package middleware import ( "errors" "fmt" "golangtemplate/servers/app/models" "net/http" "runtime/debug" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Init -Init func Init(g *gin.Engine) { g.Use(cors.Default()) g.Use(Recovery()) } type Principal struct { UserID string `json:"userId"` Groups []string `json:"groups"` SessionExpiration time.Time `json:"sessionExpiration"` ClientIP string `json:"clientIP"` HitsCount int `json:"hitsCount"` Token string `json:"token"` Metadata string `json:"metadata"` jwt.RegisteredClaims } var group = []string{"delete"} // Recovery - a recoverymdl for gin to log the panic and recover func Recovery() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { loggermdl.LogError("recovered:", err) loggermdl.LogError(string(debug.Stack())) // write to access log gin.DefaultErrorWriter.Write(debug.Stack()) } }() c.Next() } } func CustomLogger() gin.HandlerFunc { return gin.LoggerWithFormatter(func(params gin.LogFormatterParams) string { return fmt.Sprintf("", params.ClientIP, params.BodySize, params.Request, params.Method, params.Path) }) } func Auth() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { _, err := request.ParseFromRequest(c.Request, request.OAuth2Extractor, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { b := ([]byte(models.JWTKey)) return b, nil }) if err != nil { c.AbortWithError(401, err) } } } func RolebasedAuth() gin.HandlerFunc { return func(c *gin.Context) { // Decode the JWT token tokenString := c.Request.Header.Get("Authorization") if tokenString == "" { c.AbortWithError(401, errors.New("missing Authorization header")) return } // Decode the JWT token token, err := jwt.ParseWithClaims(tokenString, &Principal{}, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) { return []byte(models.JWTKey), nil }) if err != nil { c.AbortWithError(401, err) c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Error parsing token") return } if !token.Valid { c.AbortWithError(401, errors.New("invalid token")) c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Token is invalid") return } claims, ok := token.Claims.(*Principal) if !ok || claims == nil { c.AbortWithError(401, errors.New("invalid claims")) c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, "Invalid claims") return } isPresent := false for _, i := range group { for _, j := range claims.Groups { if i == j { isPresent = true break } } } if !isPresent { c.AbortWithError(403, errors.New("Access forbidden.")) c.IndentedJSON(http.StatusForbidden, "No roles present.") return } c.Next() } }