package routebuildermdl

import (



//  Repose Header setting

var responseHeaders cachemdl.FastCacheHelper

func init() {
	// TODO: Take all configurations from config module
	responseHeaders.Setup(10, time.Minute*10, time.Minute*10)

// ResponseHeaders this is struct for Response headers
type ResponseHeaders struct {
	ServiceName string
	HeaderID    string           `json:"headerId"`
	LCache      bool             `json:"lCache"`
	Methods     []responseMethod `json:"methods"`

type responseMethod struct {
	MethodName string      `json:"methodName"`
	Data       interface{} `json:"data"`

type responseData struct {
	Result         interface{}   `json:"result"`
	Error          string        `json:"error"`
	ResponseHeader interface{}   `json:"reponseHeader"`
	ErrorCode      int           `json:"errorCode"`
	DebugResponse  DebugResponse `json:"debugInfo"`

// DebugResponse - DebugResponse
type DebugResponse struct {
	StackTrace      interface{} `json:"stackTrace"`
	PerformanceInfo interface{} `json:"performanceInfo"`

// CreateResponseHeader create an instance of response header for service
func CreateResponseHeader(serviceName string) *ResponseHeaders {

	lCacheflag := false
	responseHeader, ok := responseHeaders.Get(serviceName)
	if ok {
		lCacheflag = responseHeader.(ResponseHeaders).LCache
		// TODO: Delete functionality
		// responseHeaders.Delete(serviceName)
	rh := &ResponseHeaders{}
	rh.ServiceName = serviceName
	rh.LCache = lCacheflag
	rh.HeaderID = guidmdl.GetGUID()
	return rh

// EnableReponseCache cache this response in local storge
func (rh *ResponseHeaders) EnableReponseCache() *ResponseHeaders {
	rh.LCache = true
	return rh

// DisableReponseCache cache this response in local storge
func (rh *ResponseHeaders) DisableReponseCache() *ResponseHeaders {
	rh.LCache = false
	return rh

// AddMethod add method and data in response
func (rh *ResponseHeaders) AddMethod(name string, data interface{}) *ResponseHeaders {
	rh.Methods = append(rh.Methods, responseMethod{MethodName: name, Data: data})
	return rh

// SetResponseHeader set response headers in cache
func (rh *ResponseHeaders) SetResponseHeader() {
	responseHeaders.SetNoExpiration(rh.ServiceName, *rh)

// GetResponseHeader return response header object
func GetResponseHeader(serviceName string) (interface{}, bool) {
	return responseHeaders.Get(serviceName)

func formatResponse(ab *servicebuildermdl.AbstractBusinessLogicHolder, responseData responseData) responseData {
	if ab == nil {
		return responseData
	stackTrace, _ := ab.GetDataResultset("MQLStackTrace")
	performanceTrace, _ := ab.GetDataResultset("MQLPerformanceTrace")
	responseData.DebugResponse.StackTrace = stackTrace.Value()
	responseData.DebugResponse.PerformanceInfo = performanceTrace.Value()
	return responseData