23 ns/op | 0 B/op    | 0 allocs/op  |
-| Benchmark_Validate-4                       | 200000    | 9347 ns/op | 664 B/op  | 28 allocs/op |
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-### Validate with custom rule
-You can register custom validation rules. This rule will work for both `Validate` and `ValidateJSON` method. You will get all the information you need to validate an input.
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-func init() {
-	// custom rules to take fixed length word.
-	// e.g: max_word:5 will throw error if the field contains more than 5 words
-	govalidator.AddCustomRule("max_word", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		valSlice := strings.Fields(value.(string))
-		l, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "max_word:")) //handle other error
-		if len(valSlice) > l {
-			if message != "" {
-				return errors.New(message)
-			}
-			return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must not be greater than %d words", field, l)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-type article struct {
-	Title string   `json:"title"`
-	Body  string   `json:"body"`
-	Tags  []string `json:"tags"`
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	var article article
-	rules := govalidator.MapData{
-		"title": []string{"between:10,120"},
-		"body":  []string{"max_word:150"}, // using custom rule max_word
-		"tags":  []string{"between:3,5"},
-	}
-	opts := govalidator.Options{
-		Request:         r,
-		Data:            &article,
-		Rules:           rules,
-		RequiredDefault: true, //force user to fill all the inputs
-	}
-	v := govalidator.New(opts)
-	e := v.ValidateJSON()
-	err := map[string]interface{}{"validationError": e}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-type", "applciation/json")
-	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
-func main() {
-	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
-	fmt.Println("Listening on port: 9000")
-	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)
-    "validationError": {
-        "body": [
-            "The body field must not be greater than 150 words"
-        ],
-        "tags": [
-            "The tags field must be between 3 and 5"
-        ],
-        "title": [
-            "The title field must be between 10 and 120"
-        ]
-    }
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 55e68d128db3e88da4b9874a9fb3e80aa26a3408..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/FILE_VALIDATION.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-### Validate File
-For `multipart/form-data` validation, use `file:` prefix to _field_ name which contains the file. If use custom message then also use the `file:` prefix to Messages MapData key.
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	rules := govalidator.MapData{
-		"file:photo": []string{"ext:jpg,png", "size:10000", "mime:jpg,png", "required"},
-	}
-	messages := govalidator.MapData{
-			"file:photo": []string{"ext:Only jpg/png is allowed", "required:Photo is required"},
-	}
-	opts := govalidator.Options{
-		Request: r,     // request object
-		Rules:   rules, // rules map,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	v := govalidator.New(opts)
-	e := v.Validate()
-	err := map[string]interface{}{"validationError": e}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-type", "applciation/json")
-	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
-func main() {
-	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
-	fmt.Println("Listening on port: 9000")
-	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)
-    "validationError": {
-        "photo": [
-            "Photo is required"
-        ]
-    }
-    "validationError": {
-        "photo": [
-            "Only jpg/png is allowed",
-            "The photo field size is can not be greater than 10000 bytes",
-            "The photo field file mime text/plain is invalid"
-        ]
-    }
-Note: At this time it can validate only single file.
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/MAP_VALIDATION.md b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/MAP_VALIDATION.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e3e0c505a83e041845af6b63819d3d2e2625d78d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/MAP_VALIDATION.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-### Validate JSON body into Map
-When using ValidateJSON you must provide data struct or map, rules and request. You can also pass message rules if you need custom message or localization.
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	rules := govalidator.MapData{
-		"username": []string{"required", "between:3,5"},
-		"email":    []string{"required", "min:4", "max:20", "email"},
-		"web":      []string{"url"},
-		"age":      []string{"numeric_between:18,56"},
-	}
-	data := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
-	opts := govalidator.Options{
-		Request: r,
-		Rules:   rules,
-		Data:    &data,
-	}
-	vd := govalidator.New(opts)
-	e := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	fmt.Println(data)
-	err := map[string]interface{}{"validation error": e}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-type", "applciation/json")
-	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
-func main() {
-	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
-	fmt.Println("Listening on port: 9000")
-	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)
-    "validationError": {
-        "age": [
-            "The age field must be between 18 and 56"
-        ],
-        "dob": [
-            "The dob field must be a valid date format. e.g: yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd etc"
-        ],
-        "email": [
-            "The email field is required",
-            "The email field must be a valid email address"
-        ],
-        "phone": [
-            "The phone field must be 11 digits"
-        ],
-        "postalCode": [
-            "The postalCode field must be 4 digits"
-        ],
-        "roles": [
-            "The roles field must be length of 4"
-        ],
-        "username": [
-            "The username field is required",
-            "The username field must be between 3 and 8"
-        ],
-        "village": [
-            "The village field must be between 3 and 10"
-        ],
-        "web": [
-            "The web field format is invalid"
-        ]
-    }
-Note: You can pass custom message
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/NESTED_STRUCT.md b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/NESTED_STRUCT.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 3425b83a5f4224d6b19fdf4ae6dd27a5f355bb90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/NESTED_STRUCT.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-### Validate JSON body with nested struct and slice
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-type (
-	user struct {
-		Username string `json:"username"`
-		Email    string `json:"email"`
-		Web      string `json:"web"`
-		Age      int    `json:"age"`
-		Phone    string `json:"phone"`
-		Agree    bool   `json:"agree"`
-		DOB      string `json:"dob"`
-		Address  address
-		Roles    []string `json:"roles"`
-	}
-	address struct {
-		Village    string `json:"village"`
-		PostalCode string `json:"postalCode"`
-	}
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	var usr user
-	rules := govalidator.MapData{
-		"username":   []string{"required", "between:3,8"},
-		"email":      []string{"required", "min:4", "max:20", "email"},
-		"web":        []string{"url"},
-		"age":        []string{"between:18,56"},
-		"phone":      []string{"digits:11"},
-		"agree":      []string{"bool"},
-		"dob":        []string{"date"},
-		"village":    []string{"between:3,10"},
-		"postalCode": []string{"digits:4"},
-		"roles":      []string{"len:4"},
-	}
-	opts := govalidator.Options{
-		Request:         r,     // request object
-		Rules:           rules, // rules map
-		Data:            &usr,
-		RequiredDefault: true, // all the field to be required
-	}
-	v := govalidator.New(opts)
-	e := v.ValidateJSON()
-	fmt.Println(usr)
-	err := map[string]interface{}{"validationError": e}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-type", "applciation/json")
-	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
-func main() {
-	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
-	fmt.Println("Listening on port: 9000")
-	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)
-    "validationError": {
-        "email": [
-            "The email field must be minimum 4 char",
-            "The email field must be a valid email address"
-        ],
-        "phone": [
-            "The phone field must be 11 digits"
-        ],
-        "postalCode": [
-            "The postalCode field must be 4 digits"
-        ],
-        "roles": [
-            "The roles field must be length of 4"
-        ],
-        "village": [
-            "The village field must be between 3 and 10"
-        ],
-        "web": [
-            "The web field format is invalid"
-        ]
-    }
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/SIMPLE_STRUCT_VALIDATION.md b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/SIMPLE_STRUCT_VALIDATION.md
deleted file mode 100644
index be9e8f685ef99dc823c24919060041e532d9a9c2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/doc/SIMPLE_STRUCT_VALIDATION.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-### Validate JSON body into a simple Struct
-When using ValidateJSON you must provide data struct or map, rules and request. You can also pass message rules if you need custom message or localization.
-package main
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator"
-type user struct {
-	Username string           `json:"username"`
-	Email    string           `json:"email"`
-	Web      string           `json:"web"`
-	Age      govalidator.Int  `json:"age"`
-	Agree    govalidator.Bool `json:"agree"`
-func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
-	var user user
-	rules := govalidator.MapData{
-		"username": []string{"required", "between:3,5"},
-		"email":    []string{"required", "min:4", "max:20", "email"},
-		"web":      []string{"url"},
-		"age":      []string{"required"},
-		"agree":    []string{"required"},
-	}
-	opts := govalidator.Options{
-		Request: r,
-		Data:    &user,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	v := govalidator.New(opts)
-	e := v.ValidateJSON()
-	fmt.Println(user) // your incoming JSON data in Go data struct
-	err := map[string]interface{}{"validationError": e}
-	w.Header().Set("Content-type", "applciation/json")
-	json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(err)
-func main() {
-	http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
-	fmt.Println("Listening on port: 9000")
-	http.ListenAndServe(":9000", nil)
-    "validationError": {
-        "age": [
-            "The age field is required"
-        ],
-        "agree": [
-            "The agree field is required"
-        ],
-        "email": [
-            "The email field is required",
-            "The email field must be minimum 4 char",
-            "The email field must be a valid email address"
-        ],
-        "username": [
-            "The username field is required",
-            "The username field must be between 3 and 5"
-        ]
-    }
-#### Note: When using `required` rule with number or boolean data, use provided custom type like: Int, Int64, Float32, Float64 or Bool
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/errors.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/errors.go
deleted file mode 100644
index dd96b3a01ee1e23ab95287cf8ac09d456a602ca0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/errors.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import "errors"
-var (
-	errStringToInt          = errors.New("govalidator: unable to parse string to integer")
-	errStringToFloat        = errors.New("govalidator: unable to parse string to float")
-	errValidateArgsMismatch = errors.New("govalidator: provide at least *http.Request and rules for Validate method")
-	errInvalidArgument      = errors.New("govalidator: invalid number of argument")
-	errRequirePtr           = errors.New("govalidator: provide pointer to the data structure")
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/helper.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/helper.go
deleted file mode 100644
index e4b3f1f99a4067add71269ae1a1c0a937a14f8bf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/helper.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"regexp"
-// isAlpha check the input is letters (a-z,A-Z) or not
-func isAlpha(str string) bool {
-	return regexAlpha.MatchString(str)
-// isAlphaDash check the input is letters, number with dash and underscore
-func isAlphaDash(str string) bool {
-	return regexAlphaDash.MatchString(str)
-// isAlphaNumeric check the input is alpha numeric or not
-func isAlphaNumeric(str string) bool {
-	return regexAlphaNumeric.MatchString(str)
-// isBoolean check the input contains boolean type values
-// in this case: "0", "1", "true", "false", "True", "False"
-func isBoolean(str string) bool {
-	bools := []string{"0", "1", "true", "false", "True", "False"}
-	for _, b := range bools {
-		if b == str {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-//isCreditCard check the provided card number is a valid
-//  Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover or JCB card
-func isCreditCard(card string) bool {
-	return regexCreditCard.MatchString(card)
-// isCoordinate is a valid Coordinate or not
-func isCoordinate(str string) bool {
-	return regexCoordinate.MatchString(str)
-// isCSSColor is a valid CSS color value (hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla) etc like #909, #00aaff, rgb(255,122,122)
-func isCSSColor(str string) bool {
-	return regexCSSColor.MatchString(str)
-// isDate check the date string is valid or not
-func isDate(date string) bool {
-	return regexDate.MatchString(date)
-// isDateDDMMYY check the date string is valid or not
-func isDateDDMMYY(date string) bool {
-	return regexDateDDMMYY.MatchString(date)
-// isEmail check a email is valid or not
-func isEmail(email string) bool {
-	return regexEmail.MatchString(email)
-// isFloat check the input string is a float or not
-func isFloat(str string) bool {
-	return regexFloat.MatchString(str)
-// isIn check if the niddle exist in the haystack
-func isIn(haystack []string, niddle string) bool {
-	for _, h := range haystack {
-		if h == niddle {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// isJSON check wheather the input string is a valid json or not
-func isJSON(str string) bool {
-	var data interface{}
-	if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &data); err != nil {
-		return false
-	}
-	return true
-// isNumeric check the provided input string is numeric or not
-func isNumeric(str string) bool {
-	return regexNumeric.MatchString(str)
-// isLatitude check the provided input string is a valid latitude or not
-func isLatitude(str string) bool {
-	return regexLatitude.MatchString(str)
-// isLongitude check the provided input string is a valid longitude or not
-func isLongitude(str string) bool {
-	return regexLongitude.MatchString(str)
-// isIP check the provided input string is a valid IP address or not
-func isIP(str string) bool {
-	return regexIP.MatchString(str)
-// isIPV4 check the provided input string is a valid IP address version 4 or not
-// Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv4
-func isIPV4(str string) bool {
-	return regexIPV4.MatchString(str)
-// isIPV6 check the provided input string is a valid IP address version 6 or not
-// Ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPv6
-func isIPV6(str string) bool {
-	return regexIPV6.MatchString(str)
-// isMatchedRegex match the regular expression string provided in first argument
-// with second argument which is also a string
-func isMatchedRegex(rxStr, str string) bool {
-	rx := regexp.MustCompile(rxStr)
-	return rx.MatchString(str)
-// isURL check a URL is valid or not
-func isURL(url string) bool {
-	return regexURL.MatchString(url)
-// isUUID check the provided string is valid UUID or not
-func isUUID(str string) bool {
-	return regexUUID.MatchString(str)
-// isUUID3 check the provided string is valid UUID version 3 or not
-func isUUID3(str string) bool {
-	return regexUUID3.MatchString(str)
-// isUUID4 check the provided string is valid UUID version 4 or not
-func isUUID4(str string) bool {
-	return regexUUID4.MatchString(str)
-// isUUID5 check the provided string is valid UUID version 5 or not
-func isUUID5(str string) bool {
-	return regexUUID5.MatchString(str)
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/helper_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/helper_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index abe98ecf6bcf225d8bb845c227972f85c014ec64..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/helper_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import "testing"
-type inputs map[string]bool
-var (
-	_alpha = inputs{
-		"abcdefghijgklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": true,
-		"7877**": false,
-		"abc":    true,
-		")(^%&)": false,
-	}
-	_alphaDash = inputs{
-		"abcdefghijgklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-": true,
-		"John_Do-E": true,
-		"+=a(0)":    false,
-	}
-	_alphaNumeric = inputs{
-		"abcdefghijgklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ01234567890": true,
-		"090a": true,
-		"*&*)": false,
-	}
-	_boolStringsList = inputs{
-		"0":     true,
-		"1":     true,
-		"true":  true,
-		"false": true,
-		"o":     false,
-		"a":     false,
-	}
-	// Ref: https://www.freeformatter.com/credit-card-number-generator-validator.html
-	_creditCardList = inputs{
-		"4896644531043572": true,
-		"2221005631780408": true,
-		"349902515380498":  true,
-		"6011843157272458": true,
-		"3543358904915048": true,
-		"5404269782892303": true,
-		"4508168417293390": true,
-		"0604595245598387": false,
-		"6388244169973297": false,
-	}
-	_coordinateList = inputs{
-		"30.297018,-78.486328": true,
-		"40.044438,-104.0625":  true,
-		"58.068581,-99.580078": true,
-		"abc, xyz":             false,
-		"0, 887":               false,
-	}
-	_cssColorList = inputs{
-		"#000":           true,
-		"#00aaff":        true,
-		"rgb(123,32,12)": true,
-		"#0":             false,
-		"#av":            false,
-	}
-	_dateList = inputs{
-		"2016-10-14": true,
-		"2013/02/18": true,
-		"2020/12/30": true,
-		"0001/14/30": false,
-	}
-	_dateDDMMYYList = inputs{
-		"01-01-2000": true,
-		"28/02/2001": true,
-		"01/12/2000": true,
-		"2012/11/30": false,
-		"201/11/30":  false,
-	}
-	_emailList = inputs{
-		"john@example.com":       true,
-		"thedevsaddam@gmail.com": true,
-		"jane@yahoo.com":         true,
-		"janeahoo.com":           false,
-		"janea@.com":             false,
-	}
-	_floatList         = inputs{"123": true, "12.50": true, "33.07": true, "abc": false, "o0.45": false}
-	_roleList          = []string{"admin", "manager", "supervisor"}
-	_validJSONString   = `{"FirstName": "Bob", "LastName": "Smith"}`
-	_invalidJSONString = `{"invalid json"}`
-	_numericStringList = inputs{"12": true, "09": true, "878": true, "100": true, "a": false, "xyz": false}
-	_latList           = inputs{"30.297018": true, "40.044438": true, "a": false, "xyz": false}
-	_lonList           = inputs{"-78.486328": true, "-104.0625": true, "a": false, "xyz": false}
-	_ipList            = inputs{"": true, "": true, "": true, "a92.168.255.255": false, "": false}
-	_ipV6List          = inputs{
-		"1200:0000:AB00:1234:0000:2552:7777:1313": true,
-		"21DA:D3:0:2F3B:2AA:FF:FE28:9C5A":         true,
-		"":                          false,
-	}
-	_urlList = inputs{
-		"http://www.google.com":  true,
-		"https://www.google.com": true,
-		"https://facebook.com":   true,
-		"yahoo.com":              true,
-		"adca":                   false,
-	}
-	_uuidList = inputs{
-		"ee7cf0a0-1922-401b-a1ae-6ec9261484c0": true,
-		"ee7cf0a0-1922-401b-a1ae-6ec9261484c1": true,
-		"ee7cf0a0-1922-401b-a1ae-6ec9261484a0": true,
-		"39888f87-fb62-5988-a425-b2ea63f5b81e": false,
-	}
-	_uuidV3List = inputs{
-		"a987fbc9-4bed-3078-cf07-9141ba07c9f3": true,
-		"b987fbc9-4bed-3078-cf07-9141ba07c9f3": true,
-		"ee7cf0a0-1922-401b-a1ae-6ec9261484c0": false,
-	}
-	_uuidV4List = inputs{
-		"df7cca36-3d7a-40f4-8f06-ae03cc22f045": true,
-		"ef7cca36-3d7a-40f4-8f06-ae03cc22f048": true,
-		"b987fbc9-4bed-3078-cf07-9141ba07c9f3": false,
-	}
-	_uuidV5List = inputs{
-		"39888f87-fb62-5988-a425-b2ea63f5b81e": true,
-		"33388f87-fb62-5988-a425-b2ea63f5b81f": true,
-		"b987fbc9-4bed-3078-cf07-9141ba07c9f3": false,
-	}
-func Test_IsAlpha(t *testing.T) {
-	for a, s := range _alpha {
-		if isAlpha(a) != s {
-			t.Error("IsAlpha failed to determine alpha!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsAlpha(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isAlpha("abcdAXZY")
-	}
-func Test_IsAlphaDash(t *testing.T) {
-	for a, s := range _alphaDash {
-		if isAlphaDash(a) != s {
-			t.Error("IsAlphaDash failed to determine alpha dash!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsAlphaDash(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isAlphaDash("John_Do-E")
-	}
-func Test_IsAlphaNumeric(t *testing.T) {
-	for a, s := range _alphaNumeric {
-		if isAlphaNumeric(a) != s {
-			t.Error("IsAlphaNumeric failed to determine alpha numeric!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsAlphaNumeric(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isAlphaNumeric("abc12AZ")
-	}
-func Test_IsBoolean(t *testing.T) {
-	for b, s := range _boolStringsList {
-		if isBoolean(b) != s {
-			t.Error("IsBoolean failed to determine boolean!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsBoolean(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isBoolean("true")
-	}
-func Test_IsCreditCard(t *testing.T) {
-	for card, state := range _creditCardList {
-		if isCreditCard(card) != state {
-			t.Error("IsCreditCard failed to determine credit card!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsCreditCard(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isCreditCard("2221005631780408")
-	}
-func Test_IsCoordinate(t *testing.T) {
-	for c, s := range _coordinateList {
-		if isCoordinate(c) != s {
-			t.Error("IsCoordinate failed to determine coordinate!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsCoordinate(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isCoordinate("30.297018,-78.486328")
-	}
-func Test_IsCSSColor(t *testing.T) {
-	for c, s := range _cssColorList {
-		if isCSSColor(c) != s {
-			t.Error("IsCSSColor failed to determine css color code!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsCSSColor(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isCSSColor("#00aaff")
-	}
-func Test_IsDate(t *testing.T) {
-	for d, s := range _dateList {
-		if isDate(d) != s {
-			t.Error("IsDate failed to determine date!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsDate(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isDate("2016-10-14")
-	}
-func Test_IsDateDDMMYY(t *testing.T) {
-	for d, s := range _dateDDMMYYList {
-		if isDateDDMMYY(d) != s {
-			t.Error("IsDateDDMMYY failed to determine date!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsDateDDMMYY(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isDateDDMMYY("23-10-2014")
-	}
-func Test_IsEmail(t *testing.T) {
-	for e, s := range _emailList {
-		if isEmail(e) != s {
-			t.Error("IsEmail failed to determine email!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsEmail(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isEmail("thedevsaddam@gmail.com")
-	}
-func Test_IsFloat(t *testing.T) {
-	for f, s := range _floatList {
-		if isFloat(f) != s {
-			t.Error("IsFloat failed to determine float value!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsFloat(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isFloat("123.001")
-	}
-func Test_IsIn(t *testing.T) {
-	if !isIn(_roleList, "admin") {
-		t.Error("IsIn failed!")
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsIn(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isIn(_roleList, "maager")
-	}
-func Test_IsJSON(t *testing.T) {
-	if !isJSON(_validJSONString) {
-		t.Error("IsJSON failed!")
-	}
-	if isJSON(_invalidJSONString) {
-		t.Error("IsJSON unable to detect invalid json!")
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsJSON(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isJSON(_validJSONString)
-	}
-func Test_IsNumeric(t *testing.T) {
-	for n, s := range _numericStringList {
-		if isNumeric(n) != s {
-			t.Error("IsNumeric failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsNumeric(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isNumeric("123")
-	}
-func Test_IsLatitude(t *testing.T) {
-	for n, s := range _latList {
-		if isLatitude(n) != s {
-			t.Error("IsLatitude failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsLatitude(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isLatitude("30.297018")
-	}
-func Test_IsLongitude(t *testing.T) {
-	for n, s := range _lonList {
-		if isLongitude(n) != s {
-			t.Error("IsLongitude failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsLongitude(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isLongitude("-78.486328")
-	}
-func Test_IsIP(t *testing.T) {
-	for i, s := range _ipList {
-		if isIP(i) != s {
-			t.Error("IsIP failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsIP(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isIP("")
-	}
-func Test_IsIPV4(t *testing.T) {
-	for i, s := range _ipList {
-		if isIPV4(i) != s {
-			t.Error("IsIPV4 failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsIPV4(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isIPV4("")
-	}
-func Test_IsIPV6(t *testing.T) {
-	for i, s := range _ipV6List {
-		if isIPV6(i) != s {
-			t.Error("IsIPV4 failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsIPV6(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isIPV6("")
-	}
-func Test_IsMatchedRegex(t *testing.T) {
-	if !isMatchedRegex("^(name|age)$", "name") {
-		t.Error("IsMatchedRegex failed!")
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsMatchedRegex(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isMatchedRegex("^(name|age)$", "name")
-	}
-func Test_IsURL(t *testing.T) {
-	for u, s := range _urlList {
-		if isURL(u) != s {
-			t.Error("IsURL failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsURL(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isURL("https://www.facebook.com")
-	}
-func Test_IsUUID(t *testing.T) {
-	for u, s := range _uuidList {
-		if isUUID(u) != s {
-			t.Error("IsUUID failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsUUID(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isUUID("ee7cf0a0-1922-401b-a1ae-6ec9261484c0")
-	}
-func Test_IsUUID3(t *testing.T) {
-	for u, s := range _uuidV3List {
-		if isUUID3(u) != s {
-			t.Error("IsUUID3 failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsUUID3(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isUUID3("a987fbc9-4bed-3078-cf07-9141ba07c9f3")
-	}
-func Test_IsUUID4(t *testing.T) {
-	for u, s := range _uuidV4List {
-		if isUUID4(u) != s {
-			t.Error("IsUUID4 failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsUUID4(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isUUID4("57b73598-8764-4ad0-a76a-679bb6640eb1")
-	}
-func Test_IsUUID5(t *testing.T) {
-	for u, s := range _uuidV5List {
-		if isUUID5(u) != s {
-			t.Error("IsUUID5 failed!")
-		}
-	}
-func Benchmark_IsUUID5(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isUUID5("987fbc97-4bed-5078-9f07-9141ba07c9f3")
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/regex_patterns.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/regex_patterns.go
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb5f2b4f0e937daed3b2c583b98d6cb9a5124e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/regex_patterns.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"regexp"
-const (
-	// Alpha represents regular expression for alpha chartacters
-	Alpha string = "^[a-zA-Z]+$"
-	// AlphaDash represents regular expression for alpha chartacters with underscore and ash
-	AlphaDash string = "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$"
-	// AlphaNumeric represents regular expression for alpha numeric chartacters
-	AlphaNumeric string = "^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$"
-	// CreditCard represents regular expression for credit cards like (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover, and JCB cards). Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9315647/regex-credit-card-number-tests
-	CreditCard string = "^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?|[25][1-7][0-9]{14}|6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12}|3[47][0-9]{13}|3(?:0[0-5]|[68][0-9])[0-9]{11}|(?:2131|1800|35\\d{3})\\d{11})$"
-	// Coordinate represents latitude and longitude regular expression
-	Coordinate string = "^[-+]?([1-8]?\\d(\\.\\d+)?|90(\\.0+)?),\\s*[-+]?(180(\\.0+)?|((1[0-7]\\d)|([1-9]?\\d))(\\.\\d+)?)$" // Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3518504/regular-expression-for-matching-latitude-longitude-coordinates
-	// CSSColor represents css valid color code with hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla etc. Ref: http://www.regexpal.com/97509
-	CSSColor string = "^(#([\\da-f]{3}){1,2}|(rgb|hsl)a\\((\\d{1,3}%?,\\s?){3}(1|0?\\.\\d+)\\)|(rgb|hsl)\\(\\d{1,3}%?(,\\s?\\d{1,3}%?){2}\\))$"
-	// Date represents regular expression for valid date like: yyyy-mm-dd
-	Date string = "^(((19|20)([2468][048]|[13579][26]|0[48])|2000)[/-]02[/-]29|((19|20)[0-9]{2}[/-](0[469]|11)[/-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|30)|(19|20)[0-9]{2}[/-](0[13578]|1[02])[/-](0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])|(19|20)[0-9]{2}[/-]02[/-](0[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-8])))$"
-	// DateDDMMYY represents regular expression for valid date of format dd/mm/yyyy , dd-mm-yyyy etc.Ref: http://regexr.com/346hf
-	DateDDMMYY string = "^(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[\\/\\-](0?[1-9]|1[012])[\\/\\-]\\d{4}$"
-	// Email represents regular expression for email
-	Email string = "^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+$"
-	// Float represents regular expression for finding fload number
-	Float string = "^[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+$"
-	// IP represents regular expression for ip address
-	IP string = "^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$"
-	// IPV4 represents regular expression for ip address version 4
-	IPV4 string = "^([0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}(\\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$"
-	// IPV6 represents regular expression for ip address version 6
-	IPV6 string = `^s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)(.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]d|1dd|[1-9]?d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?s*(\/([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-1][0-9]|12[0-8]))?$`
-	// Latitude represents latitude regular expression
-	Latitude string = "^(\\+|-)?(?:90(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-8][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$"
-	// Longitude represents longitude regular expression
-	Longitude string = "^(\\+|-)?(?:180(?:(?:\\.0{1,6})?)|(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-7][0-9])(?:(?:\\.[0-9]{1,6})?))$"
-	// Numeric represents regular expression for numeric
-	Numeric string = "^[0-9]+$"
-	// URL represents regular expression for url
-	URL string = "^(?:http(s)?:\\/\\/)?[\\w.-]+(?:\\.[\\w\\.-]+)+[\\w\\-\\._~:/?#[\\]@!\\$&'\\(\\)\\*\\+,;=.]+$" // Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/136505/searching-for-uuids-in-text-with-regex
-	// UUID represents regular expression for UUID
-	UUID string = "^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-4[a-f0-9]{3}-[89aAbB][a-f0-9]{3}-[a-f0-9]{12}$"
-	// UUID3 represents regular expression for UUID version 3
-	UUID3 string = "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-3[0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"
-	// UUID4 represents regular expression for UUID version 4
-	UUID4 string = "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-4[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"
-	// UUID5 represents regular expression for UUID version 5
-	UUID5 string = "^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-5[0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$"
-var (
-	regexAlpha        = regexp.MustCompile(Alpha)
-	regexAlphaDash    = regexp.MustCompile(AlphaDash)
-	regexAlphaNumeric = regexp.MustCompile(AlphaNumeric)
-	regexCreditCard   = regexp.MustCompile(CreditCard)
-	regexCoordinate   = regexp.MustCompile(Coordinate)
-	regexCSSColor     = regexp.MustCompile(CSSColor)
-	regexDate         = regexp.MustCompile(Date)
-	regexDateDDMMYY   = regexp.MustCompile(DateDDMMYY)
-	regexEmail        = regexp.MustCompile(Email)
-	regexFloat        = regexp.MustCompile(Float)
-	regexNumeric      = regexp.MustCompile(Numeric)
-	regexLatitude     = regexp.MustCompile(Latitude)
-	regexLongitude    = regexp.MustCompile(Longitude)
-	regexIP           = regexp.MustCompile(IP)
-	regexIPV4         = regexp.MustCompile(IPV4)
-	regexIPV6         = regexp.MustCompile(IPV6)
-	regexURL          = regexp.MustCompile(URL)
-	regexUUID         = regexp.MustCompile(UUID)
-	regexUUID3        = regexp.MustCompile(UUID3)
-	regexUUID4        = regexp.MustCompile(UUID4)
-	regexUUID5        = regexp.MustCompile(UUID5)
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/roller.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/roller.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a200f0451585124422da3dcddee2998fbb3acb04..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/roller.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-// traverse map or struct
-// detect each type
-// if type is struct or map then traverse it
-// if type is not struct or map then just push them in parent map's key as key and value of it
-// make flatten all the type in map[string]interface{}
-// in this case mapWalker will do the task
-// roller represents a roller type that will be used to flatten our data in a map[string]interface{}
-type roller struct {
-	root          map[string]interface{}
-	typeName      string
-	tagIdentifier string
-	tagSeparator  string
-// start start traversing through the tree
-func (r *roller) start(iface interface{}) {
-	//initialize the Tree
-	r.root = make(map[string]interface{})
-	r.typeName = ""
-	ifv := reflect.ValueOf(iface)
-	ift := reflect.TypeOf(iface)
-	if ift.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
-		ifv = ifv.Elem()
-		ift = ift.Elem()
-	}
-	canInterface := ifv.CanInterface()
-	//check the provided root elment
-	switch ift.Kind() {
-	case reflect.Struct:
-		if canInterface {
-			r.traverseStruct(ifv.Interface())
-		}
-	case reflect.Map:
-		if ifv.Len() > 0 {
-			if canInterface {
-				r.traverseMap(ifv.Interface())
-			}
-		}
-	case reflect.Slice:
-		if canInterface {
-			r.push("slice", ifv.Interface())
-		}
-	}
-// setTagIdentifier set the struct tag identifier. e.g: json, validate etc
-func (r *roller) setTagIdentifier(i string) {
-	r.tagIdentifier = i
-// setTagSeparator set the struct tag separator. e.g: pipe (|) or comma (,)
-func (r *roller) setTagSeparator(s string) {
-	r.tagSeparator = s
-// getFlatMap get the all flatten values
-func (r *roller) getFlatMap() map[string]interface{} {
-	return r.root
-// getFlatVal return interfac{} value if exist
-func (r *roller) getFlatVal(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
-	var val interface{}
-	var ok bool
-	if val, ok = r.root[key]; ok {
-		return val, ok
-	}
-	return val, ok
-// push add value to map if key does not exist
-func (r *roller) push(key string, val interface{}) bool {
-	if _, ok := r.root[key]; ok {
-		return false
-	}
-	r.root[key] = val
-	return true
-// traverseStruct through all structs and add it to root
-func (r *roller) traverseStruct(iface interface{}) {
-	ifv := reflect.ValueOf(iface)
-	ift := reflect.TypeOf(iface)
-	if ift.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
-		ifv = ifv.Elem()
-		ift = ift.Elem()
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < ift.NumField(); i++ {
-		v := ifv.Field(i)
-		rfv := ift.Field(i)
-		switch v.Kind() {
-		case reflect.Struct:
-			var typeName string
-			if len(rfv.Tag.Get(r.tagIdentifier)) > 0 {
-				tags := strings.Split(rfv.Tag.Get(r.tagIdentifier), r.tagSeparator)
-				if tags[0] != "-" {
-					typeName = tags[0]
-				}
-			} else {
-				typeName = rfv.Name
-			}
-			if v.CanInterface() {
-				switch v.Type().String() {
-				case "govalidator.Int":
-					r.push(typeName, v.Interface())
-				case "govalidator.Int64":
-					r.push(typeName, v.Interface())
-				case "govalidator.Float32":
-					r.push(typeName, v.Interface())
-				case "govalidator.Float64":
-					r.push(typeName, v.Interface())
-				case "govalidator.Bool":
-					r.push(typeName, v.Interface())
-				default:
-					r.typeName = ift.Name()
-					r.traverseStruct(v.Interface())
-				}
-			}
-		case reflect.Map:
-			if v.CanInterface() {
-				r.traverseMap(v.Interface())
-			}
-		case reflect.Ptr: // if the field inside struct is Ptr then get the type and underlying values as interface{}
-			ptrReflectionVal := reflect.Indirect(v)
-			if !isEmpty(ptrReflectionVal) {
-				ptrField := ptrReflectionVal.Type()
-				switch ptrField.Kind() {
-				case reflect.Struct:
-					if v.CanInterface() {
-						r.traverseStruct(v.Interface())
-					}
-				case reflect.Map:
-					if v.CanInterface() {
-						r.traverseMap(v.Interface())
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		default:
-			if len(rfv.Tag.Get(r.tagIdentifier)) > 0 {
-				tags := strings.Split(rfv.Tag.Get(r.tagIdentifier), r.tagSeparator)
-				// add if first tag is not hyphen
-				if tags[0] != "-" {
-					if v.CanInterface() {
-						r.push(tags[0], v.Interface())
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
-					if ifv.CanInterface() {
-						r.push(ift.Name()+"."+rfv.Name, ifv.Interface())
-					}
-				} else {
-					if v.CanInterface() {
-						r.push(ift.Name()+"."+rfv.Name, v.Interface())
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-// traverseMap through all the map and add it to root
-func (r *roller) traverseMap(iface interface{}) {
-	ifv := reflect.ValueOf(iface)
-	ift := reflect.TypeOf(iface)
-	if ift.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
-		ifv = ifv.Elem()
-		ift = ift.Elem()
-	}
-	switch iface.(type) {
-	case map[string]interface{}:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]interface{}) {
-			switch reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() {
-			case reflect.Struct:
-				r.typeName = k // set the map key as name
-				r.traverseStruct(v)
-			case reflect.Map:
-				r.typeName = k // set the map key as name
-				r.traverseMap(v)
-			case reflect.Ptr: // if the field inside map is Ptr then get the type and underlying values as interface{}
-				switch reflect.TypeOf(v).Elem().Kind() {
-				case reflect.Struct:
-					r.traverseStruct(v)
-				case reflect.Map:
-					switch v.(type) {
-					case *map[string]interface{}:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]interface{}))
-					case *map[string]string:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]string))
-					case *map[string]bool:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]bool))
-					case *map[string]int:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]int))
-					case *map[string]int8:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]int8))
-					case *map[string]int16:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]int16))
-					case *map[string]int32:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]int32))
-					case *map[string]int64:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]int64))
-					case *map[string]float32:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]float32))
-					case *map[string]float64:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]float64))
-					case *map[string]uint:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]uint))
-					case *map[string]uint8:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]uint8))
-					case *map[string]uint16:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]uint16))
-					case *map[string]uint32:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]uint32))
-					case *map[string]uint64:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]uint64))
-					case *map[string]uintptr:
-						r.traverseMap(*v.(*map[string]uintptr))
-					}
-				default:
-					r.push(k, v.(interface{}))
-				}
-			default:
-				r.push(k, v)
-			}
-		}
-	case map[string]string:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]string) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]bool:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]bool) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]int:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]int) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]int8:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]int8) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]int16:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]int16) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]int32:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]int32) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]int64:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]int64) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]float32:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]float32) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]float64:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]float64) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]uint:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]uint) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]uint8:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]uint8) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]uint16:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]uint16) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]uint32:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]uint32) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]uint64:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]uint64) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	case map[string]uintptr:
-		for k, v := range iface.(map[string]uintptr) {
-			r.push(k, v)
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/roller_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/roller_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 30e2032bc74c67e6ef0e5e51385383ea2d8e3015..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/roller_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"testing"
-type Earth struct {
-	Human
-	Name     string
-	Liveable bool
-	Planet   map[string]interface{}
-type Human struct {
-	Male
-	Female
-type Male struct {
-	Name string
-	Age  int
-type Female struct {
-	Name string
-	Age  int
-type deepLevel struct {
-	Deep   string
-	Levels map[string]string
-type structWithTag struct {
-	Name string `validate:"name"`
-	Age  int    `validate:"age"`
-var p = map[string]interface{}{
-	"naam":  "Jane",
-	"bois":  29,
-	"white": true,
-var dl = deepLevel{
-	Deep: "So much deep",
-	Levels: map[string]string{
-		"level 1": "20 m",
-		"level 2": "30 m",
-		"level 3": "80 m",
-		"level 4": "103 m",
-	},
-var planet = map[string]interface{}{
-	"name":      "mars",
-	"age":       1000,
-	"red":       true,
-	"deepLevel": dl,
-	"p":         p,
-var male = Male{"John", 33}
-var female = Female{"Jane", 30}
-var h = Human{
-	male,
-	female,
-var e = Earth{
-	h,
-	"green earth",
-	true,
-	planet,
-var m = make(map[string]interface{})
-type structWithPointerToEmbeddedStruct struct {
-	Male   *Male
-	Female *Female
-	Planet *map[string]interface{}
-func init() {
-	m["earth"] = e
-	m["person"] = "John Doe"
-	m["iface"] = map[string]string{"another_person": "does it change root!"}
-	m["array"] = [5]int{1, 4, 5, 6, 7}
-func TestRoller_push(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(male)
-	if r.push("Male.Name", "set new name") != false {
-		t.Error("push failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_Start(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(m)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 20 {
-		t.Error("Start failed!")
-	}
-func BenchmarkRoller_Start(b *testing.B) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		r.start(m)
-	}
-func Test_Roller_Start_empty_map(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	emap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(emap)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) > 0 {
-		t.Error("Failed to validate empty map")
-	}
-func TestRoller_traverseStructWithEmbeddedPointerStructAndMap(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	s := structWithPointerToEmbeddedStruct{
-		&male,
-		&female,
-		&p,
-	}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(s)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 4 {
-		t.Error("traverseStructWithEmbeddedPointerStructAndMap failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_traverseMapWithPointerStructAndMap(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	mapOfPointerVals := map[string]interface{}{
-		"structField":        male,
-		"structPointerField": &female,
-		"mapPointerField":    &p,
-	}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(mapOfPointerVals)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 7 {
-		t.Error("traverseMapWithPointerStructAndMap failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_StartPointerToStruct(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(&male)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 2 {
-		t.Error("StartPointerToStruct failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_StartMap(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(m)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 20 {
-		t.Error("StartMap failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_StartPointerToMap(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(&p)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 3 {
-		t.Error("StartPointerToMap failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_StartStruct(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(h)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 4 {
-		t.Error("StartStruct failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_StartStructWithTag(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	swTag := structWithTag{"John", 44}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(swTag)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 2 {
-		t.Error("StartStructWithTag failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_StartStructPointerWithTag(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	swTag := structWithTag{"John", 44}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(&swTag)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 2 {
-		t.Error("StartStructPointerWithTag failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_GetFlatVal(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(m)
-	//check struct field with string
-	name, _ := r.getFlatVal("Male.Name")
-	if name != "John" {
-		t.Error("GetFlatVal failed for struct string field!")
-	}
-	//check struct field with int
-	age, _ := r.getFlatVal("Male.Age")
-	if age != 33 {
-		t.Error("GetFlatVal failed for struct int field!")
-	}
-	//check struct field with array
-	intArrOf5, _ := r.getFlatVal("array")
-	if len(intArrOf5.([5]int)) != 5 {
-		t.Error("GetFlatVal failed for struct array of [5]int field!")
-	}
-	//check map key of string
-	person, _ := r.getFlatVal("person")
-	if person != "John Doe" {
-		t.Error("GetFlatVal failed for map[string]string!")
-	}
-	//check not existed key
-	_, ok := r.getFlatVal("not_existed_key")
-	if ok {
-		t.Error("GetFlatVal failed for not available key!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_PremitiveDataType(t *testing.T) {
-	mStr := map[string]string{"oneStr": "hello", "twoStr": "Jane", "threeStr": "Doe"}
-	mBool := map[string]bool{"oneBool": true, "twoBool": false, "threeBool": true}
-	mInt := map[string]int{"oneInt": 1, "twoInt": 2, "threeInt": 3}
-	mInt8 := map[string]int8{"oneInt8": 1, "twoInt8": 2, "threeInt8": 3}
-	mInt16 := map[string]int16{"oneInt16": 1, "twoInt16": 2, "threeInt16": 3}
-	mInt32 := map[string]int32{"oneInt32": 1, "twoInt32": 2, "threeInt32": 3}
-	mInt64 := map[string]int64{"oneInt64": 1, "twoInt64": 2, "threeInt64": 3}
-	mFloat32 := map[string]float32{"onefloat32": 1.09, "twofloat32": 20.87, "threefloat32": 11.3}
-	mFloat64 := map[string]float64{"onefloat64": 10.88, "twofloat64": 92.09, "threefloat64": 3.90}
-	mUintptr := map[string]uintptr{"oneUintptr": 1, "twoUintptr": 2, "threeUintptr": 3}
-	mUint := map[string]uint{"oneUint": 1, "twoUint": 2, "threeUint": 3}
-	mUint8 := map[string]uint8{"oneUint8": 1, "twoUint8": 2, "threeUint8": 3}
-	mUint16 := map[string]uint16{"oneUint16": 1, "twoUint16": 2, "threeUint16": 3}
-	mUint32 := map[string]uint32{"oneUint32": 1, "twoUint32": 2, "threeUint32": 3}
-	mUint64 := map[string]uint64{"oneUint64": 1, "twoUint64": 2, "threeUint64": 3}
-	mComplex := map[string]interface{}{
-		"ptrToMapString":  &mStr,
-		"ptrToMapBool":    &mBool,
-		"ptrToMapInt":     &mInt,
-		"ptrToMapInt8":    &mInt8,
-		"ptrToMapInt16":   &mInt16,
-		"ptrToMapInt32":   &mInt32,
-		"ptrToMapInt64":   &mInt64,
-		"ptrToMapfloat32": &mFloat32,
-		"ptrToMapfloat64": &mFloat64,
-		"ptrToMapUintptr": &mUintptr,
-		"ptrToMapUint":    &mUint,
-		"ptrToMapUint8":   &mUint8,
-		"ptrToMapUint16":  &mUint16,
-		"ptrToMapUint32":  &mUint32,
-		"ptrToMapUint64":  &mUint64,
-	}
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(mComplex)
-	itemsLen := len(mComplex) * 3
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != itemsLen {
-		t.Error("PremitiveDataType failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_sliceOfType(t *testing.T) {
-	males := []Male{
-		{Name: "John", Age: 29},
-		{Name: "Jane", Age: 23},
-		{Name: "Tom", Age: 10},
-	}
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(males)
-	i, _ := r.getFlatVal("slice")
-	if len(i.([]Male)) != len(males) {
-		t.Error("slice failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_ptrSliceOfType(t *testing.T) {
-	males := []Male{
-		{Name: "John", Age: 29},
-		{Name: "Jane", Age: 23},
-		{Name: "Tom", Age: 10},
-	}
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(&males)
-	i, _ := r.getFlatVal("slice")
-	if len(i.([]Male)) != len(males) {
-		t.Error("slice failed!")
-	}
-func TestRoller_MapWithPointerPremitives(t *testing.T) {
-	type customType string
-	var str string
-	var varInt int
-	var varInt8 int8
-	var varInt16 int16
-	var varInt32 int32
-	var varInt64 int64
-	var varFloat32 float32
-	var varFloat64 float64
-	var varUint uint
-	var varUint8 uint8
-	var varUint16 uint16
-	var varUint32 uint32
-	var varUint64 uint64
-	var varUintptr uintptr
-	var x customType = "custom"
-	y := []string{"y", "z"}
-	males := map[string]interface{}{
-		"string":     &str,
-		"int":        &varInt,
-		"int8":       &varInt8,
-		"int16":      &varInt16,
-		"int32":      &varInt32,
-		"int64":      &varInt64,
-		"float32":    &varFloat32,
-		"float64":    &varFloat64,
-		"uint":       &varUint,
-		"uint8":      &varUint8,
-		"uint16":     &varUint16,
-		"uint32":     &varUint32,
-		"uint64":     &varUint64,
-		"uintPtr":    &varUintptr,
-		"customType": &x,
-		"y":          &y,
-	}
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("validate")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(males)
-	val, _ := r.getFlatVal("customType")
-	if *val.(*customType) != "custom" {
-		t.Error("fetching custom type value failed!")
-	}
-	valY, _ := r.getFlatVal("y")
-	if len(*valY.(*[]string)) != len(y) {
-		t.Error("fetching pointer to struct value failed!")
-	}
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != len(males) {
-		t.Error("MapWithPointerPremitives failed!")
-	}
-type structWithCustomType struct {
-	Name      string  `json:"name"`
-	Integer   Int     `json:"integer"`
-	Integer64 Int64   `json:"integer64"`
-	Fpoint32  Float32 `json:"float32"`
-	Fpoint64  Float64 `json:"float64"`
-	Boolean   Bool    `json:"bool"`
-func TestRoller_StartCustomType(t *testing.T) {
-	r := roller{}
-	swTag := structWithCustomType{Name: "John Doe", Integer: Int{Value: 44}}
-	r.setTagIdentifier("json")
-	r.setTagSeparator("|")
-	r.start(&swTag)
-	if len(r.getFlatMap()) != 6 {
-		t.Error("failed to push custom type")
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/rules.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/rules.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a384257701debad0bc53d8d9170527e0ba8b8ae..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/rules.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1020 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"mime/multipart"
-	"net/url"
-	"reflect"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-// var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-// var Cnt = 0
-var rulesFuncMap = make(map[string]func(string, string, string, interface{}) error)
-// AddCustomRule help to add custom rules for validator
-// First argument it takes the rule name and second arg a func
-// Second arg must have this signature below
-// fn func(name string, fn func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error
-// see example in readme: https://github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator#add-custom-rules
-func AddCustomRule(name string, fn func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error) {
-	if isRuleExist(name) {
-		panic(fmt.Errorf("govalidator: %s is already defined in rules", name))
-	}
-	rulesFuncMap[name] = fn
-// validateCustomRules validate custom rules
-func validateCustomRules(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}, errsBag url.Values) {
-	// loggermdl.LogDebug(field, " - ", rule)
-	// mutex.Lock()
-	// Cnt++
-	// mutex.Unlock()
-	for k, v := range rulesFuncMap {
-		if k == rule || strings.HasPrefix(rule, k+":") {
-			err := v(field, rule, message, value)
-			if err != nil {
-				errsBag.Add(field, err.Error())
-			}
-			break
-		}
-	}
-func init() {
-	// Required check the Required fields
-	AddCustomRule("required", func(field, rule, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field is required", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if value == nil {
-			return err
-		}
-		if _, ok := value.(multipart.File); ok {
-			return nil
-		}
-		rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
-		switch rv.Kind() {
-		case reflect.String, reflect.Array, reflect.Slice, reflect.Map:
-			if rv.Len() == 0 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int:
-			if isEmpty(value.(int)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int8:
-			if isEmpty(value.(int8)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int16:
-			if isEmpty(value.(int16)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int32:
-			if isEmpty(value.(int32)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int64:
-			if isEmpty(value.(int64)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Float32:
-			if isEmpty(value.(float32)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Float64:
-			if isEmpty(value.(float64)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint:
-			if isEmpty(value.(uint)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint8:
-			if isEmpty(value.(uint8)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint16:
-			if isEmpty(value.(uint16)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint32:
-			if isEmpty(value.(uint32)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint64:
-			if isEmpty(value.(uint64)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uintptr:
-			if isEmpty(value.(uintptr)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Struct:
-			switch rv.Type().String() {
-			case "govalidator.Int":
-				if v, ok := value.(Int); ok {
-					if !v.IsSet {
-						return err
-					}
-				}
-			case "govalidator.Int64":
-				if v, ok := value.(Int64); ok {
-					if !v.IsSet {
-						return err
-					}
-				}
-			case "govalidator.Float32":
-				if v, ok := value.(Float32); ok {
-					if !v.IsSet {
-						return err
-					}
-				}
-			case "govalidator.Float64":
-				if v, ok := value.(Float64); ok {
-					if !v.IsSet {
-						return err
-					}
-				}
-			case "govalidator.Bool":
-				if v, ok := value.(Bool); ok {
-					if !v.IsSet {
-						return err
-					}
-				}
-			default:
-				panic("govalidator: invalid custom type for required rule")
-			}
-		default:
-			panic("govalidator: invalid type for required rule")
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Regex check the custom Regex rules
-	// Regex:^[a-zA-Z]+$ means this field can only contain alphabet (a-z and A-Z)
-	AddCustomRule("regex", func(field, rule, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field format is invalid", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		rxStr := strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "regex:")
-		if !isMatchedRegex(rxStr, str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Alpha check if provided field contains valid letters
-	AddCustomRule("alpha", func(field string, vlaue string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s may only contain letters", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isAlpha(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// AlphaDash check if provided field contains valid letters, numbers, underscore and dash
-	AddCustomRule("alpha_dash", func(field string, vlaue string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s may only contain letters, numbers, and dashes", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isAlphaDash(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// AlphaNumeric check if provided field contains valid letters and numbers
-	AddCustomRule("alpha_num", func(field string, vlaue string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s may only contain letters and numbers", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isAlphaNumeric(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Boolean check if provided field contains Boolean
-	// in this case: "0", "1", 0, 1, "true", "false", true, false etc
-	AddCustomRule("bool", func(field string, vlaue string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s may only contain boolean value, string or int 0, 1", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		switch value.(type) {
-		case bool:
-			//if value is boolean then pass
-		case string:
-			if !isBoolean(value.(string)) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case int:
-			v := value.(int)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case int8:
-			v := value.(int8)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case int16:
-			v := value.(int16)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case int32:
-			v := value.(int32)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case int64:
-			v := value.(int64)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case uint:
-			v := value.(uint)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case uint8:
-			v := value.(uint8)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case uint16:
-			v := value.(uint16)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case uint32:
-			v := value.(uint32)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case uint64:
-			v := value.(uint64)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		case uintptr:
-			v := value.(uintptr)
-			if v != 0 && v != 1 {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Between check the fields character length range
-	// if the field is array, map, slice then the valdiation rule will be the length of the data
-	// if the value is int or float then the valdiation rule will be the value comparison
-	AddCustomRule("between", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		rng := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "between:"), ",")
-		if len(rng) != 2 {
-			panic(errInvalidArgument)
-		}
-		minFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rng[0], 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		maxFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rng[1], 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		min := int(minFloat)
-		max := int(maxFloat)
-		err = fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be between %d and %d", field, min, max)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
-		switch rv.Kind() {
-		case reflect.String, reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
-			inLen := rv.Len()
-			if !(inLen >= min && inLen <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int:
-			in := value.(int)
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int8:
-			in := int(value.(int8))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int16:
-			in := int(value.(int16))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int32:
-			in := int(value.(int32))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Int64:
-			in := int(value.(int64))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint:
-			in := int(value.(uint))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint8:
-			in := int(value.(uint8))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint16:
-			in := int(value.(uint16))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint32:
-			in := int(value.(uint32))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint64:
-			in := int(value.(uint64))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Uintptr:
-			in := int(value.(uintptr))
-			if !(in >= min && in <= max) {
-				return err
-			}
-		case reflect.Float32:
-			in := float64(value.(float32))
-			if !(in >= minFloat && in <= maxFloat) {
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be between %f and %f", field, minFloat, maxFloat)
-			}
-		case reflect.Float64:
-			in := value.(float64)
-			if !(in >= minFloat && in <= maxFloat) {
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be between %f and %f", field, minFloat, maxFloat)
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// CreditCard check if provided field contains valid credit card number
-	// Accepted cards are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover and JCB card
-	AddCustomRule("credit_card", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid credit card number", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isCreditCard(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Coordinate check if provided field contains valid Coordinate
-	AddCustomRule("coordinate", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid coordinate", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isCoordinate(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// ValidateCSSColor check if provided field contains a valid CSS color code
-	AddCustomRule("css_color", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid CSS color code", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isCSSColor(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Digits check the exact matching length of digit (0,9)
-	// Digits:5 means the field must have 5 digit of length.
-	// e.g: 12345 or 98997 etc
-	AddCustomRule("digits", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		l, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "digits:"))
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		err = fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be %d digits", field, l)
-		if l == 1 {
-			err = fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be 1 digit", field)
-		}
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		str := toString(value)
-		if len(str) != l || !isNumeric(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// DigitsBetween check if the field contains only digit and length between provided range
-	// e.g: digits_between:4,5 means the field can have value like: 8887 or 12345 etc
-	AddCustomRule("digits_between", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		rng := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "digits_between:"), ",")
-		if len(rng) != 2 {
-			panic(errInvalidArgument)
-		}
-		min, err := strconv.Atoi(rng[0])
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		max, err := strconv.Atoi(rng[1])
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		err = fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be digits between %d and %d", field, min, max)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		str := toString(value)
-		if !isNumeric(str) || !(len(str) >= min && len(str) <= max) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Date check the provided field is valid Date
-	AddCustomRule("date", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		if rule == "date:dd-mm-yyyy" {
-			if !isDateDDMMYY(str) {
-				if message != "" {
-					return errors.New(message)
-				}
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid date format. e.g: dd-mm-yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy etc", field)
-			}
-		}
-		if !isDate(str) {
-			if message != "" {
-				return errors.New(message)
-			}
-			return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid date format. e.g: yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy/mm/dd etc", field)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Email check the provided field is valid Email
-	AddCustomRule("email", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid email address", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isEmail(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// validFloat check the provided field is valid float number
-	AddCustomRule("float", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a float number", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isFloat(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// IP check if provided field is valid IP address
-	AddCustomRule("ip", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid IP address", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isIP(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// IP check if provided field is valid IP v4 address
-	AddCustomRule("ip_v4", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid IPv4 address", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isIPV4(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// IP check if provided field is valid IP v6 address
-	AddCustomRule("ip_v6", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be a valid IPv6 address", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isIPV6(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// ValidateJSON check if provided field contains valid json string
-	AddCustomRule("json", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid JSON string", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isJSON(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	/// Latitude check if provided field contains valid Latitude
-	AddCustomRule("lat", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid latitude", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isLatitude(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Longitude check if provided field contains valid Longitude
-	AddCustomRule("lon", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid longitude", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isLongitude(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Length check the field's character Length
-	AddCustomRule("len", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		l, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "len:"))
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		err = fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be length of %d", field, l)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
-		switch rv.Kind() {
-		case reflect.String, reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
-			vLen := rv.Len()
-			if vLen != l {
-				return err
-			}
-		default:
-			str := toString(value) //force the value to be string
-			if len(str) != l {
-				return err
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Min check the field's minimum character length for string, value for int, float and size for array, map, slice
-	AddCustomRule("min", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		mustLen := strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "min:")
-		lenInt, err := strconv.Atoi(mustLen)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		lenFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(mustLen, 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToFloat)
-		}
-		errMsg := fmt.Errorf("The %s field value can not be less than %d", field, lenInt)
-		if message != "" {
-			errMsg = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		errMsgFloat := fmt.Errorf("The %s field value can not be less than %f", field, lenFloat)
-		if message != "" {
-			errMsgFloat = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
-		switch rv.Kind() {
-		case reflect.String:
-			inLen := rv.Len()
-			if inLen < lenInt {
-				if message != "" {
-					return errors.New(message)
-				}
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be minimum %d char", field, lenInt)
-			}
-		case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
-			inLen := rv.Len()
-			if inLen < lenInt {
-				if message != "" {
-					return errors.New(message)
-				}
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be minimum %d in size", field, lenInt)
-			}
-		case reflect.Int:
-			in := value.(int)
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int8:
-			in := int(value.(int8))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int16:
-			in := int(value.(int16))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int32:
-			in := int(value.(int32))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int64:
-			in := int(value.(int64))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint:
-			in := int(value.(uint))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint8:
-			in := int(value.(uint8))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint16:
-			in := int(value.(uint16))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint32:
-			in := int(value.(uint32))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint64:
-			in := int(value.(uint64))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uintptr:
-			in := int(value.(uintptr))
-			if in < lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Float32:
-			in := value.(float32)
-			if in < float32(lenFloat) {
-				return errMsgFloat
-			}
-		case reflect.Float64:
-			in := value.(float64)
-			if in < lenFloat {
-				return errMsgFloat
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Max check the field's maximum character length for string, value for int, float and size for array, map, slice
-	AddCustomRule("max", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		mustLen := strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "max:")
-		lenInt, err := strconv.Atoi(mustLen)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		lenFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(mustLen, 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToFloat)
-		}
-		errMsg := fmt.Errorf("The %s field value can not be greater than %d", field, lenInt)
-		if message != "" {
-			errMsg = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		errMsgFloat := fmt.Errorf("The %s field value can not be greater than %f", field, lenFloat)
-		if message != "" {
-			errMsgFloat = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		rv := reflect.ValueOf(value)
-		switch rv.Kind() {
-		case reflect.String:
-			inLen := rv.Len()
-			if inLen > lenInt {
-				if message != "" {
-					return errors.New(message)
-				}
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be maximum %d char", field, lenInt)
-			}
-		case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
-			inLen := rv.Len()
-			if inLen > lenInt {
-				if message != "" {
-					return errors.New(message)
-				}
-				return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be minimum %d in size", field, lenInt)
-			}
-		case reflect.Int:
-			in := value.(int)
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int8:
-			in := int(value.(int8))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int16:
-			in := int(value.(int16))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int32:
-			in := int(value.(int32))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Int64:
-			in := int(value.(int64))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint:
-			in := int(value.(uint))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint8:
-			in := int(value.(uint8))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint16:
-			in := int(value.(uint16))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint32:
-			in := int(value.(uint32))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint64:
-			in := int(value.(uint64))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Uintptr:
-			in := int(value.(uintptr))
-			if in > lenInt {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		case reflect.Float32:
-			in := value.(float32)
-			if in > float32(lenFloat) {
-				return errMsgFloat
-			}
-		case reflect.Float64:
-			in := value.(float64)
-			if in > lenFloat {
-				return errMsgFloat
-			}
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// Numeric check if the value of the field is Numeric
-	AddCustomRule("numeric", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be numeric", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isNumeric(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// NumericBetween check if the value field numeric value range
-	// e.g: numeric_between:18, 65 means number value must be in between a numeric value 18 & 65
-	AddCustomRule("numeric_between", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		rng := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "numeric_between:"), ",")
-		if len(rng) != 2 {
-			panic(errInvalidArgument)
-		}
-		// check for integer value
-		_min, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rng[0], 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		min := int(_min)
-		_max, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rng[1], 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		max := int(_max)
-		errMsg := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be numeric value between %d and %d", field, min, max)
-		if message != "" {
-			errMsg = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		val := toString(value)
-		if !strings.Contains(rng[0], ".") || !strings.Contains(rng[1], ".") {
-			digit, errs := strconv.Atoi(val)
-			if errs != nil {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-			if !(digit >= min && digit <= max) {
-				return errMsg
-			}
-		}
-		// check for float value
-		minFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rng[0], 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToFloat)
-		}
-		maxFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(rng[1], 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToFloat)
-		}
-		errMsg = fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be numeric value between %f and %f", field, minFloat, maxFloat)
-		if message != "" {
-			errMsg = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		digit, err := strconv.ParseFloat(val, 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			return errMsg
-		}
-		if !(digit >= minFloat && digit <= maxFloat) {
-			return errMsg
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// ValidateURL check if provided field is valid URL
-	AddCustomRule("url", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field format is invalid", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isURL(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// UUID check if provided field contains valid UUID
-	AddCustomRule("uuid", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid UUID", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isUUID(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// UUID3 check if provided field contains valid UUID of version 3
-	AddCustomRule("uuid_v3", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid UUID V3", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isUUID3(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// UUID4 check if provided field contains valid UUID of version 4
-	AddCustomRule("uuid_v4", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid UUID V4", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isUUID4(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// UUID5 check if provided field contains valid UUID of version 5
-	AddCustomRule("uuid_v5", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must contain valid UUID V5", field)
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isUUID5(str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// In check if provided field equals one of the values specified in the rule
-	AddCustomRule("in", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		rng := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "in:"), ",")
-		if len(rng) == 0 {
-			panic(errInvalidArgument)
-		}
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be one of %v", field, strings.Join(rng, ", "))
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if !isIn(rng, str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	// In check if provided field equals one of the values specified in the rule
-	AddCustomRule("not_in", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		rng := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "not_in:"), ",")
-		if len(rng) == 0 {
-			panic(errInvalidArgument)
-		}
-		str := toString(value)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("The %s field must not be any of %v", field, strings.Join(rng, ", "))
-		if message != "" {
-			err = errors.New(message)
-		}
-		if isIn(rng, str) {
-			return err
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/rules_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/rules_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7de69d7bfed1bb497713fda178f580a1702ef801..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/rules_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1973 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"testing"
-func Test_AddCustomRule(t *testing.T) {
-	AddCustomRule("__x__", func(f string, rule string, message string, v interface{}) error {
-		if v.(string) != "xyz" {
-			return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be xyz", f)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-	if len(rulesFuncMap) <= 0 {
-		t.Error("AddCustomRule failed to add new rule")
-	}
-func Test_AddCustomRule_panic(t *testing.T) {
-	defer func() {
-		if r := recover(); r == nil {
-			t.Errorf("AddCustomRule failed to panic")
-		}
-	}()
-	AddCustomRule("__x__", func(f string, rule string, message string, v interface{}) error {
-		if v.(string) != "xyz" {
-			return fmt.Errorf("The %s field must be xyz", f)
-		}
-		return nil
-	})
-func Test_validateExtraRules(t *testing.T) {
-	errsBag := url.Values{}
-	validateCustomRules("f_field", "__x__", "a", "", errsBag)
-	if len(errsBag) != 1 {
-		t.Error("validateExtraRules failed")
-	}
-//================================= rules =================================
-func Test_Required(t *testing.T) {
-	type tRequired struct {
-		Str       string  `json:"_str"`
-		Int       int     `json:"_int"`
-		Int8      int8    `json:"_int8"`
-		Int16     int16   `json:"_int16"`
-		Int32     int32   `json:"_int32"`
-		Int64     int64   `json:"_int64"`
-		Uint      uint    `json:"_uint"`
-		Uint8     uint8   `json:"_uint8"`
-		Uint16    uint16  `json:"_uint16"`
-		Uint32    uint32  `json:"_uint32"`
-		Uint64    uint64  `json:"_uint64"`
-		Uintptr   uintptr `json:"_uintptr"`
-		Flaot32   float32 `json:"_float32"`
-		Flaot64   float64 `json:"_float64"`
-		Integer   Int     `json:"integer"`
-		Integer64 Int64   `json:"integer64"`
-		Fpoint32  Float32 `json:"float32"`
-		Fpoint64  Float64 `json:"float64"`
-		Boolean   Bool    `json:"boolean"`
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"_str":      []string{"required"},
-		"_int":      []string{"required"},
-		"_int8":     []string{"required"},
-		"_int16":    []string{"required"},
-		"_int32":    []string{"required"},
-		"_int64":    []string{"required"},
-		"_uint":     []string{"required"},
-		"_uint8":    []string{"required"},
-		"_uint16":   []string{"required"},
-		"_uint32":   []string{"required"},
-		"_uint64":   []string{"required"},
-		"_uintptr":  []string{"required"},
-		"_float32":  []string{"required"},
-		"_float64":  []string{"required"},
-		"integer":   []string{"required"},
-		"integer64": []string{"required"},
-		"float32":   []string{"required"},
-		"float64":   []string{"required"},
-		"boolean":   []string{"required"},
-	}
-	postRequired := map[string]string{}
-	var trequired tRequired
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postRequired)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"_str": []string{"required:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &trequired,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 19 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("required validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("_str") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("required rule custom message failed")
-	}
-func Test_Regex(t *testing.T) {
-	type tRegex struct {
-		Name string `json:"name"`
-	}
-	postRegex := tRegex{Name: "john"}
-	var tregex tRegex
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postRegex)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"regex:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"regex:^[0-9]+$"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &tregex,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("regex validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("name") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("regex rule custom message failed")
-	}
-func Test_Alpha(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Name string `json:"name"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Name: "9080"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"alpha:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"alpha"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("alpha validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("name") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("alpha custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_AlphaDash(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Name string `json:"name"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Name: "9090$"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"alpha_dash:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"alpha_dash"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("alpha_dash validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("name") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("alpha dash custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_AlphaNumeric(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Name string `json:"name"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Name: "aE*Sb$"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"alpha_num"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"name": []string{"alpha_num:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("alpha_num validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("name") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("alpha num custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Boolean(t *testing.T) {
-	type Bools struct {
-		BoolStr     string  `json:"boolStr"`
-		BoolInt     int     `json:"boolInt"`
-		BoolInt8    int8    `json:"boolInt8"`
-		BoolInt16   int16   `json:"boolInt16"`
-		BoolInt32   int32   `json:"boolInt32"`
-		BoolInt64   int64   `json:"boolInt64"`
-		BoolUint    uint    `json:"boolUint"`
-		BoolUint8   uint8   `json:"boolUint8"`
-		BoolUint16  uint16  `json:"boolUint16"`
-		BoolUint32  uint32  `json:"boolUint32"`
-		BoolUint64  uint64  `json:"boolUint64"`
-		BoolUintptr uintptr `json:"boolUintptr"`
-		Bool        bool    `json:"_bool"`
-	}
-	postBools := Bools{
-		BoolStr:     "abc",
-		BoolInt:     90,
-		BoolInt8:    10,
-		BoolInt16:   22,
-		BoolInt32:   76,
-		BoolInt64:   9,
-		BoolUint:    5,
-		BoolUint8:   9,
-		BoolUint16:  9,
-		BoolUint32:  9,
-		BoolUint64:  8,
-		BoolUintptr: 9,
-	}
-	var boolObj Bools
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postBools)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"boolStr":     []string{"bool"},
-		"boolInt":     []string{"bool"},
-		"boolInt8":    []string{"bool"},
-		"boolInt16":   []string{"bool"},
-		"boolInt32":   []string{"bool"},
-		"boolInt64":   []string{"bool"},
-		"boolUint":    []string{"bool"},
-		"boolUint8":   []string{"bool"},
-		"boolUint16":  []string{"bool"},
-		"boolUint32":  []string{"bool"},
-		"boolUint64":  []string{"bool"},
-		"boolUintptr": []string{"bool"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"boolStr":  []string{"bool:custom_message"},
-		"boolInt":  []string{"bool:custom_message"},
-		"boolUint": []string{"bool:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &boolObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 12 {
-		t.Error("bool validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("boolStr") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("boolInt") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("boolUint") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("bool custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Between(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Str     string  `json:"str"`
-		Int     int     `json:"_int"`
-		Int8    int8    `json:"_int8"`
-		Int16   int16   `json:"_int16"`
-		Int32   int32   `json:"_int32"`
-		Int64   int64   `json:"_int64"`
-		Uint    uint    `json:"_uint"`
-		Uint8   uint8   `json:"_uint8"`
-		Uint16  uint16  `json:"_uint16"`
-		Uint32  uint32  `json:"_uint32"`
-		Uint64  uint64  `json:"_uint64"`
-		Uintptr uintptr `json:"_uintptr"`
-		Float32 float32 `json:"_float32"`
-		Float64 float64 `json:"_float64"`
-		Slice   []int   `json:"_slice"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"str":      []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_int":     []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_int8":    []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_int16":   []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_int32":   []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_int64":   []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_uint":    []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_uint8":   []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_uint16":  []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_uint32":  []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_uint64":  []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_uintptr": []string{"between:3,5"},
-		"_float32": []string{"between:3.5,5.9"},
-		"_float64": []string{"between:3.3,6.2"},
-		"_slice":   []string{"between:3,5"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	vd.SetDefaultRequired(true)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 15 {
-		t.Error("between validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_CreditCard(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		CreditCard string `json:"credit_card"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{CreditCard: "87080"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"credit_card": []string{"credit_card:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"credit_card": []string{"credit_card"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("credit card validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("credit_card") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("credit_card custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Coordinate(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Coordinate string `json:"coordinate"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Coordinate: "8080"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"coordinate": []string{"coordinate:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"coordinate": []string{"coordinate"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("coordinate validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("coordinate") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("coordinate custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_CSSColor(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Color string `json:"color"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Color: "8080"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"color": []string{"css_color"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"color": []string{"css_color:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("CSS color validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("color") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("css_color custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Digits(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Zip   string `json:"zip"`
-		Level string `json:"level"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Zip: "8322", Level: "10"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"zip":   []string{"digits:5"},
-		"level": []string{"digits:1"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Error("Digits validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_DigitsBetween(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Zip   string `json:"zip"`
-		Level string `json:"level"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Zip: "8322", Level: "10"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"zip":   []string{"digits_between:5,10"},
-		"level": []string{"digits_between:5,10"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"zip":   []string{"digits_between:custom_message"},
-		"level": []string{"digits_between:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Error("digits between validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("zip") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("level") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("digits_between custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_DigitsBetweenPanic(t *testing.T) {
-	defer func() {
-		if r := recover(); r == nil {
-			t.Errorf("Digits between failed to panic!")
-		}
-	}()
-	type user struct {
-		Zip   string `json:"zip"`
-		Level string `json:"level"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Zip: "8322", Level: "10"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"zip":   []string{"digits_between:5"},
-		"level": []string{"digits_between:i,k"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Error("Digits between panic failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Date(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		DOB         string `json:"dob"`
-		JoiningDate string `json:"joining_date"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{DOB: "invalida date", JoiningDate: "10"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"dob":          []string{"date"},
-		"joining_date": []string{"date:dd-mm-yyyy"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Date validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Date_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		DOB         string `json:"dob"`
-		JoiningDate string `json:"joining_date"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{DOB: "invalida date", JoiningDate: "10"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"dob":          []string{"date"},
-		"joining_date": []string{"date:dd-mm-yyyy"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"dob":          []string{"date:custom_message"},
-		"joining_date": []string{"date:dd-mm-yyyy:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("dob") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("Date custom message validation failed!")
-	}
-	if k := validationErr.Get("dob"); k != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("Date date:dd-mm-yyyy custom message validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Email(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Email string `json:"email"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Email: "invalid email"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"email": []string{"email"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Email validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Email_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Email string `json:"email"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Email: "invalid email"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"email": []string{"email"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"email": []string{"email:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("email") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("Email message validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Float(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		CGPA string `json:"cgpa"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{CGPA: "invalid cgpa"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"cgpa": []string{"float"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Float validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Float_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		CGPA string `json:"cgpa"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{CGPA: "invalid cgpa"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"cgpa": []string{"float"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"cgpa": []string{"float:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("cgpa") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("Float custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_IP(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		IP string `json:"ip"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{IP: "invalid IP"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("IP validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_IP_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		IP string `json:"ip"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{IP: "invalid IP"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("ip") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("IP custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_IPv4(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		IP string `json:"ip"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{IP: "invalid IP"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip_v4"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("IP v4 validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_IPv4_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		IP string `json:"ip"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{IP: "invalid IP"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip_v4:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip_v4"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("ip") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("IP v4 custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_IPv6(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		IP string `json:"ip"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{IP: "invalid IP"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip_v6"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("IP v6 validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_IPv6_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		IP string `json:"ip"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{IP: "invalid IP"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip_v6:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"ip": []string{"ip_v6"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("ip") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("IP v6 custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_JSON(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Settings string `json:"settings"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Settings: "invalid json"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"settings": []string{"json"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("JSON validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_JSON_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Settings string `json:"settings"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Settings: `{"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}`}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"settings": []string{"json"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Validation failed for valid JSON")
-	}
-func Test_JSON_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Settings string `json:"settings"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Settings: "invalid json"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"settings": []string{"json:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"settings": []string{"json"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("settings") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("JSON custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_LatLon(t *testing.T) {
-	type Location struct {
-		Latitude  string `json:"lat"`
-		Longitude string `json:"lon"`
-	}
-	postLocation := Location{Latitude: "invalid lat", Longitude: "invalid lon"}
-	var loc Location
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postLocation)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"lat": []string{"lat"},
-		"lon": []string{"lon"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &loc,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Lat Lon validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_LatLon_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type Location struct {
-		Latitude  string `json:"lat"`
-		Longitude string `json:"lon"`
-	}
-	postLocation := Location{Latitude: "23.810332", Longitude: "90.412518"}
-	var loc Location
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postLocation)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"lat": []string{"lat"},
-		"lon": []string{"lon"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &loc,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Valid Lat Lon validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_LatLon_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type Location struct {
-		Latitude  string `json:"lat"`
-		Longitude string `json:"lon"`
-	}
-	postLocation := Location{Latitude: "invalid lat", Longitude: "invalid lon"}
-	var loc Location
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postLocation)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"lat": []string{"lat:custom_message"},
-		"lon": []string{"lon:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"lat": []string{"lat"},
-		"lon": []string{"lon"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &loc,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("lat") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("lon") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("Lat lon custom message failed")
-	}
-func Test_Len(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Name        string   `json:"name"`
-		Roll        int      `json:"roll"`
-		Permissions []string `json:"permissions"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{
-		Name:        "john",
-		Roll:        11,
-		Permissions: []string{"create", "delete", "update"},
-	}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name":        []string{"len:5"},
-		"roll":        []string{"len:5"},
-		"permissions": []string{"len:10"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &userObj,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 3 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Len validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Len_message(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Name        string   `json:"name"`
-		Roll        int      `json:"roll"`
-		Permissions []string `json:"permissions"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{
-		Name:        "john",
-		Roll:        11,
-		Permissions: []string{"create", "delete", "update"},
-	}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"name":        []string{"len:custom_message"},
-		"roll":        []string{"len:custom_message"},
-		"permissions": []string{"len:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name":        []string{"len:5"},
-		"roll":        []string{"len:5"},
-		"permissions": []string{"len:10"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if validationErr.Get("name") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("roll") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("permissions") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("len custom message failed")
-	}
-func Test_Numeric(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		NID string `json:"nid"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{NID: "invalid nid"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"nid": []string{"numeric"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"nid": []string{"numeric:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Numeric validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("nid") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("Numeric custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_Numeric_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		NID string `json:"nid"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{NID: "109922"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"nid": []string{"numeric"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"nid": []string{"numeric:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("Valid numeric validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_NumericBetween(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Age  int    `json:"age"`
-		CGPA string `json:"cgpa"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Age: 77, CGPA: "2.90"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"age":  []string{"numeric_between:18,60"},
-		"cgpa": []string{"numeric_between:3.5,4.9"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"age":  []string{"numeric_between:custom_message"},
-		"cgpa": []string{"numeric_between:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Error("numeric_between validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("age") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("cgpa") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("numeric_between custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_URL(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Web string `json:"web"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Web: "invalid url"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"web": []string{"url"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"web": []string{"url:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("URL validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("web") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("URL custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_UR_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Web string `json:"web"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Web: "www.google.com"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"web": []string{"url"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"web": []string{"url:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Error("Valid URL validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_UUIDS(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		UUID   string `json:"uuid"`
-		UUIDV3 string `json:"uuid3"`
-		UUIDV4 string `json:"uuid4"`
-		UUIDV5 string `json:"uuid5"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{
-		UUID:   "invalid uuid",
-		UUIDV3: "invalid uuid",
-		UUIDV4: "invalid uuid",
-		UUIDV5: "invalid uuid",
-	}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"uuid":  []string{"uuid"},
-		"uuid3": []string{"uuid_v3"},
-		"uuid4": []string{"uuid_v4"},
-		"uuid5": []string{"uuid_v5"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"uuid":  []string{"uuid:custom_message"},
-		"uuid3": []string{"uuid_v3:custom_message"},
-		"uuid4": []string{"uuid_v4:custom_message"},
-		"uuid5": []string{"uuid_v5:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 4 {
-		t.Error("UUID validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("uuid") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("uuid3") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("uuid4") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("uuid5") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("UUID custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_min(t *testing.T) {
-	type Body struct {
-		Str     string   `json:"_str"`
-		Slice   []string `json:"_slice"`
-		Int     int      `json:"_int"`
-		Int8    int8     `json:"_int8"`
-		Int16   int16    `json:"_int16"`
-		Int32   int32    `json:"_int32"`
-		Int64   int64    `json:"_int64"`
-		Uint    uint     `json:"_uint"`
-		Uint8   uint8    `json:"_uint8"`
-		Uint16  uint16   `json:"_uint16"`
-		Uint32  uint32   `json:"_uint32"`
-		Uint64  uint64   `json:"_uint64"`
-		Uintptr uintptr  `json:"_uintptr"`
-		Float32 float32  `json:"_float32"`
-		Float64 float64  `json:"_float64"`
-	}
-	postBody := Body{
-		Str:     "xyz",
-		Slice:   []string{"x", "y"},
-		Int:     2,
-		Int8:    2,
-		Int16:   2,
-		Int32:   2,
-		Int64:   2,
-		Uint:    2,
-		Uint8:   2,
-		Uint16:  2,
-		Uint32:  2,
-		Uint64:  2,
-		Uintptr: 2,
-		Float32: 2.4,
-		Float64: 3.2,
-	}
-	var bodyObj Body
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postBody)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"_str":     []string{"min:5"},
-		"_slice":   []string{"min:5"},
-		"_int":     []string{"min:5"},
-		"_int8":    []string{"min:5"},
-		"_int16":   []string{"min:5"},
-		"_int32":   []string{"min:5"},
-		"_int64":   []string{"min:5"},
-		"_uint":    []string{"min:5"},
-		"_uint8":   []string{"min:5"},
-		"_uint16":  []string{"min:5"},
-		"_uint32":  []string{"min:5"},
-		"_uint64":  []string{"min:5"},
-		"_uintptr": []string{"min:5"},
-		"_float32": []string{"min:5"},
-		"_float64": []string{"min:5"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"_str":     []string{"min:custom_message"},
-		"_slice":   []string{"min:custom_message"},
-		"_int":     []string{"min:custom_message"},
-		"_uint":    []string{"min:custom_message"},
-		"_float32": []string{"min:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &bodyObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 15 {
-		t.Error("min validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("_str") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_slice") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_int") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_uint") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_float32") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("min custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_max(t *testing.T) {
-	type Body struct {
-		Str     string   `json:"_str"`
-		Slice   []string `json:"_slice"`
-		Int     int      `json:"_int"`
-		Int8    int8     `json:"_int8"`
-		Int16   int16    `json:"_int16"`
-		Int32   int32    `json:"_int32"`
-		Int64   int64    `json:"_int64"`
-		Uint    uint     `json:"_uint"`
-		Uint8   uint8    `json:"_uint8"`
-		Uint16  uint16   `json:"_uint16"`
-		Uint32  uint32   `json:"_uint32"`
-		Uint64  uint64   `json:"_uint64"`
-		Uintptr uintptr  `json:"_uintptr"`
-		Float32 float32  `json:"_float32"`
-		Float64 float64  `json:"_float64"`
-	}
-	postBody := Body{
-		Str:     "xyzabc",
-		Slice:   []string{"x", "y", "z"},
-		Int:     20,
-		Int8:    20,
-		Int16:   20,
-		Int32:   20,
-		Int64:   20,
-		Uint:    20,
-		Uint8:   20,
-		Uint16:  20,
-		Uint32:  20,
-		Uint64:  20,
-		Uintptr: 20,
-		Float32: 20.4,
-		Float64: 30.2,
-	}
-	var bodyObj Body
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postBody)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	rules := MapData{
-		"_str":     []string{"max:5"},
-		"_slice":   []string{"max:2"},
-		"_int":     []string{"max:5"},
-		"_int8":    []string{"max:5"},
-		"_int16":   []string{"max:5"},
-		"_int32":   []string{"max:5"},
-		"_int64":   []string{"max:5"},
-		"_uint":    []string{"max:5"},
-		"_uint8":   []string{"max:5"},
-		"_uint16":  []string{"max:5"},
-		"_uint32":  []string{"max:5"},
-		"_uint64":  []string{"max:5"},
-		"_uintptr": []string{"max:5"},
-		"_float32": []string{"max:5"},
-		"_float64": []string{"max:5"},
-	}
-	messages := MapData{
-		"_str":     []string{"max:custom_message"},
-		"_slice":   []string{"max:custom_message"},
-		"_int":     []string{"max:custom_message"},
-		"_uint":    []string{"max:custom_message"},
-		"_float32": []string{"max:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &bodyObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 15 {
-		t.Error(validationErr)
-		t.Error("max validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("_str") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_slice") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_int") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_uint") != "custom_message" ||
-		validationErr.Get("_float32") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("max custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_In(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "4"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:1,2,3"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("in validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("input") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("in custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_In_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "1"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:1,2,3"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Error("in validation was triggered when valid!")
-	}
-func Test_In_string(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "bob"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:tom,dick,harry"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("in validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("input") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("in custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_In_string_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "dick"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"in:tom,dick,harry"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Error("in validation was triggered when valid!")
-	}
-func Test_NotIn(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "2"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:1,2,3"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("not_in validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("input") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("not_in custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_NotIn_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "4"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:1,2,3"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Error("not_in validation was triggered when valid!")
-	}
-func Test_NotIn_string(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "harry"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:tom,dick,harry"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("not_in validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("input") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Error("not_in custom message failed!")
-	}
-func Test_NotIn_string_valid(t *testing.T) {
-	type user struct {
-		Input string `json:"input"`
-	}
-	postUser := user{Input: "bob"}
-	var userObj user
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	messages := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:custom_message"},
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"input": []string{"not_in:tom,dick,harry"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Data:     &userObj,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: messages,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 0 {
-		t.Error("not_in validation was triggered when valid!")
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/type.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/type.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f5109b7106da6300ce08a70c26dba68b25884b7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/type.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/json"
-// Int describes a custom type of built-in int data type
-type Int struct {
-	Value int  `json:"value"`
-	IsSet bool `json:"isSet"`
-var null = []byte("null")
-// UnmarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Int) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
-	if bytes.Compare(data, null) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	i.IsSet = true
-	var temp int
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &temp); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	i.Value = temp
-	return nil
-// MarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Int) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(i.Value)
-// Int64 describes a custom type of built-in int64 data type
-type Int64 struct {
-	Value int64 `json:"value"`
-	IsSet bool  `json:"isSet"`
-// UnmarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Int64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
-	if bytes.Compare(data, null) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	i.IsSet = true
-	var temp int64
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &temp); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	i.Value = temp
-	return nil
-// MarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Int64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(i.Value)
-// Float32 describes a custom type of built-in float32 data type
-type Float32 struct {
-	Value float32 `json:"value"`
-	IsSet bool    `json:"isSet"`
-// UnmarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Float32) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
-	if bytes.Compare(data, null) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	i.IsSet = true
-	var temp float32
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &temp); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	i.Value = temp
-	return nil
-// MarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Float32) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(i.Value)
-// Float64 describes a custom type of built-in float64 data type
-type Float64 struct {
-	Value float64 `json:"value"`
-	IsSet bool    `json:"isSet"`
-// UnmarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Float64) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
-	if bytes.Compare(data, null) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	i.IsSet = true
-	var temp float64
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &temp); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	i.Value = temp
-	return nil
-// MarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Float64) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(i.Value)
-// Bool describes a custom type of built-in bool data type
-type Bool struct {
-	Value bool `json:"value"`
-	IsSet bool `json:"isSet"`
-// UnmarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Bool) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
-	if bytes.Compare(data, null) == 0 {
-		return nil
-	}
-	i.IsSet = true
-	var temp bool
-	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &temp); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	i.Value = temp
-	return nil
-// MarshalJSON ...
-func (i *Bool) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
-	return json.Marshal(i.Value)
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a271577dbba592e8964b6b666942cfbcc64d81..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-// containsRequiredField check rules contain any required field
-func isContainRequiredField(rules []string) bool {
-	for _, rule := range rules {
-		if rule == "required" {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	return false
-// isRuleExist check if the provided rule name is exist or not
-func isRuleExist(rule string) bool {
-	if strings.Contains(rule, ":") {
-		rule = strings.Split(rule, ":")[0]
-	}
-	extendedRules := []string{"size", "mime", "ext"}
-	for _, r := range extendedRules {
-		if r == rule {
-			return true
-		}
-	}
-	if _, ok := rulesFuncMap[rule]; ok {
-		return true
-	}
-	return false
-// toString force data to be string
-func toString(v interface{}) string {
-	str, ok := v.(string)
-	if !ok {
-		str = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v)
-	}
-	return str
-// isEmpty check a type is Zero
-func isEmpty(x interface{}) bool {
-	rt := reflect.TypeOf(x)
-	if rt == nil {
-		return true
-	}
-	rv := reflect.ValueOf(x)
-	switch rv.Kind() {
-	case reflect.Array, reflect.Map, reflect.Slice:
-		return rv.Len() == 0
-	}
-	return reflect.DeepEqual(x, reflect.Zero(rt).Interface())
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils110.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils110.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8742d7482eb7b90eafb2e812a67f548a4ec99d20..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils110.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// +build go1.10
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"io"
-	"net/http"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-// getFileInfo read file from request and return file name, extension, mime and size
-func getFileInfo(r *http.Request, field string) (bool, string, string, string, int64, error) {
-	file, multipartFileHeader, err := r.FormFile(field)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, "", "", "", 0, err
-	}
-	// Create a buffer to store the header of the file in
-	fileHeader := make([]byte, 512)
-	// Copy the headers into the FileHeader buffer
-	if _, err := file.Read(fileHeader); err != nil {
-		if err != io.EOF {
-			return false, "", "", "", 0, err
-		}
-	}
-	// set position back to start.
-	if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
-		return false, "", "", "", 0, err
-	}
-	mime := http.DetectContentType(fileHeader)
-	if subs := "; charset=utf-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	if subs := ";charset=utf-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	if subs := "; charset=UTF-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	if subs := ";charset=UTF-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	fExist := false
-	if file != nil {
-		fExist = true
-	}
-	return fExist, multipartFileHeader.Filename,
-		strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(multipartFileHeader.Filename), "."),
-		strings.TrimSpace(mime),
-		multipartFileHeader.Size,
-		nil
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils_pre110.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils_pre110.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 58ce6cad8ac27d68c2d008837a738d8d83a4a30e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils_pre110.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-// +build !go1.10
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"io"
-	"net/http"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-// Sizer interface
-type Sizer interface {
-	Size() int64
-// getFileInfo read file from request and return file name, extension, mime and size
-func getFileInfo(r *http.Request, field string) (bool, string, string, string, int64, error) {
-	file, multipartFileHeader, err := r.FormFile(field)
-	if err != nil {
-		return false, "", "", "", 0, err
-	}
-	// Create a buffer to store the header of the file in
-	fileHeader := make([]byte, 512)
-	// Copy the headers into the FileHeader buffer
-	if _, err := file.Read(fileHeader); err != nil {
-		if err != io.EOF {
-			return false, "", "", "", 0, err
-		}
-	}
-	// set position back to start.
-	if _, err := file.Seek(0, 0); err != nil {
-		return false, "", "", "", 0, err
-	}
-	mime := http.DetectContentType(fileHeader)
-	if subs := "; charset=utf-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	if subs := ";charset=utf-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	if subs := "; charset=UTF-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	if subs := ";charset=UTF-8"; strings.Contains(mime, subs) {
-		mime = strings.Replace(mime, subs, "", -1)
-	}
-	fExist := false
-	if file != nil {
-		fExist = true
-	}
-	return fExist, multipartFileHeader.Filename,
-		strings.TrimPrefix(filepath.Ext(multipartFileHeader.Filename), "."),
-		strings.TrimSpace(mime),
-		file.(Sizer).Size(),
-		nil
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef77a19f0e998ff4dc43a0a921af2bf5f9764d4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/utils_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-	"testing"
-func Test_isContainRequiredField(t *testing.T) {
-	if !isContainRequiredField([]string{"required", "email"}) {
-		t.Error("isContainRequiredField failed!")
-	}
-	if isContainRequiredField([]string{"numeric", "min:5"}) {
-		t.Error("isContainRequiredField failed!")
-	}
-func Benchmark_isContainRequiredField(b *testing.B) {
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		isContainRequiredField([]string{"required", "email"})
-	}
-type person struct{}
-func (person) Details() string {
-	return "John Doe"
-func (person) Age(age string) string {
-	return "Age: " + age
-func Test_isRuleExist(t *testing.T) {
-	if !isRuleExist("required") {
-		t.Error("isRuleExist failed for valid rule")
-	}
-	if isRuleExist("not exist") {
-		t.Error("isRuleExist failed for invalid rule")
-	}
-	if !isRuleExist("mime") {
-		t.Error("extended rules failed")
-	}
-func Test_toString(t *testing.T) {
-	Int := 100
-	str := toString(Int)
-	typ := reflect.ValueOf(str).Kind()
-	if typ != reflect.String {
-		t.Error("toString failed!")
-	}
-func Test_isEmpty(t *testing.T) {
-	var Int int
-	var Int8 int
-	var Float32 float32
-	var Str string
-	var Slice []int
-	var e interface{}
-	list := map[string]interface{}{
-		"_int":             Int,
-		"_int8":            Int8,
-		"_float32":         Float32,
-		"_str":             Str,
-		"_slice":           Slice,
-		"_empty_interface": e,
-	}
-	for k, v := range list {
-		if !isEmpty(v) {
-			t.Errorf("%v failed", k)
-		}
-	}
-func Test_getFileInfo(t *testing.T) {
-	req, err := buildMocFormReq()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("request failed", err)
-	}
-	fExist, fn, ext, mime, size, _ := getFileInfo(req, "file")
-	if !fExist {
-		t.Error("file does not exist")
-	}
-	if fn != "BENCHMARK.md" {
-		t.Error("failed to get file name")
-	}
-	if ext != "md" {
-		t.Error("failed to get file extension")
-	}
-	if !strings.Contains(mime, "text/plain") {
-		t.Log(mime)
-		t.Error("failed to get file mime")
-	}
-	if size <= 0 {
-		t.Error("failed to get file size")
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validate_file.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validate_file.go
deleted file mode 100644
index cedf4ed53a14342d673cf5ff3a5424ebc4106ae6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validate_file.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-// validateFiles validate file size, mimes, extension etc
-func validateFiles(r *http.Request, field, rule, msg string, errsBag url.Values) {
-	_, _, ext, mime, size, fErr := getFileInfo(r, field)
-	// check size
-	if strings.HasPrefix(rule, "size:") {
-		l, err := strconv.ParseInt(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "size:"), 10, 64)
-		if err != nil {
-			panic(errStringToInt)
-		}
-		if size > l {
-			if msg != "" {
-				errsBag.Add(field, msg)
-			} else {
-				errsBag.Add(field, fmt.Sprintf("The %s field size is can not be greater than %d bytes", field, l))
-			}
-		}
-		if fErr != nil {
-			errsBag.Add(field, fmt.Sprintf("The %s field failed to read file when fetching size", field))
-		}
-	}
-	// check extension
-	if strings.HasPrefix(rule, "ext:") {
-		exts := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "ext:"), ",")
-		f := false
-		for _, e := range exts {
-			if e == ext {
-				f = true
-			}
-		}
-		if !f {
-			if msg != "" {
-				errsBag.Add(field, msg)
-			} else {
-				errsBag.Add(field, fmt.Sprintf("The %s field file extension %s is invalid", field, ext))
-			}
-		}
-		if fErr != nil {
-			errsBag.Add(field, fmt.Sprintf("The %s field failed to read file when fetching extension", field))
-		}
-	}
-	// check mimes
-	if strings.HasPrefix(rule, "mime:") {
-		mimes := strings.Split(strings.TrimPrefix(rule, "mime:"), ",")
-		f := false
-		for _, m := range mimes {
-			if m == mime {
-				f = true
-			}
-		}
-		if !f {
-			if msg != "" {
-				errsBag.Add(field, msg)
-			} else {
-				errsBag.Add(field, fmt.Sprintf("The %s field file mime %s is invalid", field, mime))
-			}
-		}
-		if fErr != nil {
-			errsBag.Add(field, fmt.Sprintf("The %s field failed to read file when fetching mime", field))
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validate_file_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validate_file_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f122876b6cebfb8d4f3f59b8aae7e05f2553956..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validate_file_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"io"
-	"mime/multipart"
-	"net/http"
-	"os"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"testing"
-// buildMocFormReq prepare a moc form data request with a test file
-func buildMocFormReq() (*http.Request, error) {
-	fPath := "doc/BENCHMARK.md"
-	body := &bytes.Buffer{}
-	writer := multipart.NewWriter(body)
-	file, err := os.Open(fPath)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	part, err := writer.CreateFormFile("file", filepath.Base(fPath))
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	io.Copy(part, file)
-	file.Close()
-	err = writer.Close()
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "www.example.com", body)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	req.Header.Set("Content-Type", writer.FormDataContentType())
-	return req, nil
-func Test_validateFiles(t *testing.T) {
-	req, err := buildMocFormReq()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("request failed", err)
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"file:file": []string{"ext:jpg,pdf", "size:10", "mime:application/pdf", "required"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.Validate()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("file validation failed!")
-	}
-func Test_validateFiles_message(t *testing.T) {
-	req, err := buildMocFormReq()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("request failed", err)
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"file:file": []string{"ext:jpg,pdf", "size:10", "mime:application/pdf", "required"},
-	}
-	msgs := MapData{
-		"file:file": []string{"ext:custom_message"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request:  req,
-		Rules:    rules,
-		Messages: msgs,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.Validate()
-	if len(validationErr) != 1 {
-		t.Error("file validation failed!")
-	}
-	if validationErr.Get("file") != "custom_message" {
-		t.Log(validationErr)
-		t.Error("failed custom message for file validation")
-	}
-func Test_validateFiles_CustomRule(t *testing.T) {
-	req, err := buildMocFormReq()
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Error("request failed", err)
-	}
-	customRule1WasExecuted := false
-	isMultipartFile := false
-	AddCustomRule("customRule1", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		customRule1WasExecuted = true
-		_, isMultipartFile = value.(multipart.File)
-		return nil
-	})
-	customRule2WasExecuted := false
-	isValueNil := false
-	AddCustomRule("customRule2", func(field string, rule string, message string, value interface{}) error {
-		customRule2WasExecuted = true
-		isValueNil = value == nil
-		return nil
-	})
-	rules := MapData{
-		"file:file":   []string{"customRule1"},
-		"file:avatar": []string{"customRule2"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	vd.Validate()
-	if !customRule1WasExecuted {
-		t.Error("file validation performed without custom rule!")
-	}
-	if !isMultipartFile {
-		t.Error("passed to custom rule value is not file!")
-	}
-	if !customRule2WasExecuted {
-		t.Error("file validation performed without custom rule!")
-	}
-	if !isValueNil {
-		t.Error("passed to custom rule value is not nil!")
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validator.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validator.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 503339040da07db6b64b1edb354258910b67850d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validator.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,294 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"fmt"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"reflect"
-	"strings"
-const (
-	tagIdentifier         = "json" //tagName idetify the struct tag for govalidator
-	tagSeparator          = "|"    //tagSeparator use to separate tags in struct
-	defaultFormSize int64 = 1024 * 1024 * 1
-type (
-	// MapData represents basic data structure for govalidator Rules and Messages
-	MapData map[string][]string
-	// Options describes configuration option for validator
-	Options struct {
-		Data            interface{} // Data represents structure for JSON body
-		Request         *http.Request
-		RequiredDefault bool    // RequiredDefault represents if all the fields are by default required or not
-		Rules           MapData // Rules represents rules for form-data/x-url-encoded/query params data
-		Messages        MapData // Messages represents custom/localize message for rules
-		TagIdentifier   string  // TagIdentifier represents struct tag identifier, e.g: json or validate etc
-		FormSize        int64   //Form represents the multipart forom data max memory size in bytes
-		JSONData        []byte  // For validating JSON data
-	}
-	// Validator represents a validator with options
-	Validator struct {
-		Opts Options // Opts contains all the options for validator
-	}
-// New return a new validator object using provided options
-func New(opts Options) *Validator {
-	return &Validator{Opts: opts}
-// getMessage return if a custom message exist against the field name and rule
-// if not available it return an empty string
-func (v *Validator) getCustomMessage(field, rule string) string {
-	tmp := rule + ":"
-	if msgList, ok := v.Opts.Messages[field]; ok {
-		for _, m := range msgList {
-			//if rules has params, remove params. e.g: between:3,5 would be between
-			if strings.Contains(rule, ":") {
-				rule = strings.Split(rule, ":")[0]
-			}
-			if strings.HasPrefix(m, tmp) {
-				return strings.TrimPrefix(m, tmp)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return ""
-// SetDefaultRequired change the required behavior of fields
-// Default value if false
-// If SetDefaultRequired set to true then it will mark all the field in the rules list as required
-func (v *Validator) SetDefaultRequired(required bool) {
-	v.Opts.RequiredDefault = required
-// SetTagIdentifier change the default tag identifier (json) to your custom tag.
-func (v *Validator) SetTagIdentifier(identifier string) {
-	v.Opts.TagIdentifier = identifier
-// Validate validate request data like form-data, x-www-form-urlencoded and query params
-// see example in README.md file
-// ref: https://github.com/thedevsaddam/govalidator#example
-func (v *Validator) Validate() url.Values {
-	// if request object and rules not passed rise a panic
-	if len(v.Opts.Rules) == 0 || v.Opts.Request == nil {
-		panic(errValidateArgsMismatch)
-	}
-	errsBag := url.Values{}
-	// get non required rules
-	nr := v.getNonRequiredFields()
-	for field, rules := range v.Opts.Rules {
-		if _, ok := nr[field]; ok {
-			continue
-		}
-		for _, rule := range rules {
-			if !isRuleExist(rule) {
-				panic(fmt.Errorf("govalidator: %s is not a valid rule", rule))
-			}
-			msg := v.getCustomMessage(field, rule)
-			// validate file
-			if strings.HasPrefix(field, "file:") {
-				fld := strings.TrimPrefix(field, "file:")
-				file, fh, _ := v.Opts.Request.FormFile(fld)
-				if file != nil && fh.Filename != "" {
-					validateFiles(v.Opts.Request, fld, rule, msg, errsBag)
-					validateCustomRules(fld, rule, msg, file, errsBag)
-				} else {
-					validateCustomRules(fld, rule, msg, nil, errsBag)
-				}
-			} else {
-				// validate if custom rules exist
-				reqVal := strings.TrimSpace(v.Opts.Request.Form.Get(field))
-				validateCustomRules(field, rule, msg, reqVal, errsBag)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return errsBag
-// getNonRequiredFields remove non required rules fields from rules if requiredDefault field is false
-// and if the input data is empty for this field
-func (v *Validator) getNonRequiredFields() map[string]struct{} {
-	if v.Opts.FormSize > 0 {
-		v.Opts.Request.ParseMultipartForm(v.Opts.FormSize)
-	} else {
-		v.Opts.Request.ParseMultipartForm(defaultFormSize)
-	}
-	inputs := v.Opts.Request.Form
-	nr := make(map[string]struct{})
-	if !v.Opts.RequiredDefault {
-		for k, r := range v.Opts.Rules {
-			isFile := strings.HasPrefix(k, "file:")
-			if _, ok := inputs[k]; !ok && !isFile {
-				if !isContainRequiredField(r) {
-					nr[k] = struct{}{}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return nr
-// ValidateJSON validate request data from JSON body to Go struct
-// see example in README.md file
-func (v *Validator) ValidateJSON() url.Values {
-	if len(v.Opts.Rules) == 0 {
-		panic(errValidateArgsMismatch)
-	}
-	if len(v.Opts.Rules) == 0 || v.Opts.Request == nil {
-		panic(errValidateArgsMismatch)
-	}
-	if reflect.TypeOf(v.Opts.Data).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
-		panic(errRequirePtr)
-	}
-	errsBag := url.Values{}
-	defer v.Opts.Request.Body.Close()
-	err := json.NewDecoder(v.Opts.Request.Body).Decode(v.Opts.Data)
-	if err != nil {
-		errsBag.Add("_error", err.Error())
-		return errsBag
-	}
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier(tagIdentifier)
-	if v.Opts.TagIdentifier != "" {
-		r.setTagIdentifier(v.Opts.TagIdentifier)
-	}
-	r.setTagSeparator(tagSeparator)
-	r.start(v.Opts.Data)
-	//clean if the key is not exist or value is empty or zero value
-	nr := v.getNonRequiredJSONFields(r.getFlatMap())
-	for field, rules := range v.Opts.Rules {
-		if _, ok := nr[field]; ok {
-			continue
-		}
-		value, _ := r.getFlatVal(field)
-		for _, rule := range rules {
-			if !isRuleExist(rule) {
-				panic(fmt.Errorf("govalidator: %s is not a valid rule", rule))
-			}
-			msg := v.getCustomMessage(field, rule)
-			validateCustomRules(field, rule, msg, value, errsBag)
-		}
-	}
-	return errsBag
-// getNonRequiredJSONFields get non required rules fields from rules if requiredDefault field is false
-// and if the input data is empty for this field
-func (v *Validator) getNonRequiredJSONFields(inputs map[string]interface{}) map[string]struct{} {
-	nr := make(map[string]struct{})
-	if !v.Opts.RequiredDefault {
-		for k, r := range v.Opts.Rules {
-			if val := inputs[k]; isEmpty(val) {
-				if !isContainRequiredField(r) {
-					nr[k] = struct{}{}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return nr
-//ValidateJSONData method
-func (v *Validator) ValidateJSONData() url.Values {
-	if len(v.Opts.Rules) == 0 {
-		panic(errValidateArgsMismatch)
-	}
-	errsBag := url.Values{}
-	//This code is working - Do not delete
-	unmarshalError := json.Unmarshal(v.Opts.JSONData, &v.Opts.Data)
-	if unmarshalError != nil {
-		errsBag.Add("_error", unmarshalError.Error())
-		return errsBag
-	}
-	// data := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
-	// v.Opts.Data = &data
-	// decodeError := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(v.Opts.JSONData)).Decode(v.Opts.Data)
-	// if decodeError != nil {
-	// 	errsBag.Add("_error", decodeError.Error())
-	// 	return errsBag
-	// }
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier(tagIdentifier)
-	if v.Opts.TagIdentifier != "" {
-		r.setTagIdentifier(v.Opts.TagIdentifier)
-	}
-	r.setTagSeparator(tagSeparator)
-	r.start(v.Opts.Data)
-	//clean if the key is not exist or value is empty or zero value
-	nr := v.getNonRequiredJSONFields(r.getFlatMap())
-	for field, rules := range v.Opts.Rules {
-		if _, ok := nr[field]; ok {
-			continue
-		}
-		value, _ := r.getFlatVal(field)
-		for _, rule := range rules {
-			if !isRuleExist(rule) {
-				panic(fmt.Errorf("govalidator: %s is not a valid rule", rule))
-			}
-			msg := v.getCustomMessage(field, rule)
-			validateCustomRules(field, rule, msg, value, errsBag)
-		}
-	}
-	return errsBag
-//ValidateJSONData method
-func (v *Validator) ValidateJSONString() url.Values {
-	if len(v.Opts.Rules) == 0 {
-		panic(errValidateArgsMismatch)
-	}
-	errsBag := url.Values{}
-	r := roller{}
-	r.setTagIdentifier(tagIdentifier)
-	if v.Opts.TagIdentifier != "" {
-		r.setTagIdentifier(v.Opts.TagIdentifier)
-	}
-	r.setTagSeparator(tagSeparator)
-	r.start(v.Opts.Data)
-	//clean if the key is not exist or value is empty or zero value
-	nr := v.getNonRequiredJSONFields(r.getFlatMap())
-	for field, rules := range v.Opts.Rules {
-		if _, ok := nr[field]; ok {
-			continue
-		}
-		value, _ := r.getFlatVal(field)
-		for _, rule := range rules {
-			if !isRuleExist(rule) {
-				panic(fmt.Errorf("govalidator: %s is not a valid rule", rule))
-			}
-			msg := v.getCustomMessage(field, rule)
-			validateCustomRules(field, rule, msg, value, errsBag)
-		}
-	}
-	return errsBag
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validator_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validator_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d1397f0a09c8a24c5f0469a4ef320dce19ba519..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationcore/validator_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-package govalidator
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/json"
-	"net/http"
-	"net/url"
-	"testing"
-func TestValidator_SetDefaultRequired(t *testing.T) {
-	v := New(Options{})
-	v.SetDefaultRequired(true)
-	if !v.Opts.RequiredDefault {
-		t.Error("SetDefaultRequired failed")
-	}
-func TestValidator_Validate(t *testing.T) {
-	var URL *url.URL
-	URL, _ = url.Parse("http://www.example.com")
-	params := url.Values{}
-	params.Add("name", "John Doe")
-	params.Add("username", "jhondoe")
-	params.Add("email", "john@mail.com")
-	params.Add("zip", "8233")
-	URL.RawQuery = params.Encode()
-	r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", URL.String(), nil)
-	rulesList := MapData{
-		"name":  []string{"required"},
-		"age":   []string{"between:5,16"},
-		"email": []string{"email"},
-		"zip":   []string{"digits:4"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: r,
-		Rules:   rulesList,
-	}
-	v := New(opts)
-	validationError := v.Validate()
-	if len(validationError) > 0 {
-		t.Error("Validate failed to validate correct inputs!")
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		if r := recover(); r == nil {
-			t.Errorf("Validate did not panic")
-		}
-	}()
-	v1 := New(Options{Rules: MapData{}})
-	v1.Validate()
-func Benchmark_Validate(b *testing.B) {
-	var URL *url.URL
-	URL, _ = url.Parse("http://www.example.com")
-	params := url.Values{}
-	params.Add("name", "John Doe")
-	params.Add("age", "27")
-	params.Add("email", "john@mail.com")
-	params.Add("zip", "8233")
-	URL.RawQuery = params.Encode()
-	r, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", URL.String(), nil)
-	rulesList := MapData{
-		"name":  []string{"required"},
-		"age":   []string{"numeric_between:18,60"},
-		"email": []string{"email"},
-		"zip":   []string{"digits:4"},
-	}
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: r,
-		Rules:   rulesList,
-	}
-	v := New(opts)
-	for n := 0; n < b.N; n++ {
-		v.Validate()
-	}
-//============ validate json test ====================
-func TestValidator_ValidateJSON(t *testing.T) {
-	type User struct {
-		Name    string `json:"name"`
-		Email   string `json:"email"`
-		Address string `json:"address"`
-		Age     int    `json:"age"`
-		Zip     string `json:"zip"`
-		Color   int    `json:"color"`
-	}
-	postUser := User{
-		Name:    "",
-		Email:   "inalid email",
-		Address: "",
-		Age:     1,
-		Zip:     "122",
-		Color:   5,
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name":    []string{"required"},
-		"email":   []string{"email"},
-		"address": []string{"required", "between:3,5"},
-		"age":     []string{"bool"},
-		"zip":     []string{"len:4"},
-		"color":   []string{"min:10"},
-	}
-	var user User
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &user,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	vd.SetTagIdentifier("json")
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 5 {
-		t.Error("ValidateJSON failed")
-	}
-func TestValidator_ValidateJSON_NULLValue(t *testing.T) {
-	type User struct {
-		Name   string `json:"name"`
-		Count  Int    `json:"count"`
-		Option Int    `json:"option"`
-		Active Bool   `json:"active"`
-	}
-	rules := MapData{
-		"name":   []string{"required"},
-		"count":  []string{"required"},
-		"option": []string{"required"},
-		"active": []string{"required"},
-	}
-	postUser := map[string]interface{}{
-		"name":   "John Doe",
-		"count":  0,
-		"option": nil,
-		"active": nil,
-	}
-	var user User
-	body, _ := json.Marshal(postUser)
-	req, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "http://www.example.com", bytes.NewReader(body))
-	opts := Options{
-		Request: req,
-		Data:    &user,
-		Rules:   rules,
-	}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	vd.SetTagIdentifier("json")
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 2 {
-		t.Error("ValidateJSON failed")
-	}
-func TestValidator_ValidateJSON_panic(t *testing.T) {
-	defer func() {
-		if r := recover(); r == nil {
-			t.Errorf("ValidateJSON did not panic")
-		}
-	}()
-	opts := Options{}
-	vd := New(opts)
-	validationErr := vd.ValidateJSON()
-	if len(validationErr) != 5 {
-		t.Error("ValidateJSON failed")
-	}
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationmdl.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index b9a39991bb729841bb1472e40c3dcbc17a6b0d39..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-package validationmdl
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"net/url"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/errormdl"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	requestValidator "corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/validationmdl/validationcore"
-	govalidator "github.com/asaskevich/govalidator"
-// var cnt int
-// //ValidateRequest func validates the given model
-// func ValidateRequest(httpRequest *http.Request, validationRules, validationMessages requestValidator.MapData) map[string]interface{} {
-// 	cnt++
-// 	//Get the content type of the request as validations for content types are different
-// 	contentType := httpRequest.Header.Get("Content-Type")
-// 	//Initialize the validation errors as blank
-// 	var validationErrors url.Values
-// 	//Set validator options
-// 	opts := requestValidator.Options{
-// 		Request: httpRequest,
-// 		Rules:   validationRules,
-// 	}
-// 	//Set custom validation messages if sent from user
-// 	if validationMessages != nil {
-// 		opts.Messages = validationMessages
-// 	}
-// 	if contentType == "application/json" || contentType == "text/plain" {
-// 		//Validate request type json and text (RAW data from request)
-// 		data := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
-// 		opts.Data = &data
-// 		validator := requestValidator.New(opts)
-// 		validationErrors = validator.ValidateJSON()
-// 	} else {
-// 		//Validate request type form-data, form-urlencoded
-// 		validator := requestValidator.New(opts)
-// 		validationErrors = validator.Validate()
-// 	}
-// 	if len(validationErrors) > 0 {
-// 		errs := map[string]interface{}{"validationErrors": validationErrors}
-// 		return errs
-// 	}
-// 	return nil
-// }
-// // ValidateStruct validates the structures with govalidator
-// func ValidateStruct(structToValidate interface{}) error {
-// 	validationResult, err := govalidator.ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-// 	if err != nil {
-// 		return err
-// 	}
-// 	if !errormdl.CheckBool(validationResult) {
-// 		return errors.New("ERROR:ValidateStruct function error")
-// 	}
-// 	return nil
-// }
-// //ValidateJSONData to validate JSON data
-// func ValidateJSONData(jsonData []byte, validationRules, validationMessages requestValidator.MapData) map[string]interface{} {
-// 	//Initialize the validation errors as blank
-// 	var validationErrors url.Values
-// 	//Set validator options
-// 	opts := requestValidator.Options{
-// 		Rules:    validationRules,
-// 		JSONData: jsonData,
-// 	}
-// 	//Set custom validation messages if sent from user
-// 	if validationMessages != nil {
-// 		opts.Messages = validationMessages
-// 	}
-// 	validator := requestValidator.New(opts)
-// 	validationErrors = validator.ValidateJSONData()
-// 	if len(validationErrors) > 0 {
-// 		errs := map[string]interface{}{"validationErrors": validationErrors}
-// 		return errs
-// 	}
-// 	return nil
-// }
-// ValidateJSONString to validate JSON data
-func ValidateJSONString(jsonString string, validationRules, validationMessages requestValidator.MapData) map[string]interface{} {
-	var validationErrors url.Values
-	opts := requestValidator.Options{
-		Rules: validationRules,
-	}
-	data, ok := gjson.Parse(jsonString).Value().(map[string]interface{})
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("can not cast to map")
-		return nil
-	}
-	opts.Data = data
-	validator := requestValidator.New(opts)
-	validationErrors = validator.ValidateJSONString()
-	if len(validationErrors) > 0 {
-		errs := map[string]interface{}{"validationErrors": validationErrors}
-		return errs
-	}
-	return nil
-// ValidateGJSONResult to validate JSON data
-func ValidateGJSONResult(rs *gjson.Result, validationRules, validationMessages requestValidator.MapData) map[string]interface{} {
-	var validationErrors url.Values
-	opts := requestValidator.Options{
-		Rules: validationRules,
-	}
-	data, ok := rs.Value().(map[string]interface{})
-	if !ok {
-		loggermdl.LogError("can not cast to map", rs.Value())
-		return map[string]interface{}{"error": "cannot cast to map"}
-	}
-	opts.Data = data
-	validator := requestValidator.New(opts)
-	validationErrors = validator.ValidateJSONString()
-	if len(validationErrors) > 0 {
-		errs := map[string]interface{}{"validationErrors": validationErrors}
-		return errs
-	}
-	return nil
-// ValidateStruct validates the structures with govalidator
-func ValidateStruct(structToValidate interface{}) error {
-	validationResult, err := govalidator.ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if !errormdl.CheckBool(validationResult) {
-		return errors.New("ERROR:ValidateStruct function error")
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/v2/validationmdl/validationmdl_test.go b/v2/validationmdl/validationmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c413b1070a9b9879ef8bbf01564af5b5f6f6b88..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/validationmdl/validationmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,440 +0,0 @@
-package validationmdl
-import (
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/tidwall/gjson"
-	"corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/loggermdl"
-	requestValidator "corelab.mkcl.org/MKCLOS/coredevelopmentplatform/corepkgv2/v2/validationmdl/validationcore"
-type RequestBodyData struct {
-	Email    string `json:"email"`
-	Password string `json:"password"`
-//Validation rules
-var validationRules = requestValidator.MapData{
-	"email":    []string{"required", "min:7", "max:20", "email"},
-	"password": []string{"required"},
-//Validation messages
-var validationMessages = requestValidator.MapData{
-	// "email":    []string{"required:Email required", "min:Email min len", "max:Email max len", "email:Invalid email"},
-	// "password": []string{"required:Password required"},
-// func TestValidateRequest(t *testing.T) {
-// 	//Cases for sending raw data in request
-// 	//Case 1: Http request for sunny day scenario
-// 	sunnyDayData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: "test"}
-// 	sunnyDayByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&sunnyDayData)
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(sunnyDayByteArray)))
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	//Case 2 : Http request for blank email
-// 	blankEmailData := RequestBodyData{Email: "", Password: "test"}
-// 	blankEmailByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&blankEmailData)
-// 	blankEmailHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(blankEmailByteArray)))
-// 	blankEmailHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	blankEmailExpectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email required", "Email min len", "Invalid email"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 3 : Http request for blank password
-// 	blankPasswordData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: ""}
-// 	blankPasswordByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&blankPasswordData)
-// 	blankPasswordHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(blankPasswordByteArray)))
-// 	blankPasswordHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	blankPasswordExpectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"password": []string{"Password required"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 4 : Http request for email with shorter length than required
-// 	shortEmailLengthData := RequestBodyData{Email: "a@c.v", Password: "test"}
-// 	shortEmailLengthByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&shortEmailLengthData)
-// 	shortEmailLengthHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(shortEmailLengthByteArray)))
-// 	shortEmailLengthHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	shortEmailLengthExpectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email min len"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 5 : Http request for email with longer length than required
-// 	longEmailLengthData := RequestBodyData{Email: "testEmail@Testcompany.testdomain", Password: "test"}
-// 	longEmailLengthByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&longEmailLengthData)
-// 	longEmailLengthHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(longEmailLengthByteArray)))
-// 	longEmailLengthHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	longEmailLengthExpectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email max len"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 6 : Http request for invalid email id
-// 	invalidEmailData := RequestBodyData{Email: "testemail", Password: "test"}
-// 	invalidEmailByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&invalidEmailData)
-// 	invalidEmailHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(invalidEmailByteArray)))
-// 	invalidEmailHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	invalidEmailExpectedResult := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Invalid email"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 7 : Http request for blank email using form encoding
-// 	sunnyDayForm := url.Values{}
-// 	sunnyDayForm.Add("email", "")
-// 	sunnyDayForm.Add("password", "password")
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequestFormEnc, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", strings.NewReader(sunnyDayForm.Encode()))
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequestFormEnc.PostForm = sunnyDayForm
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequestFormEnc.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
-// 	sunnyDayExpectedResultFormEnc := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email required", "Email min len", "Invalid email"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 8 : Http request for blank email using form encoding
-// 	blankEmailForm := url.Values{}
-// 	blankEmailForm.Add("email", "")
-// 	blankEmailForm.Add("password", "password")
-// 	blankEmailHTTPRequestFormEnc, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", strings.NewReader(blankEmailForm.Encode()))
-// 	blankEmailHTTPRequestFormEnc.PostForm = blankEmailForm
-// 	blankEmailHTTPRequestFormEnc.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
-// 	blankEmailExpectedResultFormEnc := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email required", "Email min len", "Invalid email"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 9 : Http request for blank password using form encoding
-// 	blankPasswordForm := url.Values{}
-// 	blankPasswordForm.Add("email", "test@mkcl.org")
-// 	blankPasswordForm.Add("password", "")
-// 	blankPasswordHTTPRequestFormEnc, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", strings.NewReader(blankPasswordForm.Encode()))
-// 	blankPasswordHTTPRequestFormEnc.PostForm = blankPasswordForm
-// 	blankPasswordHTTPRequestFormEnc.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
-// 	blankPasswordExpectedResultFormEnc := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"password": []string{"Password required"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 10 : Http request for email with shorter length than required using form encoding
-// 	shortEmailLengthForm := url.Values{}
-// 	shortEmailLengthForm.Add("email", "a@v.c")
-// 	shortEmailLengthForm.Add("password", "testPass")
-// 	shortEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", strings.NewReader(shortEmailLengthForm.Encode()))
-// 	shortEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc.PostForm = shortEmailLengthForm
-// 	shortEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
-// 	shortEmailLengthExpectedResultFormEnc := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email min len"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 11 : Http request for email with longer length than required using form encoding
-// 	longEmailLengthForm := url.Values{}
-// 	longEmailLengthForm.Add("email", "testEmail@Testcompany.testdomain")
-// 	longEmailLengthForm.Add("password", "testPass")
-// 	longEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", strings.NewReader(longEmailLengthForm.Encode()))
-// 	longEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc.PostForm = longEmailLengthForm
-// 	longEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
-// 	longEmailLengthExpectedResultFormEnc := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Email max len"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	//Case 12 : Http request for invalid email using form encoding
-// 	invalidEmailLengthForm := url.Values{}
-// 	invalidEmailLengthForm.Add("email", "testasdfasdf")
-// 	invalidEmailLengthForm.Add("password", "test")
-// 	invalidEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", strings.NewReader(invalidEmailLengthForm.Encode()))
-// 	invalidEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc.PostForm = invalidEmailLengthForm
-// 	invalidEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
-// 	invalidEmailLengthExpectedResultFormEnc := map[string]interface{}{
-// 		"validationErrors": url.Values{
-// 			"email": []string{"Invalid email"},
-// 		},
-// 	}
-// 	type args struct {
-// 		httpRequest        *http.Request
-// 		validationRules    requestValidator.MapData
-// 		validationMessages requestValidator.MapData
-// 	}
-// 	tests := []struct {
-// 		name string
-// 		args args
-// 		want map[string]interface{}
-// 	}{
-// 		{"TestSunnyDay", args{sunnyDayHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages}, nil},
-// 		{"BlankEmailValidation", args{blankEmailHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages}, blankEmailExpectedResult},
-// 		{"BlankPasswordValidation", args{blankPasswordHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages}, blankPasswordExpectedResult},
-// 		{"ShortEmailLengthValidation", args{shortEmailLengthHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages}, shortEmailLengthExpectedResult},
-// 		{"LongEmailLengthValidation", args{longEmailLengthHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages}, longEmailLengthExpectedResult},
-// 		{"InvalidEmailValidation", args{invalidEmailHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages}, invalidEmailExpectedResult},
-// 		{"SunnyDayFormEnc", args{sunnyDayHTTPRequestFormEnc, validationRules, validationMessages}, sunnyDayExpectedResultFormEnc},
-// 		{"BlankEmailValidationFormEnc", args{blankEmailHTTPRequestFormEnc, validationRules, validationMessages}, blankEmailExpectedResultFormEnc},
-// 		{"BlankPasswordValidationFormEnc", args{blankPasswordHTTPRequestFormEnc, validationRules, validationMessages}, blankPasswordExpectedResultFormEnc},
-// 		{"ShortEmailLengthValidationFormEnc", args{shortEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc, validationRules, validationMessages}, shortEmailLengthExpectedResultFormEnc},
-// 		{"LongEmailLengthValidationFormEnc", args{longEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc, validationRules, validationMessages}, longEmailLengthExpectedResultFormEnc},
-// 		{"InvalidEmailLengthValidationFormEnc", args{invalidEmailLengthHTTPRequestFormEnc, validationRules, validationMessages}, invalidEmailLengthExpectedResultFormEnc},
-// 	}
-// 	for _, tt := range tests {
-// 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
-// 			if got := ValidateRequest(tt.args.httpRequest, tt.args.validationRules, tt.args.validationMessages); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, tt.want) {
-// 				t.Errorf("ValidateRequest() = %v, want %v", got, tt.want)
-// 			}
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func BenchmarkValidateRequest(b *testing.B) {
-// 	//Validation rules
-// 	validationRules := requestValidator.MapData{
-// 		"email":    []string{"required", "min:5", "max:20", "email"},
-// 		"password": []string{"required"},
-// 	}
-// 	//Validation messages
-// 	validationMessages := requestValidator.MapData{
-// 		"email":    []string{"required:Email Id is required", "min:Min length 5 required", "max:Max length 20 allowed", "email:Enter a valid email"},
-// 		"password": []string{"required:Password is required"},
-// 	}
-// 	sunnyDayData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: "test"}
-// 	sunnyDayByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&sunnyDayData)
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(sunnyDayByteArray)))
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		ValidateRequest(sunnyDayHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages)
-// 	}
-// }
-// func BenchmarkYQLTestAgainstValidator(b *testing.B) {
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		rawYQL := `age>=23`
-// 		yql.Match(rawYQL, map[string]interface{}{
-// 			"age": int64(24),
-// 		})
-// 	}
-// }
-// func BenchmarkValidationTestAgainstYQL(b *testing.B) {
-// 	type TestData struct {
-// 		Age int64 `json:"age"`
-// 	}
-// 	validationRules := requestValidator.MapData{
-// 		"age": []string{"required", "min:23"},
-// 	}
-// 	sunnyDayData := TestData{Age: 24}
-// 	sunnyDayByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&sunnyDayData)
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(sunnyDayByteArray)))
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		ValidateRequest(sunnyDayHTTPRequest, validationRules, nil)
-// 	}
-// }
-type StructToValidate struct {
-	Name   string `json:"name" valid:"required,alpha,length(4|8)"`
-	Email  string `json:"email" valid:"required,email"`
-	Age    int    `json:"age" valid:"required,range(18|50)"`
-	Mobile string `json:"mobile" valid:"required"`
-func GetProperStruct() StructToValidate {
-	structToValidate := StructToValidate{}
-	structToValidate.Name = "testmkcl"
-	structToValidate.Email = "test@mkcl.org"
-	structToValidate.Age = 40
-	structToValidate.Mobile = "1234567890"
-	return structToValidate
-func GetErrorStruct() StructToValidate {
-	structToValidate := StructToValidate{}
-	structToValidate.Name = ""
-	structToValidate.Email = "testmkcl.org"
-	structToValidate.Age = 40
-	structToValidate.Mobile = "1234567890"
-	return structToValidate
-func GetEmptyStruct() StructToValidate {
-	structToValidate := StructToValidate{}
-	return structToValidate
-// func TestValidateStruct(t *testing.T) {
-// 	structToValidate := GetProperStruct()
-// 	err := ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-// 	assert.NoError(t, err, "This should not return error")
-// }
-// func TestValidateStructEmptyStruct(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	structToValidate := GetEmptyStruct()
-// 	err := ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-// func TestValidateStructInvalidStruct(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	structToValidate := GetErrorStruct()
-// 	err := ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-// func TestValidateStructTypeCheck(t *testing.T) {
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = true
-// 	structToValidate := GetProperStruct()
-// 	err := ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-// 	errormdl.IsTestingNegetiveCaseOnCheckBool = false
-// 	assert.Error(t, err, "This should return error")
-// }
-// func BenchmarkValidateStruct(b *testing.B) {
-// 	structToValidate := GetProperStruct()
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		ValidateStruct(structToValidate)
-// 	}
-// }
-// func TestNewJsonValidation(t *testing.T) {
-// 	// json.NewDecoder(v.Opts.Request.Body).Decode(v.Opts.Data)
-// 	requestBodyData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: "test"}
-// 	dataByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&requestBodyData)
-// 	opts := requestValidator.Options{
-// 		Rules:    validationRules,
-// 		JSONData: dataByteArray,
-// 	}
-// 	validator := requestValidator.New(opts)
-// 	validationErrors := validator.ValidateJSONData()
-// 	loggermdl.LogSpot("Validation error : ", validationErrors)
-// }
-// func TestNewJsonValidationMDL(t *testing.T) {
-// 	// json.NewDecoder(v.Opts.Request.Body).Decode(v.Opts.Data)
-// 	// jsonData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: "test"}
-// 	// dataByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&jsonData)
-// 	jsonString := `{"email":"test@mkcl.org","password":"test"}`
-// 	// fmt.Println("json string : ", string(dataByteArray))
-// 	validationErrors := ValidateJSONString(jsonString, validationRules, validationMessages)
-// 	loggermdl.LogSpot("Validation error : ", validationErrors)
-// }
-//Benchmarking method to test JSON validation without using http request
-// func BenchmarkValidateJSON(b *testing.B) {
-// 	jsonData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: "test"}
-// 	dataByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&jsonData)
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		ValidateJSONData(dataByteArray, validationRules, validationMessages)
-// 	}
-// 	// loggermdl.LogError("Count : ", requestValidator)
-// }
-//Benchmarking method to test JSON validtion using http request
-// func BenchmarkValidateJSONRequest(b *testing.B) {
-// 	sunnyDayData := RequestBodyData{Email: "test@mkcl.org", Password: "test"}
-// 	sunnyDayByteArray, _ := ffjson.Marshal(&sunnyDayData)
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest, _ := http.NewRequest("POST", "test.com", bytes.NewBufferString(string(sunnyDayByteArray)))
-// 	sunnyDayHTTPRequest.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
-// 	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-// 		ValidateRequest(sunnyDayHTTPRequest, validationRules, validationMessages)
-// 	}
-// 	// loggermdl.LogError("Count : ", requestValidator.Cnt)
-// }
-// //Benckmarking method to testing JSON string validation
-func BenchmarkValidateJSONString(b *testing.B) {
-	jsonString := `{"email":"tessdcet@mkcl.org"}`
-	// jsonString := `{"email":"test@mkcl.org","password":"test"}`
-	var validationRules = requestValidator.MapData{
-		"email": []string{"required", "email"},
-		// "password": []string{"required"},
-	}
-	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
-		ValidateJSONString(jsonString, validationRules, validationMessages)
-	}
-func TestValidateJSONString(t *testing.T) {
-	jsonString := `{"email": "xcvbnm,./dfghjkl"}`
-	// jsonString1 := `{"password":"testrfew@mkcl.org"}`
-	// jsonString := `{"email":"test@mkcl.org","password":"test"}`
-	var validationRules1 = requestValidator.MapData{
-		"email": []string{"required"},
-		// "name": []string{"required"},
-	}
-	// var validationRules2 = requestValidator.MapData{
-	// 	"password": []string{"required"},
-	// 	"email":    []string{"required"},
-	// }
-	mapErr := ValidateJSONString(jsonString, validationRules1, validationMessages)
-	if mapErr != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(mapErr)
-	}
-	// mapErr = ValidateJSONString(jsonString1, validationRules2, validationMessages)
-	// if mapErr != nil {
-	// 	loggermdl.LogError(mapErr)
-	// }
-func Test1(t *testing.T) {
-	data := `{
-		"email":""
-	}`
-	rs := gjson.Parse(data)
-	validationRules := requestValidator.MapData{
-		"email": []string{"required"},
-	}
-	err := ValidateGJSONResult(&rs, validationRules, validationMessages)
-	if err != nil {
-		loggermdl.LogError(err)
-	}
diff --git a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdl.go b/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdl.go
deleted file mode 100644
index a62f3d2a828abb20c35bfe0348371e334de190a6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdl.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-package workerpoolmdl
-import (
-	"sync"
-// Pool is a worker group that runs a number of tasks at a
-// configured concurrency.
-type Pool struct {
-	Tasks []*Task
-	concurrency int
-	tasksChan   chan *Task
-	wg          sync.WaitGroup
-// NewPool initializes a new pool with the given tasks and
-// at the given concurrency.
-func NewPool(tasks []*Task, concurrency int) *Pool {
-	return &Pool{
-		Tasks:       tasks,
-		concurrency: concurrency,
-		tasksChan:   make(chan *Task),
-	}
-// Run runs all work within the pool and blocks until it's
-// finished.
-func (p *Pool) Run() {
-	for i := 0; i < p.concurrency; i++ {
-		go p.work()
-	}
-	p.wg.Add(len(p.Tasks))
-	for _, task := range p.Tasks {
-		p.tasksChan <- task
-	}
-	// all workers return
-	close(p.tasksChan)
-	p.wg.Wait()
-// The work loop for any single goroutine.
-func (p *Pool) work() {
-	for task := range p.tasksChan {
-		task.Run(&p.wg)
-	}
-// Task encapsulates a work item that should go in a work
-// pool.
-type Task struct {
-	// Err holds an error that occurred during a task. Its
-	// result is only meaningful after Run has been called
-	// for the pool that holds it.
-	Err error
-	Data interface{}
-	f func(data interface{}) error
-// NewTask initializes a new task based on a given work
-// function.
-func NewTask(d interface{}, f func(data interface{}) error) *Task {
-	return &Task{Data: d, f: f}
-// Run runs a Task and does appropriate accounting via a
-// given sync.WorkGroup.
-func (t *Task) Run(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
-	t.Err = t.f(t.Data)
-	wg.Done()
diff --git a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdl_test.go b/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdl_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 90da14880b34eac6f7446f1651fcfe93b5bb94f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdl_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-package workerpoolmdl
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"sync"
-	"testing"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-var globalvar int
-var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-func TestWorkerPool(t *testing.T) {
-	globalvar = 0
-	fn := func(data interface{}) error {
-		mutex.Lock()
-		globalvar++
-		mutex.Unlock()
-		return nil
-	}
-	tasks := []*Task{}
-	for index := 0; index < 100; index++ {
-		tasks = append(tasks, NewTask(index, fn))
-	}
-	p := NewPool(tasks, 100)
-	p.Run()
-	var numErrors int
-	for _, task := range p.Tasks {
-		if task.Err != nil {
-			fmt.Println(task.Err)
-			numErrors++
-		}
-		if numErrors >= 10 {
-			fmt.Println("Too many errors.")
-			break
-		}
-	}
-	assert.Equal(t, 100, globalvar, "Count should match")
diff --git a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdlv2.go b/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdlv2.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 50369d9c3ed775b47e55895906436a1704693971..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdlv2.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-package workerpoolmdl
-import (
-	"context"
-// PoolWithContext is a worker group that runs a number of tasks at a
-// configured concurrency.
-type PoolWithContext struct {
-	Tasks          []*TaskWithContext
-	concurrency    int
-	tasksChan      chan *TaskWithContext
-	CancelHandler  *cancelHandler
-	IsPoolCanceled bool
-type cancelHandler struct {
-	Ctx        context.Context
-	CancelFunc context.CancelFunc
-// NewPoolWithContext initializes a new pool with the given tasks and
-// at the given concurrency.
-func NewPoolWithContext(tasks []*TaskWithContext, concurrency int) *PoolWithContext {
-	cntx, cancelFunction := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
-	obj := cancelHandler{}
-	obj.Ctx = cntx
-	obj.CancelFunc = cancelFunction
-	return &PoolWithContext{
-		Tasks:         tasks,
-		concurrency:   concurrency,
-		tasksChan:     make(chan *TaskWithContext),
-		CancelHandler: &obj,
-	}
-// Run runs all work within the pool
-func (p *PoolWithContext) Run() {
-	for i := 0; i < p.concurrency; i++ {
-		go p.work()
-	}
-	for _, task := range p.Tasks {
-		if p.IsPoolCanceled {
-			return
-		} else {
-			p.tasksChan <- task
-		}
-	}
-	close(p.tasksChan)
-// The work loop for any single goroutine.
-func (p *PoolWithContext) work() {
-	for task := range p.tasksChan {
-		task.Run(p)
-	}
-// TaskWithContext encapsulates a work item that should go in a work
-// pool.
-type TaskWithContext struct {
-	// Err holds an error that occurred during a task. Its
-	// result is only meaningful after Run has been called
-	// for the pool that holds it.
-	Err error
-	Data interface{}
-	f func(data interface{}) error
-// NewTaskWithContext initializes a new task based on a given work
-// function.
-func NewTaskWithContext(d interface{}, f func(data interface{}) error) *TaskWithContext {
-	return &TaskWithContext{Data: d, f: f}
-// Run runs a Task and does appropriate accounting via a
-func (t *TaskWithContext) Run(p *PoolWithContext) {
-	for {
-		select {
-		case <-p.CancelHandler.Ctx.Done():
-			return
-		default:
-			t.Err = t.f(t.Data)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-//Cancel all tasks
-func (p *PoolWithContext) Cancel() {
-	if p != nil {
-		p.CancelHandler.CancelFunc()
-		p.IsPoolCanceled = true
-	}
diff --git a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdlv2_test.go b/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdlv2_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index f6ea611effa3c2f9537e7b029edf92ad20ce22d9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/v2/workerpoolmdl/workerpoolmdlv2_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-package workerpoolmdl
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"sync"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert"
-var count int
-var countMutex = &sync.Mutex{}
-var cancelTriggered bool
-//TestWorkerPoolWithContext - test for cancel trigger if count >= 500
-func TestWorkerPoolWithContext(t *testing.T) {
-	count = 0
-	tasks := []*TaskWithContext{}
-	for index := 0; index < 1000; index++ {
-		tasks = append(tasks, NewTaskWithContext(index, incrementCount))
-	}
-	pool := NewPoolWithContext(tasks, 10)
-	ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Millisecond)
-	go func() {
-		for range ticker.C {
-			if count > 500 {
-				fmt.Println("cancelling tasks...")
-				pool.Cancel()
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	}()
-	pool.Run()
-	assert.GreaterOrEqual(t, count, 500, "Count be greater than or equals to 500")
-//TestWorkerpoolWithoutCancel - test without cancel trigger
-func TestWorkerpoolWithoutCancel(t *testing.T) {
-	count = 0
-	tasks := []*TaskWithContext{}
-	for index := 0; index < 1000; index++ {
-		tasks = append(tasks, NewTaskWithContext(index, incrementCount))
-	}
-	pool := NewPoolWithContext(tasks, 10)
-	pool.Run()
-	assert.Equal(t, count, 1000, "Count should be equals to 1000")
-//incrementCount- increment count by 1
-func incrementCount(data interface{}) error {
-	countMutex.Lock()
-	count++
-	countMutex.Unlock()
-	return nil