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package lazywriter

import (

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// var PerformanceAnalyser = map[string]LazyCacheObject{}

// var isDebugMode = false
var lazyMutex = &sync.Mutex{}

const MIN_DATA_LENGTH = 10

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// LazyFDBHelper Helps to Save and Get cache object
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// also saves information into hard disk
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type LazyFDBHelper struct {
	gc                     *cache.Cache
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	Heartbeat              *heartbeat.Task
	IsProcessRunning       bool
	NumberOfUpdateAttempts int
	RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC   time.Duration
	DISK_READ_COUNT        int
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	CacheExpirationTime    time.Duration
	CacheCleanUpInterval   time.Duration
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// LazyCacheObject is a
type LazyCacheObject struct {
	// Identifier will be used to identify the LazyCacheObject
	Identifier string
	// This will be used as a Key for GC cache
	FileName string

	// Data is for storing byte array of an object; right now it is not used.
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	GJSONData gjson.Result
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	// This will hold object which developer wants to fetch or store
	InterfaceData interface{}

	//This number indicates how many times InterfaceData data is changed
	ChangeCount int

	// This will tell if object is locked for file saving or not.
	IsLocked bool

// SaveDataFn - This is an user defined callback function executed to presist data. If not provided default save function will be executed.
type SaveDataFn func(key string, value LazyCacheObject)

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// StartProcess
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) StartProcess(objectCount int, taskName string,
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	intervalTime int, sleepTime int, maxNumberOfRetry int, isDebugMode bool) {
	//This is Default value that is why used as
	// isDebugMode = isDebugMode
	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
	if intervalTime > 0 {
		lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC = intervalTime

	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value

	if sleepTime > 0 {
		lfd.RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC = time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Millisecond

	if maxNumberOfRetry <= 0 {
	} else {
		lfd.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRY = maxNumberOfRetry

	//start Heartbeat event
	lfd.Heartbeat, _ = heartbeat.NewTast(taskName, lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC)

	// TODO: Use Fast Cache here
	// Use default ARC algo for store
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	// lfd.gc = gcache.New(objectCount).
	// 	LFU().
	// 	Build()
	lfd.gc = cache.New(lfd.CacheExpirationTime, lfd.CacheCleanUpInterval)
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	//Init timer
	lfd.Heartbeat.Start(func() error {

		// check if process already running
		if lfd.IsProcessRunning {
			//If process is already running skip processing running it again.
			return nil

		//process eatch object in cache and save to hdd.
		return nil

// saveObjectsToFdb is private method which will be called to save object on hdd
// this will fetch all objects in store and save it one by one
// right now it is not using any threading
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) saveObjectsToFdb() {
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	lfd.IsProcessRunning = true

	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
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	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
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		//TODO: catch errors
		cacheObjectraw, _ := lfd.gc.Get(item)
		cacheObjActual, _ := cacheObjectraw.(LazyCacheObject)

		if cacheObjActual.ChangeCount > 0 {

			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = true
			// TODO: Catch errors from save function
			if cacheObjActual.SaveFn == nil {
				loggermdl.LogError("Executing default function")
				saveDataToFDB(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual.InterfaceData, cacheObjActual.GJSONData)
			} else {
				loggermdl.LogError("Executing custom function")
				cacheObjActual.SaveFn(item, cacheObjActual)
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			cacheObjActual.ChangeCount = 0
			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = false
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			lfd.gc.Set(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
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			// if isDebugMode {
			// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName]
			// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_WRITE_COUNT++
			// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
			// }
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			loggermdl.LogError("changes saved to disk at ", cacheObjActual.FileName)
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	lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts = lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts + 1

	lfd.IsProcessRunning = false

// SaveOrUpdateDataInCache this method will Save object in cache if unavailable
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) SaveOrUpdateDataInCache(newObject LazyCacheObject) bool {

	jsonString := newObject.GJSONData.String()
	byteArray := []byte(jsonString)
	if jsonString == "" {
		var marshalError error
		byteArray, marshalError = ffjson.Marshal(newObject.InterfaceData)
		if marshalError != nil {
			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while marshaling data ", marshalError)
			return false
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	// check data length before saving. If less than assumed data length, return false

	lengthOfData := len(byteArray)
	if lengthOfData < MIN_DATA_LENGTH {
		loggermdl.LogError("data size is less than minimun expected data length. Actual data length: ", lengthOfData)
		loggermdl.LogError("data received: ", string(byteArray))

		return false

	retryCount := 0
	// Get prev object and then save new one
	//TODO: catch errors
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	dataFromGC, ok := lfd.gc.Get(newObject.FileName)
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	if !ok || dataFromGC == nil {
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		newObject.ChangeCount = 1
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		lfd.gc.Set(newObject.FileName, newObject, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
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	} else {

		oldObject, _ := dataFromGC.(LazyCacheObject)
		if oldObject.IsLocked && retryCount < lfd.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRY {
			// Sleep for few sec so that other thread will release lock
			goto retrylabel
		newObject.ChangeCount = oldObject.ChangeCount + 1
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		lfd.gc.Set(newObject.FileName, newObject, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
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	// if isDebugMode {
	// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName]
	// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_WRITE_COUNT++
	// 	PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
	// }
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	loggermdl.LogError("data updated in cache")
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	return true

//saveDataToFDB data to hard disk.
// This saves data by marshaling using json.Marshal
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func saveDataToFDB(filePath string, objectData interface{}, GJSONData gjson.Result) bool {
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	//TODO: catch errors
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	stringData := GJSONData.String()
	byteArray := []byte(stringData)
	if stringData == "" {
		var marshalError error
		byteArray, marshalError = ffjson.Marshal(objectData)
		if marshalError != nil {
			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while marshaling data ", marshalError)
			return false
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	// check data length before saving. If less than assumed data length, return false
	lengthOfData := len(byteArray)
	if lengthOfData < MIN_DATA_LENGTH {
		loggermdl.LogError("data size is less than minimun expected data length. Actual data length: ", lengthOfData)
		loggermdl.LogError("data received: ", string(byteArray))
		return false

	saveError := fdb.SaveDataToFDBWithoutQueue(filePath, byteArray, true, false)
	if saveError != nil {
		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while saving data ", saveError)
		return false
	return true

// use it when req.
// func GetBytes(key interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
// 	var buf bytes.Buffer
// 	enc := gob.NewEncoder(&buf)
// 	err := enc.Encode(key)
// 	if err != nil {
// 		return nil, err
// 	}
// 	return buf.Bytes(), nil
// }

// RemoveDataFromCache Removes Data From Cache
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) RemoveDataFromCache(identifier string) {
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	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db

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	// cachedObjectList := lfd.gc.Items()
	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
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		//TODO: catch errors
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		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
		if !ok {
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			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting ", item, " from gcache")
		cachedObjectActual, _ := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)

		if cachedObjectActual.Identifier == identifier {
			if cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
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				saveDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
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				cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
				// if isDebugMode {
				// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName]
				// 	lazyCacheObject.DISK_WRITE_COUNT++
				// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
				// }
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//New Add new Key and value
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// func  (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) SetToCache(newObject LazyCacheObject) error {
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// 	return lfd.gc.Set(newObject.FileName, newObject.InterfaceData)
// }

//Get object based on key
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) GetFromCache(newObject LazyCacheObject) (interface{}, bool) {
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	// if isDebugMode {
	// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName]
	// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_READ_COUNT++
	// 	PerformanceAnalyser[newObject.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
	// }
	return lfd.gc.Get(newObject.FileName)

// GetAll objects from gc
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// func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) GetAllFromCache() map[interface{}]interface{} {
// 	return lfd.gc.Items()
// }
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// GetCacheLength Get Cache Length
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) GetCacheLength() int {
	return lfd.gc.ItemCount()
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// PurgeCache first saves all data inside FDB and finally purge all Cache
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) PurgeCache() {
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	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db

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	// cachedObjectList := lfd.gc.GetALL()
	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
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		//TODO: catch errors
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		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
		if !ok {
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			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting ", item, " from gcache")
		cachedObjectActual, conversionSuccessful := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)

		if conversionSuccessful && cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
			cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
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			saveDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
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			cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
			cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
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// =================================== > Lazywriter for appending data to file < ============================================

// StartProcessForAppend StartProcessForAppend
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) StartProcessForAppend(objectCount int, taskName string,
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	intervalTime int, sleepTime int, maxNumberOfRetry int, isDebugMode bool) {
	//This is Default value that is why used as
	// isDebugMode = isDebugMode
	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
	if intervalTime > 0 {
		lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC = intervalTime

	// check parameter is valid - if not keep default else set new value
	if sleepTime > 0 {
		lfd.RETRY_SLEEP_TIME_SEC = time.Duration(sleepTime) * time.Millisecond

	if maxNumberOfRetry <= 0 {
	} else {
		lfd.MAX_NUMBER_OF_RETRY = maxNumberOfRetry

	//start Heartbeat event
	lfd.Heartbeat, _ = heartbeat.NewTast(taskName, lfd.INTERVAL_TIME_SEC)

	// Use default ARC algo for store
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	lfd.gc = cache.New(lfd.CacheExpirationTime, lfd.CacheCleanUpInterval)
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	//Init timer
	lfd.Heartbeat.Start(func() error {

		// check if process already running
		if lfd.IsProcessRunning {
			//If process is already running skip processing running it again.
			return nil

		//process eatch object in cache and save to hdd.
		return nil

// appendObjectsToFdb is private method which will be called to append object/data to file on hdd
// this will fetch all objects in store and append data to respective file it one by one
// right now it is not using any threading
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) appendObjectsToFdb() {
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	lfd.IsProcessRunning = true

	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db
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	for item := range lfd.gc.Items() {
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		//TODO: catch errors
		cacheObjectraw, _ := lfd.gc.Get(item)
		cacheObjActual, _ := cacheObjectraw.(LazyCacheObject)

		if cacheObjActual.ChangeCount > 0 {

			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = true
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			appendDataToFDB(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual.InterfaceData, cacheObjActual.GJSONData)
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			cacheObjActual.ChangeCount = 0
			cacheObjActual.IsLocked = false
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			lfd.gc.Set(cacheObjActual.FileName, cacheObjActual, lfd.CacheExpirationTime)
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			// if isDebugMode {
			// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName]
			// 	lazyCacheObject.MEMORY_WRITE_COUNT++
			// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cacheObjActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
			// }
	lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts = lfd.NumberOfUpdateAttempts + 1

	lfd.IsProcessRunning = false

// appendDataToFDB appends data to file on hard drive.
// This appends data by marshaling using json.Marshal
// '\n' will be added as a separator between two different objects
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func appendDataToFDB(filePath string, objectData interface{}, GJSONData gjson.Result) {
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	//TODO: catch errors
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	jsonString := GJSONData.String()
	byteArray := []byte(jsonString)
	if jsonString == "" {
		var marshalError error
		byteArray, marshalError = ffjson.Marshal(objectData)
		if marshalError != nil {
			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while marshaling data ", marshalError)
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	byteArray = append(byteArray, []byte("\n")...)
	saveError := fdb.AppendDataToFDBWithoutQueue(filePath, byteArray, false)
	if saveError != nil {
		loggermdl.LogError("error occured while saving data ", saveError)

// RemoveDataFromCacheForAppend Removes Data From Cache
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func (lfd *LazyFDBHelper) RemoveDataFromCacheForAppend(identifier string) {
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	// Fetch All Rows and then save into db

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	cachedObjectList := lfd.gc.Items()
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	for item := range cachedObjectList {

		//TODO: catch errors
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		cachedObject, ok := lfd.gc.Get(item)
		if !ok {
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			loggermdl.LogError("error occured while getting ", item, " from gcache")
		cachedObjectActual, _ := cachedObject.(LazyCacheObject)
		if cachedObjectActual.Identifier == identifier {
			if cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount > 0 {
				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = true
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				appendDataToFDB(cachedObjectActual.FileName, cachedObjectActual.InterfaceData, cachedObjectActual.GJSONData)
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				cachedObjectActual.ChangeCount = 0
				cachedObjectActual.IsLocked = false
				// if isDebugMode {appendDataToFDB
				// 	lazyCacheObject := PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName]
				// 	lazyCacheObject.DISK_WRITE_COUNT++
				// 	PerformanceAnalyser[cachedObjectActual.FileName] = lazyCacheObject
				// }
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